- Change The Text Of LinkButton In EditItemTemplate?

Jul 3, 2009

I have a table from which i am getting my data to the GridView control. I need to Insert Or Update this row to another table, according to some condition. If one condition is true, i need to change the text of the LinkButton in EditItemTemplate to insert, else to update itself. How can i change the text of LinkButton in RowCommand?

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ADVERTISEMENT - Change The Text Of Linkbutton Inside Datalist Item Template Field On Linkbutton Click Event?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a linkbutton inside datalist1 item template field, i want when user click on linkbutton then its text would be "enable" and if the linkbutton text is "enable" and panel1 will be visible then again on linkbutton click event linkbutton text would be "disable"and panel1 will be hidden...

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How To Add New Item At Top Of ListView With EditItemTemplate

Jun 13, 2011

I have a bit of code where you can add a new field using an add button, which enable the asp:EditItemTemplate, but the thing is that this adds the field at the bottom of the list, making the user have to scroll down if there is enough items already in the ListView. How can I make the new item appear on top of the list?

<asp:ListView ID="[...]" runat="server" DataSource=<% [...] %> >
[Code] .....

View 1 Replies - Have EditItemTemplate And ItemTemplate At Same Time On Formview?

May 3, 2012

I have the following inside a formview, I want to be able to show the information and if anyone makes changes I should update this information by clicking on update.I am fairly new to development , how can I do it? I keep having exception, saying frm1 is expecting editmode.

<<asp:Formview D="FormView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDesc" ID="frm1">


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Save EditItemTemplate DropDownList To Database?

Apr 15, 2011

I have a Entity Data Model which abstracts an underlying MSSQL database. I have an EntityDataSource which is wired up to a GridView. The GridView has a number of columns - most are BoundFields, but one is an EditItemTemplate. Inside of this template I've placed the following[code]...

The code executes okay and I can click edit and change the selected dropdownlist, but when I click the Update button in the GridView it doesn't update the value in the database with the datavaluefield value from the edititemtemplate. How can I get it to save the selected value from the edititemtemplate to the database?

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Repeating A Code In Common In ItemTemplate And EditItemTemplate?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm a newbie in When using FormView, there is a big amount of code in ItemTemplate, EditItemTemplate and InsertItemTemplate which is almost identical.


ListView allows the use of LayoutTemplate - but I didn't see any examples that insert this kind of code in LayoutTemplate. And inserting this code in LayoutTemplate would result in an error.DetailView allows to produce code automatically but I'd like to use a specific design (for ex. using "fieldset" that encompasses some fields).

View 1 Replies - LinkButton Click Event Ignored

Apr 28, 2010

I have the following Hyperlink as a button:-


It causes a postback but only executes the onload and prerender sections of code. It totally ignores the following function signature:- Protected Sub loginButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

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Dynamic Linkbutton Not Working?

Jun 16, 2009

i just don't understand how come my code doesn't work when according to every tutorial that i find in the web, i am actually doing the right thing

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/AppMaster.master" Title="Results" AutoEventWireup="true"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="ceTe.DynamicPDF" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="MySql.Data" %>


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Javascript :: LinkButton + Showmodaldialog Not Working?

Jun 7, 2012

have a linkbutton on form that allows me to update the data, I want to be able to check if the data updatedin this case , parameter status of client is active I want to be able to open a window to fill some more information.

Public Function OpenWindowRquest(ByVal URL As String) As String
If accountMode = "1" Then
Return "window.showModalDialog('" & Page.ResolveUrl(Server.UrlEncode(URL)) & "',


View 1 Replies - Adding Linkbutton Dynamically To Gridview. Not Firing?

May 8, 2012

I am dynamically adding a link button to every cell in a gridview. Adding the button works however the firing of the even handler doesn't. i need the linkbutton to call a function and pass some data for processing. My code is below. I have found solutions from the site that have gotten me this far.At the moment the gridview loads the cells with buttons in blue. when you click them they go back to plain text and no function is called.


View 1 Replies - Detect The Click Event Of A Linkbutton In A Gridview?

Mar 11, 2009

I have a linkbutton in a column of a Gridview.When the user clicks the linkbutton, I have to redirect to another page.

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LinkButton Not Firing OnClick Event In Accordion?

Apr 5, 2010

I have not been able to get the break point I have on LinkButtonDelete_Click to fire. Is there a trick to dealing with buttons inside of AJAX Accordions?

<cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1"
SelectedIndex="-1" RequireOpenedPane="false">


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Making LinkButton Visible In Certain Rows Only Within GridView?

Jul 19, 2011

I have set up a GridView as set out below. You can see there are four LinkButton's per row. What I want to do is make certain LinkButtons available depending on which row they appear in.
<asp:GridView ID="FormsGrid" runat="server" Width="657px" Height="250px" DataKeyNames="FORM_NAME,FORM_ACCESS,STATUS,ID"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" >
<asp:BoundField DataField="DEADLINE_DATE" HeaderText="Date" DataFormatString="{0:d}"
SortExpression="DEADLINE_DATE" />
[Code] .....

When I try to make them not visible use the code below in FormsGrid_RowDataBound, it doesn't work and a get a null value error.
if e.Row.Cells(4).Text = "1" then
Dim FLbtn As LinkButton = FormsGrid.FindControl("FormLinkBtn")
FLbtn.Visible = True
Dim NRbtn As LinkButton = FormsGrid.FindControl("NotReqBtn")
NRbtn.Visible = False
[Code] .....
Also when I click say the FormLinkBtn, how do I determine the value of the fields in that particular row?

View 1 Replies - Linkbutton To Expand Gridview Causes Row Colors From Function To Be Lost

Jan 19, 2011

When a Link button I have in my gridview that expands the table to show a nested gridview i lose all the row colors that i get from this function. What I need is a way to call the function when the link button is clicked.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#<%=GridView1.UniqueID%> tr").each(function () {


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C# - Changing Label On Linkbutton Click Inside Repeater?

May 18, 2012

I am using an repeater in my page like this:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="lblsSICCode" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("sSICCode") %>'></asp:Label>


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Datagrid - .Net Event Handler Registration For Nested Linkbutton?

Nov 24, 2009

I have a linkbutton that is nested in a datagrid that is nested in a datalist (yes, very strange, but unfortunately it's part of the site which I cannot change). Essentially I want the linkbutton to fire an event handler that calls Response.Redirect(e.CommandArgument)). In other words, I already have the URL that I want to redirect to, but I can't figure out how to get the event to trigger when I click on the linkbutton.

I have tried using the linkbutton OnClick events and the ItemCommand events for the datagrid but I dont think I am registering them correctly.


This is my latest attempt where I am trying to get the datagrids ItemCommand to fire when the client clicks on the link, but it's not working at the moment.Failing this, is there an easier way to redirect the client to the correct page when they click on the linkbutton? I tried using the OnPostBackURL but the issue is that there are objects that need to be carried over that dont seem to be when I do this or when I just use a hyperlink with navigateurl set.

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LinkButton Vs Button VB Code For Access Database Update?

Nov 21, 2009

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
GRName = TextBox1.Text


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C# - Modifying Data With ListView EditItemTemplate By Settings Its Data Source Property

Feb 22, 2011

Modifying data with the ListView's EditItemTemplate by programmatically settings its DataSource property and calling its DataBind method. I don't have option to use data source control for ListView. All ListViews are bound with data from code-behind. So, I have to handle the Edit/Update mode of ListView manually. [Code]

View 2 Replies - Calling A Vb Linkbutton's (within A User Control) Click Event From Javascript

Apr 13, 2009

how can i call a VB function - deleteevent() in usercontrol.ascx.vb from a javascript function in clickhandler(e) in usercontrol.ascx. The call should cause a postback because i need the usercontrol to display the changes. i am currently trying to do it by using a linkbutton with style display:none, and calling its click event from the javascript function. But i dunno how to call the click event.


View 1 Replies - Hiding LinkButton - Disable Functionality Based On Whom Is Logged Into The System

Apr 27, 2012

In VB.NET, I have a LinkButton that, when clicked, creates a report. We want to disable this functionality based on whom is logged into the system. I have a session variable to indicate whether this should be visible or not but when I set idLinkButton.visible = False, it has no effect. Any ideas on what I need to do to be able to turn this on and off?


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Change The Numbers On The Text Box, The Data In File Will Change As Well?

Mar 20, 2010

So, I've got a text boxes which loads up a content from a XML file, usually a numbers I want a button, so when I will change the numbers on the text box, the data in file will change as well, in other words a save button That's how the data is being taken from a file


Those EditPaths, Playa2 etc are making up a path to a file

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How Will Change The Label's Text To The Random String Of The Text File On Startup Of The Application

Apr 23, 2011

I have a label that reads a random line from a text file and that string becomes the text for the label.

Now the problem; the label will only work if it is clicked because the event handler is click.What I need is this to work automatically at startup. In other words, it should change the label's text to the random string of the text file on startup of the application.

Here is my code.[code..]

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How To Change Label Text Using Textbox Text From Another Form In VB 2008 Express

Sep 17, 2010

I cant seem to find any link or topic regarding my problem. I have 2 forms in a project, form one has labels and adjacent combobox while the other form (form 2)has textboxes with adjacent combobox. I am supposed to change the text property of the labels using textbox entry from form 2 and add/delete/change combobox contents in fom 1 using entries combobox at form 2.

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One Sub Procedure / Change Text Color In Rich Text Box / Without Button Handler?

Oct 8, 2010

everyone! I've been at this for a while, and I'm not sure how this issue can be resolved:I'm working on a project in VB.Net, and I have a form with a rich text box. I have a groupbox with 4 radio buttons inside that are intended to change the font color of the text. Coincidentally, I have to repeat this same functionality for a 2nd set of radio buttons that would change the text font family.

At any rate what I've only been able to do is the following to successfully change the font color of whatever text I highlight in the rich text box:

Private Sub rbtnBlack_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rbtnBlack.CheckedChanged
rtbxTextEditor.SelectionColor = Color.Black
End Sub
Private Sub rbtnRed_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rbtnRed.CheckedChanged


Is there a way that I could write a sub (I'm assuming I would use a sub, since I don't think I need to return anything, thus eliminating the use of a function) that would handle the action of changing the selected text color in the rich text box without having to use a separate sub for each radio button? Mind you, per my teacher's specs, she doesn't use a button handler for any of this.

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Pan/change/move The Text Appended To A Richtextbox Control So The Text Itself Scrolls In Addition To The Scrollbars?

Jul 11, 2011

My application appends incoming report data onto a RichTextbox control. As more text arrives from an external device, the thumb initially fills the trough and as times goes on, the thumb diminishes in size. This is expected behavior.A modal dialog box allows the user to cancel the file download but since it's modal, the user can't scroll down to see what the last text that was appended.Is there a property/event/method that will show the most recent/last text in the RichTextBox control, rather than the initial text as I have it displayed now? The user would be able to see the text drawn real time without having to use the thumb to accomplish

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Change Textbox Text Size And Position Of Text In Winforms?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a normal textbox which multiline property is set to true and now I need the text written in the textbox should have a large font size.So is it possible with the normal textbox.[code]...

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VS 2010 Change Text To All Capitol Letters In A Label And Text Box?

Dec 7, 2011

I want to force all capitol letters in a label and when text is input into a text box. How can I do this?

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Change Text In Label.text With A Click Of A Button?

Jan 20, 2010

I have this problem but I already simplify the code as below:Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Label1.Text = "hello"
Label1.Text = "world"
End Sub

What I'm trying to achieve here is, after I click the button, the label1.text should change to hello, and after that to world. But I couldn't achieve that. Instead when I click the button, it just paused for 5 second and displayed world.System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000) The code is just a dummy for a loop that I have.

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Allows The User To Change The Colour Of Some Text In A Text Box?

Mar 28, 2011

I am currently working on a piece of code that allows the user to change the colour of some text in a text box. I have done the size and fonts fine but colour i am struggling on. I am using radio boxes to select the option. The code I used so far that works is this but how do I add the colour into it?

Private Sub radioArial_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles radioArial.CheckedChanged
If radioArial.Checked = True Then[code]....

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Change Text's Color In Rich Text Box?

Oct 20, 2010

How can I change certain text's color (like Visual Studio does with "Public Class" or "Public Sub") is inside of a Rich Text Box?

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