Table And Word Wrapping In Cells?

Mar 22, 2011

Here is what we've been trying to do.

We have a button that loads up a form. It opens up a form and there is a Table. Its the history table. Well, the way this table is loaded is we run a function known as HistoryTableSelectSubset. Now, this has worked very fine! Not a problem.

This is our problem. We want three columns in this table. First, QueryDate (WORKS!). Second, SQL (WORKS!). Third, MYNEWCOLUMN (Fail). What we want in this third column is basically the SQL column but with it all word wrapped.

So, instead of seeing only the first line of the SQL on the table if it is written like this:


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Getting Bookmarks In Individual Cells Not From Whole Row In Word Table?

Aug 1, 2008

I am having trouble with automatically filling a table in word from a app - i use bookmarks in the next top row to determine what data should be inserted into the columns of my tables. However, i am having trouble in getting the individual cells bookmarks and get all the bookmarks from the row instead. This is fine if i have one bookmark in each column as i can use the 3rd bookark and assume that is from the 3rd column, but if i were to have 2 bookmarks in one column, how would i know which column it was that contained the 2 bookmarks?Here is my code that returns all bookmarks for the row even though i am selecting a single cell; and therefore using bookmarks(1) - always the same bookmark(the one in the leftmost


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Office Automation :: Word Table Merge Cells And MoveRight?

Feb 24, 2011

I've searched for this everywhere, but can't find a solution after trying for two days. What I want to accomplish is creating a table in Word (n-rows, and 3 cols,) (which I successfully have) and for each row that has a new date, I want to merge all three column cells just for that one row with the date. For every other row, above and below, I still want to preserve the 3 columns structure. What happens with the Merge() method is that all the rows merge, not just the row I'm currently on. I did a macro and noticed that there is a Selection.MoveRight() option I can do, but I can't yet figure out how to put all these statements together to accomplish this. When I do the MoveRight, trying many variants like the following:


I get a member cannot be found for the first statement.

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Word Wrapping Between Words?

May 16, 2011

I'm writing a text adventure that takes place in the World of Snorf.Console.WriteLine("You are in the world of Snorf. The sky is pink. A gentle breeze blows across your naked skin.") When I debug this, the line gets cut through the word "your".How can I have the words automatically wrapped between the words?

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RichTextBox Word Wrapping - Making New Line To Be Indented To Under Text Above

Jul 27, 2011

When i am receiving server responses some are to long for the RTB so obviously continue on the next line. Each line is time stamped. If the word is to long it looks as follows:

15:00 this is a long
15:01 another message and so on

what i would like is for the new line to be indented to under the text above so it does not wrap directly under the time stamp. [Code]

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VS 2010 Word Wrapping - Formatting Lines Of Text In ListBox

Jan 26, 2012

I have some lines of text in a listbox that I need to format. The text originally looks like this (on one line):
GND,CAL1.2 CAL1.3 CAL1.4 CAL1.5 CAL1.6 CAL1.7 CAL1.8 CAL1.9 CAL1.10 CAL2.2 CAL2.3 CAL2.4 CAL2.5 CAL2.6 CAL2.7 CAL2.8 CAL2.9 CAL2.10 CAL3.2 CAL3.3 CAL3.4 CAL3.5 CAL3.6 CAL3.7 CAL3.8 CAL3.9 CAL3.10 CAL4.2 CAL4.3 CAL4.4 CAL4.5 CAL4.6 CAL4.7 CAL4.8 CAL4.9 CAL4.10 CMS1L.2 CMS1L.3 CMS1L.4 CMS1L.5 CMS1L.6 CMS1L.7 CMS1L.8 CMS1L.9 CMS1L.10 CMS1U.2 CMS1U.3 CMS1U.4 CMS1U.5 CMS1U.6 CMS1U.7 CMS1U.8 CMS1U.9 CMS1U.10 CMS2L.2 CMS2L.3 CMS2L.4 CMS2L.5 CMS2L.6 CMS2L.7 CMS2L.8 CMS2L.9 CMS2L.10 CMS2U.2 CMS2U.3 CMS2U.4 CMS2U.5 CMS2U.6 CMS2U.7 CMS2U.8 CMS2U.9

I need to format it (if it's more than 13 names), then add it to another list looking like this:
NET 'GND' R1-2 R2-2 R3-2 R4-2 R5-2 R6-2 R7-2 R8-2 L1-2 L1-3 L1-4 L1-5 L1-6 L1-7
NET 'GND' L1-8 L1-9 L1-10 L3-2 L3-3 L3-4 L3-5 L3-6 L3-7 L3-8 L3-9 L3-10 L4-2
NET 'GND' L4-3 L4-4 L4-5 L4-6 L4-7 L4-8 L4-9 L4-10 L7-2 L7-3 L7-4 L7-5 L7-6
NET 'GND' L7-7 L7-8 L7-9 L7-10 L2-2 L2-3 L2-4 L2-5 L2-6 L2-7 L2-8 L2-9 L2-10
NET 'GND' L6-2 L6-3 L6-4 L6-5 L6-6 L6-7 L6-8 L6-9 L6-10 L5-2 L5-3 L5-4 L5-5 .....
[Code] .....

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Word Wrapping - Cannot Select Last Line Of Richtextbox (when A Line Is Wrapped It Becomes Two Lines)

Jul 5, 2009

The following code selects a line ina richtextbox. It works OK expect from one problem:

When a line is biger than the size of the richtextbox, it wraps it. This create a big problem as I can not select the last line of the richtextbox (when a line is wrapped it becomes two lines). When I set wordwrap to off it works just fine

Private Sub RichTextBox1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.MouseMove



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Writing To Word And Excel 2007 - Transferring Data Into Specific Cells

Aug 23, 2010

I'm developing a program that handles money, and there is a pre-made excel spreadsheet that I am to be transfering data into specific cells. How can I go about telling my program to write specifc data into specific cell numer in excel? Also, how can I get my program to write into specific areas of a MS Word Template (my program will generate letter with the same template just different names/addresses/valus)?

View 1 Replies - Parse Data/numbers From Table Cells C#?

Dec 10, 2011

I have a string which contains html code from a webpage. There's a table in the code I'm interested in. I want to parse the numbers present in the table cells and put them in textboxes, each number in its own textbox. Here's the table:

<table class="tblSkills">
<th class="th_first">Strength</th><td class="align_center">15</td>
<th>Passing</th><td class="align_center">17</td>


As you can see there are 14 numbers. To make things worse numbers like 19 and 20 are replaced by images and numbers lower than 6 have a span class.

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Delete Empty Cells In A Data Table

Jun 21, 2010

I'm binding data table to datagrid but i'm not sure how to delete the empty cells in that data table

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Forms :: Getting Error Populating The Table Cells Into Listview?

Nov 7, 2009

Here is the code I am playing around I am getting error populating the table cells into my listview. In my codes it is always add only in one cloumn in my lv.

Private Sub DumpTables()
Dim t, c As Integer ' Used to count tables and cells.
Dim IWebDocument As HTMLDocument


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Javascript - Get Checkbox From Multiple Cells In Html Table?

May 24, 2012

I have dynamic html table and every cell have one checkbox. I want to get the selected checkbox if the user select from multiple checkbox from different row.

function GetAllChecked() {
var chkedshid = new Array();
var rows = new Array();


why why this function return just last selected checkbox for last row in loop? i need the all selected checkbox for all rows!

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Make More Than One Element Active In A Webbroswer Control Specifically With Html Table Cells?

Nov 27, 2009

how to specifically identify all the specific table cells that are selected in a webbrowser control. To be specific once I load a page into the webbrowser control and it is displayed I simply want to be able to click and drag with the mouse over multiple cells. Once I have selected the multiple cells I want to be able to do something to them such as adding an attribute. I can do this with a single cell. With the follwoing code:



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IDE :: How To Deal With Cells Excel Cells That Update Info Via The Web

Jul 5, 2009

My main goal is to have an excel spreadsheet that automatically plots the overall success of my stock portfolio over time (% change over time). I've been able to incorporate stock data into my spreadsheet by linking it to the web, but the trouble is the spreadsheet will keep no history of what the previous stock values were, so I can't graph how things change over time. This sounds like it might be too complicated to be built in to excel, so I was wondering if anyone knew how to program this in Visual Basic. Maybe something like this.... If refresh then new cell plus new time stamp. Another possibility would be to have a whole bunch of cells that refresh only once but at longer and longer intervals, e.g.,


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VS 2010 Connect The Cells Of One Of Its Columns To Cells In Some Other DataTables?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a DataTable and want to connect the cells of one of its columns to cells in some other DataTables.

For example:

DataTable1.Rows(0).Item(2) is connected to DataTable2.Rows(4).Item(6)
DataTable1.Rows(1).Item(2) is connected to DataTable4.Rows(2).Item(3)
DataTable1.Rows(2).Item(2) is connected to DataTable3.Rows(11).Item(4)

How can I do this?

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Wrapping Exe With Another Exe?

Sep 16, 2010

I want to wrap one exe withing second with some functionality is it possible in when user run main exe it will check some requirement and than run internal exe without extract it. How it is possible?

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Create A Word Table?

Jan 27, 2010

I am using to create a Word table. Everything works fine, except that it is very slow. It takes about 0.34 seconds to create each cell in the table. I am using an HP machine with i7 processor and 12 GB of RAM. At 0.34 seconds per cell, times 7 columns, times 189 rows ~ 7.5 minutes to create a small table! I must be doing something wrong, but I have no idea what it could be. The table looks looks fine.

My code looks something like this:

oWord = DirectCast(CreateObject("Word.Application"), Word.Application)
oWord.Visible = False


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Draw Table Like MS Word?

Jul 19, 2009

I'm working on a project that needs to give the user ability to draw a table like MS Word and then add controls to its cells.

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VBA Word Table Style Bug?

Apr 5, 2012

I have created a macro, attached to a button on my word document, which added a new row to the top of a table and changes the colour of the bottom line of the row to light grey.However there appears to be a problem which I think is a bug in either the language or word itself which meant that he part of my function which colours the bottom of the row only works once!I did create a work around which was to actually call the style function twice (but it had to apply a different colour, even though only one of the colours are actually applied).

Private Sub NewEntry_Click()
'Select first row


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VS 2005 Get Image From Word Table?

Aug 4, 2011

I am reading a word document that has a table in it and one of the cells as a image in it. How can I get that image and insert it into a picturebox control>

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Stop A Label From Wrapping?

Mar 8, 2010

how I can stop text from wrapping in a label? My labels have AutoSize turned off and only show one line, but I don't want the text to wrap on to a second line even if it "thinks" that the text won't fit.

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Wrapping A C++ Dll And Data Types

Dec 25, 2009

I am trying to wrap a c++ dll and can use system.runtime.interopservices.dllimport and declare function to call functions from the dll. But how do i wrap the data types and everything else?

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Wrapping An Application In A Window?

Apr 3, 2010

I need to write a program that works like a parent midi form to an external windows based application.The reason is that the application needs to be in a kiosk mode when running, and my wrapper midi form will manange the launch and closing of the windows based application.

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Add Table To Word, Error: Not A By Reference Property?

Nov 23, 2009

This is a portion of code. It creates a table of 6 rows with 3 columns on the word document. But I keep getting an error "Range is not a by reference property." However, the table is being added to the word document. I researched the error here & other sites, but not sure how to fix this. VB.Net is still pretty new to me.


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Copy Word Table And Paste It In New Page

Jun 5, 2011

I have a table that I'm trying to use as a template that I can then copy to a new page. I only got this much

Dim oWord As word.Application
Dim oDoc As word.Document
Dim oTable As word.Table
FileCopy("C:/1535.doc", "C:/1535_1" & ".doc")
oWord = New word.Application
[Code] .....

So I want to get a copy of oTable then after the page break it makes a new page but I don't know how go to that page and put a copy of oTable.

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Creating A Table In Word With Microsoft VB 2010?

Sep 10, 2011

error Public member 'Tables' on type 'ApplicationClass' not found when trying to create the table.The error occurs at the line

Dim tlb
As Word.Table = objWord.Tables.Add(NumRows:=4, NumColumns:=3)
My import statements include


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Creating A Word Table With A Different Number Of Columns In Each Row?

Sep 22, 2009

I'm working with Microsoft Word and trying to generate a table with headings that may span one to three columns. I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this. The table should look something like the following:Counters

Times (hrs)
Flows (gals)
Well Starts


To get it to look this way, I'm not exactly sure what to do from VB.

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Export DataGridView To A Table In A Word Document?

Aug 31, 2011

I want to export my DataGridView to a table in a word document. what should i "Import" and what reference to add ? and what to do if the reference i wanted to add i couldnt find in COM tab ??

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VS 2008 Export To Word/excel Table?

Apr 8, 2010

I have to make a calculator that exports the data to a word/excel table -i'm using Office 2007- and i don't know how to create the code.Here's how it looks like and that's how the table should look like (i "masked" some of the parts cause they're not really important):

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VS 2008 Word Cycling Through Each Table, Then Each Cell

Apr 7, 2010

I have the table part working fine, but i get an error for the cell part

Dim tb As Word.Table
Dim cell As Word.Cells
Dim tableStringArray As New ArrayList()


Error : Expression is of type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Table', which is not a collection type.

how i should cycle through each cell?

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