Backgroundworker Is Not Executing Whole Code

Jun 21, 2010

background worker is not executing all the code in side it. windows application..Although there is not any exception.

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WPF - InvalidOperationException On Second Time Executing BackgroundWorker

Sep 3, 2011

I'm making an app using wpf and in vb2010 express and having a problem. I have a timer that execute a backgroundworker every minute:
Private Sub timer_Tick() Handles timer.Tick
If Not bworker.IsBusy Then
End If
End Sub

The backgroundworker is working with xmlelement and xmldataprovider:
Private Sub bworker_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles bworker.DoWork
Dim source As XmlDataProvider = Application.Current.Resources("r1")
Dim sometext As String = "something"
Dim elemento As XmlElement = source.Document.CreateElement("elemento")
elemento.InnerText = sometext
e.Result = elemento
End Sub

Then I'm using e.Result on RunWorkerComplete to add the XmlElement to source. It works perfect the first time I execute the backgroundworker, but when the timer calls it the second time it throws a InvalidOperationException in the line "elemento.InnerText = sometext" why is that and how can I solve it?

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Executing Same BackgroundWorker Several Times Depending On Condition?

Mar 20, 2012

I used BackgroundWorker to solve a problem in my winforms application, I wanted to be able to cancel a long-running operation and see results live in ListBox while executing the operation. It works fine except when I want to add a checkbox with additional condition. The problem is when I want to run several operation at once. Ex. both XX and YY executing XX first and then start with YY in that order.

Private Sub UpdateDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTestAll.Click
If cbxTestYY.Checked OrElse cbxTesteXX.Checked Then
If cbxTestXX.Checked Then
[Code] .....

I know I am trying to run multiple tasks on same backgroundworker which is not allowed, but I don't have any idea how to solve this so it runs in specific order.

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Executing SQL From Code ?

Jun 22, 2010

I am running SQL 2005 Standard Server. I am using Visual Studio 2010 for development.

Let me just say that what I have below works, I would just like to have some constructive critisism.


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.net - Stop Executing Code?

Dec 14, 2011

I am compiling and running code at runtime. Can I stop this code midway through if I wish? Like the 'stop' feature in Visual Studio that stops the code if desired?

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Code For Executing Sql Query

Dec 31, 2010

I`m now at the point calling server from, and run query inside code.I have write two codes on button click. One button is checked server connection, other should execute query for server table.Connection code is working, as I have set two messages, and getting successfull message. Second code is not working, as nothing happened when press button. Sql statement is very simple, and it works if I run it manually.[code]

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.net - Executing Runtime Code Parameters?

Dec 9, 2011

The following is some code to execute code at runtime: Dim SourceCode As String = txtCode.Text

Dim Dlls() As String = {"System.dll", "System.Core.dll", "System.Data.dll", "System.Windows.Forms.dll"} 'Any referenced dll's
Dim Compiler As New VbCompiler(SourceCode, Dlls)
Dim CodeAssembly As Assembly = Compiler.Compile
If Compiler.Successful Then


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Some Code Not Executing From Inside EventHandler?

Feb 19, 2008

I'm having a really weird problem with my current project in Visual Basic 2005.To make a long story short, I have an EventHandler subroutine (Clock1_tick) which triggers on the Elapsed event of a Timer (Clock1). Some, but not all, of the code within the subroutine executes correctly. Some of it doesn't execute at all, even though the debugger shows that each line of code is being read.

The overall details of the program aren't really important, but within the program I have a VB class file which can be instanced via the "New" keyword and contains a series of functions, subroutines, and properties... a typical class file. The class file is for managing sound channels..The frmMain includes a status bar with a label to display the program's current status. It also includes a public sub which recieves a string and sets the text of the status bar:

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Stopping While Executing A Block Of Code

Oct 10, 2010

I'm trying to replace text using this method:

Add each characted to a String list (List(Of String)), execute the replace function for every type of character (for example: Text = Text.Replace("A", "0AA") Text = Text.Replace("a", "1AB")), but there's a problem: it replaces the text, but it replaces those replaced characters too, so when I replace "A", it will result something like this: "0AAB AAA 0AB"... (a long text)), and then add the characters to the result string

how make the application stop and start the replacing of the next character

I'm trying to use this code block:

Dim ReturnedString As String = GivenText
Dim ListToEncode As New List(Of String)
Dim curr As Integer = 0


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VS 2008 Code Not Executing In Right Order?

May 13, 2009

i seem to be having issues with my simple count down project. The count down work how I want it, there is also a pic of a rocket that move up when the count down button (Button4 - the form was set up in class as a quick example, so there was no need to name the buttons) is pressed. The problem is that the count down "10....1...Blast Off" shows after the rocket has moved up, I want the countdown text to show, then the rocket to move.The countdown is outputted to a ListBox.Here is my code thus far: (I have re-worked is a bit, starting to look messy)


I am not sure if I should be doing it as a function, that was just one of my attempts to get it to output everything in the right order.

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VS 2010 Executing Code From A String

Feb 25, 2011

Im trying to create an app that can Compile and run code while running. Like I will have a multiline textbox and a button that runs the code. The code should run as if it Were to be in a normal Sub. I've heard of system.reflection but all the examples microsoft provided have failed.

View 4 Replies

VS 2010 Stop Executing Code?

Dec 13, 2011

I am compiling and running code at runtime. Can I 'stop' this code midway through if I wish? Like the 'stop' feature in Visual Studio that stops the code if desired

View 2 Replies - Update Sql Command Not Executing Correctly From Vb Code

Dec 5, 2011

In my application, I have a call for an update to a table on my database. I know that it is executing because I get a 1 returned when checking the number of rows affected but when I look on the DB the value is not updated - I have refreshed and still no update. Here is the code, taskgrp_template is type bit and taskgrp_id is type integer. Id is also set to the correct value, as the result of my tracepoint - results listed below code.

mycmd.CommandText = "UPDATE p2_taskgroups SET TASKGRP_template = 1 WHERE TASKGRP_ID =" & id
rowsChecked = mycmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

Tracepoint result: the value of id is 55 and the value of templateCheck is 14 the number of rows affected was 1

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Code Executing To Fast For Lbl Text Change?

Aug 23, 2011

When you click a button on my form, it opens a folder dialog box & gets the selected path, then changes a label's text to state that it's starting to process the directory then it goes ahead & opens a new streamwriter & continues on into my other sub for listing directories..roblem is the label isn't changing before it does it's processing, I figure that is because it's processing to fast to actually display the text. Even if processing the directory takes a minute or more the label won't ever change, which should have happened before it started processing the directory.

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Executing A Piece Of Code Before The Program Closes?

May 18, 2009

Having read the rules I don't have much code to show apart from these lines I want to have executed just before the program or a form closes.

If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("File.file") then
End if

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Stop A DialogResult OK Button From Executing Using Code?

Jan 16, 2011

I have a button with DialogResult OK set.

I'm using the following code to try and do validation[code]...

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Making Application Not To Freeze While Executing Code Or While Looping?

Mar 23, 2012

i'm trying to make a simple email sender and the problem is that during the sending process my application freezes, therefore my progress bar also freezes so is there anyway i can try to make application not to freeze?

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Disabling Button Before Executing VB Code To Prevent Duplicate Records?

Feb 15, 2012

I need to disable a button after its pressed so the user does not have the ability to click it again as this would replicate the process in some cases.After alot of searching I found some tips - alot of code I found I could not understand.This is what I have come up with:

On page load:
If Me.Page.IsPostBack Then
'lblDetails.Text = "disabled"


I also read somewhere that I should use: System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) to delay the process or something - not entirely sure why I would do this though.Although, the problem with my above code is that when the code behind page performs validation checks, it exits sub before executing my INSERT SQL code - so when it does this it also disables the button.I am not entirely sure if the above method is fool proof or whether it is a **** piece of code that won't work 100% of the time.On another website I found a script to put on the actual HTML page with <script> tags:

<script type="text/javascript">
disableSubmit(frm) {


View 17 Replies

C# - Wrap Code In A Lambda Expression Using A BackgroundWorker?

Jun 24, 2011

Consider the following C# code:

private void SomeMethod()
IsBusy = true;
var bg = new BackgroundWorker();
bg.DoWork += (sender, e) =>


However, I'd like to be able to implement a method like SomeMethod from the C# example in Likely this means wrapping the Backgroundworker in another class (which is something I want to do for dependency injection and unit testing anyway).

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Executing An External Program In Powerpoint And Waiting For It To Finish Before Moving On To More Code?

Nov 23, 2011

I would like to execute an external program within powerpoint after the presentation has loaded so i can see if its working. In short my overall objective is to execute the external program which will open up the command prompt and use the sendkeys method to sendkeys to command prompt which help it to run a script at the correct time (which is after presentation is loaded).

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Check If A String Exists In Html Code By Executing A For Loop Which Executes Each Time A Different Url?

Apr 4, 2012

I would like to know please how to check whether a string exists or not in a html code. I'm executing a for loop. Each time it checks a different url, so I want to be able to check each time if for example "<img" exists .

P.S: What's the difference between using



dim request webrequest
request = WebRequest.Create

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Interface And Graphics :: Disabling Button Before Executing VB Code To Prevent Duplicate Records?

Aug 5, 2008

I need to disable a button after its pressed so the user does not have the ability to click it again as this would replicate the process in some cases. After alot of searching I found some tips - alot of code I found I could not understand.This is what I have come up with:


I also read somewhere that I should use: System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) to delay the process or something - not entirely sure why I would do this though.Although, the problem with my above code is that when the code behind page performs validation checks, it exits sub before executing my INSERT SQL code - so when it does this it also disables the button.I am not entirely sure if the above method is fool proof or whether it is a **** piece of code that won't work 100% of the time.On another website I found a script to put on the actual HTML page with <script> tags:


But although this works, it does not execute my VB code in the code behind page so I am a little confused where to go here.

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Cancel Backgroundworker - Got The Error Message" This BackgroundWorker Is Currently Busy And Cannot Run Multiple Tasks Concurrently?

Dec 14, 2009

in my button click event i ececure

If BackgroundWorker4.IsBusy Then
End If[code]....

after proceess completed if press the button again.i got the following error msg

This BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently.

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Getting Code Of An Object Is Executing Even When The Current Object Is Nothing?

Jan 19, 2012

I stumbled upon the statement "If Me IsNot Nothing" several times. Often I find this in WinForms samples.I dont't get the sense or meaning of this line. "Me" refers to the current Object or Form, so if I am executing this line "Me" can't be Nothing. Or am I missing something here?Is there a way that Code of an Object is executing even when the current Object is Nothing?

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VS 2010 Stop A Block Of Code Executing When User Clicks "Stop"?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a START and STOP button and when the user clicks "start" the program does a whole bunch of calculations and all. However, I noticed that when I was testing the program I clicked STOP the program continues to execute stuff.

My START code is basically a while loop that iteratively does some calculations.

So I just put a boolean variable as the while condition and when user clicks stop its set to false and when user clicks start its set to true. However, when I click stop, the condition is set to false yes but it still executes all the code until the condition is re-evaluated my question is how can I get out of the while loop when user instantly clicks "stop"?

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Backgroundworker Inside Another Backgroundworker?

Apr 2, 2012

i'm in the need to start a backgroundworker inside another one.Now...The first one BGW starts a for cycle, and inside this one there is the second BGW that has to upload an image to a server.The trouble is that, the progress event and the complete event of the internal BGW are never called.

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Do Until Loop Not Executing?

Nov 16, 2010

y question is I have a program that is used to add inputs to an array when the OK button is clicked. My problem is that the after the first click of the OK button the Do while loop does not execute again for a 2nd click.lling out my hair. Here is the code.

Public Class InputValue
Public Shared InputArray(0 To 9) As Integer


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Executing A DLL From SQL Server?

Feb 3, 2010

we want to write a DLL using VB.NET 2008 using .Net 3.5 that performs an HTTP request we then want to call the DLL From SQL Server 2005 (in a trigger) and pass the DLL some variables and get a return value.Where im at in the process.I have created the DLL 'HTTPDLL.dll'


Imports System
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text


Perhaps i am calling it incorrectly but i havent been able to get it to work (always return 'invalid class string')

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Executing A FOR Loop?

Feb 1, 2011

Just trying to run a basic program where the user is prompted to enter five names, one at a time. I'm prompted one time. After entering one name I get the following error "Unhandled exception: System.NullReferenceException:Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Here's the

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim SortedList
For SortedList = 1 To 5


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Executing An External App?

Oct 1, 2010

im working in a windows app that execute another apps.. writing the name of the app in a text box (i.e firefox.exe) and click enter to run it im using >> (System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(app_name.Text)) to run apps it works fine with me .. but it didnt with some apps like when I write for example ares.exe it says:Win32Exciption was unhandled :The system cannot find the file specified

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