Adding A Data Source To A .NET 2010 Solution?

Oct 5, 2011

I am wondering if anyone else has experienced any issues with adding a data source to a VB.NET 2010 solution using the 'Add New Data Source' wizard. I am getting a very odd behavior when i add the data source, I see a .xsd file is added in my solution explorer but I do not get a data source listed in the data source view. In short, it will add a dataset to the project but will not add an entry in the project data sources. I realize I can code to get the same results but purely out of convenience I would much prefer to just use the wizard and the corresponding table adapters it generates as I always did.

By the way, a google search shows that many people had similar issues in the 2005 version but their issues involved trying to use special characters in the project path (i.e. 'C:My ProjectsR & DMy Tool. I do not use any special characters in my project paths and yet am still experiencing this issue.

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VS 2010 Adding C# Project To Solution

Nov 9, 2011

I've added a C# project to my VB.NET solution and I'm trying to access all of the classes and namespaces within that C# project.However, I'm not having any luck. I've never had to do this before, so I'm a bit lost.After adding the project, I tried importing the namespace from it. When I do, I just get the green squiggly telling me that the namespace doesn't have any public members or couldn't be found.Since it does have public members, I'm assuming it's the latter issue.So is there anything I need to do in order to access besides just adding it?

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Connect A VB Application To An MS Access DB By Adding A Data Source From The Data Menu?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm trying to connect a VB application (2010) to an MS Access DB by adding a data source from the data menu but I receive this error message "The connection you selected uses a local data file that is not in the current project.Would you like to copy the file to your project and modify the connection ?

If you copy the data file to your project, it will be copied to the project's output directory each time you run the application" and the options are (yes , No , Help)

If I choose Yes I will not be able to make the application 'device independent ' since it will not be copied under the bin , and if I choose No , changes won't be applied to the DB

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Adding New Data Source?

Mar 18, 2012

Iam try addingnew data source by using the Wizard but it gives me massage error (unexpected error has occured)

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VS 2008 SP1 Adding Data Source From MS Access 2000 And 2007

Jun 21, 2009

I will start off here by asking the question. How do I make the data from a database be bound to my project? I keep trying to add a new data source so that I can drag and drop things to my form, but I am unable to. I follow the steps, choosing an OLE DB, the file's location (D:Data Connected Applicationsfile name) The conecting string looks like: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="D:Data Connected ApplicationsItem_Database_A.accdb". I choose the objects that I want (In this case, the entire tables option) and then it returns a message to me stating that: An error occurred while creating the new data source: Could not get information for 'WindowsApplication1.Item_Database_A.accdbDataSet3'


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DataGridView / Data Source (Adding New Row Programmatically) + Custom Control 'setting?

Jul 30, 2010

1. I have a DataGridView box, that is connected to a MySQL database via the 'Data Source'. I am trying to do the datagridview1.rows.add("info here"), however i receive an error i cannot do this programmatically. I DO know the code to post to MySQL via the "insert into" la la la.However, I was curious if I can do this via the datagridview a bit..easier/simpler, such as a "datagridview1.rows.add(stuff)" sorta thing.

2. I am attempting to make a custom control, and as with ANY control, they have their.. settings. Example, a textbox, or label, has so you can set the Text. and color, etc.Others, have it (such as datagridview) have the little icon on the control itself, where you click it, and it opens a small window with settings.

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How Is WPF Data Binding Using Object Data Source In Visual Studio 2010 Done

Apr 23, 2010

how to use the VS 2010 IDE tools in a way the Microsofties didn't specifically intend. But since this is something I immediately tried without success.

I have defined a .NET 4.0 WPF Application project with a simple class that looks like this:

Public Class Class1
Public Property One As String = "OneString"
Public Property Two As String = "TwoString"


The expected result was that "OneString" would appear next to "One" and "TwoString" next to "Two" in the running window.

The question is: Why didn't this work? What will work instead? If I put bindings in a DataTemplate, it works. Blend, with its sample data stuff, implied that this should work, but it doesn't.

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.net - What Could Be Causing "an Item With The Same Key Already Exists" Error While Adding A Data Source

Dec 27, 2010

I have a VB.NET WinForms application. While adding a new data source, it is giving "An item with the same already been added" on the Add Data Source wizard form.

The application does not contains any existing data source.

What could possibly be causing this error, and how might I go about resolving it?

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Adding And Using A File To A Solution?

Jan 22, 2011

I recently built a program in VB 2010 that calls an image file from my hard drive. I have found that by deleting or moving the file causes the program to shut down.The code to call the image is as follows:

aTileSheet.LoadBitmap("C:Documents and Settingsimagefile.jpg", 32, 32)

I remember when I was working with C#, there was a way to add a file (such as a Jpeg) to the solution itself.While I can add a file with the "Add Existing Item" command, I am at a loss for how to use it from the solution. If there is some way to add an outside file so that it will be a part of the program after building it, or if this is even possible, I using s dynamicbitmap command (as found from this website ) to use the image. If this effects the results, let me know that too.

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VS 2010 Add New Data Source?

Dec 29, 2011

Most of the windows application I have created so far have been working off a local server. To add a data source I click Add New Data Source and then database and then connect to the database by linking through an ODBC driver. This works neatly and places data sets that I can then pull onto forms in various formats, DGV's textbox, Combobox etc.

The application I am trying to build now links to a hosted server on the internet. For security reasons I cannot create an ODBC that connects to the database. I can use a ADO connection string and this is fine for various tasks and I know I can populate a DGV using this connection. However, it is much quicker once I have dataset that I can repeatley call on.

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Adding Existing Project To Solution?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a visual basic 2010 project with a solution. When I double click the solution the project opens. I cannot see the solution file. I am trying to add an existing project to my solution but I am having trouble.How do I add an existing project to an existing solution?

In VB 2005 if I double click the solution the solution opens with the project underneath it. But in VB 2010 they have made it complicated apparently.

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Unexpected Behaviour When Adding A File To A Solution

Sep 1, 2011

I did so by chosing "add existing file". For purposes to reproducing this let's say the file is in c:emp. So I added c: emphelp.chm.

I set the properties to "copy always" under the option "copy to output directory".

Then I compiled and it worked fine.

I then updated the file in c: emp with changes and compiled. I expected the updates would be copied into my program but they did not..

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Add A New Data Source To Visual Studio 2010 Project?

Jan 7, 2011

im trying to add a new data source to my visual studio 2010 project. As it stands my project consists of a few windows forms. I plan on making it access a database (made in access, unless this is a problem), and be able to perform pre-set queries, search/sort, and basic delete,add,edit functions. I will hopefully be later adding the function to print reports according to the database entries.However, the problem i am having is that when i go on to data sources, and click add new source, the following happens:3, it asks me which connection i will be using, i click new connection, then in the new connection dialog i choose the following : Microsoft Access Database File (OLE DB), then i browse for the database i made in the 'database file name' box, Then i delete the default username in the log in to database bit, as my database has no protection.

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Connecting To An ODBC Data Source In VB 2010 Express?

Jun 20, 2010

I need to connect to an MySQL database in my VB.NET application (VB 2010 Express). When I attempt to use the Data Sources wizard to establish the connection, it does not provide an ODBC data source. I'm using Add New Data Source/Database/DataSet/New Connection which shows the Add Connection dialog. The only options it gives me for data sources are Access & SQL Server and the OLEDB data provider. It does not appear to give me the option of adding a new data source provider. Attached is an image of my current Change Data Source dialog. Where do I get the ODBC data source provider and how do I install it into Visual Studio?

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VS 2010 Items On Form Are Gone After Deleting Data Source?

Mar 5, 2012

OK so I did a noob screw up, I was cleaning my application and delting unused data sources and unused data bindings. Now my form is blank! All code shows up for the form and all items still show in the mainFrm.Designer.VB

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VS 2010 Loading Then Saving Xml From Bound Data Source?

Oct 27, 2009

no beating around the bush, here's the code.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myXMLFile As String = Application.StartupPath & "creditors.xml"


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IDE :: Data Source Disappeared - Recreate My Data Source From The Entry That Is In App?

Feb 10, 2012

I refreshed my data sources to include additional items from the SQL Server databases and it appears that my entire data source from my VB.NET project disappeared.I am using Entity Framework. I may have clicked on something wrong, not quite sure. Unfortunately I can't recreate the Data Source without creating a new Entity and Data Model.I can delete the entry in the App.Config file and recreated it, however things aren't quite right.Is there a way that I can recreate my Data Source from the entry that is in my App.Config file...since that appears to have remained intact.BTW, I can go to my Data Model and successfully refresh from there, however my project isn't connecting to the database so I have quite a number of errors until I can get reconnected.

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Adding Project To Existing Solution Causes To Crash / Multiple Errors

Mar 10, 2011

I have a project that as a standalone runs perfectly. There are a number of routines, forms etc. that I want to incorporate into another solution that I have created. Each time I try, it will load in the new project, but if I try to access anything by clicking on it, one of two things happens, either VS crashes and then restarts OR I get 100+ designer errors thrown.

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VS 2010 - Update Data Source When Database Field Definition Change

Nov 11, 2010

I'm using a MS Access 2007 database. I modified the field definition of one of the fields in a table, it a text field and I change the maximum length from 40 to 150. I have a data source in my app that contains this table and many others. I refreshed the data source but the change didn't take affect. I went through configure option but the change still didn't take affect. It gives me this error,
The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column.
If I add/delete a database field the data source is updated when I go through the configure process. I finally just deleted the table from my data source and then added it back.

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Binding Source Filter In Access Data Source?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an Access database and I want to view on a datagridview specific rows. For that I used the following :

CasesBindingSource.Filter =
"OfferDate Between #1/1/1997# And #12/31/1997#"
Cases is the table, OfferDate a field of the table wich is DateTime type.

When I use Between operator I get the following error :The expression contains unsupported operator 'Between'.

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Change The Connection String (server Ip, User And Password) Of A MySql Data Source In Visual Basic 2010?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a project where I added visually and successfully a datasource of MySql. I binded a datagridview with a table.

But, how do I change programatically the password, ip or user to connect with the MySql server? Because it can change at any time, so I can let the user change these values.

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Adding Data To In 2010 To Reflect On SQL Server 2008

Nov 1, 2011

I have linked VB to my sql server and all my tables and data load correctly in VB.I drag and dropped my table in "detail" view and then debugged the program, little did I know, when I tried to add a new instance of data into my table I literally have to enter the primary key. I am trying to figure out how to set the "STU_ID" (PrimaryKey) to auto-increment off of the last row of data on my table.

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Enable Tab Out From Empty Texbox When Adding New Data In VB 2010?

Jan 27, 2012

I am using visual studio 2010, service-based database. I created a simple table and created an edit form for that table. But when I save a row and then clear the text of a textbox (which holds a decimal value), it simply does not let me tab off the text box or save it. I put a ErrorProvider to see whats going on. It says "Input string was not in correct format". But I allowed this column to be null in my table. So how do I fix this error. And by the way, it does not happen for all text boxes.

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VS 2010 - Sort Listbox - Adding Data To Two Listboxes

Mar 29, 2011

I am adding data to two listboxes: listbox1 and listbox2. Now i want so sort Listbox 1, witch i can do with listbox1.sorted = true. But then listbox 2 has to be sorted the same way. (The data has to be matched) How can i do this?

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Binding Source Adding New Method?

Sep 13, 2009

I'm currently working on a project where I want to ensure a user does not create a new record based on an ID (such as Customer ID) that already exists.If the record does exist, don;t create the new record and simply move the bidning source to the existing record and display that.What I'm currently doing within the Binding Navigator Add New Click event is checking if there is current data to save and prompting the user if they wish to save the changes before doing anything else.I then set a boolean variable called _NewRecord to true. Then within the lost focus event of the record ID, I have the following code:

Dim itemFound = -1

If _NewRecord Then
itemFound = GroupExists(txtGroupID.Text)[code]....

The code above works well, but I was thinking of doing this using the AddingNew event of the binding source instead to check for an existing record and simply cancel the new record addition then move to the existing record. However, I couldn't find any good examples of how I might do that or how to properly use the AddingNew event.good example of using the AddingNew Method as it looks like it might be useful to know for future projects.

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Next Loop While Adding Records To Source File

May 22, 2010

I am using a For Each Next type loop to read a records from a datatable and add records to a second table.Under certain circumstances, I add one or more records to the first table that I want to process.The problem is that the added record is not in the original datatable.The For Each...Next loop goes dutifully until the datatable records are processed, but the added record(s) do no get processed.How can I "refresh" the datatable and process the added records? [code]

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Source Code For Adding Your Program To Startup?

Feb 9, 2009

What is the source code for Adding Your program to Starup? for VB2008

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Adding HTML Element To Source Created By WebBrowser

Jun 11, 2011

How to add an html element like id="" to inside current html source created by webbrowser1.

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.net - Fork A VS 2010 VB Solution?

Jun 13, 2011

I've written a bare-bones ap in Visual Studio 2010, Express version. It does what I need and several others are using it successfully. I'd like to add features to it, but I don't want to foreclose the ability to make corrections to the present version.

How do I make a fork in the application for this purpose? Google has been no help in this case, and I've tried several incarnations of copy and change names etc etc.

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VS 2010 Looking For A More Elegant Solution

Jun 21, 2011

I am creating a card game and although I have a solution to my question it feels very forced and awkward.
What I want to be able to do is to iterate through a collection but not necessarily start at the begnining or stop at the end.

Some details/examples. Imagine a game (I'll mentally use Spades) with 4 players.

Player 1 Deals cards to all 4 players which makes Player 2 the first to bid. The rub is that after player 4 bids, player 1 should then get his turn to bid.

Player 1 <-- Dealer
Player 2 <-- First to bid
Player 3
Player 4

I can't just iterate over the collection because a For each p as Player in Players would never make it back to player 1 to allow him to bid. As I said, I can make it work with some nested loops but I'm hoping someone might have a better solution. It certainly feels like there must be one. I run into more of the same as the deal moves around the table and as tricks are taken. If a more detailed example is needed, feel free to let me know.

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