Avoid Getting Empty Fileds In A Data Boud Combo Box?

Oct 18, 2010

How to avoid getting empty fileds in a data boud combo box?

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Avoid Getting Empty Fields In A Databound Combo Box?

Oct 18, 2010

How to avoid getting empty fields in a databound combo box?

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VS 2005 - Combo Box Boud To Database

Oct 19, 2011

With my combo box.For your info i have 4 combox box which bound to database. The probleam is if i choose one of the list item in 1st combo box then other second , third and forth combox box will display the same item. This is cause me a probleam because i am creating form for calculate price item. First combo box must have different item list from second, third and forth.For your info too all this combo box is connected to 1 table with column item name. Please advice or show me how i can make that if i choose one item list in first combo box then second , third and forth combo box can display with different list item .

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Avoid Error When Displaying Empty MS Access Fields In VB?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a database with lots of fields, some of which are still empty and are to be filled in at a later stage. Is there any way of writing an IF statement (or any other method) that will allow these empty records to be 'shown' in my textboxes in Visual Studio, without receiving the error:

Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid.

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Avoid Context Menu From Combo Box Control?

Aug 27, 2009

I want to avoid paste operation in combox box control. to suppress the system context menu for copy and paste, I did following steps1) Create a empty new context menu (just drag drop new context menu on the form)
2) Assigned newly created empty ContextMenuStrip to combo box ContextMenuStrip property. Is it the right way to avoid right click system context menu? is there any other way to do so?

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Avoid The Closing Of A Combo Box Popup Window In Datagrid

Jan 30, 2012

How To Avoid The Closing Of A Combo Box Popup Window In Datagrid? I was trying to block the closing of a custom combo box popup window in my custom DataGrid. The popup window comes by pressing F4 or ALT+DOWN keys which is getting closed if I press the down arrow for the first time after showing the first value in the combo box as selected. Next time onwards, if I press the F4 key and down arrow, I can move to any item in the popup window and select the item using keyboard and in that case, the popup window is not getting closed till I press the ENTER key or selection using the Mouse. Is there any specific reason for this behavior or something is missing in my code part?

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Combo Box Selected Item Is Null - Assign An Empty String To It Instead?

Dec 9, 2011

I have a property called ReplacementTo and I set a value to it based on the selecteditem from the combobox, like this:

classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString

Now I can't use cmbReplcmnt.Text because what I actually need is the value of that SelectedItem

So problem is, if the user leaves the combobox as blank, it throws a null exception.I decided to use the IIf function then:classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = IIf(IsNothing(cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString), classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = "", cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString)

Unfortunately I still get the error I tried using a Try-Catch for it and it worked, but I don't want to rely on the Try-Catch, so I was wondering is there a another way to work this through?

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Avoid Closing Of A Custom Combo Box Popup Window In A Custom Datagrid?

Jan 31, 2012

I was trying to block the closing of a custom combo box popup window in my custom DataGrid. The popup window comes by pressing F4 or ALT+DOWN keys in my datagrid which is getting closed if I press the down arrow for the first time, after showing the first value in the combo box as selected. Next time onwards, if I press the F4 key and down arrow, I can move to any item in the popup window and select the item using keyboard and in that case, the popup window is not getting closed till I press the ENTER key or selection using the Mouse. Is there any specific reason for this behaviour or something is missing in my code part? [code]...

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Avoid The Closing Of A Custom Combo Box Popup Window In A Custom Datagrid?

Sep 2, 2010

I was trying to block the closing of a custom combo box popup window in my custom DataGrid. The popup window comes by pressing F4 or ALT+DOWN keys which is getting closed if I press the down arrow for the first time after showing the first value in the combo box as selected. Next time onwards, if I press the F4 key and down arrow, I can move to any item in the popup window and select the item using keyboard and in that case, the popup window is not getting closed till I press the ENTER key or selection using the Mouse.

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Asp.net - Avoid Reloading All XML Data For Each Repeater?

Jan 26, 2011

I am trying to place a repeater within a repeater using xml data. I have it working exactly as I want, but the method I have used reloads the data for each repeater. I think I need to cast as an XmlNode but I'll be honest - I have no idea where to start. Here is my code - I'd like to keep everything in the code behind if possible.


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How To Avoid Replication Of Data In DataGridView

Jun 30, 2011

I am developing VB.Net application, here I am using DataGridView control to display data from database now it is displaying as follows
Emp no Emp name city Sal Description Salary
54 john NJ HRA 1000
54 john NJ DA 2500
54 john NJ BP 12500

But I need to display as follows
emp no emp name city Sal Description Salary Net Sal
54 john NJ HRA 1000
DA 2500
BP 12500 16000
Since emp no, emp name and city is repeated I need not to display it again and net salary too should be displayed in the third row by adding HRA+DA+BP.

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How To Avoid Data Redundancy When Copying Between Different DBMS

Oct 9, 2011

I'm planning to create an VB.net application for retrieving data from a database (MS Access) and store it to a web server (MySQL data base). I really have confusion in my mind. I'm planning to use task scheduler so that the program will automatically run. I'm planning to set the time every 5 minutes.How can I avoid the redundancy of data? For example, I'm planning to get the sales for 5 minutes, after 5 minutes I will do it again. I think there will be redundancy in that case.

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Avoid Webbrowser Data Copy, Paste To Word Or Notepad ?

Dec 15, 2011

How to avoid webbrowser data copy, paste to word or notepad in vb.net. Disable right click on webbrowser by using IswebbrowserContextmenuEnabled =false

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VS 2010 Caching Real-time Data To Avoid Crashing Chart?

May 10, 2011

- I'm working on a windows forms application (.NET 4.0). - My form contains a 'Fast Line' chart using the Microsoft chart control included in VS2010. - The chart gets filled with about 20,000 datapoints. - My application then starts receiving market data from a server via DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) in real-time and adds it the chart.

Note: I have no control over the server and so I have to deal with DDE only even though it's an outdated technology. VS doesn't support DDE anymore and so I use the Ndde library which works like a charm.

Private Sub StartDDE()
'first we connect to the DDE server:
Dim client As DdeClient = New DdeClient("ServerApplication", "Bid")


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Comparing Data In A Text File With Data In A Combo Box Collection

Apr 14, 2011

i need to be able to compare data from a text file with the collection of a combo box.My algorithm currently populates the combo box with data from the text file on the form load event.I have included an update button that updates the combo box collection.[code]

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Multiple Combo Boxes Showing Data From The Same Data Source?

May 10, 2010

I have 5 combo boxes that need to show the same list of items that come from a single dataset table. I have managed to bind the datatable to the combo boxes no problem at all.. but when I run the application and select an item from one of the combo boxes all the others change to the item I selected. After some research I believe that this problem is something to do with using the one datasource so I have tried assigning the dataset datatable to 2 different variables and used them as datasources for 2 of the comboboxes but the same still happens.

A work around to this I can see is to call the same methods and SQL select statements 5 times over to get individual datasources for each combo box but this doing that sounds crazy to me. how I can get around this easily? Code snippet below shows 2 combox boxes and their datasources. I'm using VS2005, .Net 2

ComboBox1.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
ComboBox1.DataSource = AllergyListDataSet.Tables("ListOfAllergies")
ComboBox1.DisplayMember = "Condition"


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Access Other Data Fields From Combo Box Data Source?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a combo box with a data source. This box shows one column of a table and allows me to select one item.Next, I have an ordinary text LABEL that I need to put text from another column of the item selected above.I tried to set the data binding field of the label, but this grabs only the first row or data and shows the selected column. That is nice, but I can not figure out how to update the selected selected ROW when the combo box item is changed.In this case the combo box lists a bunch of inventory parts. When I select a specific part, I need the change the text in a label to show the manufacturer. (like a sub-form). This same behavior will be used in several other places, but the relationships can cascade.

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Way To Create Empty Data Table / Update Its Contents Based On Columns Not Add Data Based On Addition Of New Rows

Apr 6, 2011

I am creating a project in VB.NET in which one of the reports require that the name of employees should be displayed as column names and whatever work they have done for a stated period should appear in rows below that particular column.Now as it is clear, the columns will have to be added at runtime. Am using an ODBC Data source to populate the grid. Also since a loop will have to be done to find out the work done by employees individually, so the number of rows under one column might be less or more than the rows in the next column.Is there a way to create an empty data table and then update its contents based on columns and not add data based on addition of new rows.

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JSON POST Data Is Empty

May 5, 2011

I have a Customer JSON object created which has value as below:[code]I need to get this data in the Handlers/CustomerHandler.ashx to do some DB operations.[code]

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C# - Empty Row Last Row Of Data In Gridview After Binding From XML?

Oct 25, 2011

I am trying to bind XML data into a gridview, after clicking the 'ButtonSaveToDataBase' button, the method will begin to read data from my gridview and load it into an array of my serializable class type and after that serialize it and finally store it into a XML type field in my SQL. The problem is When I call BindData() at the end of the serialization, it reads the XML from my database and successfully binded it but my gridview displays an empty row below my datas like this:


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ComboBox Data Look Empty Until Click

Oct 13, 2010

Data retrieve successfully in the combo box. But first look on combobox is look empty until i click the side button of combo box. I want that combobox show first line of data without click the side button.

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HTML Data Sent Through HttpWebRequest Is Empty When It Gets

May 2, 2011

I was doing cross-domain ajax calls from an HTML-only (no server programming) page, to a PHP backend on a different domain. I realized at one point that I couldn't do POST with cross-domain, so I figured I needed a local proxy. Unfortunately, PHP is not available on that domain so I have to resort to ASP.NET.So I built a very quick & dirty vb.net proxy... It works, except for one very important detail. If any of my form fields contain HTML, the data is not sent to PHP (or PHP doesn't receive it, I'm not sure). Actually, the $_POST variable exists, it's just empty all the time as soon as it contains what looks like html code, such as <p>. That same field, if it doesn't contain an HTML tag, will work fine and the data is passed on to the PHP page. [code]

Oh the PHP side, all I'm doing is $var = $_POST["htmldata"]; , and $var is always empty. I'd give an example of my PHP but I don't know that it's necerssary. $_POST["action"], for example, contains the correct action I'm expecting, so it's not the PHP code itself that's wrong.Well, if you encode the HTML so html entities are correctly passed on (not as <), it works!

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Delete Empty Cells In A Data Table

Jun 21, 2010

I'm binding data table to datagrid but i'm not sure how to delete the empty cells in that data table

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WinForm - Textbox Empty Reenter Data

Aug 19, 2009

I am using VB.net to create a simple winform. I have the option to save the data I input on that form. I am trying to prevent the user not to save the data if textbox10 is empty. I tried the 'while' loop but I go into an infinite loop. The code is below. The 'if' statement gives the error but allows the user to save.

While Len(Me.techniciansTextBox.Text) = 0
MessageBox.Show("Please Enter a Technician To continue")
End While

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Enable Tab Out From Empty Texbox When Adding New Data In VB 2010?

Jan 27, 2012

I am using visual studio 2010, service-based database. I created a simple table and created an edit form for that table. But when I save a row and then clear the text of a textbox (which holds a decimal value), it simply does not let me tab off the text box or save it. I put a ErrorProvider to see whats going on. It says "Input string was not in correct format". But I allowed this column to be null in my table. So how do I fix this error. And by the way, it does not happen for all text boxes.

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Possible To Only Display Actual Data Rather Than Whole Field Including Empty Characters?

May 14, 2010

I'm using the following to populate a listbox from a sql server:[code]Is Available returns true (It's a bit in sql) or false - Is it possible to replace this with something shorter, say a checkbox or tick image?Also, is it possible to only display actual data rather than the whole field including empty characters? I have a few nchar(30) fields, the above seems to include all 30 character spaces.

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Show Header / Footer Of Gridview With Empty Data Source?

Apr 26, 2010

How I can show header/footer of Asp.Net Gridview with empty data source?

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Using LINQ To Query XML And Return Empty String If No Data Is Present?

Mar 8, 2011

What I'm trying to do is to write a generic rss reader that I plug in any URL into without worry if the feed has all the common properties. For instance in my example below I'm looking for pubDate, however if no pubDate exists in the xml I'd like to return the current Date. I cannot seem to get the syntax right though.

Dim xmldoc As New XDocument
xmldoc = XDocument.Load(url)
Dim feeds = From feed In xmldoc.Descendants("item") Select New With { _


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Writing To Excel Document, Leaves Empty Cells Before Data?

May 11, 2009

I'm writing a VB.NET program (VS 2005) that reads data from an XML document and writes it into a column in an excel spreadsheet. It's working fine, except for the following: after the first run, all the data appears as expected - for example



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Get All The Data From A Combo Box ?

Oct 23, 2009

how do i get all the data from a combo box and transfer it all to a label with a "," (comma) in between each item?

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