Wrapping A C++ Dll And Data Types

Dec 25, 2009

I am trying to wrap a c++ dll and can use system.runtime.interopservices.dllimport and declare function to call functions from the dll. But how do i wrap the data types and everything else?

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VS 2008 DataGridView Wrapping - Modify Data With Long String

Nov 18, 2011

I have a DataGridView with one column, I set for that column
Modify data a with a long string, I call also
But the DataGridView doesn't refresh wrap,il looks like this : I change manually current selected row moving to another record and now the refresh is done :

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Variables - Combining Multiple Data Types Into A Single Unified Data Structure

Mar 16, 2012

In VB.NET I would like to create a complicated data structure with multiple types of data stored in an array like format (see below). I am trying to create a data structure that would look something like this: [Name; xLoc; yLoc; zLoc; [Jagged Array]] Note: Name needs to be dimensioned as a string, xLoc and so forth as integers. The Jagged Array would look like this:


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Wrapping Exe With Another Exe?

Sep 16, 2010

I want to wrap one exe withing second with some functionality is it possible in vb.net?. when user run main exe it will check some requirement and than run internal exe without extract it. How it is possible?

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Data Types - Decimal - Move That Value Into A SQL Server Data Table Column Defined As A "Float"?

Aug 7, 2010

SQL Server has a Data Type of "Float". Visual Studio has a Data Type of "Decimal". In other words, if I have a variable in a VB.Net app that is defined as a "Decimal" ...can I move that value into a SQL Server Data Table column defined as a "Float"?

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VS 2008 - Choose Data Source - User To Easily Create A Connection To Any Installed Data Types They Have Installed

Jun 1, 2011

I have been trying for days now how to create a process to the user to easily create a connection to any installed data types they have installed. I have found an example right inside vb2008. I never use this because I code my own connections, but this would be real nice if I could include it or duplicate it.

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Calling C++ DLL In .NET - Data Types?

Mar 26, 2011

I'm trying to call a C++ DLL from inside VB.NET and am having difficulty with the data types (I think), I understand VB.NET far more than I do C++...I think my main problem is differing data types and I don't understand enough C++?In C++ the DLL is called (I don't have the source for the DLL which would solve my problem, I only have a sample project written in C++) by this;

_InitSensor = (InitSensor)GetProcAddress(m_hInstLibrary, "InitSensor");
_FreeSensor = (FreeSensor)GetProcAddress(m_hInstLibrary, "FreeSensor");
_ReadTEMPsh10 = (ReadTEMPsh10)GetProcAddress(m_hInstLibrary, "ReadTEMPsh10");

(Variables Declared Previously in other file like this;)

typedef char* (*InitSensor)(char ICType);
typedef void (*FreeSensor)();
typedef double* (*ReadTEMPsh10)(BYTE n);
typedef double (*ReadType)(BYTE address);

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Data Types From External Dll

Feb 25, 2010

I use Philip's MfRc500.dll for communicating with RFID chips. It contains a function for reading data, which is defined like this:[code]The second parameter in function Mf500PiccRead can returns "16 byte data block", so my long data type is too small. If I use byte() instead of long, then i get ExecutionEngineException Exception.

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Use UniqueIdentifier Data Types?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm torn between using UniqueIdentifiers(UID) or some other field as my primary key for my new web app. I have two tables. I need to be able to find the UID on one record in Table1 and put that UID in a new record in Table2. I also need to be able to create a brand new UID for the new record in Table2 on the fly.

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When Is It Necessary To Convert Data Types

Feb 25, 2011

Visual Basic 2010 (Express). If I take a string from a textbox and assign it to an integer variable, I'm under the impression that you're supposed to use CInt to explicitly convert the contents to an integer.intMyCount = CInt(txtUserInput.Text)However, if I don't do that, it still seems to work. Similarly, if I have an integer and concatenate it into a label's text property, it still works: lblResults.Text = intMyCount & " number of times."
rather than using intMyCount.ToString.Why does it work? Is VB doing implicit conversions when possible? Are there examples where not explicitly converting with .ToString or using CInt would cause unexpected results?

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Stop A Label From Wrapping?

Mar 8, 2010

how I can stop text from wrapping in a label? My labels have AutoSize turned off and only show one line, but I don't want the text to wrap on to a second line even if it "thinks" that the text won't fit.

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Word Wrapping Between Words?

May 16, 2011

I'm writing a text adventure that takes place in the World of Snorf.Console.WriteLine("You are in the world of Snorf. The sky is pink. A gentle breeze blows across your naked skin.") When I debug this, the line gets cut through the word "your".How can I have the words automatically wrapped between the words?

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Wrapping An Application In A Window?

Apr 3, 2010

I need to write a program that works like a parent midi form to an external windows based application.The reason is that the application needs to be in a kiosk mode when running, and my wrapper midi form will manange the launch and closing of the windows based application.

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C# - Compare Two Objects Regardless Of Data Types?

Oct 12, 2010

I want to compare two objects whose type may be diffrent.

For eg, I expects 'true' for comparing 1000.0(Decimal) with 1000(Double) . Similary, it should return true if I compare 10(string) and 10(double) .

I tried to compare using Object.Equals() , but it did NOT work.It return false if two objects have different data types.

Dim oldVal As Object ' assgin some value
Dim newVal As Object 'assgin some value
If Not Object.Equals(oldVal,newVal) Then


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Calling TIME Data Types?

Oct 12, 2009

I am create a mysql table with TIME data type Field. And then store time type data into that field. But can't view in datagridview ( not show in other controls, like LABEL,TEXT,LISTBOX etcc..) . Using method is:

Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand
Dim adapter As New MySqlDataAdapter
Dim table As New DataTable


Run time display error:ArgumentException was unhandled Argument 'Prompt' cannot be converted to type 'String'

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Data Types Don't Match In SQL Statement?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a table that has a "date" column and an "amount" column. I also have a form with two DateTimePickers ("dtp1" and "dtp2"), a button and a label. The label should show the total amount calculated from the rows whose "date" value is between the dates picked by the user with the DateTimePicker controls.

I keep getting an error with my SQL statement, and I don't know what to try. My code is as follows:

Private Sub getData(ByRef total As Double)
Dim connection As OleDbConnection
connection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\proyectogestion.mdb")


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Delphi To VB: Define Data Types?

Aug 11, 2011

in Delphi I have:

type osVer = (


I need to translate to VB...

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Handle The Different Data Types That Could Be Returned?

Sep 7, 2010

I tend to use

If Not IsDBNull(dr("data")) Then
myData = dr("data")
End If

to catch nulls. Is there a better way? It seems I use this over and over again? Anyone write a function to check this something like

mydata = IfNotNull("data")

I don't know how to handle the different data types that could be returned.

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Python To VB: Unknown Data Types

Mar 3, 2010

I never thought I'd say this, but I am getting pissed at how easy it is to just plop down a variable in python without any declaration. I have an existing python script which interfaces with a server, and it builds its own messages to be communicated via sockets. What I am trying to do is take the command line python script and convert it into a VB GUI app that is more user friendly.


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VS 2008 : Native Sql Data Types?

Jun 2, 2011

I'm creating a VB.Net Windows Form Application. Apologies if this is not clear as I'm still new to .Net. This consists of a text box and a gridview.The user is able to write SQL code in the textbox, click run and see the results in the gridview.It uses a SQL DataAdapter and the fill method to a datatable to populate the gridview.My problem is that I need to know the SQL datatypes for each column in the data table (NOT the .net ones). I.E SQL Server 2008 data type 'Date' is stored as System.Datetime in the datatable. I need to know if the SQL Server datatype is 'Date' or 'Datetime'.

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C# :: Determining Object Equivalence For Value Types, Reference Types And ILists?

Nov 1, 2009

I have a class with a Property called 'Value' which is of type Object.Value can be of any type, a structure, a class, an array, IList etc.My problem is with the setter and determining whether the value has changed or not.This is simple enough for value types, but reference types and lists present a problem.For a class, would you assume that the Equals method has been implemented correctly, or just assume that the value has changed every time the setter is called?If I did assume it's changed, then perhaps I should assume it for value types as well, so that the behaviour is consistent.

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Fix DataGridView RowHeader Text Wrapping?

Jul 5, 2010

I am trying to decrease the height of DataGridView rows to allow showing as much of theme. ut all my best effort produces the following result:

These are the settings used for the RowHeaderDefaultCellStyle:
aGrid.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight
aGrid.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.DarkGray


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Interface And Graphics - Datagrid Wrapping In WPF

Oct 4, 2010

I am having a datagrid in WPF application and I need to show the text wrapped in the cells. Basically I am reading from SQL server and displaying them in the Datagrid. Some of the fields having more than 255 character length and I want to show them as wrapped. To do this, I created my own style and trying to apply that to a data grid cell, but it is not working. [Code]

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Table And Word Wrapping In Cells?

Mar 22, 2011

Here is what we've been trying to do.

We have a button that loads up a form. It opens up a form and there is a Table. Its the history table. Well, the way this table is loaded is we run a function known as HistoryTableSelectSubset. Now, this has worked very fine! Not a problem.

This is our problem. We want three columns in this table. First, QueryDate (WORKS!). Second, SQL (WORKS!). Third, MYNEWCOLUMN (Fail). What we want in this third column is basically the SQL column but with it all word wrapped.

So, instead of seeing only the first line of the SQL on the table if it is written like this:


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Tooltip Text Wrapping Around To Next Line

Aug 9, 2009

I have a client app written in Visual Basic (Visual Studio 2008). The text is wrapping around to the next line when the tooltip displays on the form. Can I draw the rectangle wider?

Private Sub WORMSToolTip_Draw(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As DrawToolTipEventArgs) Handles WORMSToolTip.Draw
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.AliceBlue, e.Bounds)


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VS 2008 Wrapping Text In DataGridView

Mar 24, 2010

Is there any way to wrap text in the DataGridView control? When I do it doesn't auto resize the row height so it becomes mostly hidden.

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Wrapping / Adding New Lines If A Label Is Too Big?

Mar 19, 2010

I need to be able to find out if the text in my label is resizing the label to an extent where it extends beyond the form, I think I can do this using the form's .right and the label's .right property.how do I add in new lines / wrap the text or whatever?

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.net - Double Or Integer : What To Use With BIG Or SMALL Data Types

Jul 26, 2011

I have a value of: "2.54334881002458E-37" and i keep getting "overflow" exception when i'm using a double.what should i use to make this work?

code snippet:

Dim curries, act, cat As Double
For Each dataRow As DataRow In dt.Rows
curries = dataRow("Activity")

getting the error when i try to assign Activity to curries.but "activity" is a string in the database....

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Define A 3 Dimensions Matrix With Different Data Types?

Dec 8, 2011

I define 3 arrays: ID(n), Hour(n), Showed(n). If Hour(i) = actual time, I get the data pointed by ID(i), if not Showed(i).

BUT... I can add new hours or modify some existent, but I need to have the Hour array sorted. If I sort this array, the ID and Showed will point to different data.

So I though some different solutions:

1 - To make a string array with all inside (a 7 characters ID, a 5 characters Hour and 1 char for showed (T or F)). It could work, but, how can I sort the middle part of the array (Hour)? So, this don't work.

2 - A 3 dimensions "multitype" matrix (1 dimension of type Integer, the second of type Date and the third of type Boolean). I have no idea about how this can be done.

3 - A 3 dimensions string matrix, some like the "all inside" array: ID converted to a fixed size string, hour converted to a 5 chars string (hh:mm) and Showed converted to T or F. And sort the second dimension.

4 - Sell my copy of Visual Studio and drive a taxi cab

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How To Create Class Which Inherit From Data Types

May 30, 2011

How to create a class which inherits from a data type, specifically from Char data type? I just want to add one property to it. If it's not possible, are there any other ways to accomplish this?

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