Deployment - Auto-update - How To Delete Current File And Replace

Nov 16, 2006

how I can develop an Auto update for my application? I know how to download the new file but how can I delete the current file and replace it with the new at the moment that the old file is running?

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Deployment :: Set Auto-update Itself From The Internet

Apr 15, 2009

I am writing a program which I need to auto-update itself from then internet, must be internet not intranet. My first thoughts were to use a FTP server and do it using that however I have a website and unlimited of pratically everything. My question is. Which way is best? and also How would I set about doing it?

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Insert/Update/Delete Access With Auto-Number?

Oct 18, 2010

I am having Syntax Error problem with the Insert and Update statement on using VB and Access that is having an AutoNumber that works also as Primary Key, the below is my code for it. I can do the insert if there is no Auto Number but if it does have, my code is not working. For my delete, when i RUN the below code, it wipes out all my my data inside my

Dim strsql2
As String = ("update visa_block set(@utilized, @balance) where @id")


View 1 Replies - Clicking Link To Replace Current Frameset Contained In Current Window

Dec 28, 2011

I have following link in a.aspx file:

<a href="a.htm" target="iframe">A</a>

I want to set link from a.aspx.vb page according to what person is viewing the page. How can i change this so that if user clicks on link it will replace current frameset contained in current window with a url provided according to user?

Or in another way:

How will i replace href code in aspx page by giving it value from aspx.vb page?

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Recovery File System - Return Any File Delete Or Replace

Apr 13, 2009

I have Project i need to recovery file System . And some information who Create that file , deleting , replace , Modifying . I need also return any file delete or replace .

View 2 Replies - Update / Delete The Table Records In ASPNETDB.MDF In Single Update / Delete Query?

Nov 29, 2010

I want to know how to Update / delete the table records in ASPNETDB.MDF in single update / delete query ?

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XML File - Create / Update And Delete Data?

May 10, 2010

I need to make a CRUD application using the XML and How to create, write, read, update, delete the data only using XML file and

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Add, Delete, Update, Of Ms Access Database File In VB 2008?

Jan 15, 2011

how i can add, delete, edit, update data of ms access file using visual basic 2008

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Using Windows Service To Create,Update,Delete CSV File Using C#?

Sep 11, 2011

I am creating a windows service to save current username and logon time in a CSV file. But when I install the service, the file is just created, not details are written to it, and that file is set to read-only mode. what is the problem in my code?

My code:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text


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Replace / Delete Imageres.dll In System32 Golder In Vista / 7 - Access Is Denied With System32 File

Jul 28, 2010

I want to replace/delete imageres.dll in system32 golder in vista/7 from Note : that i have taken ownership of file with cmd in windows 7. And also note when i delete the file from windows explorer it gets deleted successfully but when i do it with it failes


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Deployment :: Adding A Folder With The Current Username?

Dec 15, 2009

I would like to know how to create/add a folder when installing the application using the Setup and Deployment in

I have tried [TARGETDIR][USERNAME], but the target folder name that gets created seems its adding the Domain nameUsername, and this is where it stops where it only created the folder with the Domain Name.

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VS 2010 Auto Update Application Via A File Location Path & Pausing Splash Screen?

Jan 8, 2011

1. Just looking for some general help on how to auto update my application via a file location path (e.g. I have a HTML file containing the current file version and the .exe file to download)

What I need is to read in the HTML file version - DONE Check file version vs HTML file stream input - DONE Replace current .exe file with new .exe file - HAVING ISSUES WITH THIS

I know I have to close the application and then replace the old exe file with the new exe file then restart the application but looking for the best/safest way this can be done

2. Basically what I want is during my Splash screen which runs for 5 seconds I want to check if a network drive is mapped.

if not, pause splash screen ask user for address of drive, map drive then un-pause splash screen and continue with load how do I check if a network drive is mapped? and how do I pause the splash screen?

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Create Insert,update,delete Query By Using Class File And Store Procedure?

Jun 5, 2011

My question is How can i create insert,update,delete query by using class file and store procedure. This query is use for 3 tier.

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Deployment :: Deployment Of SQLEXPR32.EXE Using Template.ini File

Feb 24, 2009

I am deploying sql express as a prerequisite. I have created a custom prerquisite using bootstrap manifest generator. The problem I have is replacing the template.ini file which exists in the sqlexpr32.exe cab file. Winrar and winzip allow me to open the sqlexpr32.exe but will not allow me to edit, add or replace the template.ini.I also cannot find the path where the sqlexpr32.exe extracts to as I want to use that path for the settings file eg "template.ini".[code]

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Open A CSV File Update Some Rows, Columns, Delete Some Rows And Save It As Another CSV File?

Aug 25, 2011

I have a csv file. I need to open it, delete whole row on basis of a column value, Update few of the column values and save the file as .dat file. I am using 2010

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Update Program After Deployment?

Apr 27, 2009

After a program is deployed and distributed to users, what is the best way to have an update? New distribution or a patch? How to make a patch that only modifies some methods in a large poroject?

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Delete And Replace Registry Key?

Apr 14, 2009

I ve two buttons and i want to assign a one button to delete a registry key om click event and second button to replace that key how its possible?

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How To FileInfo Before, Delete Or SHIFT + DELETE, Process Final Delete Of File

Feb 13, 2011

How can be find out which file is going to delete when, user provides command like DELETE or SHIFT + DELETE or by programmatically gives DELETE command. Well I know about FileSystemWatcher Class, but this class doesn't provide information before delete...

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Replace (or Just Delete) The " Char?

Mar 6, 2010

IN I want to replace (or just delete) the " char. The problem is that i can't. Here is the example

TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.Replace (""", "")

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Use ClickOnce Deployment On My Application To Get The Update Feature?

Dec 21, 2009

I use ClickOnce Deployment on my application to get the update feature.But i really do not like the deployment and the setup Is their a way I can use the Visual Studio setup feature to make a msi package for my application but still have the update feature?

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Delete A Current Row From DataGridView

Mar 15, 2012

I want to know how to delete a current row from DataGridView and this will automatically deleted from my database (MySQL)

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Delete The Current Row In The Datagridview2?

Nov 2, 2011

I had datagridview2 which the record inside just added from another datagridview1,

Then i want to delete the current row in the datagridview2.

I try use the coding

but it show me error after delete 2 row.

the error is out of range.

View 6 Replies

Office Auto-mation :: How To Replace Table With Chart In Slide.Shape

Apr 21, 2009

I want to use VB .Net to remove a table from an EXISTINGpowerpoint Slide Shape and replace it with a chart withoutdeleting the shape or adding a new shape. Presently using
Copy() and Paste() to place Chart in new Shape.

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Can Get TextBox1's Auto-complete Suggestion To Come From TextBox2's Current Text

Dec 10, 2011

I've got a basic email application set up, and I'd like the "To" field (TextBox1) to be an autocomplete textbox.I'd also like the user to be able to edit what their contacts are, and so be able to add named to the autocomplete suggestions.I can get TextBox1's autocomplete suggestion to come from TextBox2's current Text - however this means I can only have one name as a suggested contact.Ideally, something like a list box would be ideal, so the user can add and remove names, and this list would then provide the source for the autocomplete.

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Using Replace Function To Replace A Character In The File?

Jul 7, 2011

I am using replace function to replace a character in the file

sw.WriteLine(Regex.Replace(strLine, "\", Chr(13)))

This code is working fine, but now I want to replace two times and I want to use the replace function twice. Something like this, but it is not working . Can anyone tell me how to use Replace function multiple times?

sw.WriteLine(Regex.Replace(strLine, "\", Chr(13)).Replace(strLine, Chr(13), ""))

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Deployment :: ClickOnce App Not Update If Passed Command Line Arguments

Jul 9, 2009

I have a ClickOnce application deployed to many workstations in my office. On it's first run it adds a registry key to the HKCU run group that adds itself with a "-minimize" argument. On each login the program starts and seeing the command line argument minimizes itself. However when a update is published the program does not update. If the program is run from its menu shortcut without arguments it runs fine. I then looked up how to update programmaticaly and put that code into my program to run at startup.

But my.application.isnetworkdeployed returns False when command line arguments are passed to the app and TRUE when run without command line arguments even though in both cases it is network deployed. Since my program starts up with command line arguments and stays minimized while the computer is on there is no reason for a user to close the program and reopen it through a menu item but as of right now that's the only way the program updates. Is this a bug or how ClickOnce is supposed to work?

Example: Create a new program. On the form add a textbox. In the Form load event put something like:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
TextBox1.Text = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath.ToString & "" & My.Application.Info.AssemblyName & ".exe"
MsgBox("Is my app network deployed?: " & My.Application.IsNetworkDeployed)
End Sub

Deploy the app. Start it with a menu item and it returns True. Start it with any command like argument (use the path from the box) and it returns false. Why? How is that possible? The app didn't magically become non network deployed because it was passed a command line argument.

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Deployment :: Make Patch Maker Binary Differential Update?

Feb 22, 2010

any1 has any ideas on how to code a patch maker, (binary differential update) so when i run my patch maker, it output a program (*.exe) that will update files on another machine or local machine, assuming that old files to be updated to a new file having the same data in result;

and also the output patcher should be smaller in size (compressed)currently wad i could think of is a very very simple one but totally useless and not efficient and result large file size patch

1. where mine is read both file data
2. is both byte the same ?
3. [if not same ----> write down the marker value in outputfile1 and byte value in outputfile2]
3. [if same ----> do nothing]
4. read byte if available
5. (marker + 1)

the marker value is how many byte have been advanced so with resulting patcher will read those marker values to advance to the file address (which is the position number) and update accordingly to its byte value outputfile1 is marker values, outputfile2 is byte values corresponding to outputfile1 marker value to advance to the byte position

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Delete The Current Record Datagridview Using Adodb?

Aug 18, 2009

how to delete the current record datagridview using adodb in is my code:

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdDelete.Click


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Add Folder To Current Users Mymusic Folder During Setup Deployment

May 14, 2010

How to add folder to the current users mymusic folder during setup deployment?

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Delete Or Unload Current PDF From Reader Plugin In WebBrowser?

Nov 25, 2009

Background: I am creating PDF with PrinceXML.I want to adjust the tracking on a paragraph in the PDF. So I select a unique piece of text, match it in the starting document, add a tracking attribute to the text, and re-create the PDF using PrinceXML.I have to delete the current PDF in order to create the revised PDF.When I was using the AxAcroPDF1 control in VB.NET all I needed to do was

1) If File.Exists(sPDFoutputName) Then File.Delete(sPDFoutputName)

Now I am trying to do the same thing but instead of using the AxAcroPDF control I am trying to do it with WebBrowser [Why am I doing this? Adobe places a burden on the developer to maintain a list of who has the program (Reader) to comply with US export law. This is an unacceptable requirement for the program.]

2)WebBrowser1.Navigate(sPDFoutputName + "#" + sPDFargument)

I want to jump to the same page that I was on so set the page to open in the sPDFarguement variable.Now when my program tries to delete as in #1 above I get error message that file is locked/in use.Question: How do I unload/close/unlock file in the webbrowser so I can delete it?The closest idea that I have found that almost works is to copy the xxxPDF to another file: displayPDF and only display the latter.With this I can delete and recreate a new xxxPDF. The problem again hits me when I try to delete the displayPDF. I have also tried to navigate to a dummyPDF but still displayPDF remains locked.

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