Auto Numbering - Adding New Item (Database)

Jun 3, 2011

I am using the vb 2005 to create an application and I created a database from the vb by adding a new Item (Database). I want to know how can I make the id which is a number, to take an auto number and not to have to enter it with my insert statement. I know in oracle I use a sequence and in access I use Auto Number as a type for the field, I want something like this here.

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Auto-numbering Entries To Database?

Sep 1, 2009

I conected my access database with the form and I need the code to count how much entries are in the database and increase that number by one, and then to write that number in one textbox so that when I press save in the form the entry would have that numbar as id.

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Auto-Numbering Primary Key In Access 2007 Database?

Aug 3, 2010

When I add a new row to an access database, I would like the primary key to be automatically incremented and entered. I've got this to work using a sql database, but it doesn't work with access for some reason. The following code works if I give the code a value for "@key" which is my primary key column. If I leave it out I get the error "Number of query values and destination fields are not the same". I don't want to have to supply the primary key, I want it to generate automatically.


In the database the primary key is type "AutoNumber". Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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Make An Auto Numbering At Each Print?

Feb 6, 2012

i have made an invoice that is printed the total amount of things bought but still i have a problem of making it such that at each time i print i prin each invoice numbers itself as the following one.

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Adding An Item To A Database In A Form?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm new to databasing. How do you make it so you can add an item to a database on a form, Then follow a link to another form which has the database on, then what you put in on the previous form will be there?

How's it done? Sorry - Haven't been using VB very long >.<

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Adding More Than One Item Into A Database, At The Same Time?

Sep 6, 2010

I have an app that I have made. The application generates 14million combinations of numbers and inserts them into an Access Database. As you can imagine, this takes AGES (whole night) to compute. Is it possible to make the same method call twice so instead of one combination being generated and inserted, two or more are?

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Forms :: Command To Auto Remove Item From Combobox If Item Is Blank?

Apr 3, 2011

I have used the command:

For Each Proc as process in process.getprocesses

to populate a combo box with the list of current process windows, however for every process that doesnt have a main window title there is a blank space, is there a way that I could tell it to not insert the item if it's mainwindowtitle field is blank?

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Auto-select Treeview Item By Item Name?

Jul 26, 2011

i have a treeview with 8 Root items, my program needs to add items to the treeview without me selecting the proper root or item, the root items have been coded so they cannot be deleted, but i'm not sure how to get the software to place data in a particular root by what its name is. when you add children the indexs change so im not sure where to begin. heres an example


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Auto Generate Item ID

Oct 15, 2011

Generating item codes for my inventory system became complex when the panel said that this must be the format of the generated ID number: "CATEGORY-ITEMNAME-ITEMINDEX" For example: School Supplies - Coupon Bond short- Second Item in the database would result to an item ID : SCS-CBS-002.

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Auto-increment Only Adding Untill 10?

Jul 18, 2012

I wrote a small code to generate auto-increment number and save it to the database. the problems is that whrn it reaches 10, it stops incrementing

hereis the code
Dim Separ As String() = fullString.Split("-")
Dim StrPart As String = String.Format(Separ(0), "ABC", System.String.Format("SIM"))


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Auto-delete Empty Item In Listobx?

Apr 29, 2012

I have a listbox that keep creating empty items due to appending text from a textbox that reads a text file. Could I have it just remove any empty items on startup?

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VS 2008 Auto-Select First Item In Listbox?

May 8, 2009

I need help Auto-selecting the first item in my listbox (listbox1). Doesn't sound too difficult but seem to be having a hard time with it.

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Adding Docking Form To App And Auto Resizing

Jun 18, 2009

I am trying to add a docking form to my application. I have a good program going so far but I am trying to create a minimize to dock feature in which it minimizes to another form (basically hides one and shows the other). I am working on a 23" monitor but I want this to work on all computers. So what I am looking for is a form that three buttons...left, top, right. When the left button is clicked it will dock the window to that side of the screen and fill all of the space from top to bottom with a width of 200 or so. The second button "top" will dock it to the top of the screen and expand the width to the width of the screen it is on. And a height of 200. And the third button "right" will do the same as the left but will put it on the right side. Also is it possible to reserve that side of the screen. (move all icons on the desktop from behind it to the side of it.

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Reading Auto-number Value After Adding A Record?

Jul 17, 2011

I have an Access table which has an auto-number primary key. When I add a new record to it I want to be able to get the value of this field.

The relevant code I have is:

dsNewRow.Item("FullName") = NewStudentFields(0)
dsNewRow.Item("FirstName") = NewStudentFields(1)
dsNewRow.Item("LastName") = NewStudentFields(2)


I want to be able to access the value of the primary key immediately after the Update (if that's possible without having to search the dataset for the new record - cumbersome!) or, even better, just before the Update, if that's possible.

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How To Exclude An FxCop In Source When Item Is Auto-generated

Nov 14, 2009

For example:Public Event CurrentChanged As EventHandler(Of CurrentChangedEventArgs(Of T))Shows the message "Do not nest generic types in member signatures." on CurrentChangedEvent, which is the variable that holds the delegate for the event, and VB generates it automagically.How do I suppress the rule for the item?

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ListView And Labels On Form - Auto Select New Item?

Apr 18, 2012

I have a listview and labels on my form. When the user clicks on the label the labels text displays in the listview. And the first item in the listview is selected. But when I click on another label the text is displayed as the 2nd item in the listview but it is not selected.

Attached is the code for a couple of labels.
Private Sub Label49_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label49.Click
Dim intIndex As Integer
For intIndex = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count + 1
Next intIndex
[Code] .....

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C# - Adding DataAnnotations To Auto-generated DBML Class?

Feb 17, 2010

i'm worried about doing this since my changes will be overwritten when the dbml file is auto generated again (as they often are).i'm thinking of doing a partial class and writing out the same properties to annotate them, but worried that it will complain about duplicates, and the reason i can't even experiment brings me to the second part of my questions...

that, the expandable arrow on my dbml file listing is missing, right clicking and selecting "View Code" just displays an empty partial class as below.


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VS 2010 Auto-select The Same Item From A Second Listbox To Whats Selected In Listbox1

Sep 10, 2010

i have a list box which is populated with folder names via directoryinfo, and i have a second listbox which is also populated with folder names from a user selected folder. So listbox1 is populated like this:


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Adding A Menu Item?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm trying to make a program that adds a menu item when right clicking files.I got a C# code here:[URL] and converted it to VB.
It's working perfectly but the trouble is, it adds a menu item to folders and not files.

These are the registry entries i added:

Private Const MenuName As String = "FoldershellNewMenuOption"
Private Const Command As String = "FoldershellNewMenuOptioncommand"

convert them so it adds the menu item to a file?

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Adding Item Only Once In Dropdownlist

May 12, 2012

I am using ASP.NET with VB.NET as background code. I have 8 ImageMaps in my webform Estimator.aspx.Each ImageMap represents a car part (Front Bumper, Rear Bumper, Mirror, Hood, Sunroof, DoorShell, Headlights, Tail lights) and I have a dropdownlist ddlChosenParts. When the user clicks on any of the 8 ImageMaps, I add the PostBackValue to the dropdownlist ddlChosenParts.The problem is that if the user clicks on the same ImageMap twice, the PostBackValue is added twice.I want to check if ddlChosenParts contains the ImageMap's PostBackValue and if it already contains it, do not add it again. That means that if the user clicks more than once on the same ImageMap, it's PostBackValue is only added once in ddlChosenParts.I have this code but i'm getting an error: Value of Type String cannot be converted to ListItem. [code]

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ListView Adding An Item?

Apr 11, 2011

I have a ListView on one form that i am wanting to read the items and display on a different form. My code:

Dim oList As ListViewItem
For Each oList In fSOOrderEntry.OrderList.Items


I don't know what this means. i want to ADD each listviewitem from one listview into another listview.

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Click On Some Listbox Item Auto Press That Button Remove Selected Items From List Box?

Feb 15, 2012

i i have a listbox and 1 button in my application thing i want is when i click on some listbox item auto press that button or when i click on some item in list box it remove selected items from list box just with mouse click

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Line Numbering In VB?

Sep 25, 2011

Somewhile back I got into the habit of manually line numbering my routines (in access) - yes just like it was in the 80's ... :)Only because it's seriously helpful in error trapping where reference to specific line numbers pops up in my trapping routine. (as a comment I am surprised by the number of apparent learned folk who ask the question why one numbers lines !!)I am now Fed up with doing it manually

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Where Is Numbering In Richtextbox

Sep 21, 2011

in richtextbox i can set the bullet like this

rtbMainBox.SelectionBullet = True

how about the numbering?

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Adding A New Line In A Listview Item

May 4, 2012

I currently have a line of text in my listview that is too long for the current width of my

listview, without increasing the width of my listview, is there a way to add a newline within the

listview line item so that it's 2 or 3 lines long so there's no need to have the user scroll to see

the text?

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Adding An Item To A Combobox In A Datagridview?

Oct 16, 2011

I have an Access database with a Parts table. I'm using tableadapters in my project. A datagridview on my form is filled manually in code. One column of the DGV contains a columntype of combobox. I've got a bindingsource on my form whose source is the Parts tableadapter. The combobox column is tied to the bindingsource and is displaying fldDescription.

The part descriptions can be changed by the users, but the original part description is saved in another table that is used to fill the grid. If part "widget" gets changed to "widget, large" I can no longer display "widget" in the combobox of the grid. I need to know how to be able to add it to the bindingsource so I can display it in the combobox. I don't want it saved to the Parts table though.

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Adding Code To A Contextmenustrip Item?

Mar 3, 2010

I have made it so that as soon as the form opens it puts an icon in the tray and when you right click the icon it comes up with a contextmenustrip. in the form I have put a button and a textbox. when you click the button, it creates a new item in the contextmenustrip What I wanted to do was add a peice of code to this new item, is this possible?

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Adding Item To Listbox With Value, And Text?

Jan 26, 2009

I cannot figure out how to add an item to a listbox with a specific value. I am able to add a text description without any problems, but how can I give it a specific value?

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Adding The Run As Administrator Menu Item

Apr 2, 2010

i've written a database program which runs fine from the ide (vs 2008). when i install this program, all database operations do not work. i tried running it as an administrator using an admin command prompt, it worked. now for my less tech savvy clients, is it possible that when they right click the programs icon they can use the 'run as administrator' menu item? how can i achieve this. if it's too much to implement, will moving the database from the application path to, say, documents, solve this issue?

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App Menu Item Adding WinForms?

Feb 15, 2012

In WinForms, is there a way to add an item to the popup menu when you click on the icon in the forms control bar? Apps I can think off that use this is Chrome, and Command Prompt.

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