Auto-delete Empty Item In Listobx?

Apr 29, 2012

I have a listbox that keep creating empty items due to appending text from a textbox that reads a text file. Could I have it just remove any empty items on startup?

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Remove An Array Item By Selecting An Item From Listobx And Press Remove/delete Button?

Jul 18, 2012

How can i remove an array item by selecting an item from listobx and press remove/delete button?for an example, if i want remove index 2 from listbox, so the array should remove index 2 item and move the item of index 3 to index 2 and so on.

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Forms :: Command To Auto Remove Item From Combobox If Item Is Blank?

Apr 3, 2011

I have used the command:

For Each Proc as process in process.getprocesses

to populate a combo box with the list of current process windows, however for every process that doesnt have a main window title there is a blank space, is there a way that I could tell it to not insert the item if it's mainwindowtitle field is blank?

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Auto-select Treeview Item By Item Name?

Jul 26, 2011

i have a treeview with 8 Root items, my program needs to add items to the treeview without me selecting the proper root or item, the root items have been coded so they cannot be deleted, but i'm not sure how to get the software to place data in a particular root by what its name is. when you add children the indexs change so im not sure where to begin. heres an example


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Delete Selected Listbox1 Item And Listbox2 Item With Same Value?

Mar 1, 2012

I am making a password program that remembers what the password is for and what the password is. I have two listboxes: 'listbox1' for what the password is for, and 'listbox2' for the password. I also have a remove button. I would like it so when you press the remove button, the selected item in listbox1 is removed and the password in listbox2 is also deleted. The passwords are stored in two settings: what, and pw. The items that will be deleted will have the same value. By value i mean they will be the same number item. E.G. the 1st item, or the 3rd item in the list.


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Delete Empty Row In Datagridview?

Oct 3, 2010

i have a Datagridview on my forum and when i Populate it it auto creates a empty row at the end of the grid... i have looked online and seen a few post about it but nothing seams to work... i have tryed...

DataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = False

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Delete Item From List Box Select Next Available Item?

May 14, 2012

how whould I go about deleteing an item from a listbox and it will select the next available know like the treeview control selects the next node if you delete one.

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C# :: Delete A Directory Having Subdirectory (not Empty)?

May 9, 2011

How can i delete a directory having subdirectory inside it which is not empty.

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Delete (almost) Empty Excel Rows?

May 27, 2009

I'am new in the VB world, and should translate excel sheets into new sheets.I'am using Visual Studio 2008 (with VB .net I think) and I'am trying to tackle empty rows deletion.Maybe an additional problem is, that some columns having a space (visualy the row is empty and should be deleted).[code]...

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VS 2005 : Delete Empty Row In Table?

Oct 16, 2011

i have 10 of empty row which doesnt not have any data, this is happen because i click to many insert button insert data. Please show me the coding should i use to delete my empty row. For you info i have table name is Bundle and 2 column which is name and type .

connection.ConnectionString = " Data Source=Danawa;Initial Catalog=Store;Integrated Security=True"


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VS 2008 Delete Empty Folders?

Jun 16, 2010

ive been searching round the net but the only examples i can find are for vb6 which i know nothing about, i want to be able to scan a folder and all sub folders with in it and delete any folders which are empty.

This is all the code ive put together so far:

vb Dim folder2scan as string = Folderbrowser.selectedpath
If IO.Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(folder2scan).Length = 0 Then
End If

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Delete Empty Cells In A Data Table

Jun 21, 2010

I'm binding data table to datagrid but i'm not sure how to delete the empty cells in that data table

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Scan And Delete Empty Folders Using 2008?

Jan 6, 2008

I am currently writing an application, where the user clicks a button, it scans for empty folders and then puts them in a listbox.The user can then then select the folders in the listbox and click delete. how to i get the scan button to find the empty folders?

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VS 2008 Listbox Delete Empty Lines?

May 11, 2009

ive been searching the whols google, and i couldnt find a ny solution.. i was wondering if someone here can help me out, i am loading a listbox items from a .txt files, and sometimes there are empty lines, there is a way i can delete them?

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Adding An Empty, Hidden, Button As The Last Item On The Tabindex ?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a calculator like program which has a function to export a string ('StringBuild') to notepad .The process start OK but it has a funny problem. When I run Process.Start it also keept running a sub that I had linked to one of the calculator buttons.I played around with the code but now it runs a hyperlink that I have on the calculator. I even tried adding an empty, hidden, button as the last item on the tabindex to see if that would work but it hasn't.


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Set Background Color Of Datalists Empty Item Cell?

Apr 28, 2009

How can i set the background color for datalist empty items

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Combo Box Selected Item Is Null - Assign An Empty String To It Instead?

Dec 9, 2011

I have a property called ReplacementTo and I set a value to it based on the selecteditem from the combobox, like this:

classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString

Now I can't use cmbReplcmnt.Text because what I actually need is the value of that SelectedItem

So problem is, if the user leaves the combobox as blank, it throws a null exception.I decided to use the IIf function then:classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = IIf(IsNothing(cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString), classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = "", cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString)

Unfortunately I still get the error I tried using a Try-Catch for it and it worked, but I don't want to rely on the Try-Catch, so I was wondering is there a another way to work this through?

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Reading TXT File And Display Into ListBox Generate Empty Item

Aug 19, 2009

I am reading a txt file and displaying the contents into a listbox but it generates an empty listbox item at the bottom of the listbox. I am splitting the textfile each time it finds a new line in the txt file;
The problem there is always a blank line in the txt file at the end and so generates a blank list item. How can I remove this blank list item from the listbox? Is it best to try to remove the blank line from the txt file first or the empty list item from the listbox after the file has been read?

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Auto Generate Item ID

Oct 15, 2011

Generating item codes for my inventory system became complex when the panel said that this must be the format of the generated ID number: "CATEGORY-ITEMNAME-ITEMINDEX" For example: School Supplies - Coupon Bond short- Second Item in the database would result to an item ID : SCS-CBS-002.

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Insert/Update/Delete Access With Auto-Number?

Oct 18, 2010

I am having Syntax Error problem with the Insert and Update statement on using VB and Access that is having an AutoNumber that works also as Primary Key, the below is my code for it. I can do the insert if there is no Auto Number but if it does have, my code is not working. For my delete, when i RUN the below code, it wipes out all my my data inside my

Dim strsql2
As String = ("update visa_block set(@utilized, @balance) where @id")


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VS 2010 Auto-delete Chrome History On Startup?

Jun 30, 2011

where Google Chrome history is stored? I would like to make a console application that runs on startup that empties the file. I doubt it is plain text, most likely xml, so I would like a few code snippets as I have never worked with xml before.

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VS 2010 - Labels - Picture - Blank Item, Or Empty Space, A Control Has Failed To Draw Of Something

Nov 2, 2011

Everywhere in this picture you see a blank item, or empty space, a control has failed to draw of something. In this case they are all textboxes.


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Deployment - Auto-update - How To Delete Current File And Replace

Nov 16, 2006

how I can develop an Auto update for my application? I know how to download the new file but how can I delete the current file and replace it with the new at the moment that the old file is running?

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Auto Numbering - Adding New Item (Database)

Jun 3, 2011

I am using the vb 2005 to create an application and I created a database from the vb by adding a new Item (Database). I want to know how can I make the id which is a number, to take an auto number and not to have to enter it with my insert statement. I know in oracle I use a sequence and in access I use Auto Number as a type for the field, I want something like this here.

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VS 2008 Auto-Select First Item In Listbox?

May 8, 2009

I need help Auto-selecting the first item in my listbox (listbox1). Doesn't sound too difficult but seem to be having a hard time with it.

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How To Exclude An FxCop In Source When Item Is Auto-generated

Nov 14, 2009

For example:Public Event CurrentChanged As EventHandler(Of CurrentChangedEventArgs(Of T))Shows the message "Do not nest generic types in member signatures." on CurrentChangedEvent, which is the variable that holds the delegate for the event, and VB generates it automagically.How do I suppress the rule for the item?

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ListView And Labels On Form - Auto Select New Item?

Apr 18, 2012

I have a listview and labels on my form. When the user clicks on the label the labels text displays in the listview. And the first item in the listview is selected. But when I click on another label the text is displayed as the 2nd item in the listview but it is not selected.

Attached is the code for a couple of labels.
Private Sub Label49_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label49.Click
Dim intIndex As Integer
For intIndex = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count + 1
Next intIndex
[Code] .....

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Delete An Item From An Array?

Aug 10, 2010

How can I delete an item from an array in VB.NET?

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Delete Item From ListBox?

Mar 28, 2009

How to delete a selected Item from ListBox?

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Delete Item On Listview?

Feb 14, 2009

Provide me a code of how to delete the selected item on the listview. The idea is very simple but I'm just beginning here on

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