Pass Value From Txtbox To An Another Page?

Dec 30, 2011

This the end of my code

If lblErrMsg.Text = "" Then
End If

I want to pass the value of txtUser(I create It in the current page...) to the UserPage.aspx.

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Javascript - Pass Page Or Master Page Object To AJAX Page Method

Oct 5, 2010

I wrote a page Page method in my aspx page. in web service method I need to call FindControl method return textbox and get text box value. But my findControl will take MasterPage object to iterate.

see my code

<script type = "text/javascript">
function ShowCurrentDateTime() {


How to pass Master Page object or Page to Page method?. So I can use in Sared method.

Is there any way I can access Textbox value directly in Page method? I need access couple of controls in Page Method.

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Compare Txtbox 1 To Txtbox 2 While Typing?

Jun 21, 2010

Working on a personal project to help with my sons spelling.Textbox 1 will hold the correctly spelled word. Textbox 2 will be typed BUT I want the background of textbox2 to change green if he is on track but turn red when he messes up on a letter. Basically I need the two boxes to be validated each time he presses a key. I can do the box to box when complete but the trick I am having is how to I have them check as he is typing?

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Retrieve A Querystring Value From An .aspx Page And Pass It To Ascx Page?

Jul 8, 2011

Is is possible to retrieve the ID value from the Request.QueryString from a aspx file and pass it onto a ascx file in order to successfully update a profile using the retrieved ID?

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Pass Whole Querystring From One Page To Another Page Textbox Using

Feb 3, 2011

I have two webform Default.aspx & Default2.aspx.I want In Default.aspx on button click event it passes the whole query string to Default2.aspx textbox ? How to do that uisng[code]

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Pass Querystring From One Page To Another?

Jun 14, 2010

I am passing query string from one page to another but i get error.[code]...

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Pass Value To Another Page Using Session?

Feb 10, 2012

I have some value related to Particular Name, for e.g.:

FirstName : Ghanshyam;
LastName : Thakkar;
Age : 25;
Designation : Student;

I want to pass this value to another Page using Session. How can I pass both Name and Value both in one variable using Session?

View 3 Replies - Pass URL Parameter To Repopulate Page?

Apr 11, 2012

I currently have a page that is populated using a filter, which passes the parameters of the filter via URL.

I'd like to catch those parameters and give the user the opportunity to return to the page with the same filter applied to their view. Essentially, it's a back button. AKA: pass the parameters back into the URL so it repopulates the page.

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How To Pass 3 Query String From A Page To Next

Aug 4, 2009

I have a Gridview on a page that have: CountryID, value 2 columns.There are another 2 text boxes on the pageI added a hyperlink field to the Gridview and I want onclick it will take me to another page with a Gridview that have datasource to query based on values of these 3 controls:-

(1) CountryID ofthe row user clicked
(2) textbox1
(3) textbox2


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Pass Encoded String To Php Page?

Apr 27, 2010

I need to pass encoded string to php page. To convert string to iso:Dim result As Byte() = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1"), input)

I have this code to pass string, but how I must do it to pass Byte (variable result) instead of the string (variable MyVarString)?


View 1 Replies - Pass Along The Page Number In A HyperLinkField In A GridView?

Feb 27, 2009

I have gridview that I am using paging on. I want to pass along the current page in a asp:Hyperlink so I can send them back to the current page when they are done viewing the details of a record. Is this possible? If it is how can I do this?

<asp:GridView ID="grdObitList" runat="server" allowpaging="true"
PageSize="10" AutoGenerateColumns="false" CssClass="grdClass"
BorderStyle="None" GridLines="None" CellSpacing="2" >


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GridView - Using Session To Pass Variables From Page

Aug 3, 2011

I have a gridview and use a session to pass the variables from the page to an edit page. This works perfectly, until you search for a number. When you search the correct record displays in gridview, but when you click edit, it passes the wrong record.

Private Sub gridview1_RowEditing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowEditing
Session("wr_id") = GridView1.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).Cells(2).Text & "~/~" & _
GridView1.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).Cells(3).Text & "~/~" & _
GridView1.Rows(e.NewEditIndex).Cells(4).Text & "~/~" & _
[Code] .....

I realize not all of the code is pasted in here, because it would take too much space. Any Ideas? I'm guessing it has something to do with e.NewEditIndex

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Pass Data From One Page To Another In Window Form With Database Value?

Jun 25, 2010

How to pass data from one page to another page in window form with database value?

View 3 Replies - Pass Cancel Or Update Button Click From Popup Back To Parent Page?

Apr 25, 2012

I have a popup aspx page that receives data from a parent page gridview Edit click. There is a great deal of parsing of data from parent page to pop up as the data is being translated in pop up, then sent back to parent page to be reassembled in the original text block before update.

When the popup passes the data back or is canceled, the parent page gridview is still in Edit mode.I would like to pass the Cancel or Update button click from the popup to the parent page gridview so it can complete the update or cancel event without asking the user to click the corresponding command button link from the gridview edit mode, to Update or Cancel.

UPDATE: There is also a jquery UIBlocker on the Parent page to prevent the user from returning to the page until the PopUp page processing has been completed. Below is the critical code:

function parentFunc(a) {
// Unblocks on return from popup page.


Had a problem with preventing the popup from reloading. So there is an if condition in the load event. A dynamic number of controls are built on the popup as literals. So the Page Init event and Page Load event fire on non Postback to rebuild the controls.

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Browser Compatible Code Which Take Values From Hidden Field And Pass It Through Query String On To Other Page

Jun 3, 2011

Right now I am using this code on client side.


The values for the hidden fields are already set. I want these value to open a window, in which the fields will be already filled using the values passed by this page. This code is working fine on Internet Explorer, but not on other browsers. Moreover, when I don't pass any value and just open the required window, it works on all browsers.

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Make A Cmd App Like With Just A Txtbox?

Oct 27, 2009

im trying to make a cmd app like with just a txtbox.

how would i make my app wright what the user entered and print the output from cmd on txtbox with out cmd showing up

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Second Name And Then Display First Name And Second Name In A Txtbox?

Jul 14, 2009

I want to write a program that ask 2 times for my first name one time my second name and then display first name and second name in a txtbox.

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Checking If The TxtBox Only Contains Numbers?

Sep 11, 2011

I thought that this would be an easy way of checking if the txtBox only contains numbers. I was wrong.

if txtAnswer.Text = Not CInt("123456789") Then

I want the user only be able to put NUMBERS in the box. NO Spaces Commas Periods Breaks ... etc.

PS, i can't use NumericUpDown as the user needs to enter in the answer to an equation.

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VS 2008 Export Txt To Another Txtbox?

May 31, 2010

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Form1


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Change TxtBox Content To TextFile?

Jun 21, 2010

I have textbox showing the path which read from txt file

Inside Txtfile look like this


And the textbox will show the path C:Hello

Whatever i changed in txtfile the textbox will show the path from txtfile

But now i want to edit from textbox , and the textfile also change.

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PC1 To PC2 Txtbox.text And Video Triggering?

Dec 17, 2009

Have created a few stand alone projects but nothing major... Using a trial of VB Studio 2010 (.net 4)

a) I have two networked pc's ("PC1" and "PC2") with a solution on each which has a "textbox" and a "send" button. Just want to type "hello" in textbox on PC1 then hit send and it appears in PC2 textbox so that I can base if statements etc. on it.

something like:

//PC2.App2.textbox2.text = textbox1.text

on a button would be perfect but i'm guessing that's far too simple.

b) Video Triggering over network - pretty well sames as above, just want to hit button1 on PC1 and it plays "1.wmv" in "axwindowsmediaplayer1" on "PC2".

c) How can I play a .mov/vob/avi/mpg/flv in an "axwindowmediaplayer1" ? if not possible how do I go about playing videos of all types in my programs?

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Retrieving Files From Database To Txtbox

Jun 5, 2010

how to connect sql server to forms, and also retrieving files from database to txtbox.

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Show Only First Row And The 3th Subitem Data In Txtbox?

Jun 26, 2010

Dim SelectCmd As String[code]...

From the above code which i have a lv can show all data from my db, but i am having a trouble that how can I show the first row and the 3th subitem data ("Orders") from the lv to the txtbox.

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Change Data Of Details View With Txtbox?

Mar 15, 2012

i am trying to make a search criteria based on last name.i have dragged and dropped customer dataset as details view on my form and booking as gridview(customer id is foreign key in bookings table so now when i scroll through customer i could see the relaive booking history in grid view.). now i have many customer so i have to scroll down to look for a particular customer.i want to create a textbox where i can enter customer's last name and it should change the data of details view from current customer to the customer which is searched and also should change the related data in gridview aswell which is customer booking data.really need help plz..provide code if u is wat i have done but no luck.

Dim ds As DataSet
'** means:
'check for correct name of the table in dataset, you can still use index like [0] if this is 1st or only table in dataset


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Forms :: TxtBox Barks At Me Upon Pressing Enter?

Nov 6, 2011

I have a form containing a chart which plots based on values in textboxes on the form. I have textbox keydown events set up so that when the user enters a value into a textbox and presses enter or tab, the chart re-plots and focus is passed to the next textbox in tabindex order. Below is the

PrivateSub Param1ValueBox_KeyDown(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Param1ValueBox.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Windows.Forms.Keys.Enter Or e.KeyCode = Windows.Forms.Keys.Tab Then


The code does exactly what I want it to do. However, when the user presses enter Excel makes a warning noise (berrt!) as if they have done something wrong. How do I make Excel chill out with the noises? ... is there a text box property i need to change? I have tried all that seem sensible. (I am creating an application for Excel 2010 using VSTO 2010 and VB.NET 4.0)

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IDE :: Make Validation In Txtbox Only Allow Letter And Number?

Jul 31, 2010

How to make validation Only Allow letters and Numbers to Input, without any special character in Textbox

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Link Txtbox To View Variable In Different Form In VB?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm nearly finished making a blackjack game for my first year assignment in college using Visual Basic. The game is running ok, I'm happy with that but I am having one small issue! In the frmMain I have a counter set up so it counts and displays the number of games won and lost. From the drop down menu in the frmMain I have a Statistics option which opens another Form which I want to display the stats from the frmMain....How do I view the result on a different form?!?

I've tried the following code in the 2nd form...

Private Sub txtSessPlay_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtSessPlay.TextChanged
End Sub

I've also tried the following code in frmMain...

dealerCount = stats.txtSessDeal.Text.ToString()

dealerCount is the variable set to count the statistics and stats is the name of the second form...

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Populating A TxtBox Based On Combobox And A Lookup?

Feb 23, 2012

assist in the proper way to populate a value in a txtbox based on a combobox selection? I basically have a table (tblStudent) that has two fields (Range, Amt). The range records are 1-5,6-10,11-20,21-50, >50. Amt are 0 by default.

four more Tables

(tblPA,tblNY,tblNJ,tbMD) with 2 fields (pctgStud,amount) where prctgStud are

ranges (0, 1-10,11-25,26-50,51-100). Amount are 0 by default.

My form has a 5 simple comboBoxes that allows one of the ranges to be selected for each of them. I also have 5 txtBox relating to the corresponding (Amt) fields. How do I populate the textboxes with the related AMT based on the range selected from the comboBox. On a side note, I want to ultimately increment all the textbox values by one in the tables when submit is clicked.

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Reversing Text From A Txtbox And Putting It Into A Label?

Apr 18, 2011

Private Sub btnGo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click

Dim name As String = txt1.Text
Dim backwards As String
'backwards = name.Reverse


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Take The Data From A Radio Button To Store It In A Txtbox?

Jan 19, 2012

im trying to make program for laptops so you can pick the type of laptop you want how much ram, size of hard drive ect.but im not sure how to take the data from a radio button to store it in a txtbox?

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