Delete Empty Cells In A Data Table

Jun 21, 2010

I'm binding data table to datagrid but i'm not sure how to delete the empty cells in that data table

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VS 2005 : Delete Empty Row In Table?

Oct 16, 2011

i have 10 of empty row which doesnt not have any data, this is happen because i click to many insert button insert data. Please show me the coding should i use to delete my empty row. For you info i have table name is Bundle and 2 column which is name and type .

connection.ConnectionString = " Data Source=Danawa;Initial Catalog=Store;Integrated Security=True"


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Writing To Excel Document, Leaves Empty Cells Before Data?

May 11, 2009

I'm writing a VB.NET program (VS 2005) that reads data from an XML document and writes it into a column in an excel spreadsheet. It's working fine, except for the following: after the first run, all the data appears as expected - for example



View 1 Replies - Parse Data/numbers From Table Cells C#?

Dec 10, 2011

I have a string which contains html code from a webpage. There's a table in the code I'm interested in. I want to parse the numbers present in the table cells and put them in textboxes, each number in its own textbox. Here's the table:

<table class="tblSkills">
<th class="th_first">Strength</th><td class="align_center">15</td>
<th>Passing</th><td class="align_center">17</td>


As you can see there are 14 numbers. To make things worse numbers like 19 and 20 are replaced by images and numbers lower than 6 have a span class.

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Get Empty Cells In Datagrid?

Nov 19, 2009

Im using this code to populate a datagridview:

Private Sub PopGrid(ByVal Filename As String)
Dim ConnectionString As String = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};READONLY=FALSE;DriverId=790;Dbq=" & Filename & ";"
Dim Con As New OdbcConnection(ConnectionString)


But when i look at the grid, there is alot of empty cells that is NOT empty in the excelsheet.

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Way To Create Empty Data Table / Update Its Contents Based On Columns Not Add Data Based On Addition Of New Rows

Apr 6, 2011

I am creating a project in VB.NET in which one of the reports require that the name of employees should be displayed as column names and whatever work they have done for a stated period should appear in rows below that particular column.Now as it is clear, the columns will have to be added at runtime. Am using an ODBC Data source to populate the grid. Also since a loop will have to be done to find out the work done by employees individually, so the number of rows under one column might be less or more than the rows in the next column.Is there a way to create an empty data table and then update its contents based on columns and not add data based on addition of new rows.

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Adding DataGridViewRow Manually Causes Empty Cells?

Jan 6, 2012

This works:

DataGridView.Rows.Add("Bla Bla Bla", value1, value2)

But if I do:

Dim newrow As New DataGridViewRow
newrow.SetValues("Bla Bla Bla", value1, value2)
If Not value1.Equals(value2) Then


the entire row is empty.

Why is the row full of empty cells?

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Datagrid View Errors And Empty Cells?

Jun 8, 2009

I'm extracting data form a mysql using a huge query made up of three unions to searc on different tables for a telephone number. e.g. contacts, leads, etc.Iy workd perfectly in a sql tool and is well tested.When I run the query in visual studio, I get a result, two columns contaon the same image you get when a webpage image link is boken. These columns should contain a mobile phone number and an ID.Both are stored on mysql as varchars.No data is presented for these columns even though it exists with gaps

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VS 2008 Check If Datagridview Cells Are Empty?

Mar 4, 2011

I've been searching around a lot to figure this out. I found some code that sort of works:

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(CStr(Me.dgvList.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value)) Then
End If


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Can't Delete Row From Table Data (.sdf)

Jul 8, 2009

I'm adding records to the table which goes fine until... I want to delete a row. The first time it said that the row was "read only" now I'm getting:

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Delete Data From A Table ?

Jan 4, 2011

I wish to delete the contains of multiple tables, and I also wish to append the contain of table1 to table2 (both table1 and table 2 have the same exact fields and type).For the Delete, I have tried the following code and I have undefined errors for SqlCommand and CommandType.This is my code for deleting the contains of a table:

Dim queryString
String =
"DELETE FROM Buffer Table 1"[code].....

View 9 Replies

Delete Data That Have Same Id In Many Table Using VB ODBC?

Feb 10, 2012

Delete Data That Have Same Id In Many Table Using VB ODBC? I try this but it think it doesnt work[code]...

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Add/delete Data From A Specific Table In The Database?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a Form1 that is the main application form, that display certain data from a database. Then I have Form2 that add/delete data from a specific table in the database.My problem is, When I add data to the database, and save it, it work fine, But, it does not reflect on the main form, after I close Form2. Only when I exit the application, and open it again, it shows. Is there a setting or something I need to do to update/refresh the info added so I do not need to restart the application?

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Delete Data In Multiple Table With The Same Id In MySQL?

Feb 11, 2012

This is the Query:

DELETE FROM patientpersonal,patientmedical,patientdental
WHERE patientpersonal.'" & dpatientid & "' = patientmedical.'" &
dpatientid & "' AND patientpersonal.'" & dpatientid & "' = patientdental.'"


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Delete A Data Table In Access 2003 Database?

Dec 17, 2009

I am using vb2008 express to work an Access 2003 database. I want to use code to delete the table after I have used it and before I close the program. Is there any code to accomplishg this?

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Forms To Add Or Delete Quantity In A Field Og Ms Sql Data Table

Jun 16, 2011

How can use forms to add or delete quantity in a field og ms sql data table.. EG: like in stock, we hv to add purchased stock and deduct selled stock.

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Update, Delete Data In MS Access Table Which Method Is Professional?

Jun 15, 2012

Which method is professional to insert, update, delete data using either MS Access database or SQL database?

1) Using wizard to connect the database

2) Writing code manually such as


I need to insert data from one form (Collection_Form) to 2 database tables. Like, Collection form data to be added in the following 2 tables:

1) Customer_Account
2) Collection_Account

View 5 Replies

Delete Empty Row In Datagridview?

Oct 3, 2010

i have a Datagridview on my forum and when i Populate it it auto creates a empty row at the end of the grid... i have looked online and seen a few post about it but nothing seams to work... i have tryed...

DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = False

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VS 2010 Delete Top 1 - Delete A Number Of Records In A Table From The Last And Forward?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm trying to delete a number of records in a table from the last and forward. My idea is to use sql like this: delete top " & variable & " * from table where ID = something It gives me a general sytax error. Is it at all possible? Fuga. Edit: I also have the order by statement there. I just forgot to put it in the question.

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Why Does DELETE Not Delete Rows From Underlying Database Table

Feb 5, 2010

*WeightCheck is a dataset connected to a mdf SQL server file..Datagrid on form is bound to the dataset..This code executes because datagrid on form updates with the deletions..[code]

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C# :: Delete A Directory Having Subdirectory (not Empty)?

May 9, 2011

How can i delete a directory having subdirectory inside it which is not empty.

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Delete (almost) Empty Excel Rows?

May 27, 2009

I'am new in the VB world, and should translate excel sheets into new sheets.I'am using Visual Studio 2008 (with VB .net I think) and I'am trying to tackle empty rows deletion.Maybe an additional problem is, that some columns having a space (visualy the row is empty and should be deleted).[code]...

View 10 Replies

VS 2008 Delete Empty Folders?

Jun 16, 2010

ive been searching round the net but the only examples i can find are for vb6 which i know nothing about, i want to be able to scan a folder and all sub folders with in it and delete any folders which are empty.

This is all the code ive put together so far:

vb Dim folder2scan as string = Folderbrowser.selectedpath
If IO.Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(folder2scan).Length = 0 Then
End If

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Auto-delete Empty Item In Listobx?

Apr 29, 2012

I have a listbox that keep creating empty items due to appending text from a textbox that reads a text file. Could I have it just remove any empty items on startup?

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Scan And Delete Empty Folders Using 2008?

Jan 6, 2008

I am currently writing an application, where the user clicks a button, it scans for empty folders and then puts them in a listbox.The user can then then select the folders in the listbox and click delete. how to i get the scan button to find the empty folders?

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VS 2008 Listbox Delete Empty Lines?

May 11, 2009

ive been searching the whols google, and i couldnt find a ny solution.. i was wondering if someone here can help me out, i am loading a listbox items from a .txt files, and sometimes there are empty lines, there is a way i can delete them?

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Table And Word Wrapping In Cells?

Mar 22, 2011

Here is what we've been trying to do.

We have a button that loads up a form. It opens up a form and there is a Table. Its the history table. Well, the way this table is loaded is we run a function known as HistoryTableSelectSubset. Now, this has worked very fine! Not a problem.

This is our problem. We want three columns in this table. First, QueryDate (WORKS!). Second, SQL (WORKS!). Third, MYNEWCOLUMN (Fail). What we want in this third column is basically the SQL column but with it all word wrapped.

So, instead of seeing only the first line of the SQL on the table if it is written like this:


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Save Data In Table First Delete Record Then Insert Record

Dec 3, 2011

I use This Code To Save Data in Table First I delete record Then Insert record

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Getting Bookmarks In Individual Cells Not From Whole Row In Word Table?

Aug 1, 2008

I am having trouble with automatically filling a table in word from a app - i use bookmarks in the next top row to determine what data should be inserted into the columns of my tables. However, i am having trouble in getting the individual cells bookmarks and get all the bookmarks from the row instead. This is fine if i have one bookmark in each column as i can use the 3rd bookark and assume that is from the 3rd column, but if i were to have 2 bookmarks in one column, how would i know which column it was that contained the 2 bookmarks?Here is my code that returns all bookmarks for the row even though i am selecting a single cell; and therefore using bookmarks(1) - always the same bookmark(the one in the leftmost


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Forms :: Getting Error Populating The Table Cells Into Listview?

Nov 7, 2009

Here is the code I am playing around I am getting error populating the table cells into my listview. In my codes it is always add only in one cloumn in my lv.

Private Sub DumpTables()
Dim t, c As Integer ' Used to count tables and cells.
Dim IWebDocument As HTMLDocument


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