Computing A Win/Loss Percentage?

Feb 19, 2009

I need to compute the percentage of games won and games lost. I keep getting errors and it's driving me up a wall. I've changed my code so many times that I don't really remember what it was like when I started.

Private Sub btnPercentage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPercentage.Click
Dim team As String


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Compute Win/loss Percentage In Visual Basic?

Dec 28, 2010

I found a win, loss, percentage calculator in the forums. The form has a PLACE FOR INPUT

Team Braves
WINS = 96

a button Compute Percentage and a text box it should read Braves won 59.259 percent of games. The program in the forums does not work. Does any one know how to do this? The math should be wins / wins+loss * 100.

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Loss Of 3d Look In .Net Forms?

Sep 15, 2010

I had a large application that I needed to develop into two separate applications with different customer needs. I created a new VB.Net application and copied/imported all the forms and classes into the new application. The new application works but, for some reason all the forms have lost their 3d look, all the textboxes have a flat look now in the new application. It is as if I have lost a setting somewhere that controls the 3d look of the controls. I have checked the properties of each control and they still have the 3d option selected, and cannot see what else could be changed to get the 3d look back.

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Data Loss In Attached .sdf Db?

Apr 28, 2009

I m using vs2008 with vb and sqlserver. I just attached a .sdf database file to my project. There is a form to insert data in products table and a dgv to show that data. Everything is working fine, i inserted the data and dgv is also showing the data. But when i tried to see that data from server explorer, thr is no data, table is blank. Then again when i run my project thr is no data in DGV also. So problem is that when i entered the data and retrieve back the data in dgv,evrythng is fine,but when i tried to see my data from server explorer, data is lost. Why data is not comtted to my .sdf ?

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View Loss Bmp With BMP Constructor?

Jan 2, 2012

I trying to create application that can read loss bmp with bmp constructor, what I mean loss is bmp without header, here the sample of loss bmp (zip is including with original bmp):

Download(you can see the different by comparing the original bmp and loss bmp with hex editor, the different is loss bmp don't have 54 bytes header bmp) Height of image is 126 px and width image is 45 px

my question is how I can preview that loss bmp in picture box? someone of my friend say, its need BMP Constructor to preview bmp properly but he doesn't know the code, please give me the code..

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Data Loss From Implicit Conversion?

Oct 26, 2010

VB 2008 Express edition. I'm pretty new to VB2008, a little over halfway through my first classi am writing a console program to ask the user for the price of gas for 7 days, then to get the average of that price. here is my code so far:

Option Strict On
Module Module1
Sub Main()


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How To Do Loss Less Compression In Windows Application

Jan 25, 2011

Private Function Compress(ByVal strInput As String) As Byte()
Dim bytData() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strInput)


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System.IO. FileInfo Performance Loss?

Mar 9, 2009

I'm having bizarre performance results of the methods in FileInfo class.I'm using 5 methods of the FileInfo class in the Paint event.The datagridview is bound to the dataset.First the application searches files in the RecursiveSearch. When rows are added to the dataset the Paint event is fired and the rows displayed are filled with extra information from the FileInfo class . In this case the performance is very good. If I remove the DoEvents() from the RecursiveSearch the 5 methods of the FileInfo class become very slow (about 0.25sec for each line of code)!When the search ends, the user can scroll down to see the other files listed.At this point the Paint is again fired. This time the 5 methods of the FileInfo class are again very slow!

Private Sub RecursiveSearch(ByVal sPath As String, ByVal strPattern As String) System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() Try Dim strFolders() As String = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(sPath) Dim strFiles() As String = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(sPath,


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VS 2005 With Winsock - Loss Connection

Nov 7, 2009

my project is attached. I have a very weird problem with Winsock! I made 1 program with 2 forms. 1st form is the client, 2nd form is the server. Server send snapshot for client. So, client display either Single Picture. Or stream of pictures (to simulate video capturing).

when open 1st window (client) in a computer, and 2nd window(server) in another computer... it connect and display picture without problem just once!! when press "Capture" button again it may reponse or Winsock may loss connection. and when Check "Loop"=> means for stream of pictures.. Winsock loss connection immediatly! I don't know where is the problem exactly! The code attached. Winsock ocx is attached.. see it in the release folder

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VS 2010 : View Loss Bmp With BMP Constructor?

Jan 3, 2012

I trying to create application that can read loss bmp with bmp constructor, what I mean loss is bmp without header, here the sample of loss bmp (zip is including with original bmp): Download (you can see the different by comparing the original bmp and loss bmp with hex editor, the different is loss bmp don't have 54 bytes header bmp) Height of image is 126 px and width image is 45 px,how I can preview that loss bmp in picture box? someone of my friend say, its need BMP Constructor to preview bmp properly but he doesn't know the code?

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VS2010 SP1 And SSMS Intellisense Loss

Sep 30, 2011

how many of you out there in the VB.NET community have installed VS2010 SP1 and are experiencing this issue with the loss of intellisense in SQL Server 2008 R2?I'm holding off installing SP1 because I kind of like the intellisense thingy (though RedGate's SQLPrompt 5 is way better - have it at home).So is this pee-ing you off, have you explored workarounds, tries the hotfixes (that apparently don't work for many setups)?url...Please note that even though Cumulative Update 9 (CU9) was released the month there are still people it does not work for..including a coworker using a similar setup as mine (Win7 Pro, x32) This is a disaster and embarassment for MS IMO

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C# - A Value Larger Than ULong - Computing 100?

Aug 12, 2009

I'm trying to compute 100! and there doesn't seem to be a built-in factorial function. So, I've written:

Protected Sub ComputeFactorial(ByVal n As ULong)
Dim factorial As ULong = 1
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To n


Unfortunately, running this with the value of 100 for n rseults in

Value was either too large or too small for a UInt64.

So, is there a larger data type for holding numbers? Am i mistaken in my methods?

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C# - Heavy Computing On Remote Pc?

May 8, 2012

I love to experiment with linqpad, but now my task requires heavy computing power. Trying to do it on my computer is painful. My friend has a much more powerful computer than I -- can I execute some operations from my linqpad on his computer? I don't have RDP access, but I can run any .NET program on his computer.

If it is not possible, then is there any FREE service that provides computing power? Maybe a hosting trial or something. I know that Windows Azure offers a 30-day trial, but it has a very slow CPU module and in my country, MS partners cannot be expected to fix service sites when they go down.

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Computing Totals And Averages

Jun 14, 2010

How would you take a numerical input from 10 text boxes and total it up and send it to a label. Then average the 10 numeric text boxes and send it to its own label. I am not asking for any code, I just need a hint or two to jog my memory. If this is not clear for you, I'll provide more detail.

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Distributed Computing With Mdf Files

Oct 16, 2010

I am using SQL EXPRESS EDITION 2005 and Created mdf data file using 2008. now i want to use this datafile in lan. i modified connection string "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=ServerDataData1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;Connect Timeout=60"it is showing security info error i want to use single database file for my application please help me with connection string. thank you

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Vision And Parallel Computing?

May 26, 2010

i am trying to make a robot that i can talk to(not yet) and tell it to goto places 1st task it to figure out how to use an inbuilt webcam in my net book and do an image Recognition for walls stars eg 2nd task is to see if i can get it to use my server to help compute the images because my net book is very slow 3rd is speech to text now can all of these be done in

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Find Packet Loss And Trace Route In .NET?

Mar 15, 2009

I am trying to code to capture the packet loss on computers, but the only way I've been able to do so was to run the NetStat.exe and the TraceRt.exe processes and capture them to a listbox (using the code below):


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Prevent Data Loss Before Loading The Designer?

Mar 23, 2010

I coded this program. It has three forms, when I try to open the [Design] on one of the forms it give me this error: To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the following errors must be resolved:


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A-Level Computing Exam Arghhh

Mar 6, 2011

I have been given the prep material for my AS Level (Year 12) computer programming exam based around dice cricket. Written in VB 2008.

In the exam we are supposed to change bits based upon the scenario. The scenario and skeleton code are attached.

I have looked through the code so far and made some guesses to what I think may be on the test:


if there is anything I am missing which they think I could be asked on the test. I then have to go away and figure out how to program.

So by asking on here, I am not trying to find out coding answers - I do want to figure that out myself. I just want to see if there is anything else I possibly could be asked?

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Arrays / Lists And Computing HashValues

Jun 13, 2010

I've had experience with using hashvalues from String objects. E.g., if I have StringA and StringB both equal to "foo", they'll both compute out the same hashvalue, because they're set to equal values. Now what if I have a List, with T being a native data type. If I tried to compute the hashvalue of ListA and ListB, assuming that they'd both be the same size and contain the same information, wouldn't they have equal hashvalues as well?

Assuming as sample dataset of 'byte' with a length of 5

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C# - Computing EField Around A Point In A Ring?

May 31, 2011

I am trying to write code to compute the Efield on a point P in both the x and y direction, from a charged ring. double y_eField = (_ke_value * _dq * (Sin_angle) / (Math.Pow(r, r)));Problem I am having is the code seems to follow the equation as given but the result it outputs is not correct at all.

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Coding Computing Project For A-Level?

Oct 24, 2009

I have just started coding my Computing project for my A-Level, and I will admit, I am far more experienced in VB6 than VB.NET (as embarrassing as that is to say).I get extra marks for making everything presentable, so was wondering if it was possible to add icons into .NET buttons. For example if I have a button to add an entry to the database, I want a nice Web 2.0 looking icon (for which I already have) next to the text on that button.

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Computing Data Through Function X - VarZ

Dec 7, 2009

I have a server that runs a thread that computes some data through function X. Then I have a client that communicates with the server and gets results from function Y. Now, both function (X and Y) share a common variable lets say varZ. When function X populates varZ when the thread starts on the server, the results are not propagated on function Y when accessed by the client through Remoting. But on the server side the results are correct in function Y! It's almost like when client calls function Y, it has no idea what is happening varZ is as far as the value set by function X thread in the server.

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.net - Make Crystal Report Of Profit And Loss Statement?

May 2, 2011

i want to make crystal report of profit and loss statement i have a column of "vr_type" and there are 4 types in it "sale invoice", purchase invoice" now i want that put a 4 formula s where i select that "sum (vr_detail.debit) where vr_detail.vr_type} sale invoice it make Sum of al these types so kindly tell me what formula i should use to get the result in simply i want sum of sale,sum of purchase,sum of expense?

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Access DB With 3 Columns, ID#(Primary Key), Minutes, And Profit/Loss?

Aug 5, 2008

I have an access DB with 3 columns, ID#(Primary Key), Minutes, and Profit/Loss. I'm using the Total feature in access which adds a Row 'Total' to the bottom and shows the sums. How would I get the sum from the 'Minutes' column, 'Total' row, and get that to show in a text box (txt002004Min) ?

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form13
Dim cn As OleDbConnection


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SQLServer To DataAdapter To DataGridView Causing Memory Loss?

Aug 26, 2010

I have an application putting new data into a database so I want to use a DataGridView to display the data. I have a timer triggering every 5 seconds and running this UpdateGridFromDatabase() routine every cycle.
It works, but I can see my application memory usage going up by 10kB every 5 seconds until my computer with 6GB of RAm & 64 bit Windows 7 grinds to a halt! Can anyone see at a glance what I am doing wrong? I am trying to open & close everything as necessary. I have also dimmed two variables outside - I had then inside previously and it didn't make any difference.

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Computing And Saving Column Rows On A Datagirdview

Jul 7, 2010

trying to understand DataGridView. I can sum columns with no problems and place the result in a textbox. My problem is multipling two column rows and saving it. I receive the following error when I go to save it. "Column mapping from source column failed because the data column is a computed column. So can I compute two column row to a third and save it, if so how. My code is below:

I save.[code....]

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Error In The Code Computing Totient Function

Nov 24, 2010

i made application for computing totient function but it doesn't give me any result this is a code Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Error In The Code Computing Totient Function?

Jan 12, 2010

i made application for computing totient functionbut it doesn't give me any result

this is a code
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Making A Login Form On .net For A2 Computing Coursework?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm struggling with making a log in form on for my A2 computing coursework.

Public Class DbConn
Dim connection As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim dataReader As OleDbDataReader


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