Adding The Withevents Variable?

Jul 11, 2011

i have the folowing co

For x = 0 To 7 Step 1
For i = 0 To 7 Step 1
Dim rectangleShape1 As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.RectangleShape() 'create a new object to assign to the array location
board(x, i) = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.RectangleShape() 'create the new object in the array


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Local Variable / WithEvents

May 17, 2010

Does anyone know why a local variable cannot be declared WithEvents?T

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Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable

Mar 14, 2012

i'm a .net programmer, using .net framework 4, and i have a question about WithEvents clause. [code] Private Sub mylist_AddingNew(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AddingNewEventArgs) Handles mylist.AddingNew..i get this error: Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.I think the problem is my custom bindinglist class....but how can i solve this?

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VS 2008 Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable?

Dec 5, 2011

I get the error on this line on [ListBox1]

[code] Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged



Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

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2008 - Error: WithEvents Variable 'CompanyName' Conflicts With Property

Feb 22, 2009

I've got a TEXTBOX called CompanyName. And I've got a warning in the error tab that says:

WithEvents variable 'CompanyName' conflicts with property 'CompanyName' in the base class 'Control' and should be declared 'Shadows'.

Is CompanyName some kind of reserved keyword? I'm getting the same error for a textbox called Location. Can I ignore these warnings or must I rename my textboxes. My problem is the textboxes are named to match columns in a DB TABLE to allow me to do some auto-binding logic.

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Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type?

Feb 23, 2010

I've just opened a project I was working on yesterday perfectly well only to find it's gone nuts. I'm getting this error ..."Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types."... on each one of my Sub declarations!

View 2 Replies - Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type Or One Of Its Base Types?

Oct 6, 2011

I get the error

Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

in the following code..

Public Sub selCurrentManuf_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles selCurrentManuf.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub

The drop list to go with it is the following...



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Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type Or One Of Its Base Types?

Aug 23, 2009

I created a lable to handle DateTime = Now, It works fine. but when I moved it inside a FormView I Get the following Message. Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types?

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Error - Error2Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type Or One Of Its Base Types

Oct 19, 2010

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Click, Open.Click,Name.Click
End Sub


I keep getting this error:

Error1'.' expected.
Error2Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.
Error 2 is also error 3

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Error : Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type Of One Of Its Base Types

Mar 25, 2010

I am in the processing of moving an app from VB to C# but some of the classes I will just be moving to VB dlls to access from the main C# app. In doing this I am trying to get the VB dlls to utilize the main C# class lib. In this C# lib I have an abstract clase called base process, it sets up a background worker and handles all the progress tracking, errors, and even reports an ETA. To use this in a derived class in C# you would just do this...

public class SomeLongProcess : Common.Multithreading.BaseProcess
public void start()


The problem is that if I do the equivelant in VB I get an error "Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type of one of its base types". Well I can't do a WithEvents in the base class because it is C# so..

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VS 2010 : Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type Or One Of Its Base Types

Aug 26, 2011

I am trying to follow this thread


and I have it pretty close but have one error.

Quote:Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

That error is on both of these, in blue

Private Sub SpellChecker1_DeletedWord(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As NetSpell.SpellChecker.SpellingEventArgs) Handles SpellChecker1.DeletedWord
'save existing selecting


I have added the reference, I have also added them to the toolbox. My dictionary is all set. What did I miss?

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Error - Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type Or One Of Its Base Types.D:Shipping

Nov 22, 2011

i am getting errors on last two event handlers. what did i do wrong?

Error - Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.D:Shipping ApplicationShipping ApplicationForm1.vb75136Shipping Application
Error - 'PrintDocument1' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.D:Shipping ApplicationShipping ApplicationForm1.vb1119Shipping Application


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VS 2008 Button_Click Error:Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type Or One Of Its Base Types

May 11, 2009

Just upgraded a VS 2005 ASP.NET 2.0 website to VS 2008 ASP.NET 3.5. There was an error on the Sub Button_Click. It seemed to be a minor error, the website and the button worked just fine, as usual. What does the error mean?

Protected Sub btnDEreports_Click(ByVal
sender As


Error 20 Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

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Error In My Coding - Error Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type

Aug 9, 2011

My coding, I got error: Error Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

For information i am using visual studio 2005. Here i highlight my probleam with in my coding

Public Class Admin
Private Sub TextBox6_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub


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WithEvents Variable 'PreviousPage' Conflicts With Property 'PreviousPage' In The Base Class 'Page' And Should Be Declared 'Shadows'?

Feb 1, 2012

I am converting an application from 2003 to 2005. I got the following warning and need help how to resolve it. withEvents variable 'PreviousPage' conflicts with property 'PreviousPage' in the base class 'Page' and should be declared 'Shadows'

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Runtime Error "1 Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined" When Attempt To Run A Program

Feb 2, 2010

When I attempt to run a program I just finished coding I get the following message: "Error 1 Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types." Looked it up online and still does not make sense to me. If I need to paste code or anything else let me know and I will do so ASAP.

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VB Silverlight For Windows Phone "Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type Or One Of Its Base Types"

May 16, 2012

when i am selecting form the xaml file a button and then tap event from the right (in order to set the tap event) it auto generates this sub :


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VS 2008 Error "WithEvents Variable 'Move' Conflicts With Event 'Move' In The Base Class 'Control' And Should Be Declared Shadows"

Sep 3, 2010

What does this error mean? I havent modified anything in the designer code, but its giving me an error? WithEvents variable 'Move' conflicts with event 'Move' in the base class 'Control' and should be declared 'Shadows'. The error relates to Friend WithEvents Move As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn

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Adding Resource By Name (String Variable)

Jan 18, 2010

I have a couple of pictures in my resources. I know that I can set an image by:
But how can I add an image if I hold its name in a string variable?

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Session Variable Counter Not Adding On?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a master page with the following vb code in the code file...

Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)
If Not IsPostBack Then
If Session("key") Is Nothing Then


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Adding A File Extension To A String Variable?

Aug 25, 2011

I am a newbie programmer. I have some code that needs to open a file based on what is contained in a variable. Example: If File.Exists(w) Then Dim q() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(w)

The problem is that I need the variable "w" , after readallLines , to have a .txt extension. I tried this:

IO.File.ReadAllLines(w & ".txt") but that doesnt work.

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Adding A Variable That Will Persist When The Program Closes?

Jul 26, 2011

Sorry for the extra long title, Here's what I want to do.I want to give the user the option of using or not using specific features of the program.If I can set a simple yes or no value that wil persist each time the program run and then depending on the variable turn off or on the feature at start

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Adding Time Error When Passing Value To Variable?

May 24, 2012

dim pvalue as datetime pvalue = (Date.Now.AddHours(3), Date.Now.AddMinutes(2))

above code getting error of ')' expected

No Error, Date.Now.AddMinutes(2))

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Adding Variable In Shell Command In Quotes?

Nov 15, 2011

I have a visual basic shell command that installs an IPP printers with a shell command. It asks for the username for the port.
userport = username.Text

How do I Incorporate that into:
Shell("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /b ""AT-LAB-BWQ"" /if /f %windir%inf
tprint.inf /r
""[URL]"" /m
""HP Color LaserJet 2800 Series PS"" /z /u")

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Getting Error 'objectvariable Or With Block-variable Is Not Set' When Adding Listview Items

Jun 28, 2011

when I create a listview item programmatically and add listitems I get error "The object variable or with block-variable is not set".This occurs only when the listitems are added on another place then where the listview is created.

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Adding Multiple Attachment (files) To A Dynamic Variable So It Can Be Send To A Email. VB 2010

Oct 27, 2010

What to use for adding multiple attachment to a email. I'm using VB 2010.

First, I have a Form in my company web site to fill a reclamation ..... when you fill and send it, it convert the form into a PDF, save it in the client side "TEMP" and finally get the PDF and send it to a email..... that's perfectly fine. I add to the form the capability of attach multiple files with file upload to the same "TEMP" and displayed in a Grid View to remove or add files and send everything to a email, the attachment capability is working. Everything is working with the PDF not the files(attachments).

There is a way to get the multiple files from the "TEMP" folder and add it to some dynamically variable (array list, attachment collection, list collection, etc.) so all can be send to the email. I already know the way to put it into the email with the PDF.

The problem is to get the files and add it to the dynamic variable and that it work with the email. If the code is need it.

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.net - Friend WithEvents In VB Vs Private In C#

Dec 17, 2009

Who knows, why in WinForm projects the designer by default use the Friend WithEvents attributes and in C# - private ones.

By ex, in a form.designer.


private Label Label1;


Friend WithEvents Label1 as Label;

For WithEvents is more or less clear(for using Handles, apparently). But why Friend in VB and private in C#...

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Clarification For WithEvents Handlers

Feb 11, 2010

When you declare an object 'WithEvents' and then utilize the "Handles" clause at the end of your event methods, how does Visual Basic manage a reference change for the object? In other words, if the withevents var is set to ObjectA, then later I switch it to ObjectB (or nothing), does Visual Basic automatically both remove those handler methods from ObjectA, and attach them to ObjectB? Or do I still have a ObjectA's events being handled behind the scenes?

I ask this because if instead you use AddHandler for an object, and then switch your reference, unless you removed the handler before switching, your original object is still handled (at least I'm pretty sure that's how it works).

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Events - .NET: WithEvents Not Working?

Apr 21, 2010

I have the following classes: Public Class Email


If a create a wrong email lets say "email" the exception is correctly cached and a message is showed however is i input a valid email the event is not raised, the object is being created but no message is shown and no error or exception is thrown i suspect it has something to do with using "myemail = new Email(email)" but i have seen examples of using new with withevents with no problem.

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Multiple ChildForms With WithEvents?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to create multiple instances of a child form. This form has an event that feeds a string variable back to the parent so I'm declaring it with WithEvents which is declared outside of the Sub - meaning multiple clicks will not open multiple forms.

another method of doing this while keeping the event?:

Dim WithEvents FRestoreDB As New FormRestoreDB()
Private Sub BtnOpenDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnOpenDB.Click


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