VS 2010 : Loading Data To A Textfield From A Datagridview?
Oct 31, 2011
how to use datagridview. im gonna show some of my code for the connection and datagridview display
Public Class Form1
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String
i want to display in a textfield the first name based on where is selected after i clicked Button1, how do i do this?
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May 15, 2012
Loading into a Datagridview, Nothing seems to work no Error even with test data Added.
Here is some code
Dim SqlConnectionString, SqlCommmandText As String
Dim SqlAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim Table As DataTable
View 5 Replies
Jul 23, 2009
I'm populating a DataGridView from a file with the following
Dim fnum As Short = FreeFile()
Dim inputLine As String
Dim i As Short = 0
Dim strAuditDate As String
Dim strAuditTime As String
Dim msg As String
When I do this, the MessageBox.Show shows the contents of a row, which is tab delimited. How do I get the data that I read to display in columns of the Gridview?
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Oct 3, 2010
I have a datagridview (Unbound), which calculate several numbers, and I use this following code to save 5 of the columns to a XML file. My problem is that I would like to load this file back to my datagridview, and onlu to the same columns, without changing the rest of the datagridview.
Code used to create XML file:
Dim gridtable As DataTable = New DataTable("WaypointLeg")
Dim gridtable_collumn1 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("column1")
Dim gridtable_collumn11 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("column11")
Dim gridtable_collumn18 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("column18")
Dim gridtable_collumn19 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("column19")
[Code] .....
How I can load my XML file, and only update certain columns in my datagridview and not add 5 more columns to my datagridview? Is there a way to load the XML data to my datagridview without binding the datagridview to the XML file?
I mean without the use of the:
DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
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Jun 22, 2010
so i need someone correct my coading to insert data from text field into database mssql... below is my coading;
Protected Sub btnSimpan_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSimpan.Click
Dim dtTemp As New DataSet
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May 9, 2012
what I am trying to do is get a program to load data from a text file with multiple lines in the form "Name, Type, Stocklvl, Price, Location, Reorderlvl" then display it all in a data grid. From where it can be viewed and edited as well as saved back into the original file stock.txt as well as generating a separate file reorder.txt which includes data on what needs to be reordered and the date which updates on program exit. I have chosen to use datagridview something I'm unfamiliar with as I figure It'd probably be the most functional to meet my needs of displaying a lot of data clearly as much as 200 items.
View 22 Replies
Aug 22, 2010
1) How can I load data from Text file to DatagridView. I want it because I'm making a listener. And when I load a data from text file, i want to edit rows. And this calling the second question.
2) How can I save data, Datagrid to Text file.
I found a code
Dim obj_oledb_da As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter
Public Function ConnectCSV1(ByVal filetable As String) As DataSet
Dim dataSet As New DataSet
[Code] .....
I can load data with this code but I can't save.
My Text File must be like this:
#IP localhost
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Jan 10, 2012
I have Vb 2008 and Ms access 2007, I tried this code to show the data in Datagridview but didn't do any thing and didn't show any error. [Code]
View 14 Replies
Jun 2, 2011
an application i developed using vb 2008 express, to fill a web form with data from an access database, one after another when a button is clicked hasn't given me what i expected. the loop was suposed to stop after filling web form with the first data on clicking a button and continue to fill the webform with the next(2nd) data from the database on clicking the button again. Below is the code i wrote
Sub STARTButton_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e
View 2 Replies
Feb 3, 2012
I have a vb.net form to add, modify or delete the product list..i have a datagridview in which i m loading data from sql server datatable...now i have a text box which accepts code for the product..i want that when i press a key, all data starting with that key should be highlighted in datagridview.....
i have product codes
D001,, etc..
Now i press A in text box...in datagridview all data with A should be highlighted
View 7 Replies
Apr 13, 2011
I need this code urgently try to sort out my problem and please explain the code with proper way.
View 1 Replies
Mar 26, 2012
I'm making an autotyper/spambot, these may seem wrong to a few or most of you but it's a $50 bet to me. But anyway, I have the controls on form 1, (TextBox1 + Start + Stop (user input), ComboBox1 + Start + Stop (For pre-defined input.)) and the pre-defined text on form2. But I have a problem with the combo box reading the data on form 2.
On timer2_tick
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Mar 23, 2011
I am trying to retrieve data row by row from my SQL Server and load them into my respective textboxes, I was doing the below code but of course it doesn't work as the For Each loop will load every single textboxes with each data retrieved, ran out of ideas.
Private Sub retrieve_Data()
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
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Oct 27, 2009
no beating around the bush, here's the code.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myXMLFile As String = Application.StartupPath & "creditors.xml"
View 7 Replies
Jul 13, 2009
I have a window application develpoed in vs 2008, framework 3.5, in which i have put a button.. Now where i click that button the other text boxes are filled up with the data from database thru web service.. what i want is while all text boxes are being filled i want to show an animated loading gif image till data loading is completed in all the text boxes.. i have tried to use image picture box but while data is loading gif image is displyes but in static mode.. cant see animation... i think this is because data loading and animation both are done thru one UI thread..
View 8 Replies
Sep 13, 2011
I have two datagridview's both are databound. First one shows items for sale and the second stores all the items that were sold. I am trying too transfer selected rows from one to the other but no matter what I keep getting told "Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound."
View 2 Replies
Sep 15, 2011
I am trying to get my datagridview to display more than one row of data.Every time I call the program it only writes the 1st line of data in the datagridview instead of adding it to a new row.I have been looking on the forums for hours but combined with my inexperience I can not understand it. The following code is in a loop and it reads an xml file each time.The goal is to put the xml data from each file into a new row in the table.Public Sub ReadData(ByVal filename As String, ByVal file As String)Try
With DS.Tables("MyTable")
View 2 Replies
Sep 15, 2011
I am trying to get my datagridview to display more than one row of data.Every time I call the program it only writes the 1st line of data in the datagridview instead of adding it to a new row.I have been looking on the forums for hours but combined with my inexperience I can not understand it.The following code is in a loop and it reads an xml file each time. The goal is to put the xml data from each file into a new row in the table.
PublicSub ReadData(ByVal filename AsString,ByVal file AsString)
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Feb 15, 2012
I have a datagridview and 3 buttons (New, update and delete).When I enter the form and I make changes to the datagridview and I save them, everything works fine.After the first save I make some more changes and I hit save again I get the error:"system.data.dbconcurrencyexception concurrency violation the updatecommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records"
The code I use below:
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Me.dgvOrderRegel.AllowUserToAddRows = True
View 6 Replies
Sep 16, 2010
I am trying to get my datagridview to display more than one row of data.Every time I call the program it only writes the 1st line of data in the datagridview instead of adding it to a new row.I have been looking on the forums for hours but combined with my inexperience I can not understand it.
View 9 Replies
Jan 3, 2011
I found a sample of how to display data from a table in to a datagrid using VB.
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = _
DataGrid1.DataSource = (reader.GetSchemaTable())
But this just displays the details of the table columns. For example row 1 has details about usrID, row 2 usrTel ect rather than the actual data of the table.
View 7 Replies
Nov 29, 2011
I am trying to fill a datagridview with data from a SQL database.The dgv will print rows and values where each row is a different category.
[VB CODE] Private Sub populatedgv1()
'setup temptable to store Server data
Dim m_table As New DataTable
Why does it only print all the rows for each DS (different sizes/colors) only if there are more then one DS? (if there is only 1 DS it will only print one row, regardless of different colors/sizes but if there is 2 DS, it will print all the values from the first DS)I have gotten a massive headache from trying to figure out these 2 problems. If any1 can help I would be very grateful. Please let me know if you need anymore info (SQL tables, data), and I'll put them up.
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Sep 30, 2010
how to print the data in my text box and datagrid.
This is my form: If i click, the Print Button, a receipt will be printed with all the data in the text box and datagrid.
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Apr 7, 2009
I have a CSV file which I append using the LoadActivityLog sub and then I pass this CSV to a datatable and populate a DataGridView in my form using the WriteAcitivityLog sub. Everythign works fine. However the datatable passes the information into the datagridview in such a way that it populates the column header rows with data as well. I want to put custom column header fields into the datagridview. However i cannot figure out how to do this.
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Mar 27, 2010
In my code i create a textbox, in a event on a combobox because i don't know where it shall bee before the user have make a choise in the combobox.
I use this:
txttotal = New TextBox
txttotal.Name = "txttotal"
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Jul 21, 2011
I have imported a set number of rows (17) into a DataGridView but how do im import like for example thousands of rows? Am i suppose to have thousands of code lines to import row by row?! Is there an easier way to import many rows without doing it row by row? Can someone please share with me how to do this i'm trying to learn more about VB programming as i find it quite intresting excuse me if this is something simple as im still a newbie at VB programming this is my code to import the excel rows
Private Sub Btn_Import_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btn_Import.Click
Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application
Dim objBook As Excel.Workbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(excelPathName)
Dim objSheet As Excel.Worksheet = objBook.Worksheets(1)
View 2 Replies
Oct 3, 2010
I am using Datagridview to show some table data from database. It is working but its appearance is not what i am looking for.Is there a way to edit columns and rows manually ?This is a list of what i want to do :
1. First of all i want to change column captions. because they are like "Fld_name" etc.
2. There is a column that shows date. I want to write a code for it ( convert date type )
3. I want to add a button at the end of each row and write a code for it ( show detail about that record )
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Jan 23, 2010
I have a matrix:
Module Procedimientos
Public Datos(200, 4) As String
Public Sub Inicio()[code]....
It is a Class made with the Add Windows Forms Menu.I have another Form where I added from the ToolBox the DataGridView Item.
Everything till now works like a charm, the problem comes when I try to load the matrix (previously posted) into the DataGrid. I search for the matrix via DataSource Button (from DataGrid's Properties) but I can't find it, it'll only show up the other forms. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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May 3, 2010
I've written the following sub to load a comma delimited file into my datagrid view but it's hanging up when it attempts to load the first two values into the cells of the datagridview. I think it's having trouble adding the cells to the datagrid. I have tried writting them directly using the .text of the specific row and cell but when I incremented to the next row it hung up because the row didn't exist (I think).
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Mar 16, 2011
It is possible to load the DataGridView (VB 2010) with an Sql Query file that is saved in My Documents Folder?
I searhed everywhere but have not found a good reference that i can use. I have a database on SQL Server. Created an SQL Query that join two tables and a function from SQL (among other things) that extract a report. This Query is saved within My Documents files in the C: drive. I want to show this report on the DataGridView. Don't know how to do it.
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