Amend Notepad Assignment To Support MDI Interface Multiple Concurrent Files?

Jun 8, 2010

How do i amend my Notepad assignment to support MDI interface multiple concurrent files

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MDI Texteditor - Support Multiple Concurrent Open Files

Jun 9, 2010

I am suppose to recode a notepad assignment that i have done so that it is able to support multiple concurrent open files, that is MDI files i my note pad i had use a textbox instead of richtextbox can any one tell me if i have to use back the textbox in my recoding or not.

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"WebClient Does Not Support Concurrent I/O Operations."

Mar 23, 2010

I have some code that downloads a list of files from an array or URLs. It downloads fine, but I keep getting the following error between each download.

"WebClient does not support concurrent I/O operations."

To me that means I can't download more that one file at a time. If so how can I get the code to continue only when the download is complete.

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If Compile A VB6 App On Win7 - ADODB.Connection Errors With "Class Does Not Support Automation Or Does Not Support Expected Interface"

Apr 28, 2011

I compiled some VB6 code on my Win7 x64 machine and the result .exe will not run correctly on any other machine. VB6 code is just a new template .exe file with one button, a reference to "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library" and the following code in the button press event: Dim db Set db = New ADODB.Connection It runs correctly on my machine, but no others (even other Win7 x64 machines) (Update: I found TWO other users where it runs and one of them is Jeff Atwood!, but most machines have the same problem)


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VS 2008 Allow Multiple Actions Before Assignment?

Oct 27, 2009

So Im doing this calculator and i got everything working well. The only thing Im having trouble with is getting it to allow multiple actions before assignment. What i mean by that is . Instead all i can do is (number * number=) does not let me do another before assigningCalculator

Public Class Form1
Dim abp As Boolean
Dim number1 As Double


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Error 3251 : Current Provider Does Not Support The Necessary Interface For Index Functionality

Jul 8, 2009

I am having a problem using ADO 2.8 and SQL Server 2000.Im using the SQLOLEDB Provider and when Im trying to set the Index by using the code below i receive the ffg error...Error 3251 : Current Provider does not support the necessary interface for Index functionality..I have to use SQL Server as our Access databases are quite large...Does the index and seek function even work with ADO and SQL Server 2000?...I am migrating from DAO to ADO to use SQL Server and Im trying not to change the existing code so I need to use the Index and Seek functionality as it has been used everywhere...There are no links between any tables so I am accessing the table directly.

Dim Db as new ADODB.Connection
Dim rs as new ADODB.Recordset
Db.Provider = "SQLOLEDB.1"


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VS 2008 - Hiding Some Of Notepad Files?

Oct 19, 2010

For example I have 10 notepad files open with all different name and I want to write simple program what will hide some of the notepads (they are all different process with different name, so thats not a problem).

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Forms That Support Multiple Resolution

Oct 20, 2009

I have this program, where the main (one and only, "ControlBox" set to "false" and "FormBorderStyle" set to "none") form will fill up the whole monitor. It wasn't set to "WindowState" = "Maximized", but rather I have it designed to fit on the resolution of the target monitor's resolution size. It is set to run on 1920 x 1080 size. Hence I have all the layout and child controls laid out nicely.Right now, I was thinking, what if I wanted to have my program fit snuggly (or nicely) into the target monitor's resolution, varying from 800x600, 1024x768, 1440x900 and such.What would be the best approach? Make multiple copies of the form in designer, lay out those controls, then create a centralized class file that sort of integrates all the methods that were existing in the original form, so that the rest of the form would be sharing it as well.

Or would I make only 1 form and do all the layout adjustment on runtime and having the hassle and pain of going through it? I have 1 main problem though, there's this logo which stuck on the top left portion of the form, which currently just fit nicely on this 1920 x 1080's form. I wonder what would happens if I size it on runtime.

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Forms That Support Multiple Resolution?

Mar 17, 2011

I have this program, where the main (one and only, "ControlBox" set to "false" and "FormBorderStyle" set to "none") form will fill up the whole monitor. It wasn't set to "WindowState" = "Maximized", but rather I have it designed to fit on the resolution of the target monitor's resolution size. It is set to run on 1920 x 1080 size. Hence I have all the layout and child controls laid out nicely.

Right now, I was thinking, what if I wanted to have my program fit snuggly (or nicely) into the target monitor's resolution, varying from 800x600, 1024x768, 1440x900 and such.

What would be the best approach? Make multiple copies of the form in designer, lay out those controls, then create a centralized class file that sort of integrates all the methods that were existing in the original form, so that the rest of the form would be sharing it as well.

Or would I make only 1 form and do all the layout adjustment on runtime and having the hassle and pain of going through it? I have 1 main problem though, there's this logo which stuck on the top left portion of the form, which currently just fit nicely on this 1920 x 1080's form. I wonder what would happens if I size it on runtime.

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VB Support Animated PNG Files?

Nov 22, 2011

Does visual basic support animated PNG files?

What methods (if this is supported) Would I need to do to show it?

APNG means Animated PNG file.

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Setting Application As Default Notepad Will Not Load The Text Files?

Jul 10, 2009

i have always seemed to have found the default windows notepad useful. no matter what type of app i create that saves, edits, and does everything notepad does plus tons more, i always seem to end up using notepad one way or another.. until recently..

i finally designed my own custom notepad. pretty much all the features, minus a few, and plus a few.. i like the new features. ;o)


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Create Two Notepad Files: Module HelloWorld & Public Class Person?

Oct 6, 2009

i am working on the MSDN tutorials through virtual labs and am encountering a problem with the very first tutorial regarding consoles. I am required to create two notepad files: Module HelloWorld & Public Class Person which I have done without errors having triple checked them. When the files are created I compile the HelloWorld.vb file and a .exe is created

I follow the rest of the steps and encounter an error when i try to compile the Person.vb file using the line vbc Person.vb/t:library/out:HelloWorldLib.dll as i am getting the following errors:

vbc : Command line error BC2001 : file 'HelloWorld.vb/t:library/out:HelloWorldLib.dll' could not be found
vbc : Command line error BC2008 : no input sources specified

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Custom Notepad - Recent Files Menu - Adding ToolStripItems With Code

Jun 15, 2010

How would I add a new ToolStripItem with code, which will have a Click event which uses the text from the ToolStripItem to read a file? So the ToolStripItem most somehow send it's text to the Click event.

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VS 2010 - Add Support For Unrecognized Files To OpenFileDialog?

Mar 21, 2011

I am working on a project which use files with a .HRZ extension. These are image files with a simple red, green, blue, red, green, blue structure. There is no header of any kind. I know how to display these files in a picturebox or convert them to a bitmap, but of course Windows 7 does NOT know what they are, so just shows a blank icon in the OpenFileDialog. How easy would it be for me to add support for this file format to Windows and/or the OpenFileDialog so I can show a thumbnail of each file? I can create my own file browser but I would really like to use the OpenFileDialog if at all possible.

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VS 2010 Does Express Version Support Adding Multiple Soultions (.sln) To Project

Aug 2, 2010

Does the Express Version support adding multiple soultions (.sln) to a project or is this only available with the Professional version.I see that I can add a DLL as a reference that was built in 2010, but it is not letting me step into it with the debugger (or recompile changes to its source).

View 10 Replies

Search Value Of Textbox In A Notepad (.txt) And Copy In A New Notepad?

Sep 14, 2011

I am trying to create a tool which I would input a word in a text box and it would search the path i give it to look for a word in a notepad file and copy the whole line to a new notepad and paste it.

i did this for now, i am able but i am able to copy all the text from the note pad and put it in a textbox for now..

Dim FILE_NAME As String = "P: est est.txt"
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Dim TextLine As String


I am having trouble to get the command to ask them to go read the text file and copy only the line for the word I put in the input box and to put it in a new notepad.

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Program Files Are All Mixed Up - In Class Saved Program In With Load Of Other Test Programs For The Same Assignment

Jan 8, 2010

In class i saved my program in with load of other test programs for the same assignment and got everything mixed up i finally figured out what was what and loaded the program in Visual Basic. Now my program doesn't recognize one of my forms when i try to access the design view of it. I hit run for the hell of it and the program runs with errors of course but the form1 "the missing one" shows up with all the buttons etc and i can use it.

Heres the link to the files. [URL]

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Best Way For Concurrent HTTP Connections?

Apr 22, 2010

I need to download a bunch of pages from a web server, ie. spidering. I know that servers are typically configured to only allow a couple of concurrent connections from a given IP, but that would already halve the total time to run the script instead of downloading one page at a time.

View 4 Replies Mvc - Concurrent Use Of System.Net.Mail.SendAsync?

Apr 24, 2010

I want to use System.Net.Mail.SendAync in an ASP.NET MVC2 application. I see that it throws an InvalidOperationException if there is already a SendAsync call in progress. Does this mean only one SendAsync is allowed per host, or per thread? For example, if I simultaneously have 2 web users from 2 different remote hosts, can each use SendAsync at the same time?

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Using Serial Port Concurrent With Other Threads

Mar 23, 2009

can anyone guide me to a simple example of reading a serial port and doing other things concurrently eg graphics. I am trying to graph ouput from a datalogger real time. I am new to vb and having been a programmer since 1964 I dont need to be impressed by arcane code.
As you can see I am a grumpy old man (70)Cheers

View 1 Replies - Implement Security Trimming With A Website With Multiple Folders And Multiple Web.config Files?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a website that has highly granulised access and hence requires many web.config files. The problem is I would like to trim the menu so that only certain users will have access to certain folders. I have enabled trimming and setup roles in the sitemap, however when I access the page the menu is not show, as I am authorized to view the default page which is not in a subfolder. When I type the url of a page in sub folder's I have access.

How should I handle this:

A site map for each web.config file - don't know how this will work Removing the sub web.config file to only use a single one

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Handle Concurrent File Access With A Filestream/streamwriter?

Dec 10, 2009

I am writing an audit file that is writing the username, time, and the old/changed values of several variables in the application for each user when they use my application. It is using a FileStream and StreamWriter to access the audit file. All audits for each user will be written to the same file. The issue is that when two users are updating this audit file at the same time, the "old value" of each of the variable is mixing up between the users.

Dim fs As FileStream
Dim w As StreamWriter
Public Sub WriteAudit(ByVal filename As String, ByVal username As String, ByVal oldAddress As String, ByVal newAddress As String, ByVal oldCity As String, ByVal newCity As String)


This lives in an AuditLogger class, which is referenced via an instance variable (re-allocated each time the function is accessed).

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Amend A List Box At Runtime?

Feb 24, 2010

i have been trying to work out how to modify a list box at run time ( i.e add in the detail when some presses a button ).I found some code in a sample program, which I thought I understood, but when a cut and pasted this code into my program, it didn't work as expected.The code which I cut and pasted was

Me.resultsView.Columns.Add("Match", CType(Me.resultsView.Width / 2, Integer))
Me.resultsView.Columns.Add("Position", CType(Me.resultsView.Width / 4, Integer))
Me.resultsView.Columns.Add("Length", CType(Me.resultsView.Width / 4, Integer))


Obviously the top few line are meant to be column headers. Seem simple enough but they don't work in my program, I get no column headers.
When I run the program and pressed the command button, the only thing that appeared in the listview box was the word "This". When i pressed the command button again there was another instance of the word "This" appearing next to the original. The same thing happened the next time I pressed the command button.

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Amend And Restrict A Member?

Apr 7, 2011

Alright, simple as can be. I am stuck back doing my project again this year in college since i failed.So my question is if anyone can help me with the coding as to how i can restrict a member from the database, Also i wanna know if i am doing it right in terms of code for Amend.Try to explain it nice and simple.Sorry but unfortunately my college has blocked every single image host so i can't show ya all a screenshot but i can show ya the coding i have.

so far i have it laid out so user can input details of a member.I have 4 buttons on the form, one is Add, Amend, Delete and Cancel.I have the coding right for Add, Delete and Cancel.So i have a checkbox where if a member is restricted the change is placed on checkbox.


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Automatically Amend File Name?

Apr 21, 2009

My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile to move logs of a command line application to the directory that I want.The problem I'm having is that, if the file already exists, the program errors out. Which makes since.I could just use conditional logic to replace or rename the file if it exists. The problem with the former is that I need to keep all of the logs and the problem with the latter is that, without knowing how many files could exist, I wouldn't know when to stop renaming files.If I knew that there were only going to be 5 files, then I could work with it. But since there probably won't be a finite amount of files, I need something automatically amend the new log to another name. For example, if I had "Test", then the log would amend the next file Test1 and so on.

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What Is The Code To Amend A Record

Dec 1, 2009

Basically I have no idea how to amend a record. I want to amend a record using controls displaying the details. The problem is that i can't find a book that talks about updating a members record. By the way I am using Random Access Files to sore details in

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Combining Image Files - Take Multiple Picture Files And Compact Them Into One File

Dec 10, 2009

I know this is out there and probably illogical but I was wondering if it was possible to take multiple picture files and compact them into one file.... and then retrieve them from the program later? Way to combine any amount of image files into one file

Module Module1
Sub combine()
Dim img1 As New Bitmap("i1.jpg")


View 6 Replies - Increasing Max Concurrent Connections For Web Service In IIS7 (load Testing)?

Mar 29, 2012

I'm trying to write a simple load tester for one of our web services, which is served through IIS7. I'm launching a load of threads (as Tasks) that call the web service as a Web Reference.Despite the threads all starting, only 2 concurrent connections from the app can be handled by the web service. I'm aware that by specification simultaneous connections are limited to 2 per user. For the sake of this load tester, which I guess is one user, I would like to open many simultaneous connections.I have tried to add the following to the web.config of the web service.

<add address="*" maxconnection="40"/>

My setup is as follows:

The web service is located at [URL], where MyWebServiceApp is configured as an application.The webmethod can be viewed as something trivial that simply waits for, say, 20 seconds before returning a response (making it easy to see that only 2 connections are open at any one time).The simplest form of the load tester code is ass follows:

Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module SuperBasicLoadTester
Sub Main()


I've tried pointing other load testing software (e.g. soapUI) at the web service and have observed the same issue.

Edits: I should add that the web service box is running Windows 2008 R2.Also I have run SoapUI and my loadtester simultaneously and each is only able to request 2 connections each (i.e. 4 in total).

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Text File Amend Option?

Oct 12, 2011

I'm looking for opinions on the safest/best way to append to a text file.These are my two current methods:)

FileOpen(1, RecordingPath & "Log.txt", OpenMode.Append)
PrintLine(1, strAnalogOutput)


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VS 2010 With A Button Amend And Delete?

Jul 18, 2011

I am having difficulty on the below code in understanding what is missing for the program to accomplish the below:Highlighted in red are the codes for Amend and Delete buttons:

1. The amend button was created to amend names, price and qty, with the code below it does amend the RentalRate(price) and intNoof Bike (Qty) however it does not change the Bike Name,

2. Delete Button code is as follows, when this is done i get an error "Index was outside the bounds of the array." at following bold red line

Private Sub lstBikeType_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstBikeType.SelectedIndexChanged


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