Best Way On Saving Changes In Datagridview Into Database?
Jun 3, 2010
What is the best way on saving changes in datagridview into database? Whatever the user made changes in the datagridview will reflect right away in the database? The fastest and accurate way.
I have read all the posts on this and tried a million different suggestions from the posts and I still can't get this and I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am new to working with DataGrids, Table Adapters, and Binding Sources so please bear with me.I have a form with a datagrid that loads when someone makes a selection in a combobox. I want the ability to make changes in the grid when they hit the save button. This is my data connection and variables, etc.
Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=C:Documents and SettingsTodd LerewMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsPracticeAppPracticeAppTFPOperationsDatabase.mdb") Dim myAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter
I have a function that i use to save a datagridview row to an access database (which works fine) but i was wondering any one know what i should look up to figure out how to set the row that i am saving to a colour IN the access database. So the row that i save is say red in the access database.
I have a MS Access database file that I can view with a DataGridView, but I can not save the changes made. User should be able to modify data, and when pressing the "Save" button, these changes should be reflected on the database. That is not happening.I know this is a common question, but I have read dozens of pages trying yo get this to work.
Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Dim con1 As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=T:JaimeTest.mdb;Persist Security Info=False") Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM Table1"
I have a datagridview which has columns which are bounded and unbounded. My problem is when the user enters several rows in the dgv, only the data found in last row is saved in the access table. For example, if the user enters 2 rows of data, when he clicks the save button, there are 2 rows saved in the access table but both rows contain the data of the last row in the dgv. Below is the code of the save button.
Private Sub btn_Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Save.Click For Each dr As DataGridViewRow In dgv_RMS.Rows
I am looking to save my DataGridView to Excel. I have 2 Tabs on my Windows Form that are both linked to 2 separate DataDridViews. The first one I can save to excel no problem but am having difficulty with the second one. I have include my code.
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
What I have is a program that is going to monitor and store different stats about different email servers. The basic layout of the main form is a datagridview. Now this program does not need to store the information into a database as it is only going to run on one machine which is why I did not bind the datagridview to a dataset. Maybe using a datagridview is not the way I need to go but researching around the only other option would be to save the data to XML. However since the table does contain hidden fields with authentication credentials, I am a little bit hesitant about doing so.
i am couldnt able to insert datagrid view manually entered data to mysql db with other control datas together into 1 table.
so i made 2 table and in 1 inserting all grid data in other rest still i m getting the same error:
" you have an error in your SQl syntax; check the manual that coressponds to your mysql server version for right syntax to use near '",",",",")' at line 1"
my code is
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim conn As New MySqlConnection
can anybody please help me with my problem. I have a database and I view the data using a datagridview, the problem is I cant update my database using the datagridview properly because there is an error in my codes. I just cant understand what I should do to make it run. I know there are lots of post about updating database using the datagridview but none of them is the one I am using. Please review my codes and tell what is wrong.
The error says that "the variable @a has already been declared..." As you can see I did not use the Me.Validate etc. to update my database because I do not know how to use them and I would like to focus on using this kind of codes in my program. This is the reason why the post about datagridview here are not useful for me.
I also included an example of what is being populated in the DataGridView from the xml file/schema from the start (see very bottom), which of course I'd like to be able to add more data to it via the DataGridView and then save it back to xml.
Private Sub Button2_Click_1(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim dt As New DataTable("testtable") dt.Columns.Add("Department", GetType(String))[code]..........
I have a datagridview on my form which is not bounded to any database table.The datagridview is only used for data entry. When the user has populated the datagridview and click the save button, I want to be able to save all the rows into a table in my database.At the moment, if more than one row is populated, my code is saving only the second row of the datagridview and everything else is ignored. If only one row is populated, it works fine.I am using Oracle database 11g and a store procedure to insert the records. Below is my code.
Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click Dim cmd As New OracleCommand("MHMS_Package.Insert_Service", conn) Dim strCmd As New OracleCommand("MHMS_Package.Insert_Service_Details", conn)[code].....
I am novice programmer in need to export datas from DatagridView to Excel.I could load the data but not columns names.Please help me to load the column name as well along with datas
I am doing a small project and I am using with MS access database. I am facing a Concurrency issue sometimes when I try to save data in the datagried view. I have added the datagried view by dragding and drop the table from the data source. Only one user is using the form to save data at one time. I think it works properly unless I moved from record to record then it gives me an error. "Concurrency, 0 records updated from expected 1....."
i have a windows forms app which displays a bunch of records from my sql database. when i modify records in the grid and click on save, all changes are saved EXCEPT the changes made to the currently highlighted row. they aren't written out the database until i exit the actual program, despite clicking on my save for example, if i change 5 different records in the grid, and click on save, and then click on refresh to reload the data from the database, 4 out of the 5 are saved correctly, but the row that is currently highlighted (meaning, the last row i changed) still has the old data.My code for the save button look like:
Code: Private Sub TerritoryBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TerritoryBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
I am happy that there is a forum like this with very supportive people.So on topic.I am a student creating an Inventory System software for my school using VB on VS 2008.I am having trouble saving items from a DataGridView to Access 2007.The codes I browsed here are quite different from what instructors teach us at our school.These are some of the codes we are using to save items from textboxes to Access 2007 database with a table named studenttable and database named student for your added information.
I have a datagridview created for my windows form using 2005 and I'm debating which would be the best way to allow my users to save the records.
The datagridview contains a Delete Checkbox so if that's checked, I need to delete the record. They will never be inserting new records - just updating or deleting them.
Do you think it's best to give them a Save button and when it's clicked, save the records; or rather, have it auto-save after each modification. I'm not sure how this would work in conjunction with my Delete checkbox though.
I am able to save the datagridview as an excel sheet but everytime I do it, the previously saved file gets replaced which I do not want. I want the file to be saved with a new name everytime.
Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim misValue As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value [Code] .....
I would like to save records in my unbound datagridview to a table in my database. The datagridview was manually created during design and is not bounded to any table. After the user has filled in the rows and columns, I would like all the rows to be inserted into the table. How do I go about this?
what I am trying to do is get a program to load data from a text file with multiple lines in the form "Name, Type, Stocklvl, Price, Location, Reorderlvl" then display it all in a data grid. From where it can be viewed and edited as well as saved back into the original file stock.txt as well as generating a separate file reorder.txt which includes data on what needs to be reordered and the date which updates on program exit. I have chosen to use datagridview something I'm unfamiliar with as I figure It'd probably be the most functional to meet my needs of displaying a lot of data clearly as much as 200 items.
Sometimes I select a value in my Combobox by hand, and sometimes the value to show is chosen elsewhere in my program logic. I want to carry out a certain action only when I have chosen a value by hand, and not when the value is changed by the program. For this reason I use the DropDownClosed event (and not, for example, SelectedValueChanged or SelectedIndexChanged). This works fine, but if I set AutoCompleteMode of my Combobox to Suggest, selecting a value from the suggested list doesn't fire the DropDownClosed event (perhaps logical, as the actual drop down list doesn't actually open).
I wrote small program which is able to open database using OpenFileDialog, then I added binding navigator (so I can navigate and make changes in my data set) and now I would like to SAVE data which I see in datagridview AS NEW FILE... I have a question: How to save data (and changes) from datagridview using SaveFileDialog?[code]
I have a datagridview control. I want to save the rows and then restore them the next time I run the program.
How do I write the rows out to an XML file?
I know how to fill the rows from an XML file. But when I've done so I can't add any more rows. It gives the following exception when I try: Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound. What can I do about this?
Or is there an easier way to save and restore the rows?
Essentially what I'm trying to do is to save the value of a string() to a cell in the datagrid view. The problem is that when I close the program and reopen it the changed value isn't there... It's not saving properly.
Here is my code. Dim BOCHURSTOTAL As Double = ((BochurimBindingSource.Current("Give_To_Bochur_Quant") * (bochurpr)) + _ (BochurimBindingSource.Current("Reg_Quant") * (regularpr)) + _ (BochurimBindingSource.Current("Priv1_Quant") * (private1pr)) + _ (BochurimBindingSource.Current("Priv2_Quant") * (private2pr)) + _ (BochurimBindingSource.Current("Priv3_Quant") * (private3pr))) DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells("DGV1TotalColumn").Value = BOCHURSTOTAL Me.Validate() Me.BochurimBindingSource.EndEdit() Me.BochurimTableAdapter.Update(Me.PuterDataSet.Bochurim)
1) How can I load data from Text file to DatagridView. I want it because I'm making a listener. And when I load a data from text file, i want to edit rows. And this calling the second question. 2) How can I save data, Datagrid to Text file.
I found a code Dim obj_oledb_da As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter Public Function ConnectCSV1(ByVal filetable As String) As DataSet Dim dataSet As New DataSet [Code] ..... I can load data with this code but I can't save.
My Text File must be like this: #IP localhost
I am adding an undo feature for a DataGridView using the Command Design Pattern. To create the EditCommand, I have to know what was the previous value of the cell, so I can re-enter it in case the user hits undo. I'm doing it using the CellBeginEdit and CellEndEdit events. With the CellBeginEdit, I save the value of the cell in a private variable and at the CellEndEdit function, I use the saved value to create the EditCommand. It's working fine, but I wonder if there is a more saner way to do it. Maybe a event that holds together the previous and the new cell value. Bonus points if I could actually prevent the DataGridView from updating itself and let the EditCommand do it.
I have a DataGridView which contains a hidden column. On the BindNavigator SaveItem_Click event i need to populate the hidden column cell with the current date. I tried using the DefaultValuesNeeded event but it did not work out.
I have managed to create a connection to the database and am able to save information to it from my form, the form contains 22 textboxes, a save and another exit button. I have set the form to retrieve data in the form_load. I have used the "UPDATE" SQL command on the save button and it does save the data on all 22 textboxes (all textboxes are linked to their separate columns). But only one record will be needed that is why I did not use the "INSERT" command.
The problem arises when I click the save button, all (19) textboxes are saved but when I retrieve the text (by reloading the form), each of the 20, 21, 22 textboxes (only) the text of the 20th textbox keeps on moving tho the next textbox e.g. 20>21>22>20>21>22 is interchanged amongst themselves.
I have a datagridview that's bound to an access database, and it loads fine, and runs without errors, but it doesn't save. Here's my code:
Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing Dim myDA As OleDbDataAdapter