Deployment :: Set Auto-update Itself From The Internet

Apr 15, 2009

I am writing a program which I need to auto-update itself from then internet, must be internet not intranet. My first thoughts were to use a FTP server and do it using that however I have a website and unlimited of pratically everything. My question is. Which way is best? and also How would I set about doing it?

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Deployment - Auto-update - How To Delete Current File And Replace

Nov 16, 2006

how I can develop an Auto update for my application? I know how to download the new file but how can I delete the current file and replace it with the new at the moment that the old file is running?

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Creating Auto-shutdown Internet Download Addon

Mar 23, 2009

My idea is that i want to create a auto-shutdown app that will allow me to auto-shutdown after downloads have completed using IE6. Third part download managers have these built in for example however i would like to make one for IE download dialog. Any ideas on how do start. Detect when a download is active, set time, autoshutdown etc.

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Update Program After Deployment?

Apr 27, 2009

After a program is deployed and distributed to users, what is the best way to have an update? New distribution or a patch? How to make a patch that only modifies some methods in a large poroject?

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Update BD By Internet?

Mar 9, 2011

I have to develope a new aaplication, but I don't know where to start, or what is the best way to do that.

Before start the design of the APP, I would like to read your opinions.

My APP must do this (and should be made in Vb.Net):

- 7 comercial employes, will using a laptop in the outside of the company, and in offline mode, will using the applicatiom for registering some data.

- Some times (one per day), each local DB must "sincronyze" with the central BD.

- Not all tables will be sincronized, and the update is only in one way (laptop to server).

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Use ClickOnce Deployment On My Application To Get The Update Feature?

Dec 21, 2009

I use ClickOnce Deployment on my application to get the update feature.But i really do not like the deployment and the setup Is their a way I can use the Visual Studio setup feature to make a msi package for my application but still have the update feature?

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Deployment :: ClickOnce App Not Update If Passed Command Line Arguments

Jul 9, 2009

I have a ClickOnce application deployed to many workstations in my office. On it's first run it adds a registry key to the HKCU run group that adds itself with a "-minimize" argument. On each login the program starts and seeing the command line argument minimizes itself. However when a update is published the program does not update. If the program is run from its menu shortcut without arguments it runs fine. I then looked up how to update programmaticaly and put that code into my program to run at startup.

But my.application.isnetworkdeployed returns False when command line arguments are passed to the app and TRUE when run without command line arguments even though in both cases it is network deployed. Since my program starts up with command line arguments and stays minimized while the computer is on there is no reason for a user to close the program and reopen it through a menu item but as of right now that's the only way the program updates. Is this a bug or how ClickOnce is supposed to work?

Example: Create a new program. On the form add a textbox. In the Form load event put something like:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
TextBox1.Text = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath.ToString & "" & My.Application.Info.AssemblyName & ".exe"
MsgBox("Is my app network deployed?: " & My.Application.IsNetworkDeployed)
End Sub

Deploy the app. Start it with a menu item and it returns True. Start it with any command like argument (use the path from the box) and it returns false. Why? How is that possible? The app didn't magically become non network deployed because it was passed a command line argument.

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Deployment :: Make Patch Maker Binary Differential Update?

Feb 22, 2010

any1 has any ideas on how to code a patch maker, (binary differential update) so when i run my patch maker, it output a program (*.exe) that will update files on another machine or local machine, assuming that old files to be updated to a new file having the same data in result;

and also the output patcher should be smaller in size (compressed)currently wad i could think of is a very very simple one but totally useless and not efficient and result large file size patch

1. where mine is read both file data
2. is both byte the same ?
3. [if not same ----> write down the marker value in outputfile1 and byte value in outputfile2]
3. [if same ----> do nothing]
4. read byte if available
5. (marker + 1)

the marker value is how many byte have been advanced so with resulting patcher will read those marker values to advance to the file address (which is the position number) and update accordingly to its byte value outputfile1 is marker values, outputfile2 is byte values corresponding to outputfile1 marker value to advance to the byte position

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VS 2010 Update Internet Explorer In Program?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a small webbrowser but when I try to navigate to a certain webpages the webpage show a warning to force me to upgrade my webbrowser also internet explorer:"Upgrade your browser for a better Myspace experience.We recommend one of the following browsers to provide the best and most reliable experience on Myspace. Some features, like Profile 2.0 and MyspaceIM for Web, may not have full functionality in other and install one of the browsers below."I already have internet explorer 9 installed in my computer also the webpage show the message:"Microsoft Internet Explorer Available for Windows Already using Internet Explorer 9? Please visit �Settings�, and select �f12 Developer Tools�. In this window, make sure "Browser Mode" is set to �Internet Explorer 9� and "Document Mode" is set to �Internet Explorer 9 standards�"

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Click Once Auto-update "With Update Progress Display"?

Sep 28, 2009

i have been working on an app and now have got to the point i want to let people test it i know how to use the click once auto-update but what i want to do is display the auto-update progress with a form that shows :

ProgressBar - Label displaying % - label displaying Current Process

label displaying Current Process EG Downloading file - copying file to directory stuff like that how would i go about setting this sort of thing up

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Publish An ASP.Net Application With Database Residing In The Server And User Could Update That Through Internet?

Aug 10, 2010

What is the difference between application and application? How can I publish an ASP.Net application with database residing in the server and user could update that through internet?

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VS 2005 Menu To Auto-scroll Like Internet Explorer Does In The Favourites Menu When The Mouse Is Over The Arrow

Oct 11, 2009

I have a list of all the fonts on a users system under a Font menu item. I would like to be able to use the scroll wheel to be able to scroll through these items like you can with a combo box.


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Add A Auto-update To Project?

Jun 4, 2010

how i can add a update program in my application so it can be automatically updatted via the internet and can notify users an update is available. i wouls also prefer an auto update application.

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Auto-save On Update?

Dec 2, 2011

Is there a way to autosave a record for example:

If I select an item from my combo box on the form I want a onChange then save event?

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Auto-update Applications Until Now

Jan 20, 2011

I'm about to roll out a large application to many workstations throughout the company and I've never really had the need to "auto-update" an application until now. Ideally, I'd like a "one time install" and then updates are applied without user intervention/IS involvement. (user intervention would be ok as long as it wont require a logoff or admin escalation)


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How To Make Auto Update

Apr 20, 2012

I have always made a setup file with "instal creator" which have made a nice one file of my program and it have been easy to share. This time I need a chance to update my application. I read somewhere that having website is necessary or its much easier to do that way, is it true? I have worked before with ucoz/unet so I think I could use it.

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How To Put An Auto-update For URL Counter

Oct 1, 2010

i want to know how to put an auto update for my URL counter

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.net - Auto Update Of Values In UI WPF Form?

May 6, 2012

I have a class as follows:

Public Class BillAmounts
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged


However, the issue is that TOtalAMount is getting updated automatically but FinalPrice is not getting updated. Any reasons/mistakes I have done. I have tried it a lot in few ways but could not get that working. What i did not understand is that Total amount is getting updated but Final price isn't.

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Auto-Update On Form Load?

Mar 26, 2012

I'm creating part of a program which calculates vacation hours multiplied by accrual rate. As of right now all parts of the form are functioning and saving/retrieving data from a csv text file. My problem is that I'd like to bring the process out of a event and into Form_Load. Currently when I click a listview item (lvwData.SelectedItems) it populates a textbox (txtAvail), then recalculates the textbox value based off my formula (hours) and updates the listview's 4th column item. To update each column daily, I currently have to click each row, then my button, then move onto the next item. I'm looking for a way to grab the 4th column, recalculate it and update the listview without having to select each row.


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Auto-update Silently Or Invisibly

Oct 24, 2009

I may be deploying my app (its a database software for videos) to 4 - 5 computers. I want to add some new features but have the software update automatically and silently. Due to security holes or issues with bugs, I don't want to give the clients the choice to update. I just want it to check for an update and if one is available, it can SAY that its updating on a label but that's about it and it automatically updates without confusing the user or wasting any more time than it should.

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Auto-update Stand Alone Application

Jun 3, 2011

I have a stand alone application "test.exe" on a Windows 7 operating system.I have an application "test.exe" made in Visual basic 8.0.I have an "Auto Update" function . Call this function from "test.exe". In the first line in "test.exe".This function does the following:

1. This checks whether the current version is older than the version on specific site, if so:
1a. Removed all *. old
1b. Rename test.exe to test.old
1c. dowload new test.exe

I'm afraid I get an error when I rename "test.exe" to "test.old" because "test.exe" is now active.How can I prevent this or what else should I do?

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Auto-Update, UAC And Process.Start?

Jul 11, 2010

I'm currently writing an installer for my application (don't ask me why I don't use ClickOnce or other types of installers...).I simply create a folder in C:Program Files and I download my apps' AutoUpdater into the folder and run itFrom there, the AutoUpdater should download the latest files from my server. However, when I check the directory where the files should have been downloaded, I can only see the AutoUpdater

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Datagridview Auto-refresh When DB Update?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a datagridview with data from a mysql database, i want to know if is possible to autorefresh datagrid when mysql database is update.

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Make A Auto-update With Customize?

Apr 23, 2011

I want an auto update of my own game launcher with customize [url]....

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Make An Auto-Update Feature?

Apr 13, 2009

I've been working on my program, which is a calendar, and I want to update it with the so called: 'Textfile method'. (Not ClickOnce, try'd it but didn't work out.) So basically I dont know where to start, I want my app, to download a text file from lets say: http://localhost/textfile.txt/ I want the app to compare the text file to its current version and if the textfile> than the current version I want the app to download lets say[curl]...

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VS 2005 Application Auto Update?

Sep 2, 2010

I have been asked if its possible for an application that sits on a network folder for multiple users and check online to see if there is a newer version. If there is prompt the user to download it and load the new version.

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Update A Row Using Sql Query And Auto-increment Number

Dec 19, 2011

i want to update a row in an ACCESS DB in using sql query. the way to point to the row is using the primary key. the problem is that i was an error saying that there is a data type mismatch in criteria expression. the primary key type is auto-increment.[code]

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VS 2010 Auto-update Without Owning A Site?

May 6, 2012

Currently I'm using a third party file hosting website (like mediafire) to upload my program and I update the link every time a new version is out.I know there are some ways to autoupdate the program but most of them need to own a website, which currently I don't have.So I was wondering if there could be a way to make an autoupdate using sites like mediafire.Example: I always delete old version of the program, on mediafire when someone try to access a deleted file page he gets redirected on a page which says "file deleted or invalid". So if the program find out that the file link redirect to that page it should inform the user about the new version.

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Write An Auto-update Program (vb2008)?

Sep 18, 2010

I decided give up vb6 and begin use I'm going to update my old vb6 code.I used write a vb6 program to update my's a simple program:I have a webside,I put a file in the webside,this file it's just a document(.txt),only include version program use "inet" download this file(address like this [URL]and compare the version number,if this document number it's bigger than this program number,than told user you need update your this:

dim ver as string


But,In vb2008,I don't know how to write those code.I search the local MSDN,it said I can use:""" to download files,but it's only can download a file and save it as a file,I want to download a file and save it as a variable(type is long),I don't know how to write those code.

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Auto-update A Listview Based On Reading A Column?

Mar 28, 2012

Is there a way to auto-update a listview based on reading a column?


1) The code must make a call to a user-created "Private Sub" to recalculate

2) Update must be automatic. .SelectedItem or clicking a row will not work

3) The formula function cannot be included in Form_Load

I've got everything working if the user selects a row, then clicks an "update" button using .SelectedItem. But with my current program containing 200 rows, it's not feasible. Simply put, how would I go about updating a listview column (0 in this case) based off a call to a formula, then updating the row?

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