- Pass Along The Page Number In A HyperLinkField In A GridView?

Feb 27, 2009

I have gridview that I am using paging on. I want to pass along the current page in a asp:Hyperlink so I can send them back to the current page when they are done viewing the details of a record. Is this possible? If it is how can I do this?

<asp:GridView ID="grdObitList" runat="server" allowpaging="true"
PageSize="10" AutoGenerateColumns="false" CssClass="grdClass"
BorderStyle="None" GridLines="None" CellSpacing="2" >


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Sending Parameters From A Hyperlinkfield Box To Next Page

Apr 20, 2011

I have a datagridview that is populated by a datatable and I want to be able to pass the value of a cell to the next page when a user clicks on that cell. The value of that cell is then passed to a sql stored procedure.

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GridView - Using Session To Pass Variables From Page

Aug 3, 2011

I have a gridview and use a session to pass the variables from the page to an edit page. This works perfectly, until you search for a number. When you search the correct record displays in gridview, but when you click edit, it passes the wrong record.

Private Sub gridview1_RowEditing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowEditing
Session("wr_id") = GridView1.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).Cells(2).Text & "~/~" & _
GridView1.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).Cells(3).Text & "~/~" & _
GridView1.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).Cells(4).Text & "~/~" & _
[Code] .....

I realize not all of the code is pasted in here, because it would take too much space. Any Ideas? I'm guessing it has something to do with e.NewEditIndex

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Javascript - Pass Page Or Master Page Object To AJAX Page Method

Oct 5, 2010

I wrote a page Page method in my aspx page. in web service method I need to call FindControl method return textbox and get text box value. But my findControl will take MasterPage object to iterate.

see my code

<script type = "text/javascript">
function ShowCurrentDateTime() {


How to pass Master Page object or Page to Page method?. So I can use in Sared method.

Is there any way I can access Textbox value directly in Page method? I need access couple of controls in Page Method.

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Retrieve A Querystring Value From An .aspx Page And Pass It To Ascx Page?

Jul 8, 2011

Is is possible to retrieve the ID value from the Request.QueryString from a aspx file and pass it onto a ascx file in order to successfully update a profile using the retrieved ID?

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Javascript - Close Child Aspx Page If Gridview Index Is Changed On Parent Page?

Nov 17, 2011

I have a parent page and child page, both aspx. All is working, but now I would like to close child page, if user leaves child popup page and goes back to parent page and clicks on something else like page index of Gridview. I CANNOT close popup child page if user goes to another app, or some other location, I only want to close if something on parent page is changed.

I have the PageIndexChange Event set up for other purposes, I would just like to add some functionality, perhaps a script manager to close the child popup page if the Gridview index is changed, java or another way which ever works best.I think I might also need to check if the child page is even open.


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Get GridView Selected Row Values Using Page Previous Page?

May 31, 2012

I have a gridView in ConsumerList page. When Edit button is clicked (in each row), it is navigated to a EditConsumer page. In the EditConsumer page, I need to get the values of the selected row using Page.PreviousPage.[code...

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Pass Whole Querystring From One Page To Another Page Textbox Using

Feb 3, 2011

I have two webform Default.aspx & Default2.aspx.I want In Default.aspx on button click event it passes the whole query string to Default2.aspx textbox ? How to do that uisng[code]

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Error Trying To Add To The Navigation Url Of A Hyperlinkfield

Apr 18, 2012

Am trying to add to the navigation url in a hyperlink field.

I have 5 columns on my gridview, the last being

<asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields="vID"
DataNavigateUrlFormatString="Page2.aspx?field={0}" HeaderText="send"


I had it working yesterday, but must have accidentally deleted the code, and I cant find where am going wrong here, I get an error "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: index"

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Pass GridView Cell Value To Sub Routine In ASP.NET?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a GridView with Cell 0 containing the ID that I need to pass to a Public Sub.

I cannot figure out how to pick the value from Cell 0 in order to pass it to the Sub. I have tried experimenting (see the Dimmed EventID below) but have failed. Here is my code:

Protected Sub gvAppointmentsCalls_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles gvAppointmentsCalls.RowCommand


View 2 Replies - Programmatically Get The DataNavigateUrlFields Property From A HyperLinkField Control

Mar 1, 2012

In my ASP.NET Web Forms I would like to get the DataNavigateUrlFields from the HyperLinkField control.

In order to get the control I use the following code in the RowDataBound event:

If e.Row.Cells(n).Controls(0).GetType().ToString() = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink" Then
Dim linkDownload As HyperLink = DirectCast(e.Row.Cells(n).Controls(0), HyperLink)


Is there any way to get the DataNavigateUrlFields property? In case there is not, is there any function to extract the downloadGuid value from HyperLink.NavigateUrl (in short treating the NavigateUrl as a QueryString)?

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Pass The Data From The Gridview To Detailview To Update A Record?

Feb 24, 2011

how will i pass the data from the gridview to detailview to update a record?

im using (VB code) and the entity data model as my data access layer.

View 1 Replies Pass Value From Txtbox To An Another Page?

Dec 30, 2011

This the end of my code

If lblErrMsg.Text = "" Then
End If

I want to pass the value of txtUser(I create It in the current page...) to the UserPage.aspx.

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Pass Querystring From One Page To Another?

Jun 14, 2010

I am passing query string from one page to another but i get error.[code]...

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Pass Value To Another Page Using Session?

Feb 10, 2012

I have some value related to Particular Name, for e.g.:

FirstName : Ghanshyam;
LastName : Thakkar;
Age : 25;
Designation : Student;

I want to pass this value to another Page using Session. How can I pass both Name and Value both in one variable using Session?

View 3 Replies - Pass Values From Dynamically Created Gridview Checkboxes To A Crystal Report?

Nov 1, 2010

Does anyone know how to pass values from adynamically created gridview checkboxes to a crystal report?Is it possible? I am using, and mssql. Here's my grid minus a few boundfields:

<asp:gridview id="grid" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="False" cellpadding="4"
forecolor="#333333" gridlines="None" emptydatatext="No Products registered for this company...">
<RowStyle BackColor="#EFF3FB" />[code]............

View 1 Replies - Pass URL Parameter To Repopulate Page?

Apr 11, 2012

I currently have a page that is populated using a filter, which passes the parameters of the filter via URL.

I'd like to catch those parameters and give the user the opportunity to return to the page with the same filter applied to their view. Essentially, it's a back button. AKA: pass the parameters back into the URL so it repopulates the page.

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How To Pass 3 Query String From A Page To Next

Aug 4, 2009

I have a Gridview on a page that have: CountryID, value 2 columns.There are another 2 text boxes on the pageI added a hyperlink field to the Gridview and I want onclick it will take me to another page with a Gridview that have datasource to query based on values of these 3 controls:-

(1) CountryID ofthe row user clicked
(2) textbox1
(3) textbox2


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Pass Encoded String To Php Page?

Apr 27, 2010

I need to pass encoded string to php page. To convert string to iso:Dim result As Byte() = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"), input)

I have this code to pass string, but how I must do it to pass Byte (variable result) instead of the string (variable MyVarString)?


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.net - Gridview Changes Page Title?

Jun 28, 2011

how a gridview in Visual Studio would change a page title on a web page. When the page is first opened, the title is fine. When you start scrolling the grid, the title changes to a number that appears to be the number of pixels moved. Numbers are 0, 14, 28, 42, etc.

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Redirecting To A Specified Page In A Gridview In

Feb 5, 2010

In my application I have a gridview in which details of containers are stored and displyed.There are many containers in this gridview, say more than 150 containers. I have implemented paging for this gridview as it contains many record. But its difficult for the user to go to every page and search one particular container. So i want a serach option for this.What I need is to enter a containernumber in a textbox and when I click a button, it should redirect to that particular page in the gridview where that particular containernumber exists.

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Rows Of A Gridview With More Than One Page?

Mar 6, 2012

Is it possible to loop through a gridview with more than one page, the gridview I'm looking at has a pageSize of 20, there are say 26 records (over two pages) and I want to be able to loop though all the records.

For Each row As GridViewRow In GridView.Rows The count of the above is only 20 as the pageSize is set to 20, I can see that the pagecount is 2 but how do you loop through the next page in a gridview? Or would I have to just iterate through the orginal datasource?

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C# - Open ASP.NET GridView Item In New Page Or Tab?

Sep 21, 2009

I have a simple ASP.NET GridView.. Using ASP.NET 2.0. For some reason you cant right click on a item in a grieview and say Open in NEW tab or page.

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Clear Gridview Without Reloading Page?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a gridview control on my page( I also have a "cancel" button, that when pressed, is supposed to clear the gridview of it's current contents.

However whenever the cancel button is pressed, it just reloads the page and the gridview is still there with the same data that I wanted clear.[code]...

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Forms GridView On ASPX Page?

Apr 22, 2010

Is there a way to use a VB.NET Forms DataGridView object on an ASPX page?

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VS 2008 [C#] ASP GridView Sorting By PAGE

Mar 19, 2009

currently I was able to Sort GridView and it is having several page. what my brilliant boss want is to SORT the records per page... as in per page... (ex. page 3 of the gridview contains 50 records of data (G-J), she want to sort the 3rd page for the records to become (J-G) just for the 3rd page...)

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Write Gridview To Excel Page?

Sep 11, 2009

I'm getting the following errorError: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.I want to put the grid in excel onclick

Sub bttntxtfile_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
GridViewExportUtil.Export("Customers.xls", GridView1)
End Sub


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Pass Data From One Page To Another In Window Form With Database Value?

Jun 25, 2010

How to pass data from one page to another page in window form with database value?

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How Pass Text To A Var Number

Apr 22, 2009

when i try do this:ListView1.Items(a).subitems(TextBox1.Text).text

i receive this error:Object variable or With block variable not set.

the number in the textbox exist this occor because the var type is not a valid number but how can i convert?
in other language i dont have this problem

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Pass Text To A Var Number?

Apr 22, 2009

ListView1.Items(a).subitems(TextBox1.Text).text i receive this error: Object variable or With block variable not set. the number in the textbox exist this occor because the var type is not a valid number but how can i convert?

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