VS 2008 Saving And Loading Variables To And From A Text File?

Mar 22, 2009

visual basic 2008

I am pretty good with visual basic and visual studio, but the one problem I have is saving... I am currently creating a game, and it has a lot of variables, I want o be able to save all those variables to a text file and then re-open it later. When it is open, i want the variables to have the original value from the text document.

To sum it up: I need variables to be saved in a text file, and then be able to open the text file back and have the variables have the proper values from the text file.

I have been searching around google, and I found ideas, but I have no idea how to use them. Like using XML or saving a table with " TextFile.WriteFromTable" "TextFile.ReadToTable" but I don't exactly get how to use those (the posts weren't too clear)

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DataGridView - Loading And Saving Data In Text File

Aug 22, 2010

1) How can I load data from Text file to DatagridView. I want it because I'm making a listener. And when I load a data from text file, i want to edit rows. And this calling the second question.
2) How can I save data, Datagrid to Text file.

I found a code
Dim obj_oledb_da As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter
Public Function ConnectCSV1(ByVal filetable As String) As DataSet
Dim dataSet As New DataSet
[Code] .....
I can load data with this code but I can't save.

My Text File must be like this:
#IP localhost

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VS 2008 Loading A Variables From A Structure In A File?

Apr 21, 2009

Im trying to load a price of an item from a prices file (Items). The variable (ItemName) is taken from a listox populated from the file on another form. And (Item) is the structure which i saved the prices information for into (Items).

What im trying to do is take the string from the listbox and change the textbox (txtCurrentPrice) text into the price for the highlighted item, which is also the name of the (txtItem) textbox.

However i cant find a way to reference the Item.(ItemName) to get the correct price from within the file, as ItemName isnt a member of the Items structure Item instance.

Private Sub ChangeItemForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


ItemName holds the name of one of the variables saved in the structure. So say if ItemName was holding "IridescentRoll" As its string I would be trying to find Item.IridescentRoll, which would show me the price of IridescentRoll which im trying to put into the textbox. and As Item.IridescentRoll = 3.35 it would display 3.35 in the textbox.

As you have probably guessed, the Item.ItemName doesnt work ('ItemName is not a member of...'

Is there any way to write this without having to create a new record for each item? As that would take a while, and im not sure i have the time x.X

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Loading Variables From .xls File

Nov 18, 2009

I have been searching for days to get some code that will do this. I need to open a spreadsheet and read maybe 2 dozen cells into variables in a VB.Net program. Specifics are: MS Office 2003, Vis Basic of VB.Net 2008. Everything seems to revolve around the following lines which do not work for me. I am not sure if this is version differences as most ppl here do not name which version they are using. [code]Does this method not work in VB.NET 2008?

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VS 2008 - Saving To Text File Using Multiple Text Boxes And Labels

May 27, 2009

how to permanently save to text files then re-open all of the information again using SFD and OFD. Now my teacher has come back at me and said that i need to be able to save the information from multiple text boxes and have the text in certain labels to also be saved into the one text file (the labels need to be done because it is a database and these labels are like the fields and the right text box needs to match the right label)

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VS 2008 Loading Text File Into Labels?

May 11, 2009

I have a few questions. Working on a program here that reads in data from a .txt file and puts it into 3 different labels during the form load procedure. I was wondering though, here's what I have so far:

Dim contents As String
contents = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("UserInfo.txt")
Label1.Text = contents


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VS 2008 Loading Text From File To Combobox?

May 15, 2009

how to do this, but I'm ignorant so I forgot, how to load lined text from a .txt file into a combobox?

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Saving/loading Array As Xml File?

Aug 24, 2010

i want to save and load an array as and xml file. what is the easiers way to do so.

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Saving/Loading The Entire File?

Jul 31, 2009

Using the Microsoft VB 2008 Express program, I'm making a SWd20 character sheet (D&D) to be distributed to a few friends. It's a program where the user can figure out stats, species, class, etc without having to make any calculations him/herself.. but this will all be in vain without saving it..

So I'd love to know how I could make it so the user can save and load the entire file(including buttons, labels, text boxes, menu strips, possibly multiple forms, etc) on his/her own computer.. Is this possible, and if so, how can I go about this?

I've already searched through and found lots on saving text in the files to .txt files, but that doesn't cover everything I need

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VS 2008 Loading 10 MB Text File To Richtextbox And ProgressBar

Nov 20, 2009

im working on the project and loading 10 MB text file to richtextbox, but problem is my application freezing during that time. Can anyone post the solution for progressbar during the file is loading?

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[2008] Editing Text In Text File And Saving It?

Dec 7, 2011

I would like to be able to read data from a text file, be able to edit it and save the new edits to that file over writing the old ones.

Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:cat4 ext.txt"
Dim TextLine As String
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then


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VS 2008 Loading And Saving Log?

Jul 4, 2010

I'm making a log for my application.I have made the log and it works.I use the streamreader and the streamwriter to save and load the data. I thought that it would be more organized to have columns inside the log.The problem is how will i save the information to the text file and load it up again so that it could organize itself again. The code that i used to make the columns.

log.Columns.Add("Task performed ", CInt((log.Width - 4) * 0.3), HorizontalAlignment.Left)
log.Columns.Add("Time and date", CInt((log.Width - 4) * 0.2), HorizontalAlignment.Left)
log.Columns.Add(" Amount of detected files(s)", CInt((log.Width - 4) * 0.2), HorizontalAlignment.Left)
log.Columns.Add(" App version", CInt((log.Width - 4) * 0.4), HorizontalAlignment.Left)
The code that i use to add the information to the log.


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VS 2008 Saving And Loading Form?

Dec 6, 2009

I am trying to Save a Form In My.Settings Then Be able to close the Application Then Open it and Have all the Forms. I need to Save and Load Multiple Forms At a time. I also need to be able to remove one of the saved forms when it is closed before the

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VS 2008 Got Saving - Open From A Text File?

May 23, 2009

I would like to ask. I have saving to a text file down now with multiple lines and it works.

How do i open this text file into a label.I know about open file dialog which is the same as savefiledialog.

So how do i open the text file and display the text in a label with multiple lines using the one click of a button and a open file window thingy.Does anyone have code that could me with this.

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VS 2008 Saving And Update Text File?

May 14, 2012

i am trying to do a text file to save some configurations. Basically when the application starts it will check if the text file is exist, if not it will create a new text file. Now i'm having a problem is when i try to append the newly created/exist text file, sometimes i need to press the 'save' button many times to update the text file.

Here is part of my When the form loads

Private Sub Config_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C: extfile.ini") = False Then


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Saving Multiple Arrays And Variables To Encrypted File?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm looking to be able to save and load the content from multiple structured arrays and variables into/from an encrypted file, is there any reliable source of information or tutorial that I'd be able to use for this? I've never written a program in visual basic that writes to/reads from a file.

I'm using microsoft visual studio 2008.

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[2008] Saving More Than 1 Line Of Data To A Text File?

Feb 5, 2009

Basically iv got a form, and the fields are

"Full Name":
"Amount Contributed in �":

below the form i have a button that saves the data to a text file called 'mailinglist.txt'

So i enter the data into the fields and click the button like as follows:

Full Name: John Smith
Amount Contribted in �: 40

However..... when i go view the text file it displays John smith40, which i want a space between the name and the numeral.

Also as i want a maximum of 5 people added to the mailing list, i would like a function that lets me somehow "adds" an extra 4 people to the text file without overwriting the 1st name, and uses the same "current" form displayed to the user.

Here is the code as follows:

Public Class Form2
Private Sub TextBox2_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.TextChanged


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VS 2008 Saving And Loading Values That Are Entered By The User

Nov 13, 2009

The problem is this: I have two forms. One form and the other form do mathematical calculations. I want to save the values that the user inputs, so when the user quits the program and then starts it up again the values are still there. But when I open up the program, start typing in values, then calculate them, hit quit. Try to open up the program again, its giving me a message that the input file is invalid. When I click ok, the program doesn't crash, continues. But the values are not there at all. The other form I put exactly the same code, just changed the variables and it doesn't want to save the values at all! I wrote this code for saving and loading the values:


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VS 2010 Saving Data From Applications By Saving A Text File Via A Stream Reader As A String

Feb 12, 2012

Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:


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VS 2008 Saving/loading Dates Tips&tricks Conversation?

Jul 14, 2010

working with dates has always been a tricky part so let me show you how I handle dates in my application and please could you show how do you handle dates and also feel free to criticise. Normally I would create out a system to be able to save and then load a date note I am using a varchar(50) on my SQL Server db rather than datetime but I understand this is wrong, that's why I am looking for a decent way to work the dates out. My system has worked for me fine so far but if I would have to sort the dates ascending or descending I think I would get into trouble because it is saved as text.


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Saving Data From A Text Field And Multiple Combo Boxes To A File On A Server In VB 2008?

Apr 28, 2010

saving data from a text field and multiple combo boxes to a file on a server in visual basic 2008

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Read A Text File Into A Text Box And Show The Progress Bar Loading

Dec 4, 2009

I am trying to read a text file into a text box, and show the progress bar loading. Sometimes if the text file is big, i don't know when it will finish reading it. This is basically the code i use to read a text file, but i don't know how to show the progress bar.


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Loading Text File Text Into Two Textboxes?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm having a problem with loading two text boxes from a saved text file. I've built a log in form that saves the user-name and password on separate lines in a text file.I have a save button and a load button. My problem is that I'm new to Visual Basics and I can't figure out how to get the two lines from the file to load into their separate boxes on the form.The code that I have loads both lines from the text file into the User Name Box.Oh the username is on the first line in the text file, and the password is on the second line of the text file. Could someone please help! My Loading code is:

Private Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click
If File.Exists("Login Config.txt") Then
Dim ioFile As New StreamReader("Login Config.txt")
Dim ioLine As String ' Going to hold one line at a time


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Loading A Text File To SQL?

Mar 12, 2009

I am trying to create a program which reads data from a text file and insert the data in to a SQL 2005 table, but unfortunately it only reads the first line and insert correctly but not the rest of the lines on the text file

The text file looks like this

John, Doe, 40, 12/04/1968
Micke, Gulm, 39, 07/08/1970


sort out this issue as I need read the entire text file which in reality will be about 5000-10000 lines and insert them in to the SQL DB line by line.

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Php File Loading Into A Text Box?

May 12, 2009

i am using vb.net 08. I have a php file loading into a text box. and then i have an external text file. the text file looks like this:"text 1= text 2 text 3 = text 4 etc"I need the program to search for terms inside the text box that are on the right side of the equal sign and replace it with the one on the left

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Saving The Text In A Text Box With A Custom File Extension Using The SaveFileDialog?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a textbox that is filled with some carefully formatted text. I need to save the text in that textbox as a text file with the extension of '.scr' eg: File1.scr instead of File1.txt

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Datetimepicker Loading A Text File?

May 26, 2010

I picked the idea to make a little agenda for my own use and my plan was to edit a txt file using the RichTextBox. I want to use a DateTimePicker too, so that I can load a specific text file for the date chosen so that I can edit it. Does anyone have an idea how I can use the DateTimePicker to create and load certain txt files related to the same date?

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Loading A Text File That Is In Project

Jun 25, 2010

I made a text file (.txt) in my project by going to Add New Item and then Text File. I want to have my text file be loaded into the rich text box i have on my form but it doesn't work. It says it can find the file. This is my code:


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Loading File To Edit Text?

Aug 1, 2009

I am new here and just started visual basic 2008. I want to load a BIG file to edit the text. It is 24MB So whenever I load it in the richtextbox it shows : 7@
:/ Regular text files load fine.
Here is the
CommonDialog1Open.Filter = ("EXE [*.exe*]|*.exe|All Files [*.*]|*.*")
rt1.Text = (My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(CommonDialog1Open.FileName))
I know I am trying to load .exe! It will load if I save it through the program but will only show 7@.

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Loading Text File Into Listbox?

Feb 5, 2009

So i have a text file that is created in the program which can be loaded back into the program(game save)

Whatever is in the text file "stats" should be listed in listbox1 in the same order it is in the text file. The same with "items" in listbox2. And then "quests" will be in listbox3.

The problem is when i load it instead of what is in the text file it says...

note that box3 is correct that it has nothing in it.


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