Adding Column Values Of A Certain Column

May 28, 2010

I want to add all the values of a certain column. I already get the value of an exact cell value but when i add the loop code for it to continue,it doesn't performs well.


I,m using vb6 po with datagrid component.

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Adding A Column And Values To It On The Basis Of Some Existing Colum Values?

Jan 4, 2011

i have retrived this datatable from datasource and i want to add a more colum 'category'basedon the each value of each Role, like if role column has the value '90 daya client' then in the same row it should have a value 'DC' in the category column.n make a temporatry dt1 table but to add related values.

S.No First Name Last Name Role Date
1 Us er1Name User1Name 90 Day Client 11/01/2011
2 User1NameAtt1 User1NameAtt1 90 Day Client 11/01/2011


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Adding Values From ArrayList To Particular Column Of GridView?

Jan 24, 2011

I am trying to add values from Arraylist to particular column of grid view.
If (Arr_NewContacts.Count > 0) Then
dgvStayout.Rows.Clear() ' **GETTING ERROR HERE**
dgvStayout.Rows.Insert(0, (Arr_NewContacts.Count - 1))
For i As Integer = 0 To Arr_NewContacts.Count - 1
dgvStayout.Rows(i).Cells("Name").Value = Arr_NewContacts(i).ToString
[Code] ......
Datagrid property like AllowUserToAddRows and AllowUserToDeleteRows is already set to true.I am using above code on lost focus event of one of text box.

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Adding The Values In A Column Of Datagridview On Button Click?

Jun 22, 2011

i have a datagridview and in one of the columns i m storing the amount on button click...i want to add the values of the amount at that time only i have done this but it is displaying 0 in the required textbox total += Form1.DataGridView1.Rows(counter - 1).Cells(6).Value

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Calculate A Column Values Based On Other Column Values In Datagridview?

Jun 3, 2011

am trying to calculate the values in rows in column 6 based on values of column 5. Bellow is the the code I am using I get a run time error about the string not formatted properly


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Multi Column List Box Array Resets Before Adding Next Values

Mar 13, 2010

When I implement this code, the first time the button is activated, the values are placed in the array, and displyed in the list box. However if the user then selects more days and times to add to the list box, and activates the button again, the previously added entries in the array are erased, and only the new entries are displayed. How can I prevent previous entries from being erased? If the user wants to add values, they need to be added to the existing values.[code]

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Adding Values Of A Column In A Data-bound Datagridview And Placing Results In A Textbox?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a datagridview that is populated from an Oracle 11g DB. What I would like to do is add the values of a column together and display the results in a textbox. What would be the easiest way to do this?

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Add A Checkbox Column At First Column Of Datagridview Including Column Header?

Apr 9, 2010

How to add a checkbox column at first column of datagridview including column header?After adding, how to code to "check all" or "uncheck all"?

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VS 2010 : Search For Column 1 In Text File 1 And Display The Matching Column 2 Field In Column 2 Text File 2?

May 23, 2012

I have two text files, the first text file has two columns separated by a space (" ") and the second text file only has one column.

The column 1 in text file 1 and text file 2 match albeit in different order, what I'm trying to achieve is for every field in column 1 text file 2 I want to search for column 1 in text file 1 and display the matching column 2 field in column 2 text file 2.

Dim*OpenTextFile*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test1.txt")
Dim*OpenTextFile2*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test2.txt")
Dim*SaveTextFile*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test2.txt")


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Adding 2d Array Column Data Together?

Mar 4, 2011

if you could possibly point me to the right direction, that would be great. i have tried researching about this but found no solution.i have a 2d array which holds student name and 3 grades (eng, maths, science.)student array (24,3)Now, i would like to use the data which is held within the array to create averages.I need a total class average for: maths column, eng column, and science. I also need an overall average for all subjects.the code i have used, so far, brings some odd results.

studentarray(i,1) / count
studentarray(i,2) / count
studentarray(i,3) / count


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Adding A Column To An Access Database?

Jun 29, 2010

My program has an access database with a table called "Contacts". This table stores many values. I have a seperate table that stores surveys. Each contact should have a column for every survey, indicating whether or not the survey has been completed. However, this means I need to add columns to the database while the program is running. I tried the following code, which runs WITHOUT errors, but does not seem to actually add the column.

contactsDataAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Contacts", frmAdmin.con)
contactsCommandBuilder = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(contactsDataAdapter)


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Adding Additional Column In GridView?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a gridview which shows selected data from a database all the columns will popup dynamically. but now i want to add an additional column with a list box is it possible or just a column will be fine

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Adding Column To Datagridview And Bind It

Feb 5, 2012

I have a Datagridview with a bound datatable in it. Then I add a check box column to it.

When I click the headder of the DGV, it sorts the bound columns, and clears all checked checkboxes in the checkbox column.

How do I bind the checkboxcolumn to the rest of the table?

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Adding Combobox Column In Datagridview?

Jun 21, 2010

actually i have 3 fields in database which are Sid Fee status what i want to add combo column in field [status] with two option PAID or UNPAID which a user can select and update it .i am all clear with filling the datagridview from database and updating but only problem is adding a combobox in third field that is status.

i tried it with this
Dim combo As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn


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Adding New Column To Existing Table

Jan 17, 2011

I wanted to add new column to the existing table in my database table Please the form it has a textbox in which you can enter any name that you want you column to bear. all this will be at runtime.i try but it keep saying (format of the intitialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0) [code]

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Adding Several Datasource On Same Column In DataGridView

Mar 21, 2011

I'm working on VB .NET 2008.

Target: Bind dynamic datasource in a cell of a Windows.Forms.DataGridView depending on the selection in previous column. The grid must have 7 columns. If the selection on comboboxcolumn 2 or 4 is done, the datasource of comboboxcolumns 3 and 5 mus change using a query with previous selection as parameter.

In a first try to develop this functionality i've tried to use Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadGridView control. I've created a customized celltemplate with a combobox in order to have different datasource for each cell on the same column. All worked fine but seems to be some kind of bug in RadGridView, because when the combobox is presenting the list, after selection the list continued showing, doesn't dissapears as expected.

Ok, after several days of fight with RadGridView, I give up, and I tried to use same strategy but using Windows.Forms.DataGridView. I've created two classes one inherited from DataGridViewComboboxCell and other from ComboBoxColumn, in order to insert my own combbox or have the chance to have access directly to the combobox values. But the combobox showed is the default combobox not my own combobox.

how can I create a custom comboboxcell but using my own combo, and having access from outside to this combo?

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Add Values To A Column In DGV?

Nov 30, 2011

I have a datagridview, I am importing csv into it, I want to add a new column "Test Column" and populate that column with row numbers [code]...

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Getting ALL Values From A Column?

Jun 10, 2011

I am able to connect to my MySql Database.How can I list all of the values from a column.I would like to list all of my "Username" column's value.[CODE]....

What is the sql query for it? So far I only know SELECT and INSERT. And then listing all of the values to the Items in my ComboBox.

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Adding A Column To An Access Data Table Through VB?

Nov 22, 2011

I have already binded a data source from Access to my visual basic program but need to add a True/False column to two of the tables. I could do this manually in access and re-bind the sources but that would take up too much of my time so I wanted to know if I'm using the proper code to add a column to the data table directly from VB? Here is the code I want to try but I don't know where to place it?

OleDbCommand = OleDbCommand("ALTER TABLE tableName ADD
FieldName DataType");
(something).Connection = OleDbConnection;


I'm not sure what goes into the "something" parenthesis and where this code must go. I already tried editting through the data designer but although it shows the column in the DataGridView, it does not save any data or the column into the actual access file.

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Adding A Margin To Custom Datagridview Column

Jun 25, 2012

I've used the following code, taken from here, to create my own custom column for datagridview, so that I can now have images and text in the same cell:


It works very well, except that the image that I use is right at the edges of the cell. I'd like to give it a small margin. How can I do this?

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Adding Checkbox Control In Datagrid At First Column?

Sep 29, 2009

I am assigning a 'ds' dataset to datagrid.In addition to that I want to add new column with check boxes.That new column will be first column of datagrid. Currently I am using below code,

DataGrid1.DataSource = dsResult.Tables("Result")

Result table has 4 addtion to that i want to column "Selection" with check boxes

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Adding Total Amount Of Column Listview

Sep 24, 2010

i have a problem about adding up the sum of table in my listview, [code]after i input a value in the textbox1 it will give me the total amount in the listview items. the problem is i cannot sum up the table amount which i will be needing to proceed to another transactions.

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Error Adding Row To DataGridView With A Combobox Column

Feb 9, 2009

I am using a DataBindingSource to connect a DataTable to a DataGridView. Everything was working fine until I added a ComboBoxColumn

Dim ReasonColumnIndex As Integer = dgvData.Columns("Reason").Index
Dim ReasonCombo As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
With ReasonCombo
.Name = "Reason"


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GridView And Adding Dynamic Spacing To Column?

Apr 10, 2012

I have been trying to modify the data going into a column by adding spacing to the start of the column before the Row ID, using the level to multiply the amount of spaces.Ie. ID is SVG00098 and is a Level 3 Asset, so it requires 6 spaces before the ID.

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Unable To Update Database After Adding Column?

Sep 27, 2010

Im trying to add columns to my database through VB.NET. I have a MS Access database (MDB format). It has a table in it called "TestTable" and that table has only one field in it "FirstField". It has no data in it yet. I want to add columns to it first and then fill data.


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VS 2005 Adding Up Numbers In ListView Column?

Dec 29, 2010

I found this from a Google search and I need the VB.NET equivalent to Martin Liss' code

Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim lngTot As Long
For lngIndex = 1 To lv.ListItems.Count
lngTot = lngTot + lv.ListItems(lngIndex).SubItems(1)


Value of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem' can not be converted to 'Integer'Basically, I need to total up a number column in a ListView.

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VS 2008 - Taking Column And Adding Input Elsewhere

Nov 15, 2009

I am working on a program where the user inputs values, then the program calculates those values and outputs the sum. When the user hits the button exit then those values entered by the user are saved. When the user starts the program again, the values are still there. I wrote the code and everything works fine. I am saving those values in notepad... and the program grabs the input in notepad and outputs those values to the program. But here comes the problem: Lets say the user wants the information in a certain column to be added to another column somewhere in the program. Is that possible ? And if it is can it be done when I am saving those values in notepad?

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VS 2008 GridView - Adding Another Column For CheckBox

Apr 1, 2009

I just want to ask the following infor from you in relation to gridview... I have 3 Grids,
Grid A
Grid B
Grid C

Grid a has already a data but aside from the data in my grid A I want to add another column for a checkBox. Next, when the checkbox is check and I hit the button "Transfer" the row in the grid in where the additional column checkbox has been check will be transfer to grid B and the remaining data will be move to Grid C?

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Add Column To Table With Values?

Oct 5, 2011

I have a table called Table1 which already has a few other columns and 4 rows. I want to add three new columns to it. When the columns are added I want all the cells in the column to equal the variable I supply in the Add method. When I add the column named "BatchID" it works beautifully, but when I add "UserID" it gives an error "Cannot find column [iqz9]". Why? This is how Table1 should look like:


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Add Values In A Column Of A Datagridview?

Jun 2, 2011

i want to dynamically add the values in the column of a datagridview the row of which is also being created dynamically...

Form1.TextBox10.Text = total
cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("select product,Quantity,MRP,Sale_Rate,Disc_Amt,Amt from sale_table ", con)


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