VS 2010 : Updating Data From Datagridview To DB?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a datagridview and 3 buttons (New, update and delete).When I enter the form and I make changes to the datagridview and I save them, everything works fine.After the first save I make some more changes and I hit save again I get the error:"system.data.dbconcurrencyexception concurrency violation the updatecommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records"

The code I use below:

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Me.dgvOrderRegel.AllowUserToAddRows = True


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Updating Data From A DataGridView?

Feb 12, 2009

I have a datagridview and the datasource is a database query. This query takes data from multiple tables within the database.

When I run the project the data loads to the datagridview fine. However, the system needs to allow the user to update data shown in the datagrid and save it.

I've been messing with this for ages now and it is still not saving correctly. Here is the code behind the save button:

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim strUpdate As String = "Update tblAttendance set Reasonforabsence = @Reason For Absence"


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VB 2010 Sql Compact 3.5 DataGridView Not Updating?

Nov 3, 2011

I have a single table in a SQL Compact DB (*.sdf) and a Datagridview. When I put the datagridview on the form I connected it to the table in the compact DB. I also have a few button that, Deleted and Add a entry. Delete button obtains the selected datagridview row and resolve the record ID. It then deletes the record in the database. The record gets deleted but the datagridview does not show the update unless I restart the debug session. I make teh same cal to:

Me.TblTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Database1DataSet1.tbl) which is called when the form load that fills the datgridview..

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VS 2010 Updating A Database In A Datagridview?

Apr 6, 2011

I have an existing database that Im using. I managed to update the database to whatever changes I do to the items in the datagridview using the code


But the thing is, whenever i write something in my code e.g "retyping the Me.close". It goes back to whats in the original items in my database.

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VS 2010 Updating Database Using Datagridview?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm loading a table from my database into a datagridview. Removing (multiple) rows from the database and the datagridview works great. Now I need to be able to add records directly into the database as soon as I add a new value into the datagrid.

- the id is the same ID as in the database

- the id-column is read-only

- the "datum"-column is where I want to add a new date (as soon as I leave the column it should add it into the database and the id should be added, without reloading the database) Adding the id (without reloading the database) is actually the most important part, but I don't have a clue how to achieve this.

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Comboboxes Not Updating When Populate Data From DataGridView

Oct 13, 2010

I have a form that lists all of the clients in a DataGridView and when I click on a column that is a Link I want the data to populate into the form I use to capture. My problem is that when I click on the link all the TextBoxes on the form are filled correctly but my ComboBoxes are not.[code]

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VS 2008 - Updating - Datagridview With Data From A Datatable

Nov 17, 2009

I have a little big problem in one application.

I have a datagridview with data from a datatable, this datatable have these fields (id,num1,num2, date,user,ref,qt,cost,center), some of them are hided in the dgv (id,num1,num2,date,user). The user can edit,delete and add new rows to the dgv.

I have a save button that performs this actions:

First check if there are new rows, and if yes it fill the hidden fields. Then validate the inserted values by the user with a couple of ifs. In the end, i call the bindingsource EndEdit, and call the adapter Update command against the datatable...

This sometimes works others not really, i don't understand why.

The error it's: "Concurrency violation: the DeleteCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records"

I think sometimes when Updating it occurs to.

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VS 2010 : Programmatic Edit Of Datagridview Not Updating The Database?

Jul 4, 2011

I am programmatically updating some columns in a datagridview. When the user has also updated some columns then my program generated changes are also saved to the database (MSAccess). If the user does not update a dgv column, my program edits are not saved. I have read in another posting somewhere that I should be updating the bindingsource rather than the dgv cells. I have some code that was attempting to do this but it doesn�t work.

Dim dvr As Data.DataRowView
With TblClassMembersDataGridView


PS. Is the bindingsource in a on-to-one relationship with the table returned by the Fill method? If not, I can see one obvious error.

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VS 2008 : Updating A Data Base File Via A DataGridView Control When Called From Another Form?

Jul 24, 2011

I am sorry to keep bothering you about this damn DataGridView control ... As you might have noticed I am having a hard time with the DataGridView control ... My latest problem has to do with updating the data base file (Access) through a DataGridView control .
Up to now I have managed to successfully edit an entry in the DataGridView control and moreover to successfully update the data base file itself .

The above form and its code work fine . The problem starts when I am trying to run the code of the Update button from another form .
You see , I have another form , through which I change the contents of some of the cells in the DataGridView control (back in Form1) . What I want next is to simply update the data base file itself , just like I was doing with the button in the first form , after I manually changed the cell in the DataGridView control .Thus , on the second form I have a button with this code :

Form1.Button1_Click(Nothing, Nothing) (of course the Click event is declared public)I have also tried :


but still nothing ...Although Form2 successfully changes the cells back in Form1 , the data base file itself does not get updated ...If I manually press the Update button in Form1 I once again successfully update the data base file , but I want to do the whole thing by calling the Update button from Form2 .

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Displaying And Updating Data In DataGridView With Parent Child Relation Using N-tier Architecture (2008)

Jun 16, 2009

I have recently built an N-Tier app using VB.Net 2008. The application is based on Beth Massi's tutorial at [URL] I am trying to incorporate a datagrridview control on a Parent form - one parent (father and mother) to many children. For example,


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Updating Tables Data VB 2010?

Sep 20, 2010

I have one DataSet and two forms, Customers and Efficiency. When I make changes to the Customers table (Delete a Customer for instance) It does not reflect the changes on the Efficiency table. The default form is Efficiency and I'm calling the Customers form from within the Efficiency form. I make the change in the Customer form, I then close the Customer form and call the Efficiency form back. The data is not updated on the Efficiency side until I close the application and re-open it. what code I need and where to inject this code?

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VS 2010 - Giving No Error But Data Not Updating

Feb 18, 2011

Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click
Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection
Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Updating DGV And Dt After Dt Is Updated And Data Is Inserted Into DB?

Mar 9, 2012

I have an issue with a data table that I have updated using the datatable.update command.The datatable is bound to the datagridview using dgv.datasource = datatable.I have used INSERT and UPDATE commands and the INSERT command writes the data back to the database ok. However my problem is that it the dgv is not updated with the primary key (ID field) from the database. So when I save a second time, instead of updating it just inserts the data again.


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VS 2010 - Datagridview - Rows Cannot Be Programmatically Added To DataGridView's Rows Collection When Control Is Data-bound

Sep 13, 2011

I have two datagridview's both are databound. First one shows items for sale and the second stores all the items that were sold. I am trying too transfer selected rows from one to the other but no matter what I keep getting told "Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound."

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2010 Datagridview - Data Only Populates The First Row?

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to get my datagridview to display more than one row of data.Every time I call the program it only writes the 1st line of data in the datagridview instead of adding it to a new row.I have been looking on the forums for hours but combined with my inexperience I can not understand it. The following code is in a loop and it reads an xml file each time.The goal is to put the xml data from each file into a new row in the table.Public Sub ReadData(ByVal filename As String, ByVal file As String)Try

With DS.Tables("MyTable")


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VB 2010 Datagridview - Data Only Populates The First Row?

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to get my datagridview to display more than one row of data.Every time I call the program it only writes the 1st line of data in the datagridview instead of adding it to a new row.I have been looking on the forums for hours but combined with my inexperience I can not understand it.The following code is in a loop and it reads an xml file each time. The goal is to put the xml data from each file into a new row in the table.

PublicSub ReadData(ByVal filename AsString,ByVal file AsString)


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2010 Datagridview Issues - Data Only Populates The First Row?

Sep 16, 2010

I am trying to get my datagridview to display more than one row of data.Every time I call the program it only writes the 1st line of data in the datagridview instead of adding it to a new row.I have been looking on the forums for hours but combined with my inexperience I can not understand it.

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VS 2010 : Displaying Table Data Is Datagridview?

Jan 3, 2011

I found a sample of how to display data from a table in to a datagrid using VB.

Dim reader As SqlDataReader = _
DataGrid1.DataSource = (reader.GetSchemaTable())

But this just displays the details of the table columns. For example row 1 has details about usrID, row 2 usrTel ect rather than the actual data of the table.

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VS 2010 : Loading Data To A Textfield From A Datagridview?

Oct 31, 2011

how to use datagridview. im gonna show some of my code for the connection and datagridview display

Public Class Form1
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String


i want to display in a textfield the first name based on where is selected after i clicked Button1, how do i do this?

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VS 2010 Fill A Datagridview With Data From A SQL Database?

Nov 29, 2011

I am trying to fill a datagridview with data from a SQL database.The dgv will print rows and values where each row is a different category.

[VB CODE] Private Sub populatedgv1()
'setup temptable to store Server data
Dim m_table As New DataTable


Why does it only print all the rows for each DS (different sizes/colors) only if there are more then one DS? (if there is only 1 DS it will only print one row, regardless of different colors/sizes but if there is 2 DS, it will print all the values from the first DS)I have gotten a massive headache from trying to figure out these 2 problems. If any1 can help I would be very grateful. Please let me know if you need anymore info (SQL tables, data), and I'll put them up.

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VS 2010 Guide In Printing Data In A Datagridview?

Sep 30, 2010

how to print the data in my text box and datagrid.

This is my form: If i click, the Print Button, a receipt will be printed with all the data in the text box and datagrid.

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VS 2010 Easier Way Of Importing Data From Excel To DataGridView?

Jul 21, 2011

I have imported a set number of rows (17) into a DataGridView but how do im import like for example thousands of rows? Am i suppose to have thousands of code lines to import row by row?! Is there an easier way to import many rows without doing it row by row? Can someone please share with me how to do this i'm trying to learn more about VB programming as i find it quite intresting excuse me if this is something simple as im still a newbie at VB programming this is my code to import the excel rows

Private Sub Btn_Import_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btn_Import.Click
Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application
Dim objBook As Excel.Workbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(excelPathName)
Dim objSheet As Excel.Worksheet = objBook.Worksheets(1)


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VS 2010 Using Datagridview To Show Some Table Data From Database?

Oct 3, 2010

I am using Datagridview to show some table data from database. It is working but its appearance is not what i am looking for.Is there a way to edit columns and rows manually ?This is a list of what i want to do :

1. First of all i want to change column captions. because they are like "Fld_name" etc.

2. There is a column that shows date. I want to write a code for it ( convert date type )

3. I want to add a button at the end of each row and write a code for it ( show detail about that record )

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DataGridView Not Updating SQL

Jan 31, 2011

I have a data grid view bound to a sql server table. What I am trying to do is have changes made in the dgv update in the sql table. I tried to use the Update method of the table adapter but get the following error.[code]....

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DataGridView Not Updating?

Jul 26, 2011

I have a datagridview with a datatable as datasource. If I add a row to the datatable, then the datagridview is not showing the contents.

grdChannel1.DataSource = CreateTable(colChannel)
Private Function CreateTable(ByVal colChannel As MyCollection(Of Channel)) As DataTable
'Create table and add collection into


I have 2 row counts if I check the the row counts of the datagridview in the debugging mode.

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IDE :: Possible To Updating Datagridview?

Jul 18, 2009

I have a datagridview which i filled with this code:

Dim daProd As New SqlDataAdapter
m dsProd As New DataSet
cmd = New SqlCommand


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DB/Reporting :: Updating Client Data Tables When Data Table On Shared Drive Is Updated?

Sep 28, 2009

I would like to know the best, or standard, way to accomplish real-time client updates in a small multi-user application using an access data table as a data source.Specifically, this application will be used by 3-4 people. It uses a datatable which is filled on form load and bound to a datagrid at design time. The datatable is stored on a shared drive. The data table on the shared drive is updated in two ways:

1) Users can update the datagrid which then updates the datatable on the shared drive via the data adapter's Update method.

2) A server application does some work on some text files, periodically updating the data table.

I need the clients to reflect the changes to the data table on the shared drive as closely to real-time as possible. I know that the data table stored in memory on the client is disconnected from the data table on the shared drive, so I must query again to get the updates.

1) Is there an alternvative model I can use which is connected, and which will automatically reflect the updates in the data table on the shared drive?

2) If not, what is the best way to check for changes in the data table (so I can know when to call the data adapter fill method)? I am planning to poll the drive for a change to the .mdb file, raise an event and then fill the data adapter when the event is triggered. I am using this method successfully now to check for changes to a text file in another application, and I know how to implement it?

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VS 2005 Updating Client Data Tables When Data Table On Shared Drive Is Updated

Sep 28, 2009

I would like to know the best, or standard, way to accomplish real-time client updates in a small multi-user application using an access data table as a data source.

Specifically, this application will be used by 3-4 people. It uses a datatable which is filled on form load and bound to a datagrid at design time. The datatable is stored on a shared drive. The data table on the shared drive is updated in two ways:

1) Users can update the datagrid which then updates the datatable on the shared drive via the data adapter's Update method.

2) A server application does some work on some text files, periodically updating the data table.

I need the clients to reflect the changes to the data table on the shared drive as closely to real-time as possible. I know that the data table stored in memory on the client is disconnected from the data table on the shared drive, so I must query again to get the updates.

I have two questions:

1) Is there an alternvative model I can use which is connected, and which will automatically reflect the updates in the data table on the shared drive?

2) If not, what is the best way to check for changes in the data table (so I can know when to call the data adapter fill method)? I am planning to poll the drive for a change to the .mdb file, raise an event and then fill the data adapter when the event is triggered. I am using this method successfully now to check for changes to a text file in another application, and I know how to implement it

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Reading Excel Into DataGridView And Typing The Data Columns VB 2010?

Sep 5, 2011

In my application I read data (using data binding) from an Excel spreadsheet into a DataGridView. This works, but the data columns contain text fields (strings). I would like to set the data type for some columns to "Date" and Decimal. I cant do this on the DataGridView (error: cant change properties for data-bound stuff) and I cant figure out how to do it on the dataset or data-table that I bind to the DataGridView.The following is the code I use to read and bind the data:

Using con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(cs)
'open the OleDbConnection


The commented out code (below the 'Todo: comment) causes a additional table, but I want to change the table with the data.

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VS 2010 : Write/import/copy Data From Excel To A Datagridview?

Nov 28, 2011

Using VS2010 - I want to write/import/copy data from excel to a datagridview.in the excel file - it would contain one column, whichI want to read into vb?

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