- JQuery AJAX Call Doesn't Work On Server Side?
May 10, 2011
i have a jQuery AJAX webmethod in ASP.Net that works perfectly fine when tested locally. but when uploaded to the server, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. when i debugged the code with firebug i see the the webmethod gets called but jumps right away to the error section of the ajax script.
jQuery code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
//get current date
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Feb 3, 2011
I am new to Jquery and trying to start learning the new tool. What I want to do is call a JQuery message box from my gridViews Row Command function after the processing is done so I can notify the user the process has been complete. I was trying to use this website as a referanceBut not sure how to call the function from the serverside. I have triedPlace this inside your script tags...
$(document).ready(function () {
//Determining if there is a message to be shown if the message is not equal to empty string then the messagebox should appear.
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Oct 7, 2010
I accept both C# and VB.NET If you visit this [URL].. and then click on the link like the image below you'll see in-line pop-up DIV which displays a busy status of Ajax callback before it displays the information. So, the information is not there yet until you click on the link.
I'd like to do the same but ASP.NET and jQuery. If there's any place to help me get started on the right track?
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Mar 29, 2012
I am using $.ajax call for download excel from .aspx page. But ajax throwing an error after Response.End. This is the code I used. Control is processing till Response.End() then alert(textStatus); giving parser error.
type: "POST",
View 2 Replies
Aug 30, 2010
I am using $.ajax call for download excel from .aspx page. But ajax throwing an error after Response.End. This is the code I used. Control is processing till Response.End() then alert(textStatus); giving parser error.
type: "POST",
View 5 Replies
May 7, 2012
I have a piece of JQuery AJAX that calls a VB.NET code-behind (class) that returns string data. It grabs some latest stats on a particular server. Now the code works, but the first time I press the refresh button data is returned and the alert "Refreshed" is shown on screen.
But if I press it again, the alert box "Refreshed" is shown twice, I click again three times! and on and on, until the time-out kicks in.It seems to be coming from the AJAX call and no where else. I'm at a loss at what could be calling this, I've tried deleting the data returned after success but no joy.
function RefreshServer(btn,div,id,ip) {
$('#aRefresh'+id).html("<img src=images/refreshServer.gif border=0 align=absmiddle />");
$("#"+btn).click(function() {
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Jul 13, 2011
How can i call a jquery method from vb sub routine?My code is when it returns false, the div which contains an alert message will show. Her'es my code, but its not working:
If res = Nothing Then
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType(), "PopupMessage", "$('.styleError').toggle('5000');", True)
End IF
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Apr 22, 2011
I'm trying to, from a client-side piece, call off to a server-side piece. I need to do this synchronously. On my server-side code, though, I'm calling off to another piece of code, which I want to have a maximum of, say, 10 seconds to return a value. If I don't have a response within 10 seconds, I want to force my own server piece to set my result equal to 0, and return to the client.
Here's what I have on my server-side code so far:
Public Function GetWebResult(ByVal inputParameter As Object) As WebReturnObject Implements IWebInterface.GetWebResult
Dim result As New WebReturnObject
Dim webItem As WebItem = Nothing
I realize this code is not functional. The problem is that I'm unsure how I would go about getting back into GetWebResult to set the appropriate return values before it is sent back to the client.
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Feb 18, 2011
i have a textbox1 in my webform which shows the server side date i want the user would not select date using jquery datepicker earlier than the date in the textbox1 i m using the following code to show jquery calendar in other textbox2 :
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Dec 19, 2011
I have the following code to download a file from a FTP server
Sub DownloadFile_Sap()
Dim remoteuri As String = ""
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Apr 25, 2012
I am trying to use PageMethods to call a function from the server side, but I am getting an error that PageMethods is undefined.
Here is what I have put into the html
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"
and here is the function from the code behind.
<System.Web.Services.WebMethod()> _
Public Function LoadChild(ByVal EntityID, ByVal EntityCat, ByVal lnType, ByVal FullExpand, ByVal lnEquip, ByVal lnTemplate) As String
and here is the call to the function using page methods.
PageMethods.LoadChild(lnEntityID, lnEntityCat, GLOBALEQUIPID, FullExpand, 0);
can anyone see why I would keep getting a PageMethods undefined error?
edit - part of the issue may be because the function isnt shared, but when shared is put in, i get this error in about 15 places. - this is refering to the session I am using - here is a snippet of the session being used that is showing an error.
prm4.Value = Session.Item("user_id")
I am getting the word session underlined with the error message below - any suggestions on how to fix this? this could fix the whole issue all together.
Error 305 Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.
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Sep 24, 2009
I'm using 2005. Here is my code:
<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/SwapnaMaster.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="SwapnaTestPage.aspx.vb" Inherits="SwapnaTestPage" title="Untitled Page" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server" >
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function myfunction()
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Dec 13, 2011
I don't know why calling another function inside the OnUploadedComplete does not work in ordinary way, It's my code:
ASP.NET code:
<asp:AsyncFileUpload ID="AsyncFileUpload1" runat="server"
OnUploadedComplete ="UploadFile1"
OnClientUploadComplete="uploadComplete" ThrobberID="myThrobber"
onclientuploaderror="uploadError" CompleteBackColor="White" />
VB.NET code:
Protected Sub UploadFile1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'saveing file on disk, this part works fine, but calling
'myfunction() does not work properly
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May 26, 2010
I recently came across the AsyncFileUpload control in the latest (3.0.40412) release of the ASP.Net Ajax Control Toolkit. There appears to be an issue when using it in a hidden control that is later revealed, such as a <div> tag with visible=false.
Page code -
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="act" %>
I have a breakpoint on the UploadedComplete event but it never fires. However, if you take the AsyncFileUpload control out of the <div>, making it visible at initial page render, the control works as expected.
So, is this a bug within the AsynchUploadControl, or am I not grasping a fundamental concept (which happens regularly)?
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Mar 25, 2011
I am currently adding keyboard shortcuts to our web application, so from JavaScript.So far, it has consisted mostly in triggering the click events of buttons already exposed in the user-interface.Now, I would like to add another one which redirects to another page.The new page URL needs to be generated based on elements from the source page query string.Basically, I have a date in the query string and I want to generate a new URL for the next day.
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Nov 15, 2010
How can I go from an SQL statement to AJAX?I know this is a broad question so here is what I am trying to do and what I have tried.
I have using connected to the database and put the information in a dataset and datagrid.(I don't want to use a datagrid anymore)
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Jul 27, 2011
incorrect technical words used, I'm new to AJAX/Jquery.I have a function with AJAX in it. It is supossed to execute a serverside function, but it doesn't do anything. I have checked my code multiple times. I use similar code in a different location, and that one works fine.Here is the function with AJAX:
function pass_on() {
hide_div("#outer_layout", 500);
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Apr 2, 2012
I'm trying to pass a date into a DB Query function backended by VB.NET but am having problems with the webside of things.[code]
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Jun 22, 2011
I am struckup with a problem from last two days. I am creating a web application using VB.NET, Ajax & RAD Controls. When user clicks on a button I want to open a RAD Window and show the list of ledgers available to the user, so that he can select one from the list. And to open that window I have to call a java script function from client side, which is already achieved using the below code.
View 8 Replies
Dec 5, 2011
I have a User Control which renders a simple drop downList into the page.By default, only certain values are returned depending on User Details, but the user may request a "full" list.I'd like this full list to be generated by pressing a reload button.Being new to .NET I am struggling to get this to work and not really understand the results I get when Googling or finding stuff on this site. Is Classic ASP I'd have made a page that renders this and called it using jQuery
I've found this link: [URL]..Using-jQuery but am unsure exactly what it is suggesting, mainly I think, because I use VB and don't completely understand how to convert that C# code there.Using .NET 2.0, jQuery and VB, does anyone have any suggestions on the simplest way to accomplish this?
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Jun 15, 2012
[URL] Response when viewing URL: {"Status":"OK","Message":"0","Info":"(none)"} Using JQuery how do I pull from that? I get how you do POST and sending but little lost has to how to pull from that. Do I use GET? Am I doing something like $.get("URL HERE"...?
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Dec 20, 2010
I am using jquery so using ajax to post data, but for some reason when i click on submit, the page doesnt go from aspx to aspx.vb on the back's my code -
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btnsave").click(function() {
var firstname = $("#" + '<%=firstname.ClientID%>').val();
new_class is my webmethod in the side. Now if i put an alert in the btnsave onclick function, i see the firstname value in the alert. But the page does not call the new_class function after that.
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May 25, 2010
The code below works "correctly" as far as sending the email address to the SaveEmail URL and it gets saved correctly each time I change the drop down. However it only outputs the "Successful" message once, no matter how many times I change the value in the drop down. The "data" that is returned is "Successful". I would like to show the message for a couple seconds, then fade it out. It works correctly the first time I change the drop down, after that the change happens and the value gets saved, but the "Successful" message doesn't display.
jQuery code:
$('#AgentEmails').change(function() {
var NewAddress = $('#AgentEmails').val();
$.post('SaveEmail.aspx', { email: NewAddress }, function(data) {
$('#SelectMsg').html("<b>" + data + "</b>").fadeOut();
HTML code:
<select ID='AgentEmails' runat='server'>
<option value="">TEST</option>
</select><span id='SelectMsg'></span>
What needs to be changed in my code to make this operate correctly?
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May 14, 2009
The following code populates a second dropdown when the first dropdown changes (i.e. cascading dropdowns). However, the Ajax call isn't firing, and I can't figure out why. I'm not getting any syntax or runtime errors. When in debug mode, the GetPlans action is never being called. The inner alert is never called, but the outer one is. To make matters worse, this same setup is working elsewhere in my app! Here's all the pertinent pieces (let me know if I've left out some important details):
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Jul 28, 2010
var paramStr = $('#id1').val() + '|' + $('#id2').val() + '|' + $('#id3').val();
paramStr = '{"searchCriteria": "' + paramStr + '"}';
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May 23, 2011
Can I send an object from client-side javascript to server-side code via ASP.NET ?
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Jul 28, 2011
I have a main page that loads a content of a div:
var content = $("#content_layout");
//some code here
content.load("claim_form.aspx?claim_no=" + file_number);
The claim_form.aspx has a drop down, and based on that drop down it should show the apropriate input fields. I set the index to be 1 and automatically load the first set of inputs. Here is some code to explain it better:
$("#request_type").change(function(e) {
index = document.getElementById("request_type").selectedIndex;
if (index == "0") {
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Aug 26, 2011
I am having a heck of a time with some very simple json. I have a very basic VB.NET webform which which writes out the contents of a datatable serizlized with JavaScriptSerializer.
On the jquery side I am doing this.
This is returning "invalid json"
Here is the output
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Mar 4, 2011
I have an ASP.NET MVC controller action with the following VB.NET signature:
If I'm trying to send an Ajax POST in jQuery to the ClosestCities action, what should my request look like? When I use the following code to POST to this action, in the debugger window of VS, position.longitiude and position.latitude are equal to 0.0 (0D):
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Dec 27, 2011
Any one have an idea about this error? ajax client side framework failed to load I am using and I'm trying to use timer control.
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