VS 2008 Make A Character In Graphics Flicker?

May 23, 2010

I have a character that I made in graphics and when an enemy attacks the character, I want it to flicker, how would I do this?

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Graphics Flicker When Controls Are Added To Form?

Nov 10, 2010

When I add or modify controls on the form the graphics are redrawn many times over.The more graphics that are drawn the slower the machine gets.

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Interface And Graphics :: Gradient To MDI Form Causes Flicker?

Feb 5, 2009

I am using a MDI form and child forms. Now I don't like the standard back colour of mdi form so I got code on the net which paints a gradient colour to the mdi. So far it is working okay.Now the problem is when I load a child form or close it or do a similar activity then it causes flicker in the mdi background. This gets pretty annoying at times and you see the background flicker.

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Interface And Graphics :: Stop Things Being Redrawn Flicker

Dec 1, 2008

I'm having trouble with a football program that I'm writing. I'm finding that there is a lot of flicker coming from the program having to redrawn 36 (Australian football) small circles with numbers in them about 10 times per second (or even more) as the players move.I'm just using basic e.graphics. fillellipse.code in the Paint section of the form. I then use me.invalidate on the timer's tick routine.I haven't touched this graphical stuff for a while and I vaguely remember there being some ways to help this. There are also things like the ground which I'd like to not have redrawn because they don't have to as they don't move. I remember that you can do this but I don't remember how.

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Avoiding Flicker When Drawing Multiple Bitmaps With Graphics.DrawImage

Mar 15, 2011

I need to draw a bitmap background with one or more moving bitmaps in the foreground; something like a chessboard where pieces move across it. I use a timer-tick event to redraw the background and then draw the relocated foreground image like the code below. But I get flicker, even though I set the form to use double-buffering. The culprit seems to be redrawing the background to refresh where the foreground images used to be; no flicker if I replace the background DrawImage with a simple Graphics.Clear. I think what I want to do is draw the background, and the foreground bitmap(s), in memory and then render it all. I used to do this with double-buffering, BitBlt, and .Refresh in VB6 but I haven't found the equivalent in VB2010. This must be a pretty common graphics requirement; what's the trick to it?

Dim Gfx As Graphics
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, True)
Dim rectBrd As Rectangle 'use as clipping region for drawing


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VS 2008 How To Make Password Character

Feb 19, 2011

i need some guidence regarding password character.if in a text box we give * as the password character then it shows * irrespective of what we type..thats fine..i needed to develop something diffrent

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VS 2008 : Make A Simple Character Converter?

Jul 27, 2009

I'm trying to make a simple character converter i.e. (A converts to O) or (C converts to V) I need to make defined parameters for the entire alphabet.I have two text boxes set up and a command button. I'm trying to make it so the text inputted into the first textbox is converted (using the defined parameters) Into the second textbox with a click of the button.

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VS 2008 Make Bounds For A Character That Can Jump?

May 25, 2010

I am trying to make bounds for a character that can jump. I have made the character graphic into a rectangle and I have a square block in the game that the character must jump onto and I have set that as a rectangle.

How would I make it so when the character jumps onto the square block, he stays up there and then when he jumps down, and touches the ground, he stays on the ground. My current jump code is standardized; it does not detect changes in the Y-coordinate. What I have done in the jump for the character is I have made it so the Y-coordinate is increased by a certain amount and decreased by the same amount so the difference is equal to 0.

For example:

Character.LocationY += 8
Character.Location -= 8

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Making A Character's Graphics?

Jun 5, 2009

As some of you may know, school is coming to close for summer recess, and final projects are coming up. My Computer Science teacher has asigned us an animation project. Basicly, all we have to do is make a game where we make a picturebox move using the arrow keys and it flips to face the direction its going in. This is a little easy for me, and i really want to go above and beyond and make my final project my best. So instead of little 2-D picture boxes moving choppily across the screen, can i push visual basic's limits and make a 3-D representation of a character in my game and use that with the arrow keys?

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[2008] MDI Paint Flicker (Imp)?

Feb 5, 2009

Whenever I load or close child forms or other form (for that matter) then there is flickering in my MDI form. The flickering maybe because the form may be getting painted with gradient or so. Now this flickering is really noticable and I need to solve this. I am pasting the code that I am using to paint my MDI form. If you guys think the code is in efficient then let me know. Or if there is any fix or other way to go about it then I would like to know.

CODE - written inside my MDI form.

Public Class MdiContainer
Inherits Control
Private WithEvents MdiPane As Control


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VS 2008 - How To Make Graphics Tool Lines Stay On PictureBox

Jul 3, 2009

My picture box is in a panel. How to prevent lines created using graphics tool from getting erase when moving the picture box around? Sometimes when I minimize my form, the lines goes missing also.. How do I make the lines stay on the picture box?
Example shown below in a gif...

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Select A Character By Position To Make Bold In A Rich Field Text Box In VB 2008?

Aug 2, 2010

I understand that within a rich field text box you can search for a string and then format that string, but I am looking to change the formating of a certain position in a string regardless of what character is at that position.Can this be done in VB 2008?

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VS 2008 Screen Flicker Due To Dock Fill Style

Apr 3, 2012

I am developing a window based application in VS2008, it has 3 forms.on each forms i have used TableLayout panel and set the Dock property to FILL.due to this, on page load my screen get's flicker and resize event get's called.i have tried with "Doublebuffered" property but failed if i remove doc property (means set it to none) then it's working fine but on only spcific screen resolution my screen works, on higher resolution it get's cut.

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VS 2008 Random - New Character Out Of The String And Then Remove The Character From The List Of Characters

Dec 12, 2010


For each character of this string I want a new character out of the string and then remove the character from the list of characters that still maybe used for other characters. It may not get the same character, you could basically just call this encryption, but it's not what I am making. I don't want to waste my time doing this one hour while VB can do this for me in <1 second.

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Interface And Graphics :: Make A Listbox's "backcolor" Transparent In 2008?

Jun 19, 2010

I have a form and on it there is listbox. What I want to do is to make the listbox's backcolor transparent. I really do not understand. I have searched many sites but I couldn't find an exact answer. Is it really that hard to make it??? I found this code on a few sites:


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Make 2D Graphics Look 3D?

Jul 7, 2010

Is it possible to make 2D graphics look 3D in visual basic. Or do i need to use XNAEngine or Viewport 3D?

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How To Make A Character Appear In Text Box

Mar 29, 2010

Well Basically I'm just testing the grounds and programming a very basic calculator in VB .NET Express 2008.[code]I just want LOL to appear in the mathematical result

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How To Make Graphics Act Like Buttons

May 12, 2012

I am currently just starting to make a game. I used graphics to create the main menu buttons, but it doesn't have a click event. So what do I do to get it to do something when I click on it.

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How To Make Five Digit And Three Character String

Jun 8, 2011

I am trying to make a five digit string, it needs to be 5 digits long basically it cant be less then 10000 and more then 99999, but when I run the code, all the label says is "this is a five digit code" from the time I start putting in numbers to even if I got a whole lot of numbers are in it, it remands the same label, what could be wrong or am I doing this wrong

Dim myDouble As String
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
If myDouble >= 10000 Or myDouble <= 99999 Then
lblmessage.Text = "this is a five digit code"
lblmessage.Text = "Not a 5 digit code, please renter a new one"
End If
End Sub

For the three character sting, I have
ON:Motor is online and running
OFF:Motor is online, but not running
MNT:Motor is undergoing maintenance and cleaning
NA:Motor is not available
I dont know how to start this, do I make a specific thing saying that these are the only ones you can use and if you entered something else then a text box saying incorrect or something like that?

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Make Character Change Direction

Jun 6, 2011

My character moves with the keyboard arrows but he keeps facing the screen, my question is:How can i make the character change direction (by using different sprite positions), like when I press the right keyboard arrow my character faces right and when I walk right my character's legs move?

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Make My Character Shoot Bullets?

Nov 18, 2009

I have my character moving across the screen, I have enemies that randomly came at the character, and I have it so when the enemy collides with the character you loose a life.

But how do I have the character shoot bullets.

I know how to do the keypress, and make the bullets move with a timer. But I don't know how I can create an infinite amount of bullets that can fire.

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Make A Regex That Can Detect A Certain Character String

Dec 1, 2010

How do I make a regex that can detect a certain character string that is either all by its self in a line, or separated by white space.

If I have the line:


Or the line

"sdf gdfg dv ewrsef fvdf ot sdfsd sdot"

I want to be able to detect the 'ot', except for the one that is 'sdot'

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Make Comment Maker Character For Whole Paragraph?

Jul 26, 2009

how make comment maker character for whole paragraph

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Interface And Graphics :: Best Way To Make A 'tile Selector' Box?

Jan 16, 2011

So now I will try to make something more complex, still playing around with this graphics thing.I want a picturebox to display a tileset (a bunch of 32x32 tiles normally used for creating game levels etc), the picturebox is inside a container (which has autoscroll ON). The picturebox is larger than the container, so the container will make scrollbars automatically.Now, I need to be able to choose a tile or multiple tiles (if I click & drag the mouse)Basically I want to draw a 32x32 "red" box over each selected tile (so the user knows what tiles are selected).So first of all, I need to know when the mouse clicks the picture. Good. It works.Now, I need to know which 32x32 tile was clicked. Well, I think I can calculate that just fine.BUT, what if the user drags the mouse while clicking on a tile? I want to support multiple tiles selected, but I am clueless about tracking what tiles were chosen.If we solve that problem, I would have another curiosity: You know the "red boxes" that tell you which tiles are selected? What would happen if I dragged the scroll bar? I need the redboxes to move along with the picture, and hide if they go to an invisible area.

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Interface And Graphics :: How To Make Picturebox Transparent

Aug 23, 2009

i am making a program with graphics and im using a picturebox for a button. The image inside picturebox is transparent .gif. The problem is that i don't know how to make picturebox transparent. I searched the internet but all exaples didn't work. Does someone know how to fix this problem?

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Interface And Graphics :: Make A Thumbnail From An Image?

Jul 11, 2004

I am trying to incorporate in my vbdotnet application a form in which I would like to make a thumbnail from an image. So what I have is two picture boxes, one with the source image and the other with the destination image, I would like to crop the image from picture box 1 and display it on picture box 2, but the way I wan to crop it is not giving the coordinates of the selected area box but to simulate a selection area box in which the mouse can move the box and select the area of the picture to be cropped. This selection area box would give me the coordinates i need in order to proceed the cropping. The problem is I don't know how to create this selection area box. It is like doing the cropping on a graphic design software like Macromedia Fireworks, Adobe photoshop, even paint.

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Make Graphics In Visual Basic 2010?

Apr 23, 2012

I want to know if anyone here can teach me how to make graphics in visual basic 2010. For example, you have a form where you put everything about a graphic (type, data for x, data for y), you press a button and it appears.

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Make Space Between Spacial Symbol And Other Character Automatically?

Apr 5, 2012

I want code for RichTextBox when I write text it make space automatically before and after some character like Spacial symbol example , I write in RichTextBox this statement :


when I press ENTER this statement change to :

array ( ) = { 1,2,3,4 }

make space between spacial symbol and other character automatically

How I do that In VB.NET 2008?

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Interface And Graphics :: Create An Object And Make It Visible?

Dec 28, 2009

I tried to create a lineshape and make it visible when a timer ticks. Also tried to set everything that would matter when creating it(border colors and thickness etc)

But still, I got no results.

Dim line = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape(CX, CY, ccx, ccy)
line.Parent = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer()
line.Enabled = True


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Interface And Graphics :: Design - Make A Form Transparent

Nov 18, 2010

i make a Form transparant where i dont want form background. So say like i got a round form and i can transparant the white background of the round even possible?

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