Delete Or Unload Current PDF From Reader Plugin In WebBrowser?

Nov 25, 2009

Background: I am creating PDF with PrinceXML.I want to adjust the tracking on a paragraph in the PDF. So I select a unique piece of text, match it in the starting document, add a tracking attribute to the text, and re-create the PDF using PrinceXML.I have to delete the current PDF in order to create the revised PDF.When I was using the AxAcroPDF1 control in VB.NET all I needed to do was

1) If File.Exists(sPDFoutputName) Then File.Delete(sPDFoutputName)

Now I am trying to do the same thing but instead of using the AxAcroPDF control I am trying to do it with WebBrowser [Why am I doing this? Adobe places a burden on the developer to maintain a list of who has the program (Reader) to comply with US export law. This is an unacceptable requirement for the program.]

2)WebBrowser1.Navigate(sPDFoutputName + "#" + sPDFargument)

I want to jump to the same page that I was on so set the page to open in the sPDFarguement variable.Now when my program tries to delete as in #1 above I get error message that file is locked/in use.Question: How do I unload/close/unlock file in the webbrowser so I can delete it?The closest idea that I have found that almost works is to copy the xxxPDF to another file: displayPDF and only display the latter.With this I can delete and recreate a new xxxPDF. The problem again hits me when I try to delete the displayPDF. I have also tried to navigate to a dummyPDF but still displayPDF remains locked.

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VS 2010 : Creating New AppDomain To Load/unload Plugin Dll's?

Dec 29, 2011

I'm in the process of trying to create a new appdomain to load plugin dll's, then unload the new appdomain so I can update the plugin dll's without having to exit the main application. There are many, many examples out there and it looks like it should be fairly straightforward, however I'm having a problem where the main application is loading the plugin dll's along with the new appdomain. Of course this is a problem because I cannot overwrite the plugin dll's if they live in the main appdomain. Based on the examples I've seen the code below should only load the plugin dll into the new appdomain, however for some reason it also loads into the main appdomain.

Dim oDomain As AppDomain = Nothing
Dim oSetup As New System.AppDomainSetup()
With oSetup


The IDPAPlugin interface is in a seperate project that both the plugin dll and the main application reference.

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Unload/Force Delete Dll File On Exit?

Nov 23, 2009

Im trying to delete a file on closing a form, but am unable, as the file is still in use.

Private Sub Main_Unload(ByVal Cancel As Integer)
If System.IO.File.Exists("Mydll.dll") = True Then
End If

Is there a way to unload this dll file or force a delete as the file is no longer needed when the program is closed.

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Make A Way For Webbrowser To Be Able To Add Plugin?

Aug 11, 2009

make a way for my webbrowser to be able to add plug in?

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Show Another Form And Unload The Current Form ?

Oct 14, 2009

i used to write the code to show another form and unload the current form it always told error on UNLOAD unload me Do i have to use the code :


or is there another suggestions

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Unload Method And Query Unload?

Jun 16, 2010

VB 6.0
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
VB.NET 2008
VB 6.0
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
VB.NET 2008

is VB.Net supported this two events ?

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VS 2005 Strea Reader/Writer Delete Line

Dec 6, 2010

I have a program that reads a text file tab delimted using OLEDb .I need to be able to allow the user to insert a user created record into the file which I can do.

The problem is I need to be able to let the user edit that record. From my understanding you can not edit or delete with OLEDB only insert So I thought I would read the file using stream reader, find the line I want to edit and just delete it, rewrite the file, then let the user insert a new record

If someone has a better way to perform this operation I am open its just the best way I could find with my limited knowledge and the reading and researching I have been doing thus far.

So I am trying to step-by step and first read the file which seems to work then find the line that would need to be deleted. So I was trying to use the
line.startswith method. I am using msgbox to see if that works before I continue but it doesnt seem to work I know my file has several lines starting with "Active" but my msgbox returns "False"

Here is the code I have so far


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Delete A Current Row From DataGridView

Mar 15, 2012

I want to know how to delete a current row from DataGridView and this will automatically deleted from my database (MySQL)

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Delete The Current Row In The Datagridview2?

Nov 2, 2011

I had datagridview2 which the record inside just added from another datagridview1,

Then i want to delete the current row in the datagridview2.

I try use the coding

but it show me error after delete 2 row.

the error is out of range.

View 6 Replies

Delete The Current Record Datagridview Using Adodb?

Aug 18, 2009

how to delete the current record datagridview using adodb in is my code:

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdDelete.Click


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Find The Current Url Of The Webbrowser?

Apr 12, 2012

i am wondering if there is a code that does this:


i need to find the current url of the webbrowser so i can do things if the webbrowser is a spesific website

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Deployment - Auto-update - How To Delete Current File And Replace

Nov 16, 2006

how I can develop an Auto update for my application? I know how to download the new file but how can I delete the current file and replace it with the new at the moment that the old file is running?

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Changing Current URL In WebBrowser On Button Press?

Jun 4, 2011

So like this. Textbox1 has this text [URL]. I want it on a button press it will change any urls
With Http://www .
To http://m .
At the end after button press it will be [URL]

Also I need it on button press to change the current url in the webbrowser1
From: [URL]
To: [URL]

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VS 2008 Download 'Webbrowser' Current Sourcecode

Dec 2, 2009

I would download sourcecode like "WebClient.DownloadString("SITE")"But without Webclient is that possible?

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VS 2008 Getting Current Url Of Webbrowser And Converting To String?

Mar 31, 2010

I need to get the url of the web browser (check what website it is on) and then convert it to string so it can go in a textbox or wherever.

View 11 Replies

Find The Current Level Of Zoom In A Webbrowser Control?

Dec 5, 2010

I am trying to find the current level of zoom in a webbrowser control. I know how to zoom but the same doesn't work for retrieving the current level of zoom. I am trying the following: VB.NET Syntax (Toggle Plain Text )

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Get Favicon Of Current Website When A Webbrowser Has Finished Navigating

Apr 27, 2010

I've got a webbrowser. It's prettey advanced, given that I've spent quite a lot of time coding it, and here is my code which will get the Favicon of the current website when a the webbrowser has finished navigating:

frmBrowser.BrowserTabs.SelectedTab.Icon = Controller.GetFavicon(Me.Url.Host & "/favicon.ico")

Sometimes, a user has switched tabs before the webbrowser has finished navigating. So my question is: Is there any way in which I can determine what tab the favicon belongs to and set it to that tab, rather than just setting the favicon to the selected tab?

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VS 2005 : Get The Current Web Page's Source In .net's Webbrowser Object?

Mar 26, 2009

In VS2005, how could you get the current web page's source in's webbrowser object? I need to load a webpage up, and then grab everything out of the header and body tags, and then I want to replace some text inside of those tags, and then reshow the page with the updated source.

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Launch An Application Called Foxit Reader Pdf Reader?

May 18, 2011

I want to launch a application called Foxit Reader pdf Reader .I know System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(path) can do it but . Requirements are Foxit Reader should be installed on machine.Now if it is installed how to serarch for the path of its Executable to provide the parameter as I can not hardcode the path for different machines.

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[2008] Send POST Data To Current Webpage In Webbrowser

Mar 1, 2009

I wanna send POST data to the current web page viewed in my webbrowser. It's for logging into a page so the fields are "Username" and "Password". And then I might have to make it press the "Log in" button?

EDIT: It was easier than I thought when you don't need to do it silent in the background.

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("username").SetAttribute("Value", txtPassword.Text)WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("password").SetAttribute("Value", txtPassword.Text)

Now I just need to figure out how to press the submit button

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Printing A PDF Using FoxIt Reader Or Adobe Reader?

Feb 28, 2012

I am having an issue with both Adobe Reader and FoxIt Reader when trying to print a PDF document. Both issues are different but a solution to either one will allow me to fix my issue.The issue I am having with Adobe Reader when trying to print using the following code is that it will not print it to the network printer I specify but just the default printer.

Dim AdobeReader As New Process
AdobeReader.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = False
AdobeReader.StartInfo.Verb = "print"


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Delete Cookies From Webbrowser Control?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm trying to delete cookies from my webbrowser control with this code: Form1.WebBrowser1.Document.Cookie.Remove(0, (Form1.WebBrowser1.Document.Cookie.Count - 1))
I think this works (not sure how to check) but if my webbrowser doesn't have ANY cookies yet, it shows this error: System.ArgumentNullException was unhandled

So basically, If my code is correct, I need some sort of error handling to check that there are cookies (if that is the issue?). I tried this code but it shows the same error: If Form1.WebBrowser1.Document.Cookie.Count > 0 Then

Form1.WebBrowser1.Document.Cookie.Remove(0, (Form1.WebBrowser1.Document.Cookie.Count - 1)) End If

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Delete File Loaded In WebBrowser?

Jul 23, 2009

I have ListBox with list of pdf files. On the side of windows form I have webbrowser control that shows selected in list pdf file, using Webbrowser1.navigate(path) method.I want to give to user option to delete selected file. When I try it using system.IO.File.Delete(filepath) method I am getting error: file is being used by another process. Delete works fine without Webbrowser preview,

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Delete Only The Cookies Create By Webbrowser?

Aug 1, 2009

Suppose I have webbrowser in mine form..Is it possoble to capture only the cookies create by mine webbrower..suppose before starting the project,in mine cookies folder there are cookies names cookie1 & cookie2....Suppose after the project run.cookies created by mine project are named cookie3 & cookie4...I want to delete cookie3 & cookie4 only..

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Delete Only The Cookies Created By Webbrowser?

Aug 1, 2009

Suppose I have webbrowser in mine form..Is it possoble to capture only the cookies create by mine webbrower..suppose before starting the project,in mine cookies folder there are cookies names cookie1 & cookie2....Suppose after the project run.cookies created by mine project are named cookie3 & cookie4...I want to delete cookie3 & cookie4 only.

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Delete Webbrowser Cookies In Use (Index.dat)?

Jan 20, 2011

I been trying to do this for days can't find a way to do that,ok so for example if you ahead and login into navigate somewhere like ""

clear cookies with something like For Each cookieFile As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Cookies), "*.txt")


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VS 2005 Delete Only The Cookies Create By Webbrowser?

Aug 1, 2009

Suppose I have webbrowser in mine form..Is it possoble to capture only the cookies create by mine webbrower..suppose before starting the project,in mine cookies folder there are cookies names cookie1 & cookie2....Suppose after the project run.cookies created by mine project are named cookie3 & cookie4...I want to delete cookie3 & cookie4 only..Is there any way to do it?

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Source Code / Save Page As And Delete Cookies.

Feb 2, 2010

i'm making a webbrowser, curectly in version 2. 6. But i need some codes before i can release it.

-Source Code
-Save page as
-Delete Cookies

And if you know some more properties for the webbrowser, like options.

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File I/O And Registry :: Stream Reader I/O - Saves The File With No Crlf's For When Use Reader

Sep 24, 2008

how would I accomplish saving a large piece of data, using the Stream Reader for the Line-by-Line, while keeping the carriage return line feeds in there?


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.net - Unload Even On Form?

Jan 30, 2010

I want to run a subroutine to clear some things up when the user exits the application. I tried looking for a Form_Unload event or anything similar, is there a way to do this?I open a database connection on Form_Load, and would like to close it when the user exits the app.

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