DataGridView - Loading And Saving Data In Text File
Aug 22, 2010
1) How can I load data from Text file to DatagridView. I want it because I'm making a listener. And when I load a data from text file, i want to edit rows. And this calling the second question.
2) How can I save data, Datagrid to Text file.
I found a code
Dim obj_oledb_da As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter
Public Function ConnectCSV1(ByVal filetable As String) As DataSet
Dim dataSet As New DataSet
[Code] .....
I can load data with this code but I can't save.
My Text File must be like this:
#IP localhost
View 2 Replies
Mar 22, 2009
visual basic 2008
I am pretty good with visual basic and visual studio, but the one problem I have is saving... I am currently creating a game, and it has a lot of variables, I want o be able to save all those variables to a text file and then re-open it later. When it is open, i want the variables to have the original value from the text document.
To sum it up: I need variables to be saved in a text file, and then be able to open the text file back and have the variables have the proper values from the text file.
I have been searching around google, and I found ideas, but I have no idea how to use them. Like using XML or saving a table with " TextFile.WriteFromTable" "TextFile.ReadToTable" but I don't exactly get how to use those (the posts weren't too clear)
View 3 Replies
Feb 12, 2012
Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:
View 7 Replies
Oct 15, 2009
Our application is using VBSQL.OCX on Sql server 2000 to create temporary tables and load pipe delimited data from a text file with predefined format into the tables. It is failing intermittently doing this. 99% times it works perfectly. But on occasions it does fail with error. Once the process is rerun with the same input file it runs successfully.Basically the architecture is of Store/Head Office where there are around 200 remote stores sending set of data files to the Head Office. At HO our application sequentially processes each store which has all the set of files received, creates a corresponding table, loads the data from the file into the table and moves onto the next store.If it is for some reason not able to load the file for a store, it gives a failure message and continues with next store.Error which the OCX throws is "Attempt to convert data stopped by syntax error in source field"
View 1 Replies
May 9, 2012
what I am trying to do is get a program to load data from a text file with multiple lines in the form "Name, Type, Stocklvl, Price, Location, Reorderlvl" then display it all in a data grid. From where it can be viewed and edited as well as saved back into the original file stock.txt as well as generating a separate file reorder.txt which includes data on what needs to be reordered and the date which updates on program exit. I have chosen to use datagridview something I'm unfamiliar with as I figure It'd probably be the most functional to meet my needs of displaying a lot of data clearly as much as 200 items.
View 22 Replies
Feb 15, 2012
So there's lots of examples of how to do this if your text file happens to be in XML format. However, my text file is not in XML format and as it contains over 172,000 rows I'm not that keen on adapting it (it's a dictionary)! The text file has been included in the project as a resource.
So far I've got a DataGridView (could use a DataRepeater if easier?), a BindingSource and a DataSet.
The DataSet has a DataTable already defined in the designer with one column.I've managed to load the text file into a String and then create a StringReader based on that String variable, however I cannot find anyway of loading those strings into the DataTable.
Dim listWords As String = My.Resources.WordList Dim strReader As New System.IO.StringReader(listWords)
'What now???There are some examples of using OleDb functionality but all assume you're loading from a text file residing somewhere in the filesystem, not a project resource.(I'm also assuming that on building the application the resources get embedded (somewhere) rather than being accessed from [AppDir]/Resources/[filename] ??)
View 12 Replies
Nov 11, 2011
I feel like I missing an important step and the answer is stearing me right in the face...
View 6 Replies
Apr 14, 2010
how do i save data from a text file to different variable?i want to save each data from different rows and columns to different variable.[code]
View 1 Replies
Apr 17, 2010
I have a sign up sheet that I am creating for a project I'm working on and the sign up sheet works and I can enter all my data into the text fields and save the info but when I go to open the file again all the data is pushed into one text box and not in their own fields?
If there a trick in the SaveFileDialog that I can use to save each field to file then open them back in their own field?
Here's a screen shot of the before and after the program [URL]
And here is code behind the Save button [URL]
View 3 Replies
Apr 7, 2011
I think I'm over thinking this, but I'm not sure where to start.
Sub SaveDocument() Dim outputFile1 As StreamWriter 'Object variable
Try'Create File outputFile1 = File.CreateText(strFilename)
View 2 Replies
Jun 20, 2012
I am quite new to VB.NET and I am attempting to create a console application that can write, save, load and edit sets of data. Lets say I have something like this:
However, I have no idea how to load the data so I can manipulate it in the EMPLOYEE structure system. I am not sure if I have made my question clear enough, for as you can see I'm quite new to programming and am not essentially familiar with the terms of speech.
View 1 Replies
Sep 5, 2009
Is it possible to create a kinda virtual storage in a vb application so that data created during run time are stored right in the applicaion instead of its environment?
View 11 Replies
Jan 18, 2009
I keep getting an IOException, because the file is apparently already in use. I'm pretty sure I closed every handle, and I don't know what to do.
If haswon Then
Dim strFormat As New StringFormat()
View 4 Replies
Mar 15, 2010
A variety of files (pdf, images, etc.) are stored in a ntext field on a MS SQL Server. I am not sure what type is in this field, other than it shows question marks and undefined characters, I am assuming they are binary type.
The script is supposed to iterate through the rows and extract and save these files to a temp directory. "filename" and "contenttype" are given, and "data" is whatever is in the ntext field.
I have tried several solutions:
1) data.SaveToFile "/temp/"&filename, 2
Error: Object required: '????????????????????'
2) File.WriteAllBytes "/temp/"&filename, data
Error: Object required: 'File'
I have no idea how to import this, or the Server for MapPath. (Cue: what a noob!)
Const adTypeBinary = 1
Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
Dim BinaryStream
This works, but the file should be saving to the server instead of popping up save-as dialog. I am not sure if there is a way to save the response to file.
View 1 Replies
Feb 5, 2009
Basically iv got a form, and the fields are
"Full Name":
"Amount Contributed in �":
below the form i have a button that saves the data to a text file called 'mailinglist.txt'
So i enter the data into the fields and click the button like as follows:
Full Name: John Smith
Amount Contribted in �: 40
However..... when i go view the text file it displays John smith40, which i want a space between the name and the numeral.
Also as i want a maximum of 5 people added to the mailing list, i would like a function that lets me somehow "adds" an extra 4 people to the text file without overwriting the 1st name, and uses the same "current" form displayed to the user.
Here is the code as follows:
Public Class Form2
Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.TextChanged
View 6 Replies
Jul 13, 2009
I have a window application develpoed in vs 2008, framework 3.5, in which i have put a button.. Now where i click that button the other text boxes are filled up with the data from database thru web service.. what i want is while all text boxes are being filled i want to show an animated loading gif image till data loading is completed in all the text boxes.. i have tried to use image picture box but while data is loading gif image is displyes but in static mode.. cant see animation... i think this is because data loading and animation both are done thru one UI thread..
View 8 Replies
Jan 4, 2011
How do i fill my ObservableCollection(of Monitors) with data so that I can save it in an MVVM friendly manner. I normally use a FileNumber to load a DataSet using a DataAdapter and pass the monitors table via monitorDT - should I be loading it differently? How do I save the changes? Right now I have the following for loading data:
View 1 Replies
Jan 13, 2011
How do i fill my ObservableCollection(of Monitors) with data so that I can save it in an MVVM friendly manner. I normally use a FileNumber to load a DataSet using a DataAdapter and pass the monitors table via monitorDT - should I be loading it differently? How do I save the changes?Right now I have the following for loading data:
Public Class Monitors
Inherits ObservableCollection(Of Monitor)
Public Shared Function LoadMonitors(ByVal monitorDT As DataTable) As Monitors
View 3 Replies
Oct 27, 2009
no beating around the bush, here's the code.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myXMLFile As String = Application.StartupPath & "creditors.xml"
View 7 Replies
Aug 24, 2010
i want to save and load an array as and xml file. what is the easiers way to do so.
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Jul 31, 2009
Using the Microsoft VB 2008 Express program, I'm making a SWd20 character sheet (D&D) to be distributed to a few friends. It's a program where the user can figure out stats, species, class, etc without having to make any calculations him/herself.. but this will all be in vain without saving it..
So I'd love to know how I could make it so the user can save and load the entire file(including buttons, labels, text boxes, menu strips, possibly multiple forms, etc) on his/her own computer.. Is this possible, and if so, how can I go about this?
I've already searched through and found lots on saving text in the files to .txt files, but that doesn't cover everything I need
View 14 Replies
Apr 28, 2010
saving data from a text field and multiple combo boxes to a file on a server in visual basic 2008
View 1 Replies
Jul 22, 2009
I save data from datagridview to text file. I also load the same data from text file into datagridview for edit and update the same thing to text file. Let say this text file i called as Drill.txt. I have another text file called header.txt which need to match its value with the value of Drill.txt file then overwrite value from Drill.txt to header.txt. Now i want to make my Drill.txt in encrypted format to prevent anyone to open that file and modify out of program. They only can modify it through the program
View 3 Replies
May 15, 2012
Loading into a Datagridview, Nothing seems to work no Error even with test data Added.
Here is some code
Dim SqlConnectionString, SqlCommmandText As String
Dim SqlAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim Table As DataTable
View 5 Replies
Jul 23, 2009
I'm populating a DataGridView from a file with the following
Dim fnum As Short = FreeFile()
Dim inputLine As String
Dim i As Short = 0
Dim strAuditDate As String
Dim strAuditTime As String
Dim msg As String
When I do this, the MessageBox.Show shows the contents of a row, which is tab delimited. How do I get the data that I read to display in columns of the Gridview?
View 2 Replies
Oct 3, 2010
I have a datagridview (Unbound), which calculate several numbers, and I use this following code to save 5 of the columns to a XML file. My problem is that I would like to load this file back to my datagridview, and onlu to the same columns, without changing the rest of the datagridview.
Code used to create XML file:
Dim gridtable As DataTable = New DataTable("WaypointLeg")
Dim gridtable_collumn1 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("column1")
Dim gridtable_collumn11 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("column11")
Dim gridtable_collumn18 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("column18")
Dim gridtable_collumn19 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("column19")
[Code] .....
How I can load my XML file, and only update certain columns in my datagridview and not add 5 more columns to my datagridview? Is there a way to load the XML data to my datagridview without binding the datagridview to the XML file?
I mean without the use of the:
DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
View 3 Replies
Jul 16, 2009
I have a datagridview which have 5 columns. The name of the columns are T,C,F,S,H.
I have a text file which contain lines like this.
So i want to display this data in datagried view. I must display the number beside T to T column, the number beside C to C column and so on. It should only display number in the respective column. It should not display the T,C and so on.
View 10 Replies
Nov 15, 2011
I have the option to save the contents of the listview that was saved into text i would like to load the text file into datagridview in but i have no idea how to do it as this is my first time in doing it and i had googled around but couldn't find the information i needed.
View 11 Replies
Jul 22, 2009
I save data from datagridview to text file . I also load the same data from text file into datagridview for edit and update the same thing to text file. Let say this text file i called as Drill.txt. I have another text file called header.txt which need to match its value with the value of Drill.txt file then overwrite value from Drill.txt to header.txt.Now i want to make my Drill.txt in encrypted format to prevent anyone to open that file and modify out of program. They only can modify it through the program
View 2 Replies
Oct 31, 2011
how to use datagridview. im gonna show some of my code for the connection and datagridview display
Public Class Form1
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String
i want to display in a textfield the first name based on where is selected after i clicked Button1, how do i do this?
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