Make Comment Maker Character For Whole Paragraph?
Jul 26, 2009how make comment maker character for whole paragraph
View 7 Replieshow make comment maker character for whole paragraph
View 7 RepliesI have a problem in inserting database entry, suppose I have two paragraph entered in one richtextbox what I want is that When I hit save, every paragraph will be save as one database entry therefore my database will have two records..This uses 2010.
View 17 RepliesHow would i create something that would open a choose file dialog, let you click all the files you want(in this case audio files), take the ones you selected and write a windows media player playlist file(you should know but anyways its basically a text file formatted in a specific way with a .wpl extension)[code]...
View 4 Repliesim trying to make images to avi maker, now i watched this thread: [URL] And i downloaded that avilib and imported, so now im trying to use this
I am trying to make a button maker program.I know I can make a rectangle (will be the main button) and a label (text on it )but how do I save it to png ?
View 3 Repliesim trying to make a simple schedule maker.-basically i have 2 combobox.-what i want to do is that IF i select 8-930 in combobox1 THEN combobox2 will no longer have 8-930 selection in it.
View 8 RepliesI am trying to make a gif maker application,this was the idea: I have 5 pictureboxes on the form 1 Final picturebox User adds 2-5 pictures on form and after that it presses a button that starts a timer The timer it's for the final picturebox to like show 1 picture than hide it and show the next.. I dont know the timer code... The code I added till now looks like this:
Dim str As String 'for the number of pictureboxes
dim open as new openfiledialog
maybe Ur own aplication that makes from multiplme images a gif and save it as .gif and give me the source
My IT Project is to make CV MAKER that will create CV and will export it to PDF file, could some of you tell me how can i do it using no third party SDK, and how to manage text within PDF file i mean how to do layout, tables, different fonts, etc etc.
View 2 Repliesany1 has any ideas on how to code a patch maker, (binary differential update) so when i run my patch maker, it output a program (*.exe) that will update files on another machine or local machine, assuming that old files to be updated to a new file having the same data in result;
and also the output patcher should be smaller in size (compressed)currently wad i could think of is a very very simple one but totally useless and not efficient and result large file size patch
1. where mine is read both file data
2. is both byte the same ?
3. [if not same ----> write down the marker value in outputfile1 and byte value in outputfile2]
3. [if same ----> do nothing]
4. read byte if available
5. (marker + 1)
the marker value is how many byte have been advanced so with resulting patcher will read those marker values to advance to the file address (which is the position number) and update accordingly to its byte value outputfile1 is marker values, outputfile2 is byte values corresponding to outputfile1 marker value to advance to the byte position
I just want to know 2 things.
1). How do you make a Vertical TabPage like shown?
2). How was the Event Image buttons done (to the very right with icons on)?
Well Basically I'm just testing the grounds and programming a very basic calculator in VB .NET Express 2008.[code]I just want LOL to appear in the mathematical result
View 6 RepliesWhich method i UseI Dont know. how to start , i get imagine.sse i have saved some translated Words in my application with his meaning like
"cat = billi" (engLeft=RightUrdu) or"Love = Piar" or "Black =Siyah" etc....
Focus me What i m saying
i m saying have Multilines textbox If i m past here Paragraph (Given Below)
its add translated word in bracket() like this cat(billi).
In which control should i use if i want to display a paragraph of text from a database?The text displayed should be uneditable.
I found that i can insert a rich text box and make it read only.
I am trying to grab the inner text of this paragraph marker but I don't have a clue as how this is to be dones because the inner text changes on refresh.
<DIV class=rightcol>
<P class=description>I need to grab everything in here</P><INPUT id=moreoptions class="primary textbox" tabIndex=1 name=toppings[input]> <INPUT id=toppings2> </DIV></DIV></DIV>
I am having difficulty figuring a way to start working on my coding. My objection is to retrieve specific part of the paragraph from the rtf file. Here document example look like this below.
tf1adeflang1025ansiansicpg1252uc1adeff31507deff0stshfdbch0stshfloch31506stshfhich31506stshfbi31506deflang1033deflangfe1033 hemelang1033 hemelangfe0 hemelangcs0{fonttbl{f0fbidi fromanfcharset0fprq2{*panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{f34fbidi fromanfcharset0fprq2{*panose 02040503050406030204}Cambria Math;}
this is the end of the place in the paragraph. I do not want to use substring. This file is huge, have over 200 lines which i rather to grab specific area of the file and then be able to pull that huge text of string and put that string in the other file which will merge into one document.
How do i add new paragraph to the bottom of the page? I tried the following but it does not work as expected.
returns the actual position of the bottom (i have added some content prior). I need to find the absolute bottom (header). I was looking for the document height property but it's not there.
I have a label on my form but when you type in the text it all stays on one line.So i set its max size to force it to tab the text but it only shows two lines.How do i set it to allow me to enter numerous lines of text and display them on seperate lines.So if i type in a paragrahy in the label like this"Each time that you type a URL in the address bar or click on a link inInternet Explorer browser, the URL address is automatically added to thehistory index file. When you type a sequence of characters in the addressbar, Internet Explorer automatically suggests you all URLs that begins
View 4 RepliesI am trying to make a five digit string, it needs to be 5 digits long basically it cant be less then 10000 and more then 99999, but when I run the code, all the label says is "this is a five digit code" from the time I start putting in numbers to even if I got a whole lot of numbers are in it, it remands the same label, what could be wrong or am I doing this wrong
Dim myDouble As String
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
If myDouble >= 10000 Or myDouble <= 99999 Then
lblmessage.Text = "this is a five digit code"
lblmessage.Text = "Not a 5 digit code, please renter a new one"
End If
End Sub
For the three character sting, I have
ON:Motor is online and running
OFF:Motor is online, but not running
MNT:Motor is undergoing maintenance and cleaning
NA:Motor is not available
I dont know how to start this, do I make a specific thing saying that these are the only ones you can use and if you entered something else then a text box saying incorrect or something like that?
My character moves with the keyboard arrows but he keeps facing the screen, my question is:How can i make the character change direction (by using different sprite positions), like when I press the right keyboard arrow my character faces right and when I walk right my character's legs move?
View 1 RepliesI have my character moving across the screen, I have enemies that randomly came at the character, and I have it so when the enemy collides with the character you loose a life.
But how do I have the character shoot bullets.
I know how to do the keypress, and make the bullets move with a timer. But I don't know how I can create an infinite amount of bullets that can fire.
i need some guidence regarding password character.if in a text box we give * as the password character then it shows * irrespective of what we type..thats fine..i needed to develop something diffrent
View 2 RepliesHow can I one click select a word, or line, or paragraph on web page? Instead of having to double click for example to get a line/paragraph. I found this article which is almost similar to the problem I have. [URL].
View 2 RepliesIs it possible to turn a paragraph of text (grabbed from a textbox) into one continuous line? I could have the following information:
34 MyRoad
da7 888
the moon
And I want it to read :
34 MyRoad da7 888 london the moon
Spaces added to cause line breaks, and sample data formatted as code.
I want to append a hyperlink to the end of a paragraph using VS2008 as shown in the code below between the segment marked begin here and end here but get an exception Command Failed. The paragraph should appear as "More text [URL]" (this is sample text) and if possible overlay the hyperlink with text.
How do I make a regex that can detect a certain character string that is either all by its self in a line, or separated by white space.
If I have the line:
Or the line
"sdf gdfg dv ewrsef fvdf ot sdfsd sdot"
I want to be able to detect the 'ot', except for the one that is 'sdot'
I'm trying to make a simple character converter i.e. (A converts to O) or (C converts to V) I need to make defined parameters for the entire alphabet.I have two text boxes set up and a command button. I'm trying to make it so the text inputted into the first textbox is converted (using the defined parameters) Into the second textbox with a click of the button.
View 5 RepliesI have a character that I made in graphics and when an enemy attacks the character, I want it to flicker, how would I do this?
View 2 RepliesI am trying to make bounds for a character that can jump. I have made the character graphic into a rectangle and I have a square block in the game that the character must jump onto and I have set that as a rectangle.
How would I make it so when the character jumps onto the square block, he stays up there and then when he jumps down, and touches the ground, he stays on the ground. My current jump code is standardized; it does not detect changes in the Y-coordinate. What I have done in the jump for the character is I have made it so the Y-coordinate is increased by a certain amount and decreased by the same amount so the difference is equal to 0.
For example:
Character.LocationY += 8
Character.Location -= 8
Im not asking for any code or anything but i was just wondering if you can make a map in notepad and than turn it into a map in (Like if G in notepad = grass. Have VB switch it to the grass picture.)
View 4 RepliesIs there a way of putting a block of text (ie a paragraph) without using the label tool?
View 2 Replies