Best Way To Add A Progbar To Work As A Percentage Complete?

Aug 24, 2009

My app currently loops the progres bar(to show sending of image) rather then work like a percentage progbar. This is becaus ei do not fully understand how to go about this.Whats the best way to add a progbar(well recode mine) to work as a percentage complete? Since it's a httpwebrequest thats being sent im not sure what else to google for on a tutorial

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Get A Percentage That Just Does Not Seem To Work?

May 23, 2010

I am trying to get a percentage that just does not seem to work.I am using WMI to get the Total Physical memory of my system and then the Free Physical Memory. Then get the percentage.

2147483648 - Total Memory
838028 - Free memory

According to Task Manager my physical memory is 59%. This is the code I am using but I can not get 59% or 41% that is free.

temp = FM/TM
temp = temp * 100
percent = FM * temp

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Get The Additional Percentage Off To Work Right?

Jun 7, 2011

Im trying to get a sales percentage program to work and im having trouble on the last part. My homework is to get the original price from the customer and then take the sales percentage off and show how much it is. Then after the first percentage is off take an additional percentage off part and then show the grand total. I got all the way up to the additional percentage off part to work right. I dont understand why I cant add an additional percentage of and the program wont recognize it and work right.

Public Class Form1
Dim Num1 As Integer
Dim Num2 As Integer
Dim Num3 As Integer


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Auto-complete Collection Doesn't Work With Key Press Event

Jul 2, 2010

In Key Press Event i have put the logic of search in textbox, when i press enter key it will take the values from textbox and brings the data in DataGrid.In another event of GotFocus there is an logic of autocompletestring collection from Table. If i type a in that textbox it will shows all the suggested string in that.If i comment the logic of GotFocus Event for textbox for autocomplete suggestion then only then Key Press events work else its not working.

Private Sub CustomerName_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles CustomerName.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then


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VS 2008 ProgBar With Text

Aug 1, 2009

I was trying to figure out the best way to make a progress bar with text that displays the percent complete, when I found this:


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Get Sqrt Button And Percentage Button To Work On Calculator?

Sep 23, 2010

I got every other operation button to work besides sqrt, and percentage. I've done the same thing for addition, subtraction, etc. and it doesn't seem to work.

here's my globals

Public Class Form1
Private first As Double
Private second As Double
Private oper As String


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Complete My "home Work" Assignment For My A-Level Computing?

Feb 4, 2009

I'm not looking for anyone to complete my "home work" assignment for my A-Level computing as I've done this now and I think it's impressive. What I am now looking for is help in extending what I have done and making it better.

History:I have built my application in Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition. It is a Console Application. After filling in the questionnaire the user gets given results and all this information is stored in a .txt document (Notepad). I want the data that is put in to the application to send infomation to the user's e-mail address. I have been looking around the internet and it says it could do it but it needs Outlook express.

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Rounding Off A Percentage

Feb 23, 2009

How can I round a percentage off to the nearest whole number? [code]

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.net - Parse Percentage To Double?

Jan 5, 2010

Is there a better way to parse percentage to double like this?

Dim Buffer As String = "50.00%"
Dim Value As Double = Double.Parse(Buffer.Replace("%",""), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 100

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2008 Percentage Formatting

Jan 28, 2009

I have a program that is calculating the cost of a certain number of plane tickets, the validation and basic calculations are fine the only problem i've got this: There is a discount text box field called "txtDiscount" where IF a user enters a number it will discount this as a percentage off the total cost of all the tickets, but I cannot get it to work [Code]

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Adding A Percentage To A Number?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a fixed percentage 0.3% I need to multiply this by a number of months which varies 1 to 12

Having done this I need to add the percentage to a pre-determined number

so as an example

£300 + (0.3 * 10)

I can get the 3% (0.3 * 10)

But when I add this to the existing number (£300) it equals £303 not £309 which is what it should equal.

Can anyone advise the way of adding a percentage as appose to just another number? This also need to allow for -percentages i.e. -3%

The equation I am using is below and I appreciate there is nothing to set decTotalPercentage as an actual percentage but that's because I am stumped...

decTotalPercentage = decPercentage * intMonths
decFinalPercentage = decMoney + decTotalPercentage

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Automatic Percentage Update?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a problem regarding an access file I attached to this post.I have a table which contains the costs(VVGK) for each month in 2008, 2009 and 2010. For each month we have planned costs(Plan) and the real costs (Ist). And what I want to realize is that in the report in the top right it automatically displays the percentage difference between the plan and real costs of the last month. And this should then be automatic every time I give new input(new month, new VVGK Ist).

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Calculate Percentage Of Change?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm developing a data logging application using VB for the actual logging to a MySQL database. I'm reading a value from a device and then running an insert query every minute. This is great but if the value doesnt change all day then my records are going to all be the same. I'd like to try and calculate the percentage of change on the value and only run the insert query if the percentage of change is greater than, say 5%.

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Computing A Win/Loss Percentage?

Feb 19, 2009

I need to compute the percentage of games won and games lost. I keep getting errors and it's driving me up a wall. I've changed my code so many times that I don't really remember what it was like when I started.

Private Sub btnPercentage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPercentage.Click
Dim team As String


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Convert A Decimal Into A Percentage In Vb?

Feb 1, 2010

How do you convert a decimal into a percentage in visual basic? I have the code to get the problem but I need to move the decimal over two places.

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Create Rectangle By Percentage?

Aug 25, 2011

I am attempting to draw and fill a rectangle using percentages passed through the text properties of 4 textboxes. I am attempting to do this in VB 2008. For example:

textbox1, 15%, green
textbox2, 35%, blue
textbox3, 40%, red
textbox4, 10%, orange

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Doing Something Only If Percentage Of Number Has Changed

Feb 12, 2011

I have data coming in to my serial port, which is just a 6 digit number.
textbox1.text = serialport1.readline()
In the textbox_text_changed sub. I need to do something with this number, but only if it has changed by more than 2%. I need the 2% as the number coming in is fluctuating a little bit so I don't want anything triggered if it's less than 2%.

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How To Create A Rolling Percentage From A Log

Apr 7, 2011

I would like to have some sort of percentage on the amount of times each button has been pressede.gButton 1 is pressed 5 times, button 2 is pressed 3 times, button 3 is pressed 2 times.I would like this to create a percentage output onto the same form that is updated everytime a button is pressed on the form.

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Percentage Of Random Numbers

Feb 26, 2012

I have a random number generator, an upper bound and a lower bound. I need to use the random number generator to get that many numbers between the upper and lower and then calculate the perecentages of how many are odd, even, etc.

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Percentage Rounding - 13.333333% To 13%

Sep 2, 2009

I'm using the following code to show the percentage of correctly answered questions

Percentage.Text = rightAnswers / 60 * 100 & "%" There are 60 questions and if the user answers 8 correctly the above code shows the answer as 13.33333333..%

How can i round it off to just whole numbers e.g. 13%?

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VS 2008 Add A Percentage To A ProggressBar?

Dec 15, 2009

what I need is the following:

1)A way to add a percentage to a ProggressBar.

2)A way to send by email the text that contains a TextBox.

3)A way to call the text of a TextBox in a MessageBox.Show.

4)A way to save what is written in a TextBox, just before it is closed.

5)A way to allow only numbers in a TextBox.

View 15 Replies

VS 2008 Progress Bar Percentage ?

May 28, 2010

I was just thinking is there a method i can use. For example if the maximum value is 200 and the current value is 97. or i have to use math to get the percentage.

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2 Dice Roll And Percentage Calculator?

Nov 13, 2011

I need to make a program in VB but I have absolutely no idea what to do or how to write the code for it.The program needs to roll 2 dice comprised of picture boxes (one large picture box with 7 small picture boxes inside it for each) add the two numbers together and then calculate the percentage of each total number per roll.

I'd just like to say please bear with me. I'm a total newbie to coding. I know a little bit of web development but I'm incredibly new to making programs. Teach me and I'll get better, I promise.

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C# - Percentage Symbol To Decimal Numbers In .net?

Nov 13, 2009

Using .net To add a $ symbol for numbers I did Texbox1.Text.Format = "C"

How to add % symbol at the end of each integer to represent a string in textbox.

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Convert A Percentage To A Decimal Number

Feb 3, 2010

I want to know how to convert a percentage rate such as 4.5% into a decimal number in your code editor in V 2008.For example, the user input is 4.5%. Is there any function available to convert is to 0.045?

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In Percentage, Should Expect The User To Enter 4 For 4%?

May 24, 2010

If we format a value for percent "{0:#%}" then it will become 400%, and this also applies to all the 3rd party controls I've tried. I've used custom format as a workaround for this but perhaps you guys could enlighten me on this one. If a user inputted 4 for example then did the user intended 4% or 400%? If it were me that I would expect the 4 to be 4% rather than 400%.

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Parse A Percentage Value From A Grid Cell?

Mar 12, 2011

I'm trying to parse a formatted percentage value back from a datagridviewcell that has been set with the "P" formatter:

double percent = 0.96
cell.value = percent.tostring("p")

gives me a displayed value of 96 % which is what I want.

Now what I'm looking for is something like what is provided for the other formatting strings - NumberStyles.HexNumber, Currency etc so that I can do this

double percent= double.parse( cell.value, NumberStyles.Percent )

which would give me a percent value of .96

I have scoured the .net documentation but can't find any sort of AllowPercent style like the others - is there one?

p.s. I see there is another question here like this and tried to expand on it in that thread, but was deleted by a moderator and told to post a new question.

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Programmatically Check Process CPU Percentage

Oct 1, 2009

I'm attempting to write an app that watching for process spikes. IE: Watch every active process and log the difference between initial and max values of cpu percentage (or load) of each process. The problem is that, as far as I can tell from the MSDN, the Process class doesn't contain any property that is even remotely equal to the true load of the process. For the time being I've written the code to watch the PagedMemorySize64 property, but the values that are being spit out appear to have no relevance to load.

To be clear, I don't need the actual load percentage (though it would be handy), all I need is a property that is directly related to load to show what processes 'spike' during the execution of my program.

My code as it stands (initialProcessCheck runs first, then processCheck runs every 1.5 seconds or so until other threads doing irrelavent tasks are finished, then computeDeltas is run):

Private Sub initialProcessCheck()
'Checks the current load on all active processes and stores as initial values
For Each intPID As Integer In ActiveProcessIDs
Dim CheckProcess As Process = Process.GetProcessById(intPID)


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Show Percentage Value Of Archive Extraction

Jan 11, 2011

I have this code to show percentage value of archive extraction. Now it shows 1-100% How do I make it have 2 more digits e.g 01.00-100.00% ? [code]

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Variable To Store The Current Percentage Of The Bar?

Sep 25, 2010

I have added a progress bar user control which I downloaded to my project. The code follows:Public Class UC_PBar Define a variable to store the current percentage of the bar, to save use recalculating


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