- Add Parameter To DataAdapter.fill()

Jul 20, 2011

I am trying to add a parameter to a sqlDataAdapter. I have tried to use parameters.add() but the adapter is not a sqlCommand. Here is some of my code.

Private Sub convertToCSV(ByVal SqlQuery As String)
Dim Dt As New DataTable()
Dim SqlCon As New SqlConnection("Data Source=db;Initial Catalog=productionservicereminder;User Id=id;Password=pass;")


Basically I am trying to do something like this:

Ada.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@pgid", pgid))

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VS 2008 Fill DataAdapter Parameter With 'CONTAINS' Instead Of 'EQUALS'

Nov 9, 2010

[code]Where I add my parameter, I am trying to have it pull records that contain the text that is in the jpDescTextBox instead of being exactly equal to it. I have tried using wildcards such as * and %.

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Fill A DataAdapter From An Excel.xls Spreadsheet?

May 7, 2009

There is no other workaround at this point, so here is what I am attempting to do:

1. Fill a DataAdapter from an Excel.xls spreadsheet.
2. TRUNCATE an existing SQLServer2005 db table that matches this excel spreadsheet.
3. UPDATE that SQL Table with the DataTable filled from the excel spreadsheet.

If there are anyother suggestions (OPENROWSET/DATASET is not possible for my situation, in or outside of a SProc),Here's the current dev point I am at --- no errors, but also the SQL table does not update.


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DataAdapter - Fill The Listbox With Objects From Database

Oct 5, 2009

I have a problem with access database in my vb project. I would like to fill the listbox with objects from my database. I've attached two images. In first image when i'm using command objDataAdapter.Fill(mydataset....) i can select table property(zaposlen). But in second image or in my second app i dont have an option to select table property in my dataset(there is nothing to select). If i select DataTableDataTable i get next error: DataTableDataTable' is a type in 'WindowsApplication1.baza_podatkovDataSet' and cannot be used as an expression.

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Failed To Enable Constraints. DataAdapter.fill()?

Mar 29, 2009

When I use the dataAdapter.fill(ds,tableName), it reports an error: "Failed to enable constraints."Yes, I changed the selectcommand.I know if I modified the selectcommand, and if it will take diffrent columns result, this error will be reported.


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VS 2005 Fill DataAdapter To Dataset Is To Slowly?

Jul 21, 2009

i try to use this yesterday it work, it will process too slow.. when fill the dataadapter into the is the code it gives 20 menutes still no result.. "no error, no comment. it's like standby

Dim conn1 As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection("server=pc1;user id=user;Password=12345;persist security info=True;database=mytsmobile")


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DataRow Not Produced Via DataAdapter.Fill If A Field Is Null?

Apr 20, 2012

I there a way to set up my DataTable so a field (or all fields can allow nulls if you can't set just 1 field) so oIDbDataAdapter.Fill won't leave out DataRows where a field contains a null value?

Dim oSqlCommand As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim oIDbDataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter
oSqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand( _


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Dataview Generates Reset Event After Dataadapter.fill On Datatable?

Jan 9, 2011

VB2010, MySql I have a dataview generated from a datatable using a rowfilter.I have event handlers listening to the dataview.listchanged event. To keep the datatable (in memory) in sync with the mysql database (on a remote server), i issue datadapter.fill commands every now and then, the objective being that only the changed rows in the datatable (as a result of the fill) would generate a listchanged event on the dataview.To my surprise the dataview_listchanged event fires after refresh by the dataadapter.fill method, however the ListChangedType it gives is: ListChangedType = reset. I would have expected a ListChangedType.ItemChanged for every changed datarow.Since the dataview is used to populate a large storage yard, i am now forced to repopulate the whole storage yard, which is a time consuming business.Is there a way to only generate DataView.ListChanged events for rows in the datatable that are actually changed by the datadapter.fill method?

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RowChanged Event Fires And Throws An Error During DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable)?

Mar 12, 2011

At the top of my code for the form I have the following statements (and some other unrelated ones to):

Dim LastDataRow As DataRow
Public Event RowChanged As DataRowChangeEventHandler

When my form loads I run the following line of code:

AddHandler dt.RowChanged, New DataRowChangeEventHandler(AddressOf Row_Changed)

After the form loads I have a FetchData button which connects to the database and brings the records into a datatable object. During this fill operation my Row_Changed event fires (for every record I think) and tries to run DataAdapter.Update(DataTable) (pseudocode) which ultimately fails because I haven't yet created commands. The error I get in my Row_Changed procedure is:

Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows.I hadn't even planned to use an InsertCommand at all since I will not be allowing users to insert records from this form. I do plan to allow them to delete or modify existing records, but not insert new my AddHandler statement after filling the datatable. However, I'm trying to figure out how to rewrite my code so that I can refresh the datatable without closing out the form/application and having to open it up again. I think that's a problem for a separate discussion.

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Sql Server - .net Program Dataadapter Connection Closes After Fill But Database Still Shows Connection?

Aug 19, 2010

After running the following sub (VS debugger), I try to detach the database in SSMS, but it shows the connection open still and won't let me detach. If I close program in debugger, the database shows no connections. I check the dataadapter's connection in the finally block and is shows closed. What gives

Private Function ClientMasterDBFiles(ByVal MasterClientDBConnection As String, ByVal DBName As String) As DataTable


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Fill Textbox From Sql Database Using A Parameter?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm trying to populate my textboxs with data from my database when the user name i

users (there is a textbox for each of these fields)


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Pass Null Parameter Fill Method Of Tableadapter?

Jan 17, 2012

I have already defined in my SELECT statement in TableAdapter to tell it what to do if the parameters are Null:

SELECT a.ID, a.NameID, b.BNameID
ON a.ID = b.ID
WHERE ((@NameID IS NULL) OR (a.NameID = @NameID))
AND ((@BNameID IS NULL) OR (b.BNameID = @BNameID))

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.net - A Parameter Is Missing [ Parameter Ordinal = 1 ] Error In Pocket PC Application

Apr 21, 2011

Following code doesnt work and raise error "A parameter is missing. [ Parameter ordinal = 1 ]".What s wrong with it?I am developing pocket pc application in vs 2008 and sqlce 3.5 sp1.


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Call The Stored Procedure Which Has One Input Parameter And One Output Parameter?

Mar 21, 2009

I'm Trying to Call the Stored Procedure which has one input Parameter and one output parameter . code is below


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VS 2008 Template Function That Can Receive Different Parameter And A Type Parameter

Mar 9, 2011

I want to have a "template" function that can receive different parameter and a type parameter, like:[code]But Vb told me that tupeList is not defined... is there a way I can do that?

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A Procedure With A Single Parameter But The Input Values For That Parameter Are More Than One?

Oct 26, 2011

Is it possible to make a procedure have a single parameter but the values for that parameter are more than one? I have this procedure:

Public Sub autoComplete(ByVal cboCombo As ComboBox)
With cboCombo
.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Append[code]....

Now I was wondering if there is a way to use it like this:

autoComplete(myCombobox1, myCombobox2, myCombobox3)

Or can I use a procedure like this with 'With...End With'?

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AddressOf With Parameter - Method Which Requires A Parameter To Be Passed In

Mar 1, 2009

I have a method which requires a parameter to be passed in. I would like to use the Addhandler to call the method through a dynamically created button control's click event.

When I include () in the AddressOf, VS complains: 'AddressOf' operand must be the name of a method (without parentheses).

When I exclude the brackets, VS complains: Method '...' does not have a signature compatible with delegate...

My code:


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ToolTips, Parameter Options, And Parameter Groups For New Code?

Dec 10, 2008

One of the things that I think is really cool about VB.NET is how built-in functions and subs have extra help text in their ToolTips like "Expression: String expression to search for replace string." as well as the usual "Replace(...parameters...) as string" text. So are the pop up boxes with things like "CompareMethod.Binary" or "CompareMethod.Text." And finally I like how some functions and subs have different sets of parameters for the same routine. For example, New FileStream() starts with either a path (string) parameter or handle parameter, but none of the 15 sets of parameters contain both path and handle parameters. Is there a way that I can set up the classes and functions I write to use these things or do they only work with built in classes and functions? If there is a way, what are the proper names for them so I can look them up in the VS/VB documentation? I would be happy enough if someone would give me an example of them, but it would be nicer if I could go through the documentation and find out if there are other cool things that are related or near by.

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Fill Datagridview Or Fill Listbox?

Sep 23, 2009

I just want to display data of a single column from an oracle table into a datagridview or a listbox for readonly with no requirements to make changes to it. Simply display the information.What is the best way forward... To used DATAADAPTER or DATAREADER.s DATAGRIDVIEW SLOWER TO FILL THAN a LISTBOX.i am using the following code to fill datatgridview but for some odd reasons at time it is slow to display the data. I want to use listbox instead

Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim adp As OracleDataAdapter
adp = New OracleDataAdapter("select customer_name from customers")


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Add New Row To DataGridView Without Using DataAdapter?

Jan 19, 2009

Code to add a new row to my datagrid on click of add button. I am not binding my grid to a datasource.I m fetching values from the database through a datatable n then through a lood inserting t values to my datagrid. i m not binding the entire datatable as my datasource for the grid.

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DataAdapter UpdateCommand?

Mar 6, 2009

I have 2 datagrids. One to show Product information and another for Product purchase details entry.Both share the same dataset. The dataset (ds) is filled up with columns from 2 table

ProductMstrTbl : ProductID, ProductName..
ProductDetailsTbl: ProductID, PurchaseDate, Amt, BalanceQty..


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Using Transaction Then SQL DataAdapter

Jun 12, 2011

I'm having a hard time on using Transaction then after that I need to use sqldataadapter. When I tried the code below I'm having an error "ExecuteReader requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized." Pointing to this block.[code...]

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.net - How To Alias In Dataadapter Query

Aug 21, 2011

I am using a sql server database and i am storing the time value in the datetime variable. I am developing a booking system application in When I want to view already made bookings using datagridview and by implementing dataadapter and dataset...When the table is shown in the datagridview I want custom column names to be shown so tell me that how can i use alias in the query given in datadapter initialization part?

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Add Another New Dataadapter In Previous Data-set

Mar 17, 2009

im added a dataset inside my project, and inside the dataset i added a DataAdapter with the steps like below:Use SQLStatement --> select A,B from tb_example --> Fill a datatable.And then i bind one of my combobox datasource's display member = Avalue member = BAnd its work properly!After few weeks, im reopen the project and i try to add another new dataadapter in the previous dataset and a new combobox like steps i did before. When i come to the combobox and try to find the datasource in combobox's properties and i cant find the dataadapter i jz added.

View 7 Replies - Sort DataAdapter Alphabetically ?

Nov 30, 2010

This should be a fairly simple one. I am creating a dataset which will contain a description field which I would like to sort by. The reason I want to sort the dataadapter and not in my SQL is that I am already ordering by the results that have a particular value.My SQL looks like this:

SELECT pif_desc, pif_fund, psf_end, (CASE WHEN SUM(pmi_units) IS Null THEN 0 ELSE SUM(pmi_units) END) As fundunits
FROM tbl_mem INNER JOIN tbl_sfunds[code]....

I want to sort the datarows is ds.tables(0) by pif_desc but still have the rows with fundunits > 0 listed first. how I can achieve the correct ordering.

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DataAdapter Does Not Update A Record?

Feb 15, 2011

I have been researching all that is related to DataSources, DataReaders, DataAdapters, etc, with an Access 2010 DB bound to a DataGridView.

Everything is fine, just one line fails and is driving me nuts Here is the code:


The line that fails, actually updates my database, but somehow, the update is not performed on the line that belongs to the first row of the grid. What is more, if I change the value manually, the same update method works fine. What is going on here?

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DataAdapter Not Writing Updates

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to create a form that uses controls that are bound at runtime. All the data objects are declared at the form level. The Select statement includes the two fields that make up the PK form the table. The Owing_Company data displays in the bound control. I can change the text and in Save_Click the RowState is Modified and Row!Owning_company has the changed data. DsForm.HasChanges is False. A simple call in Save_Click daForm.Update(dsForm) does not change the DB. If I update the Row!Owning_Company in code dsForm.HasChanges is now true and daForm.Update changes the data. What am I missing that allows changes made via the bound control to modify the DataSet?


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Difference Between A DataAdapter And DataSet?

Apr 16, 2011

Can you explain to me what they a

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Execute SQL Command For A Dataadapter?

May 14, 2012

Is there a way to execute SQL command for a Dataadapter rather than regular approach.

I i have parameters to pass to the SQLCommand. In he below model DAtaadapter at declaration itself we need to pass the SQL as string, and Conn. But i wan to send SQL Command to the adapter to execute instead command as string

Previously i have used to fill dataadapter as below

dbSource = "Database= DataBase;"
conn.ConnectionString = dbProvider & dbPassword & dbSource
If conn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then


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Getting Error During DATAAdapter Update?

Dec 29, 2009

I dont know where's my error.To begin with i have two buttons ADD and SAVE.My Datebase Name is COURSE where all its fields are text except courseid (number).when i click SAVE the only error is FAILED to convert parameter value from a string to Int32 exactly during dataadapter.update (ds,course)I am not converting any datatype or value to int32 .

Private Sub BUTTONSAVE_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BUTTONSAVE.Click
Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor


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