Add New Row To DGV Using BindingSource?

Mar 14, 2010

I think I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. I have a DGV that contains 5 columns made up from 2 different DB Tables. Here is the procedure that populates the DGV.

Private Sub SetBindingSources(ByVal strClientID As String)
'This section of code populates the grdAddresses DataGridView


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Iterate Through A BindingSource?

Jan 31, 2010

I have a BindingSource bound to a DataTable.

I use the BS Filter and would like to iterate the filtered dataset of the DataTable using the Bindingsource.

I know I can do a MoveFirst and the MoveNext and each time using the BS.Position get the correct row in the underlying DataTable. But how do I know when the sets ends? I'm sure there must be such a property, but what is it?

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My BindingSource Not Updating

Jun 6, 2010

I'm trying to display a DataTable using a DataGridView and a BindingSource as such: (assuming the DataGridView1 and BindingSource1 has been added using the IDE)[code]...

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Variable In Bindingsource Name

Feb 28, 2010

I am using several tables, say A, B and C. How can I put these into a variable so that I can use e.g.tnameBindingSource to represent the bindingSource according to the parameter passed?I have spent hours trying to do this in vain.

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What Is The Equivalent Of EOF In Bindingsource

Feb 1, 2012

I want to convert this vb6 code in using BindingSource

Do Until recordSet.EOF
if isnull(resordSet!FieldName)=true then
end if

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BindingNavigator And Bindingsource Control?

Feb 5, 2009

I have one datagridview control, a BindingNavigation and a Binding control on my form. I populate the datagridview control through the code. Moreover, the datasource properties of the DatagridView and the Binding controls are assigned a value through code (I didn't specify anyting in the properties window). The same for the bindingsource property of the BindingNavigation control (I assign a value trhough code). My code is the following:


This code brings and shows the right results in the datagridview control, but the navigator control is inactive. I know that I have to bind the controls(DataGridView + BindingNavigator) to the BindingSource control. Is this a problem that I tried to do this by coding?

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BindingSource Can't Change Row States

Mar 16, 2010

I have a bit strange problem in my application. I have more binding sources then one in my different forms. All of them work great when editing, deleting the data except one. But this one is a bit different from others. I'm using it only for updating and deleting. You can't add new records using it. And also its dataset doesn't contains any Insert commands in it. That's the difference.Now problem is:

After deleted the rows (using BindingSource.RemoveCurrent), it doesn't mark rows as deleted. I call BindingSource.Count method after deleted rows, it sill counts deleted rows. So it seems it doesn't update the dataset. But it is. Dataset.HasChanges returns true.

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BindingSource Filter Between 2 Numbers

Oct 15, 2011

How may I filter a bindingsource between 2 numbers? Obviously "column_name BETWEEN Num1 AND Num2" does not work, since between is nor supported.

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BindingSource Filter: Between 2 Numbers?

Sep 23, 2011

How may I filter a bindingsource between 2 numbers? Obviously "column_name BETWEEN Num1 AND Num2" does not work, since "between" operator is not supported

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Bindingsource Find Using A Wildcard?

Feb 5, 2009

I'm trying to use the bindingsource.find method to match a datarow column with a user entered text. I know that using BindingSource1.find("columnName", searchString) will work when the user enters the exact string. What I would like to know is how to find a row that is close to the string using a wildcard search... a good example I guess is:dim searchString as string = textbox1.text 'lets say the user enter "se"dim index as integer = myBindingSource.find("columnName", searchString) 'I would like to find the firs record that starts with "se"I can achieve the idea using the bindingsource.filter method but this will interfere with other parts of my application if the bindingsource is changed.

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BindingSource Sort By Substring

May 4, 2010

I want to sort the binding source column (Product Code) which formatted like (AA-AAA AAA AAAA)

but i do not want straight sort on product code column, i want the sort as :

substring of 1,2 + 8,3 + 3,3 and then the rest of the column.

I know i can do it in the table direct using the OrderBy and the substring function, but the problem is that sort is not static it is dynamic according to different status means it change the substring order.

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BindingSource With Convert Function

Mar 21, 2011

I'm using a SQL Server database and a bindingsource, and i want to filter a numeric field in order to, for instance, when I write 1, the grid shows all the rows in which that field begins whith 1 (1,10,14...). In order to do this, I have to convert the field to varchar, but VB shows an error message when using cast or convert functions. I have this sentence in my


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BindingSource.Filter And Detached Row?

Jun 3, 2011

I consider myself fairly new to VB.NET, so maybe you could help me here.I have a bindingSource which is bound to a dataset. I have a filter on the bindingsource. My problem is that when I add a new row, with BindingSource.AddNew, even if it does not match the filter criteria, it still isn't filtered out.Could it be that the bindingsource filter never filters out detached rows? If so, what can I do in this situation?


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BindingSource.Filter By First Letter?

May 10, 2009

I've been researching it, but can't seem to find any relevent info. I'm trying to filter my BindingSource by first letter in a certain field, in this case, the title field. I can't seem to come up with the correct syntax for constructing the string. The scenario is is a dropdown combobox with a collection of items such as '0 - 9', 'A', 'B', etc...My filter so far looks like this, at least for the letters, probably have to chain one for the numbers...

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Bindingsource.find With Two Key Fields?

Oct 29, 2009

In my application, I have a single table. Two of the fields in the table are COUNTY and CATNUM. Both are string.

I want to perform a FIND on both fields. I have no problem doing the search on CATNUM alone IF I set a FILTER first. Due to the size of the table, it takes a few seconds to set the filter. Once the filter is set, .FIND works quickly.

The customer has the option of setting a filter to work on one COUNTRY at a time. If they choose to do so, no problem.

If they don't have a filter set and they are using the entire table, then when the customer wants to search for a COUNTRY & CATNUM, I present a list of COUNTRIES in the table and a textbox for them to input the CATNUM.

Now I have the COUNRTY and CATNUM - how do I do the FIND? I already know that I can FILTER the table by COUNTRY then do the find but as I said before, it takes too long for the filter to be set (in my mind anyway!).

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C# - Get The Item Type From A BindingSource?

Jun 14, 2010

I would like to get the Type of item that a BindingSource is hooked up to or configured for. The BindingSource.DataSource property can be set to an object, list, or type. If it is a Type, it obviously does not have a bound item yet, but I would still like to get the Type. For a List, I need the item Type, not the list type.

I currently have a custom list type for business objects that implement an IListItemType interface, that I created to solve this problem a while back. I would now like to get this working in a more generic fashion so that it will work with any list.

I've looked through the API docs for for a good way to do this, but so far I have not had any luck. Am I missing something or is this just something I can not or should not be doing?

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Checkbox Not Being Checked Using BindingSource?

Mar 20, 2010

I am using a BindingSource to fill all the textboxes on my form. It is working for all the textboxes but for some reason it is not working for my check boxes. The value from the database is a boolean and I am setting the property like this.

SG.IsBifocal = CType(.Item(CN_IsBifocal), Boolean)

Is there anything special that needs to be done to bind to a check box?

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Counting Instances In Bindingsource?

Mar 7, 2012

Is bindingsource.count only used to give the total items in a list? I'm trying to prepare data for a pie chart, and need to count the instances of different items in a column (If there's a way that the Chart will do this itself, I've not been able to find it, it seems to need linked items and values). The bindingsource is already filtered and would prefer not to combine filters.Would it be best to loop through the rows of the column and count them 'manually' or is there a quicker way of doing this?Put it in a datagridview? Is it possible to use Aggregate Count on a bindingsource?

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DB / Reporting :: Form_Load And BindingSource

Dec 30, 2008

VB2008: use a BindingSource on numerous textbox fields. The form loads ok and all of the binding is working fine. My problem is that I need to set certain form defaults based on the incoming data prior to showing the form. I cannot find a form event that fires after the data is bound, yet before it is displayed. I tried Form_Activated and several more. The bound fields are still showing zero-length strings. This wasn't a problem in VB6. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Delete All Records From A BindingSource?

Nov 30, 2010

Is it possible to delete all records from a bindingsource without using a loop? My binding source is a dataset table

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Filter And Update My BindingSource?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a form that has a DataGridView named dgvResults on it. When the form is initialized I bind dgvResults to a DataTable named prpResultsTable using a BindingSource named bs. Code shown below:

Public Class frmImportData
Private cv_clsB As clsBatch
Public Sub New(ByRef clsB As clsBatch)[code]....

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Find Data In Bindingsource?

Aug 4, 2011

I've created a bindingsource like this[code]...

the data. However, I neeed to retrieve user ID and Pwd for a given server from bdsServers. So far I was not able to do this. Googled like crazy

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How To Copy An Entire Row From One Bindingsource To Another

Nov 30, 2010

how to copy an entire row from one bindingsource to another?

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How To Push New Record In BindingSource

Sep 8, 2009

I have a fairly simple form that uses a SQLAdapter, a DataSet, and a BindingSource to allow users to navigate through the records in a table. Each time the user navigates to a new record, I update a DataGridView control that shows the appropriate records in another table. Now I'm trying to add a new record to the main form, using this code:

bs.AddNew() 'bs is the BindingSource object.
"tblCostCodeStructures") 'da and ds are the DataAdapter and DataSet, respectively.

Now, this seems to work alright, but it doesn't seem to actually retrieve a primary key for the new record from SQL Server. This is important, because without a primary key there's no way to requery the DataGridView and tell it what the correct Foreign Key is for whatever new records a user may create. I know the code is writing the record, because I can open SQL Server and see the new record, and I can close the form and re-open it to see and edit the new record just fine.

However, I need a way for the new record to be immediately available. Obviously, closing and re-opening a form every time the user adds a new record is not going to work! How can I make it so that as soon as the user creates a new record, that record is submitted to SQL Server, the dataset updated, and the form updated so that I have the new Primary Key field available?

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LinqToSql BindingSource Have Pending Changes?

Sep 14, 2010

I'm using LinqToSql to talk to my database. It's working great but I would like to know if there are pending changes. I know how to endedit() and submitchanges() on the underlying context. But is there a property that will tell me if changes have been made? I've looked through the properties and methods of both the bindingsource object and the datacontext but nothing is popping out at me.

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Listbox Display Using BindingSource?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a SQL table that contains 2 columns - report names and report category. In my application, I have one listbox that displays these report names. I have several categories for the different reports I have. Is there a way for me to display reports belonging to a particular category in one listbox and then have another listbox for another category? This way, depending on user login, I can selectively disable certain reports from certain users. I was hoping that this can be done during form load and not having to click a button to do any BindingSource.Filter method(). I have command buttons that let me search for a particular report based on user input of either the report name or category using the BindingSource.Filter method(). For my Listbox, I have the DataSource & DisplayMember properties set to Report_NamesBindingSource and ReportName. For one of my tests, I took out these two properties and wrote the ff code -

lstBxReportName.DataSource = "Report_NamesBindingSource"
lstBxReportName.Items.Add(Me.Report_NamesBindingSource.Filter = "ReportCategory = Cath")
lstBxReportName.DisplayMember = "ReportName"

hoping to set these properties programmatically and hopefully filter the dataset based on category but I get an error msg on the first line of code. -[QUOTE]Complex DataBinding accepts as a data source either an IList or an IListSource.[/QUOTE]Obviously, my code is wrong. When I comment out the first line and run it in debug, there is nothing in BindingSource.Filter when I hover my mouse pointer over the second line. So my listbox is empty when I run the program.The filter code below works fine for one listbox but I'd like to have different listboxes for report categories I have.- Me.Report_NamesBindingSource.Filter = "ReportCategory = 'Cath'"But how can I assign this type of filter to a particular listbox.

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Move To A Particular Record Using BindingSource?

Jul 28, 2009

I need to move to a specific record. BindingSoucre has MoveFirst, Last, Next and Previuos. It has Find but you can't specify which field to Find in.

What I need is something like the Filter except I just need to move to a particular record based on the value of the primary key.

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Not All Fields Update In Bindingsource?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a bindingsource question, didn't know if anyone had run into this before, but,there are several textboxes I put on a form, the text of each textbox is bound to a field in a table from the bindingsource. Why is it when I update the tableadapter, some of the fields update and some of them don't?

using the bindingsource
Textbox1.Text is bound to UnitListBindingSource - UnitNumber


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Radiobutton.value Is Nothing On Bindingsource.endedit

Apr 21, 2010

I set a radiobutton.value to true. when I go to save and perform bindingsource.endedit. radiobutton.value is then nothing. any ideas as to what could cause this?

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Radiobutton.value Is Nothing On Bindingsource.endedit?

Jun 19, 2006

radiobutton.value is nothing on bindingsource.endedit

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