Deployment :: Make Patch Maker Binary Differential Update?
Feb 22, 2010
any1 has any ideas on how to code a patch maker, (binary differential update) so when i run my patch maker, it output a program (*.exe) that will update files on another machine or local machine, assuming that old files to be updated to a new file having the same data in result;
and also the output patcher should be smaller in size (compressed)currently wad i could think of is a very very simple one but totally useless and not efficient and result large file size patch
1. where mine is read both file data
2. is both byte the same ?
3. [if not same ----> write down the marker value in outputfile1 and byte value in outputfile2]
3. [if same ----> do nothing]
4. read byte if available
5. (marker + 1)
the marker value is how many byte have been advanced so with resulting patcher will read those marker values to advance to the file address (which is the position number) and update accordingly to its byte value outputfile1 is marker values, outputfile2 is byte values corresponding to outputfile1 marker value to advance to the byte position
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Oct 17, 2009
I've made a simple program that consists of a combobox and a button i think. It's suppose to link to DVDs thats downloaded in the file...but i can't join the dvd and the file on one package...
View 11 Replies
Jun 20, 2009
I made an client server application in and it is alredy installed among various clients.The problem is i found a potential bug in ma application, so i want to make patch for ma apps(Like a update files that can be downloaded
View 1 Replies
May 4, 2011
How to make autopatch in games
View 9 Replies
Oct 30, 2009
How would i create something that would open a choose file dialog, let you click all the files you want(in this case audio files), take the ones you selected and write a windows media player playlist file(you should know but anyways its basically a text file formatted in a specific way with a .wpl extension)[code]...
View 4 Replies
Mar 21, 2011
im trying to make images to avi maker, now i watched this thread: [URL] And i downloaded that avilib and imported, so now im trying to use this
View 10 Replies
Mar 10, 2010
I am trying to make a button maker program.I know I can make a rectangle (will be the main button) and a label (text on it )but how do I save it to png ?
View 3 Replies
Jan 24, 2012
im trying to make a simple schedule maker.-basically i have 2 combobox.-what i want to do is that IF i select 8-930 in combobox1 THEN combobox2 will no longer have 8-930 selection in it.
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Jun 6, 2009
I am trying to make a gif maker application,this was the idea: I have 5 pictureboxes on the form 1 Final picturebox User adds 2-5 pictures on form and after that it presses a button that starts a timer The timer it's for the final picturebox to like show 1 picture than hide it and show the next.. I dont know the timer code... The code I added till now looks like this:
Dim str As String 'for the number of pictureboxes
dim open as new openfiledialog
maybe Ur own aplication that makes from multiplme images a gif and save it as .gif and give me the source
View 6 Replies
Jul 26, 2009
how make comment maker character for whole paragraph
View 7 Replies
Apr 20, 2010
My IT Project is to make CV MAKER that will create CV and will export it to PDF file, could some of you tell me how can i do it using no third party SDK, and how to manage text within PDF file i mean how to do layout, tables, different fonts, etc etc.
View 2 Replies
Feb 16, 2010
I just want to know 2 things.
1). How do you make a Vertical TabPage like shown?
2). How was the Event Image buttons done (to the very right with icons on)?
View 3 Replies
Apr 27, 2009
After a program is deployed and distributed to users, what is the best way to have an update? New distribution or a patch? How to make a patch that only modifies some methods in a large poroject?
View 8 Replies
Sep 4, 2011
Using a C+ DLL i can search a directory of 12000 blocks (512 byte records) in .46 seconds. That's moving.I can search it with the following code:
Imports System.IO.DirectoryInfo
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO
Imports System.Globalization[code]....
My question is, that's pretty fast. Why the enormous speed differential between C+ and VB? "Becase VB is managed code", doesn't really answer the question.
View 1 Replies
Apr 15, 2009
I am writing a program which I need to auto-update itself from then internet, must be internet not intranet. My first thoughts were to use a FTP server and do it using that however I have a website and unlimited of pratically everything. My question is. Which way is best? and also How would I set about doing it?
View 5 Replies
Dec 21, 2009
I use ClickOnce Deployment on my application to get the update feature.But i really do not like the deployment and the setup Is their a way I can use the Visual Studio setup feature to make a msi package for my application but still have the update feature?
View 4 Replies
May 11, 2009
I know how to insert a new row into a table that has a binary column. But is there any way to update the binary column once that row has been added? So far an exhaustive google search has turned up nothing. Get the current row that I wish to update delete the row that I wish to update Create a new row with the information from the row I wish to update plus the new binary It just doesnt seem very elegant, and I was hoping I could do the same thing with an update statement. Here is the updated code I am using now for reference
View 2 Replies
Jun 7, 2012
i have a requirement where in i have to update the information of a record with new to open the binary file and update with the new information.The existing binary file contains 5 records with serial i want to update the information of sno 1.i am using filestream, binary reader ,binarywriter SureshThere is an Island of Opportunity In the Middle of Every Difficulty
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Jun 8, 2012
i have to update an existing binary file with new information.
binary file contains records from 1 to 5 each record contains different values one integer and five strings.
no i have to update the 1 record with the new information .how do i do that.
i am using filestream,binary reader and binary writer.
Pwd_FS = New FileStream("test.bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
after reading the contents of the record i will assign new values to the recorod writing back should i use
Pwd_FS = New FileStream("test.bin", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write) if i use append i am not able to seek to the starting point.
View 1 Replies
Nov 16, 2006
how I can develop an Auto update for my application? I know how to download the new file but how can I delete the current file and replace it with the new at the moment that the old file is running?
View 10 Replies
Jul 9, 2009
I have a ClickOnce application deployed to many workstations in my office. On it's first run it adds a registry key to the HKCU run group that adds itself with a "-minimize" argument. On each login the program starts and seeing the command line argument minimizes itself. However when a update is published the program does not update. If the program is run from its menu shortcut without arguments it runs fine. I then looked up how to update programmaticaly and put that code into my program to run at startup.
But my.application.isnetworkdeployed returns False when command line arguments are passed to the app and TRUE when run without command line arguments even though in both cases it is network deployed. Since my program starts up with command line arguments and stays minimized while the computer is on there is no reason for a user to close the program and reopen it through a menu item but as of right now that's the only way the program updates. Is this a bug or how ClickOnce is supposed to work?
Example: Create a new program. On the form add a textbox. In the Form load event put something like:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
TextBox1.Text = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath.ToString & "" & My.Application.Info.AssemblyName & ".exe"
MsgBox("Is my app network deployed?: " & My.Application.IsNetworkDeployed)
End Sub
Deploy the app. Start it with a menu item and it returns True. Start it with any command like argument (use the path from the box) and it returns false. Why? How is that possible? The app didn't magically become non network deployed because it was passed a command line argument.
View 1 Replies
Apr 26, 2010
I have done application by the functionalities of export the word documet. Its working fine in the developemnt machine. During the developemnt , i have added the MICROSOFT.OFFIVE.WORD.INTEROP is added.
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Mar 20, 2009
I have made my program which i want to distribute, how can i make an installation package for it?I know there are third party software i can use to do this, but is there anything in the VB framework that i can use to install it?
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Jun 13, 2009
i successfully deployed one application but some small small issues coming in that...Here i want clarify some common doubts in redistributable components...I created one windows application in VS 2008 with C# as language and SQLServer 2005. I created msi setup application in vs 2008 itself. My application includes 2 third party tools. One is for skin and another is for capture images from different devices like camera, web cam etc...Database i deployed is sqlexpress 2005
Generally i added the following prerequisites:
1. Dot Net Framework 3.5
2. Windows Installer 3.1
3. Crystal Report basic runtime for vs 2008 (x86, x64)
4. SQL Server 2005 Express SP2 (x86)
For all these i have no doubts except 4th one.Other than these prerequisistes my first third party tool(for skin) include Visual C++ 2005 Runtime. For this i tried Visual C++ Runtime included in the VS 2008 prerequisites but not worked. So i downloaded Visual C++ 2005 for x86 and x64 and create the custom prerequisites using "Bootstrapper Manifest Generator" and its working successfully For the second third party ocx component (for live video from devices) they telling the following compenents other than ocx component.
a. MFC Libraries (gdiplus.dll, msvcrt.dll, mfc42.dll)
b. DirectX 9 runtime or better
c. Windows Media format runtime files (they gave wmfdist.exe)
I told the system OS requirement is Windows XP SP2 or Vista. Architecture 32 bit and 64 bit(with conditions)
1. I didnt include the 3 MFC Libraries (gdiplus.dll, msvcrt.dll, mfc42.dll) in my setup application Yes i not included the these dlls. But i didnt get any error up to now. I think XP SP2 included these files. Any problem raises in vista or somthing other machines if i leave these files or these files updated when i installed that Visual C++ 2005 runtime? Because when i search MFC libraries i got the result as visual c++ runtime. Please clear about this and tell the i want to include or not?
2. I didn't include DirectX 9 runtime I dont have any common doubt in this because mostly sp2 inludes directX only. But if i inluded these can you give the latest and best redistribution component download link? I dont know is this component differe 32 bit or 64bit?
3. I didnt include Windows Media format runtime files This also i dint included but not got any issues. But some customer told that grains like coming in the live screen. Is this because of unavailability of these component? For include this i didnt got the download link. But i download the sdk from the following link...
I installed and i got the same wmfdist.exe as the third party gave. My doubt here is is this support for vista also .. Any incompatabiliy for 64 bit.? if then can anyone give the 64 bit redistribtuion component download link also.
4. SQL Express 2005 Express 64Bit As this application want to support 64 bit also...i want to include 64 bit express edition. But i think the 64 bit support is express advanced version only. Here my problem is if i download tht i cant create custom prerequisites for sql express because i am not well in this.
View 2 Replies
Oct 24, 2008
I want to make exe file of my project but i don't know how make.P
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Sep 12, 2009
because when i make a program and try it under windows xp it give me error that it is need .net framework 3.5 so how to make the .net framework install when i install the program i tried to use setup wizard in vb 2008 and put in it the framework but it didn't work
View 2 Replies
Oct 20, 2009
I have a GUI VB application, and a seperate command line module. How can i run the command line module through the gui app, without binding / installing?
View 5 Replies
Nov 25, 2009
Is it possible to make a setup and deployment project in 2008, every site i have looked at on google says to just select it from the project list. It isnt in the project list for me to select.Are these types of projects not available in the express version?How can I make an installer, other than using one of the setup and deployment projects? (I know there is a publish button, but that doesn't make a proper installer and installs to the appdata folder which is not what i want it to do)
View 3 Replies
Nov 1, 2011
Basicly I'm trying to make a 1 lined binary converter. Ill send you guys some screenshots If (tb1.Text) * (CInt(tb2.Text) + (tb3.Text)) * (CInt(tb3.Text) + (tb4.Text)) * (CInt(tb4.Text)) Then Label6.Text
Screenshots: What it's going to look like:
View 14 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
How to specify the patch for the database when making a program executable. The data base which is access is in the debug folder of the program.
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