- Custom Back Button

Feb 9, 2012

I am trying to add a back button on a popup. But I have having issues because I am getting a 403 error. I have also tried Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(). Simply right clicking and selected back works and the client does not want the tool bar with the stnard IE back button on the pop up.


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Back To The Previous Page On Click Of Custom Back Button?

Aug 25, 2010

I am using an image button and on click of it i want to go to visited page.Now i am using - Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()),It is going to previous page, but when i am in a page of some user details where the link is looks like - users.aspx?userid=25 and i visit some other page and click back(image button) i want to see the same userdetail page. How to track that.

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Custom Control And Datagridview ComboBox Cell Back Color

Jun 5, 2009

I have added a custom Control to my project, but every time I edit it and rebuild the form that I use the custom control in adds the project name in front of the control and won't compile. i.e. Project name = MyProject, Custom Control name = MyControl. When I rebuild the project after editing my control I get an error, MyProject.MyControl doesn't exist. If I remove the MyProject from the line it compiles and runs fine until next time I edit the custom control.

I can't figure out what I would be doing wrong to cause this, or why it is putting the project name in front of the control, but then not accepting it. I am also struggling figuring out how to change the back color on an individual cell in an Datagridview Combo Box. The style.backcolor property of the cell doesn't seem to do anything.

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Using Delegates To Pass Information Back To UI From Custom Socket Class?

Oct 6, 2010

I am in the process of prototyping a small sockets application, which monitors IT infrastructure (due to in-house financial and deployment restrictions, I am unable to utilise an existing commercial or open-source solution). Basically, I have a server application and associated agent process for communicating heart-beat data to the server. The server application implements a TCP socket class (TCPDevice), which is called from a WinForm. I am aware of the restriction on updating the UI from processes running on separate threads, and that the preferred technique for acheiving this is via the use of Delegates in conjunction with the Invoke method. Having had very little need previously for using Delegates (apart from of course std windows events and the BackGroundWorker control), I am at a loss as to how to do this in the context of my application, and would appreciate some assistance, although it has occurred to me that I could use the backgroundworker for marshalling updates to the UI.

Eventually the application will need to update a grid of devices via feeds from the defined agents, however for the purpose of this exercise simply updating a status bar on the UI will suffice. The section of the code which I believe is relevant to propogating the code to the form is contained in the OnDataReceived method.Below is a code excerpt from the protoype app which should put the above into appropriate context:

Code from the form:


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Adding An Event For The For The Button In The Custom Control?

Sep 16, 2009

I have created a custom control that has a few labels and a button on it. In my main program i dyanmically add this control to a stackpanel. When i add the control i add a few events for it by doing th e following:

Dim newqueue As New UserControl1
AddHandler newqueue.MouseDoubleClick, AddressOf PrintMessage

How would i go about adding an event for the for the button in the custom control?

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Button For Back Up Database?

Jan 28, 2010

i have a form and i want to have my form to have a button thatwhen i click the button a backup of database will firedo you have any solution or idea for this

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Hit The Submit Button The Values All Go Back To 0?

Dec 12, 2011

Using the following code, every time I hit the submit button the values all go back to 0

If txtBedrooms.Text = String.Empty Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a bedroom 0 or greater")
Exit Sub
ElseIf Not IsNumeric(txtBedrooms.Text) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a bedroom 0 or greater")


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How To Get Windows Vista Back Button

Jun 2, 2012

There is a blue button above wizards in Windows Vista/7 to go back. How to get a button like this to my designed form in visual basic 2010? Is it possible or should I use an image for the button?

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IDE :: Bring Properties Button Back?

Jun 3, 2009

I got used to having Solution explorer toolbar button "Properties" as a very convenient way to access propject properties. This button disappeared in Beta1. I (and likely some other users)

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IDE :: Default Button Back Color?

Nov 26, 2011

In design mode - how do I change the default back color of buttons? I am using a white font and can not see the writing with the back color. The backcolor is transparent so in runtime it is fine (back color goes to blue and white shows).

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Mouse Back Button In Webbrowser?

Jul 15, 2010

well my mouse has a back button-can i use this button as a goback function with the webbrowser element?

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Next And Back Button In Installation Program?

Jul 21, 2009

I'm making a custom installer program and I have a next and back button, and 2 forms, Form1 and Form2. I click the next button and instantly the next form is there. I tried to do that with .show and .showdialog but if I do that another window pops up to either replace or add to the current form.

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Check Browser Back Button Click?

Jun 21, 2010

Is there a way to check if the browser's 'Back' button has been clicked?

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Create A Back Button For Windows Application?

Nov 10, 2011

I am trying to create a back button for a Windows Application to go from one form to it's previous form.

I know how to go to the next form, just can't figure out the other way.

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How To Open A Previouse Form (back Button)

Nov 13, 2009

I am making a multi form application in VB 08 and need to program a back button (just like a back button in a browser). The code I wrote loops the back function. For example If I start at from 1 and go to 2 and then 3, I need the button to take me from 3 to 2 and then to 1, but my code takes me from 3 to 2 to 3 because it thinks form 3 was the last form before 2. 'm sure this is simple, but so are my skills

Here is a snipped of the code from form 1:
Public strLastForm As String
Private Sub btnTwo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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IE8 Back Button Stops Working On ASP.NET Page?

Jul 29, 2010

If you do a search for "ie8 back button disabled" you'll see a number of blogs with people having difficulties with the Internet Explorer version 8 back button becoming disabled. This now happened to one of my ASP .Net pages. The page uses a user control, aspx page, and a master page. It uses no redirects and seems to be happening when I click the back button and then the forward button (after the forward button is clicked, it does not fire the Load event and the back button becomes disabled).

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SQL Statement - Back Button Not Going To Previous Of Selected Row

May 17, 2011

I am currently having a problem in my SQL Statement . I am creating a back and next button and about the Next Button it works just fine. But in previous button its kinda ok...but the problem it goes at the first row not the previous of the selected row.

Here is my SQL STATEMENT...
"SELECT t1.* FROM (SELECT RecordID FROM tbl_assessment WHERE StudentNo LIKE '%" & txtstudentno.Text & "%')t2 CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tbl_assessment WHERE RecordID < t2.RecordID ORDER BY RecordID ASC) t1"

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Wpf - Fire A Custom Event From A Child Window Back To Parent Window?

Feb 13, 2012

I am looking to close the application when I click a cancel button in a login page, but I don't want to do it in such a way that Window 2 closes itself, but by sending some notification to Main Window, and Main Window closes the application. Here's the code that I have so far:

(in loginPage)

Public Event CloseApp As EventHandler
Private Sub CancelButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles CancelButton.Click


View 1 Replies - Some User Controls Not Loading When The 'Back' Button Is Pressed?

Dec 14, 2011

I'm working with ASP.NET and VB.NET. I have a page which contains 5 user controls. the page itself does nothing, it just presents the user controls to the user.

The user controls work fine when I come on the page, or when I refresh, but when I go to another page, and press 'Back' only two of my user controls shows up, and they don't work like they're supposed to!

Short description of the controls:

2 controls which look if the user has to create something and shows an option to do so. (goes to the DB)
2 controls show an overview if needed (goes to the DB)1 control looks if the user is an admin (does not go to the DB, but looks in the securityContext)


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Button It Lowers The Number In The Textbox And Then Counts Back Up?

Jun 10, 2011

im a bit new on asking questions if you have a hard time reading this ill try and make t a bit clear for you but anyways.with this code in a button it lowers the number in the textbox and then counts back up


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Make Button Refresh Back To Original Text?

Feb 11, 2012

I have a simple translating program i working on in vb 2010.I have a combobox and a textbox and a button. What i have so far is when you select the option in the combobox the textbox and button will appear. then when you type something it replaces each letter with something new, in the same textbox.what i cant figure out is how to make it so where if i click the button again it translates the replaced letters back to the original ones.

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VS 2010 - Mouse Over Button Changes Back Color To Green

Jan 7, 2012

How do I create a sub which does things when mouse over? For example, mouse over my button changes it's back color to green?

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Forms :: Backward Button To Go Back To Form From Opened .exe Program?

Jun 20, 2012

I am currently working on a program that has several buttons in it lined up. Each button goes to different applications (.exe programs). The program I am making is suppose to be a fullscreen program and won't let you see any of Windows when it's running.

Therefore I want to make a "back" button that always stays on top of any application and when I push it it will take me back to my WindowsForm (startpage of the program).I am also wondering if you can make it so all .exe programs only can run ONCE. So if I press one of the buttons saying "open notepad" I want it to work so it can't open Notepad once again making it two notepads open. Just go back to the first Notepad opened.

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Change Back Color Of A Label By Command Button By Using A String Variable ?

May 29, 2012

i tried to change back color of a label by command button by using a variable value

Private Sub Button3_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim colorof As String
colorof = "Color.Red"[code]....

but its giving error and is not working,

Label1.BackColor = Color.Red is working but I wanted to do this with variable value

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Maze Game - Send Cursor Back To Start When Button Releases

Jun 15, 2011

I am making a maze game like the one shown in the how to, I recently discovered that if you hold the right mouse button a you can go through the wall. Is there a way to make the mouse lock and not move when the user trys to hold the button down
When the user releases the button it resets. Like in the web browser with
If e.KeyCode =
e.SuppressKeyPress =
But with the mouse button when it releases send the cursor back to start.

View 2 Replies - Pass Cancel Or Update Button Click From Popup Back To Parent Page?

Apr 25, 2012

I have a popup aspx page that receives data from a parent page gridview Edit click. There is a great deal of parsing of data from parent page to pop up as the data is being translated in pop up, then sent back to parent page to be reassembled in the original text block before update.

When the popup passes the data back or is canceled, the parent page gridview is still in Edit mode.I would like to pass the Cancel or Update button click from the popup to the parent page gridview so it can complete the update or cancel event without asking the user to click the corresponding command button link from the gridview edit mode, to Update or Cancel.

UPDATE: There is also a jquery UIBlocker on the Parent page to prevent the user from returning to the page until the PopUp page processing has been completed. Below is the critical code:

function parentFunc(a) {
// Unblocks on return from popup page.


Had a problem with preventing the popup from reloading. So there is an if condition in the load event. A dynamic number of controls are built on the popup as literals. So the Page Init event and Page Load event fire on non Postback to rebuild the controls.

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Microsoft's VB 2010 - Add Required Components And Click On Button - App Simply Disappears, Closes Goes Right Back Into A Stopped State

Dec 11, 2010

I'm using the following code

' Visual Basic
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


Its straight off the Microsoft site found here: [URL]

When I add the required components and click on the button, my app simply disappears, closes, goes right back into a stopped state. No errors, No Warnings, No issues. Nothing. Its as-if there is a stray "END" just before the IF statement. (But there isn't) Its stopping right at the IF statement. My app (THEIR CODE) just makes it disappear and "Stop". The code was working about an hour ago, but now nothing, and thats the only code on the project.

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Custom Close Button X?

Aug 3, 2009

Im in need of help so i can make my app close when I press the X wich are integrated in my background screen(made in photoshop). Ive tryed to add a button there and set Visible=false [code]...

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.net - Make Custom Button Work?

Aug 18, 2010

I made a custom button to input keypresses:

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class KeyInputButton
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Button


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Create Custom Button Using Class?

Nov 20, 2009

I use this code to create the same Button in multiple Forms[code]....

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