- Use Abstract Classes In A 3-tier Solution?

Feb 1, 2012

My immediate issue is that currently I have a 3 tier solution (Presentation.aspx.vb calls BusinessLayer.vb which calls DataAccessLayer.vb). However, I want to make BusinessLayer and DataAccessLayer.vb abstract classes because several Webforms will use have the same functionality.

So I currently am doing this (no abstract classes):

'Presentation Layer (pseudocode)
public sub checkUser(byval userName as string, byval dept as string)
dim isGood as boolean = BL.checkUserAccess(userName, dept)


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C# :: Abstract Classes And ReadOnly Properties?

Jan 12, 2011

Let's have three classes;



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Pros And Cons Of Using Abstract Classes

Nov 18, 2010

I have been reading up on Abstract classes and am thinking about utilizing them in an upcoming project.

I would like to know the pros and cons of using abstract classes from someone who has actually used them.

Additionally, I would like to know if the abstract class needs to be in it's own project or if they should be defined in an existing project and used within the application.

View 1 Replies - How Are Classes Shared Between Projects In The Same Solution

Jan 29, 2011

Currently, I have a solution that contains two projects ( websites, FWIW). If I create a class in Project1, how do I expose it to Project2? Is it automatically available to Project2 because they are in the same solution? Or do I need to do something special to make the connection?

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IDE :: Referencing Solution-level Classes?

Feb 19, 2009

hello,if i have a solution with two projects, and add a class at the Solution-level, how do i reference that solution-level class within one of the two projects?

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Why Does Changing Solution Platforms Stop Partial Classes From Being Seen

Nov 18, 2010

There is an older version of the software which works fine on all of our deployment platforms, but the version I am trying to push out is working fine on 32-bit desktop installations, but is crashing-and-burning when it attempts to access Crystal Reports and Informix installed DLLs on a 64-bit machine, running terminal server sessions (yeah, I know, could I change anything more about the deployment platform?)One of the suggested avenues of investigation was changing the solution platform from "Any CPU" to x86.On attempting to do this, Visual Studio seems to stop being able to connect the partial classes constructed by XAML objects, with objects declaring that they have no "InitializeComponent" methods, and then failing on down the line until I reach the maximum number of errors.

Oddly, changing the solution platform, and then rebuilding in Expression Blend compiles just fine. Changing the platform back to AnyCPU makes the problem disappear. All projects have compile and debug configurations set to Active. I can't see any reason why simply changing the targeted platform would stop the XAML from generating partial classes Okay, it seems to be that there are some external DLLs to the project, and that those are the cause of what I'd call the first-level compilation failure, as they don't seem to contain any classes once the target platform has switched.In VS2008, this causes the cascading failure of absolutely nothing working at all, as described above, but at one point I somehow managed to import the project to VS2010 with only those errors in place (missing classes, etc.), without the rest of the project imploding.I'm now working on reconstructing those classes from those DLLs, and hopefully will be able to get together a project that will compile on multiple target platforms by the end of the day.

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VS 2010 Module With Multiple Classes Shows As A Windows Form In Solution Explorer

Mar 29, 2012

I am having this strange thing happen where I have a Module that contains multiple classes in my project. In the Solution Explorer, the module shows up as a Windows Form and if I double click on it to open it, it tries to open the Form Designer. What could be causing VS to think that it is a Windows Form instead of a module?


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Use LINQ To Filter Collection Of Nested Classes To Yield Dictionary Of Unique Properties Of Those Classes?

Jan 23, 2012

I have two classes, one nested in the other. [code]Neither "Name" or "ID" are unique between operations and records.I wish to construct a dictionary using LINQ = Dictionary(Of String, Of List(Of Integer), whereby the keys are uniqe examples of Names in my collection and the values are the collective set of distinct IDs that are associated with those names.

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VS 2010 Structure Classes So That The User Interfaces Though A Single Class While The Supporting Classes Are Hidden From Their View?

Jun 13, 2012

How can I structure my classes so that the user interfaces though a single class while the supporting classes are hidden from their view? I think its best understood in an example:

Public Class MyInterface
Public Economic as EconomicClass
Public Sub New()


So you might ask why am I even separating them? It's strictly for others who will be working with this interface. I need to funnel them though a logical structure:


This way everything is already handled for them in the background and they only need to run the method they need. I don't know if I can have it both ways in VB.NET.

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VS 2010 Calling Subs And Functions Within Classes That Are Within Classes?

Oct 24, 2009

Here is some example code of what I mean:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender as Object, e as systemEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Using Dll In C++ - Class Is Abstract?

Jan 6, 2010

I created a dll which I am using in an unmanaged c++ project.When I try to create an object of the class, I am getting an error:cannot instantiate abstract class.Why would my class be abstract? How can I modify it so that it won't be abstract?

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N- Tier Architure In .net?

Dec 7, 2011

I want to understand N-tier architecture and example of application for same.

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Abstract One By One Numbers From The Textbox

Sep 29, 2009

I am doing a project on abstract the numbers that i get from the datagridview to append it on the other textbox. Ok I elaborate more. I have 2 form which is form1 and form2. For the form1, the view is 2 textbox and a 'To' button. when click on the 'To' button, it is direct to form2 which is the datagridview. After selecting the selected numbers, it will display the numbers on the form1 of the one of the textbox. but the problem is I want to abstract one by one of the numbers and append it on the other textbox of the form1.

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Abstract One By One Of The Numbers From The Textbox?

Sep 29, 2009

I am doing a project on abstract the numbers that i get from the datagridview to append it on the other textbox. Ok I elaborate more. I have 2 form which is form1 and form2. For the form1, the view is 2 textbox and a 'To' button. when click on the 'To' button, it is direct to form2 which is the datagridview. After selecting the selected numbers, it will display the numbers on the form1 of the one of the textbox. but the problem is I want to abstract one by one of the numbers and append it on the other textbox of the form1.

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IDE :: Using XML Literals With Abstract Xml Types?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to use the builtin XML literals feature to create/read xml files using my own schemas, but I don't see a way to cast an abstract XElement from a base type to a more derived type.The schema/xml below shows in general what I'm working with, but using XML literals only allows me to use the base type in the IDE, so the xml below is treated as a collection of elements of the base type, instead one of the base type and one of the derived type.

<schema targetNamespace="Test" xmlns="Test">
<xs:complexType name="Base" abstract="true">
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:int">


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Derived Classes Cannot Raise Base Classes

Jul 10, 2009

I m trying to raise Click event of Textbox explictly but I m getting "Derived classes cannot raise base classes" error.[code]....

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3 Tier And Related Tables

Dec 14, 2010

I downloaded a 3 tier sample code , but that has no code for related tables, I am trying to complete this.

These are the tables and part of the sample code


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Build N-Tier Web Application?

Oct 14, 2009

Im trying to build my first N-Tier web application. And it seems like im doing it wrong. Ive been kinda working out of this book, but to me it doesnt seem like the right way to do this. In the book the guy builds User and Data centric objects but everywhere I see ntier everyone is always talking about BLL and DAL ive seen nothign on UC and DC objects.Right now I have Interfaces and serializable structures, user and data centric objects. The data centric object does all the validation and connecting to the db, as well as returns any violated rules, but when I once i started pulling it all together it just doesnt seem right.Ive already wrote a ____ load of code and now am kinda stuck. I dont know if i am doing this right and dont want to continue writing any code if this is all messed up.Ive been reading as much as humanly possible and im still just a little confused. I mean I understand the concepts of seperating the logic into different layers and tiers and all that but as far as my implementation of that I just feel somethings a bit off.

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Create An N-tier Application?

Dec 12, 2009

I have a solution and I want to divide it up into Business Tier, Data Tier, etc. I think I have to do this by creating a project that contains the data source, another with the forms, etc. Every time I try to add a new project, it literally opens a new project, seperate from the first.

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N Tier Development For Win Forms?

Apr 27, 2010

I usually create N Tier applications with ASP .Net applications as per the advice at ASP .Net (data tutorials). Recently ive tried to create an N Tier Windows Form database application and found the method im use to (i.e. ASP .Net) doesnt really work (unless i was doing something wrong).

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VS 2008 Creating An N-Tier?

May 20, 2009

I'm creating an N-Tier (or at least I think its N-Tier!) solution where I have the following:

WPF client side application (presentation layer)
WCF service hosted in a windows service (data access layer)
SQL database (data layer)

Now bearing in mind this is the first time I've tried to design anything like this, I might be going about it completely the wrong way...I've created 3 examples classes that would be my 'business objects' (im not quite sure where that fits in within the layers I listed above, because these business objects would be defined in a DLL that would be used by both the presentation layer and the data access layer). You can see them here:So then in my WCF service (data access layer) I would have methods like this that would be exposed to the WPF client:These are just examples but you get the idea. Is this the right way to do something like this?I saw one design that someone had posted somewhere that basically looked to me like it merged the Business Objects and the DAL together because in their class that represented an order, they had properties like you would expect for Order Number etc etc but then they also had methods like "GetOrders" within there too.I dunno I'm still very new to this type of design but I thought that the idea of the business objects was that they just represented business items, such as orders etc, so I thought they would just purely hold properties/fields and no methods or anything like that

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VS 2008 Two Tier Application Over The WAN?

Oct 16, 2011

i am on a project of two tier application with VB.NET + SQL server R2. except desk top applications i never done networked applications + i don't know

i require advise in few areas

(1) is the encryption required

(2) what are the security measures i must take in terms of connection security

(3) how to use the server effectively with out putting much burden through good client end design

(4) any other guide lines / pit falls

(5) should i continue with or must & should switch over to asp

(6) what should be the minimum configuration of client system,

(7) Preferable is the thin client systems , is it possible to use thin clients

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Abstract Class Be Better Than An Interface In The Following Case?

Mar 30, 2011

I have one interface that contains four functions. I have about 20 classes that implement this interface. Throughout each class, I see a lot of duplicate code, for example, there are constants declared at the beginning that are in every class. The method implementations (logic) of the interface are mostly the same.It contains duplicate structures. Is this a case where I can eliminate a lot of duplicate classes by implementing an abstract class instead of an interface. What I am striving for is too be able to put common methods from the abstract class as non-abstract methods and then methods that need their own implementation would be marked over-ridable. Can I put consts and structures in abstract classes? If so, that would eliminate a lot of duplicate code across the classes. Is there anything else I should look out for in the classes as a sign that I probably should be use an abstract class instead of an interface.

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Abstract Class Inside An Interface?

Sep 8, 2011

I'd like to make sure each of the subclasses has a certain nested class whose actual fields are up to the developer.

Nesting an abstract class inside the base abs. class doesn't seem to do the trick because during actual coding, both the nested abs. class and the nested class in the subclass both are available (show up in intellisense).

Having the base class implement an interface that includes a class doesn't work since interfaces only refer to methods that can be implemented, not classes (meaning implementing the interface requires implements methods, but says nothing about classes in the interface.

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Abstract Class Versus Interface?

Jan 31, 2011

understanding difference between an interface and an abstract class which has no function with implementation?which is better abstract cls or interface in term of speed, features..?

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C# - Abstract Class Over Interfaces In ADO.Net Environment

May 13, 2010

I am developing a web app but is not satisfied with is architecture that I am following. The architecture is plain old conventional 3 tier architecture. What i want is follow some design pattern or architecture that will be help me in decoupling my code.I have idea about MVC and MVP architectures for Web App but i need different from that. I want to use OOPS concepts using abstract classes and interfaces, polymorphism etc in my app but not MVC and MVP. I dont know why?

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C# - Difference Between MustInherit And Abstract Class?

Mar 4, 2011

explain to me the differences between an abstract class and a class marked MustInherit?

Both can implement shared and instance constructors and logic. Both can/must be inherited.

So why use one over the other and what is the difference?

Edit: Sincerely apologize I have got my languages mixed up. Will mark correct answer as soon as I am allowed.

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Caching Propertyinfo Of Abstract Class?

Jan 19, 2012

I've been playing around with implementing an abstract base class that using reflection accomplishes SQL to Object mapping.

I did some benchmarks and decided I wanted to implement a caching strategy for the property info of the objects (to prevent future lookups on them). My first instinct was to try and implement something like this.

Public MustInherit Class BaseModel
Implements IFillable
Private Shared PropertyCache As List(Of PropertyInfo)


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Cannot Create Instance Of Abstract Class

Mar 31, 2010

I am trying to compile the following code and i am getting the error[code]...

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Event Handling An Abstract Class?

Jul 6, 2010

Basically, I have a custom child form class which has events that will be passed to the parent. In the custom child form, I have a declaration of a "MustInherit" class that inherits the DevExpress User Control Class.

The reason for this, is I have many user controls that derive from this base class, and the child form can have an instance of any one of these controls, and doesnt care which. The only requirement is that the child form can handle the same events from each type of control the same way.

Some watered down code snippets(still pretty long unfortunately):
'''Inherited Class
Public Class ChildControlInheritedClass


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