- Open A FormView In Insert Mode Only When It's Empty

Apr 2, 2012

I have a FormView which I would like to open in insert mode only if the form contains no data. I've tried the following if statement:

If True Then
If SomeFormView.DataItemCount = 0 Then


but it opens in insert whether empty or not?

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ADVERTISEMENT - Prevent FormView From Clearing User's Entered Values After Insert Method Has Fired?

Feb 26, 2010

I have been struggling with getting FormViews to work the way Microsoft expects me to for about a day and have figure a bunch of great stuff out.

I can catch e.Exception and e.ReturnValue in the ObjectDataSource.Inserting Event Handler and I can even cheat and check other properties of the Object in the ObjectDataSource.ObjectDisposing by checking the e.ObjectInstance ... and I even learned that FormView's Inserting Handler Runs AFTER the ObjectDisposing Handler so If there is a problem found I still have time to react to it and st the e.KeepInInsertMode to true on the FormView.

My problem is, it seems that the values entered by the user into the Insert form are cleared regardless.

So, How do I Prevent a FormView from clearing after it's Insert Method has fired?

(Using ASP.NET + VB)

I don't think posting my code here will really do much good and i would have to modify it to trim out confidential business logic stuff... so I'll skip it for now.


I have found a temporary and admittedly terribly cludgy solution (in case no one ever finds a REAL solution to the problem).

I have a page variable defined as:

Dim eInsertArgs As FormViewInsertedEventArgs

And then I do the following in my ItemInserted handler

If boolInsertErrorOccurred = False Then
e.KeepInInsertMode = True
eInsertArgs = e


The effect of this is that I am setting the values BACK to the submitted values AFTER ASP.NET binds the FormView to the default (blank) Template.

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What Is Real Mode / Protected Mode / Supervisor Mode And Hypervisor Mode

Sep 16, 2010

What is the real mode , protected mode , supervisor mode and the hypervisor mode ?

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Reload Formview On Formview Submit

Feb 10, 2009

I have 2 formviews, the first SELECTS the SUM of one of my fields in my tablr and displays the result in a label. The second contains a form that submits data into this table. When i submit a new value into the second form i want the first form to update. My VB currently has:


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Why Would A .sln File Open As Empty In VB2010Express When It Should Open Referring To Projects Etc

Mar 6, 2012

Why would a .sln solution file open and appear empty in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express - i.e. no windows showing projects and code files etc.When I inspect the file in a text editor, it contains references to vbproj files (which are present) which indicate that it should not appear as empty.No error messages are reported when the file is opened.

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Open The File With Binary Mode?

Apr 17, 2011

can someone teach me how to open the file with binary mode in VB.NET?

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VS 2008 - Cannot Open Form In Design Mode?

Apr 5, 2009

I am using Visual studio express 2008. I was working on a VB project for a few hours. Then I did something,(I think I just double clicked the form ) and I cannot open it in design mode. By Design mode I mean so you can see the controls, and ad buttons and stuff. The form still runs, if I run it. I see the form in the Solution explorer. From solution explorer, if I show all Files , then open FrmMain.Designer.vb, I can see my code. If I go to the project menu item and insert New Windows Form the new form works like I expect it too, I can see it. I need to be able to see my form.

View 2 Replies - Open A Form In Popup For Edit Mode Within Repeater?

Feb 18, 2012

I am developing web application in which I used repeater to create a grid and I bind a link for edit page when user clicks on that link then ID of that specific record passed to that page and all relevant information extracted from database for that ID and displayed in text boxes. Now i have to use Popup for edit form what should i do now? i used Ajaxtoolkit model popup but unfortunately I did not get id of that link on which user clicks so that i can load data against that ID?

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Insert NULL Into Database If Form Field Is Empty Using ASP.NET & VB?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a form and stored procedure that inserts the data from the form. It works fine except that if a field isn't filled in it doesn't insert a NULL into SQL it inserts "".

I've tried a few different ways but none seem to insert NULL, the one below still inserts "", can anyone point me in the right direction?

Here is the required part of the code, if you require more just let me know.

Dim rdr As SqlDataReader
Dim cmdInsert As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()
cmdInsert.CommandText = "spPersonalDetailsInsert"


So if I enter nothing into address1 field it should write NULL to screen but it always writes NOT NULL. What does an empty form field equal? in classic ASP it was always "".

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Sql Server - Saving A New Object With An Empty PetaPoco Fails To Do An Insert?

Jan 16, 2012

I am trying to save a new object to the database using petapoco.I have an object that uses a Guid for the primary key.Here is an example of the objects primary key property.

<PetaPoco.Column()> _
Public ReadOnly Property Primkey() As Guid Implements IStandardDocument.Primkey


Here is an example of the save method.

database.Save("Reservations", "Primkey", reservation)

The sql that is generated is an update with a primkey of 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 instead of an insert. So new records are never inserted.If I have an existing object with a valid guid the update and delete all work correctly.

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Set The Column Width And Leave The Top 10 Rows Empty In Order To Insert An Image Into Excel Report?

Sep 3, 2009

How can I set the column width and leave the top 10 rows empty in order to insert an image into my Excel report?

Here is my code:

If ComDset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
With Excel


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Determining Windows Startup Mode (Safe Mode, Normal)

Jun 21, 2010

I'm wondering if there is any code that I could use in so it can determine the computer's startup mode (such as safe mode or safe mode with networking).

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VB 2005 Win Application Can Run In Debug Mode But Cannot Run In Compiled / Release Mode

Oct 14, 2010

i am using visual studio 2005 on win 7 with office 2007. i have developed win application. i am using microsoft activex spreadsheet component in my program. so it automatically creates reference to AxInterop.OWC11.dll When i run program in debug mode (open program and click RUN in toolbar it works) but if i run directly .exe (go to bin elease doubleclick .exe) it give error at loading point of that component. It says "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted." An unhandled exception occurrs.


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C# - Deploying App To Production Using Debug Mode Rather Than Release Mode?

Oct 28, 2010

I work for a shop that maintains a fairly new app. The app still has its fair share of bugs, with numerous tickets coming in daily. The error information we're given with those tickets is not as useful as it might be because the application was compiled in Release mode, which I read is smaller and faster (makes sense).

Are there any ramifications to deploying a .NET application to production that was compiled in Debug mode? I would expect it would be a bit slower, but I've read the difference is nominal. This would assure us that when we get errors on tickets we have line number associated with those errors and this, of course, makes debugging much easier. major red flags that would prevent you from doing this? I'm tasked with researching the possibility.

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Console Mode And Form (GUI) Mode In One Project?

Dec 8, 2009

This is applicable to C# and VB.Net. I am writing a console application, but one aspect of it I want to make representable in a GUI (that being downloads running, with progress bars). is it possible to write a console mode application that can also have a form in it that can be called from code inside the console component?

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When Enter Datagrid And I Press Insert Key From Keyboard New Form Should Get Open?

Jul 13, 2010

I am using i am having datagrid on my form. Now i want that when i enter datagrid and i press insert key from keyboard, new form should get open.

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Open Word Document And Insert A Picture To It Using Visual Basic 2008?

May 10, 2009

I need to open an MS Word document and insert a picture to it using VisulaBasic 2008 by clicking on a button. I tried the automation code provided at this link [URL] but I can't find how to do what I want.

View 6 Replies Databinding Without FormView?

May 15, 2011

I have an ASP.NET page with a Wizard control containing several steps and about 80 form fields. The data is collected and inserted to a database from the code behind page. I need to set this form up so you can not only insert, but edit a record as well. So I want to databind the fields. I'd rather not use a FormView because then I would have to revise my existing code, since you can't access controls inside a FormView directly. Is there a way to databind the fields without using a FormView?

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Databinding Without FormView?

Jun 8, 2010

I have an ASP.NET page with a Wizard control containing several steps and about 80 form fields. The data is collected and inserted to a database from the code behind page. I need to set this form up so you can not only insert, but edit a record as well. So I want to databind the fields. I'd rather not use a FormView because then I would have to revise my existing code, since you can't access controls inside a FormView directly. Is there a way to databind the fields without using a FormView? I'm new at this by the way so sorry if the answer should be obvi

View 3 Replies - Remove Spacing Between Two Formview?

Dec 15, 2011

I am using two formview to insert,update data. but I want don't want space between this two formview. So how can i remove that space? Can i use cssclass to remove that place?

here is the Html code.

<table class="fv">
<td colspan="2" class="style12"><b>Select Subscriber</b></td><td class="td" colspan="2" align="right"> * Required Field</td>


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FormView OnItemInserting And OnItemInserted?

Mar 5, 2012

My code is executing the OnItemInserting function but not the OnItemInserted. Have I declared the Inserted function correctly?

<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DefaultMode="Insert" OnItemInserting="Insert" OnItemInserted="Inserted">

Protected Sub Insert(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewInsertEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemInserting' WorksEnd Sub Protected Sub Inserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewInsertedEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemInserted Response.Redirect("Login.aspx") ' Never gets here End Sub

The code never enters the Inserted function and just refreshes the form after executing the Insert

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How To Update FormView Using StoredProcedure

Jun 1, 2011

I have followed this tutorial for the most part to explain what I am doing. [URL]. What I need to do is figure out the best way to approach to be able to update my formview. I do not understand what the tutorial is trying to explain to me so i tried it the way I have updated a gridview before. But I am receiving "No parameterless constructor defined for this object." I tried to debug and view the callstack but it does not really tell me much.

I have my sql stored procedure to update which when executed works fine. I also have another class in which I reference the application details class.

This is the code in order for when you click the view details link on the gridview it passes you off to another page that shows that applicants details it is within the same applicant.vb class. I am trying to update using the following method on the .aspx page but I receive the following error "No parameterless constructor defined for this object."

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Save Changes Prompt In Formview?

Dec 1, 2009

I have a form with a tabcontrol. Each tab has a formview for adding/updating data. The user could have multiple formviews open at once. I would like a way to prompt the user to save if they are leaving the screen.[code]...

View 3 Replies - ArgumentNullException When Accessing A FormView Instance?

Jan 5, 2011

i have an ASP.NET page which has a numebr of user controls within it. There are 2 user controls which are of interest. I need to display either one of them or neither of them, depending on the record selected previously.

In the user controls I need to set properties of some controls which are in a FormView. So in my user control code-behind I have a number of properties which look something like this:


View 1 Replies - Have EditItemTemplate And ItemTemplate At Same Time On Formview?

May 3, 2012

I have the following inside a formview, I want to be able to show the information and if anyone makes changes I should update this information by clicking on update.I am fairly new to development , how can I do it? I keep having exception, saying frm1 is expecting editmode.

<<asp:Formview D="FormView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDesc" ID="frm1">


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Finding A Control Within A FormView From Code-behind?

Jun 24, 2009

Here the code behind... I'm trying to retrieve this control so I can add items to the drop down list (I'm retrieving the Role Groups to add to the drop down list in the code-behind)

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim DDRoleGroups As DropDownList


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FormView Is Completely Hidden When There Are No Records

Aug 18, 2011

I have a simple FormView in a ASP.Net application. However when there are no records in the datasource, the control completely hides itself. I need to be able to have the end user add the first record view the FormView. Is there any way around this behavior?

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Getting Data Out Of FormView List Control?

Jun 15, 2010

I have an ASP pg with a formview list control on it that hooks up to a sql database customer table. I want to access the customer name outside the form.

How do I:
A) access the bound text box in the form view template? Something like Text1.text=formview1.customername.text (that doesn't work but that's the kinda thing)
B) access the database field in the table that the sqlsource connects to to feed the formview

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Update Second Table Inside FormView?

Jul 22, 2009

VS 2008, SQL Server 2008:I have a formview that holds data about a test.Each test can have many people assigned to run the test.I have 1 table to hold JobNumber (Unique) with all associated data I have a 2nd table to hold JobNumber And AssignedToID to have records for each person assigned to the Job.Right now I have it set up so the user will choose as many AssignedToIDs as they want and it populates a list box. The list box is a bound control. Can I populate the 2nd table with the contents of the list box?On the update of the formview I could loop through the contents of the list box and update the data 1 by 1 but it will be a pain when users remove assignees.

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.net - FormView With EntityDataSource, Setting Where Property Causes Error

Aug 10, 2011

I have this simple code,

Protected Sub grdSearch_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles grdSearch.SelectedIndexChanged
TimeOff.Where = "UserName=""" & grdSearch.SelectedValue & """"
End Sub

Doing so causes this error, 'UserName' could not be resolved in the current scope or context. Make sure that all referenced variables are in scope, that required schemas are loaded, and that namespaces are referenced correctly. Near simple identifier, line 6, column 1.

The datasource works fine before the where property is set.Update: I found the issue but I still don't get it.Adding it. in the where clause solves the issue. Like this,

TimeOff.Where = "it.UserName=""" & grdSearch.SelectedValue & """"

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