Binding Source.filter - Filter My Access Database

Oct 10, 2011

I'm trying to filter my access database and when I "search" by name, it works, but when I search by policy number it doesn't seem to work.

Here's my code:

If RadioButton3.Checked = True Then


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Binding Source Filter In Access Data Source?

Oct 11, 2010

I have an Access database and I want to view on a datagridview specific rows. For that I used the following :

CasesBindingSource.Filter =
"OfferDate Between #1/1/1997# And #12/31/1997#"
Cases is the table, OfferDate a field of the table wich is DateTime type.

When I use Between operator I get the following error :The expression contains unsupported operator 'Between'.

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Get The Filter Binding Source On Date Value?

Sep 5, 2011

The table field [recordaddeddate] is a Date/Time field in my Access database. Usually this field contains a date + time value. For filtering on my datagridview I want to filter on the date portion only. However the following genterates a 'The expression contains an unidentified function call DateValue' error. How can I filter on just the date?

DateSelected = DateValue(Me.AddedDateDateTimePicker.Value)
Me.ConversationTblBindingSource.Filter = "DateValue([recordaddeddate]) = #" & DateSelected & "#"

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How To Filter Numbers In Binding Source

Jan 22, 2009

HIDoes anyone have code for filtering numbers in a binding source?

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Filter Multiple Clauses In A Binding Source?

Jan 26, 2012

How can I filter multiple clauses in a binding source. I've tried

Form4.CustomersBindingSource.Filter = "[Last Name] = '" & TextBox1.Text & "'" & "[First Name] = '" & TextBox2.Text & "'"

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Filter With Binding Source Search Whole Table

Aug 5, 2011

What code I need to search a whole table (not just one column). I can already search a column but how do I search the whole table for a string .
source1.DataSource = ds.Tables(listboxselect)
Grid.DataSource = source1
source1.Filter = "id = " & searchtxt.Text

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Cannot Filter A Binding Source Based On A Linq Query

Feb 3, 2010

I've got a datacontext and created a binding source using LINQ to sql but cannot filter said bindingsource. The supportsfilter of the bindingsource is set to false ? why ? I can't find any info to say that I cannot filter a binding source based on a linq query.[code]

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VS 2008 Does FIND Always Find Within The FILTER Of A Binding Source

Jun 8, 2009

I've got a form - CMCConsole It pops up a dialog form for adding a new case.If the matter number in a textbox on that dialog form matches an existing cases matter number I would like to find it in the binding source of the CMCConsole form

Private Function CheckMatter(ByVal MtrNum As String) As Boolean
Dim cfIndex As Integer = CMCConsole.caseBS.Find("MatterNumber", MtrNum)
Dim cfIndex2 As Integer = CMCConsole.casefileBS.Find("MatterNumber", MtrNum)


But it appear the filter for the CASE we were just on that is set on the binding source is keeping the FIND from seeing other cases.

caseBS.Filter = "CaseId=" & e.Node.Tag.ToString

Do I have to clear the filter in order to find a matter number in some other case??

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Access Database - Filter Characters In Field

Nov 2, 2011

I have a database that I would like to filter characters from anywhere in the field. Example the letter A is typed into textbox1 and in the grid every field that contains an A is show. Like dash, lap, trap, apple. Currently with the query I'm using it will just go from the beginning of the field. I get "Index was outside the bounds of the array". The code is as followed:

Dim filter1() As String
filter1 = TextBox2.Text.Split(" ")
Sheet1BindingSource.Filter = "Stationary_location like '" & filter1(0) & "' Stationary_location like '" & filter1(1) & "'"
VB 2008 using access database.

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Filter Database Results (Microsoft Access Database)

Jan 19, 2011

im just starting to work with some database stuff, and ive got data binding done but im a little stuck with filtering. Ive got a test project, which has

-- listbox (bound to column 2/firstname)
-- Combo box (Has items added, with the same names as the items in colunm 3. so it has 'RPG' and 'Puzzle')

Now what im trying to do is when the item in the combobox is changed say to 'RPG' only items in the db which have 'RPG' in the surname column are displayed in the listbox. Been Google'ing and reading but all i can find is examples relating to a dataview and i cant get them to work/adapt to my situation.

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Filter Data Using Binding?

Sep 20, 2010

im doing something wrong in this statement

Dim dbbooking


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IFF Is Not Null Query - Filter A Sql Db With Many Filter Criteria Which Inert The User In Textboxes

Feb 15, 2012

I m trying to filter a sql db with many filter criteria which inert the user in textboxes .. i ve tryed this query


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Filter Date And Time Using Binding?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to filter date and time

startTD As
Date = Dtp1.Value.Date
objbindingsource.Filter =


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VS 2010 Datagridview Binding Filter

Apr 23, 2011

am new to vb 2010 i havent touch VB since 2002 , am a lil confuse how to make things to work now.i have a local database "sql" with 2 holds the client info and the other the orders for the clients.i have a data grid view and am able to populate the grid with the correct information for the client. using [code]that brigs me all the orders for that orders are also made by campaing.i have a textbox that the user will type the campaing to view just the orders for that campaing beloning to that clientand i get stuck,what i get is all the orders from that campaing and the 1st filter by client gets override.

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VS 2008 : Filter The Results Of A Datagridviw Using The Bindingsource.filter Method?

Mar 20, 2009

I am trying to filter the results of a datagridviw using the bindingsource.filter method.

Dim filters(2) As String
If Me.txtPartIDFilter.Text = "" Then


The issue is in the last line. ID_Part is an Int64 data type filters(0) is a string so the system returns a "Can't perform 'Like' operation on System.Int64 and System.String" error message.As you can see I tried converting the data type, but that failed since it is encased in String.Format()- it's going to be a string no matter what, I suppose.It's almost 1:00 a.m. so I'm not firing on all cylinders.

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Databinding.filter - Filter Date And Also Time (shortime)

Sep 20, 2010

i want to filter date and also time (shortime) for example if Datum.hour="8:15" andalso of week "Saturday"or "Monday" now i can only filter date ... this is my filterline objbindingsource.Filter = "Datum > = '" & Dtp1.Value.Date & "'"

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VS 2008 - Binding DGV Using Calendar Control (Filter Function)

Mar 4, 2011

I am using a typed dataset in my Calendar application. I got a datagridview and a calendar control. I want to control the dgv data by using the calendar event 'date selected', so when a user selects a date he will see all the events happening on that day only. I need to use the filter function of the CalendarBindingSource

I need to make something like this:
(TimeOut field is a datetime field in the database)

Private Sub MonthCalendar1_DateSelected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DateRangeEventArgs) Handles MonthCalendar1.DateSelected
CalendarBindingSource.Filter = "TimeOut = " & Format(Now, "dd/MM/yyyy").ToString
End Sub

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Source Code Which Filter A Datagridview By Two DateTimePicker?

Apr 11, 2011

friend if I need a source code which filter a datagridview by two DateTimePicker.

we have:
a database
a table
two DateTimePicker
a DataGridView

and that the filtering process to do so on the field or table column this is the procedure I use to filter dategridview, only with a textbox. and is perfect, but as I modified to work with two DateTimePicker?


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Datagridview - Use Filter With LIKE Clause When The Filter Text Contains %?

Feb 13, 2012

I want to filter a text in all columns in a datagridview. So I use Like % in the filter text. However, I found that the text(strFilter in my code) may contain % sometimes. So it have a syntax error. How can I use filter with like clause when the filter text contains %?

Private Sub PassFilter(ByRef dataTable As DataTable, ByVal strFilter As String)
Dim dataview As DataView = dataTable.DefaultView


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Sql Server - Filter Row And Put It In A Textbox And Filter Another Row In Another Text Box?

Mar 16, 2012

i want to filter row and put it in a textbox and filter another row in another text box vb.

ID--------- Date -------- msg_num ------------ Message <<
10001 -- 01/01/2012 ------ msg1 ------------- Blah! Blah![code].....

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 binding Navigators / Datagrid View / Binding Source Are All Sql Database Parts

Oct 18, 2010

binding navigators, datagrid view, binding source are all sql database parts.Will these parts still work if you havent got sql on you pc and your not using an database file (.log and .mfd) and your not coding to them, im using MS Jet/Oledb to code to Excel.What not to put on an Employee evaluation: This employee has hit rock bottom and shows signs of starting to dig.

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Access DB, Using Combobox To Filter

Feb 15, 2012

I got my regular fields like firstname,lastname, gender, birthyear, street, city, zip, phone. Which i can search through by just entering one of these fields.

Then i got a dropdown box which i was hoping to use a filter on. Every file is in a cabinet, but since those are somewhat alphabetically i have more then 1 cabinet for certain letters. This is why i wanted to use a filter to get a list of all people in a certain cabinet.

So i want my dropdownbox to automatically show the cabinets that are in the database(for example A...Z). If i choose B from the dropdownbox i want to see all the names that are in that cabinet in my datagridview.

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Filter Access Db On Date?

Mar 1, 2012

I want to filter a Access Table on date. The Access field is of the date type / (Short date).[code]....

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VS 2008 Binding Multiple Binding Source To One Binding Source Navigator?

Oct 29, 2011

is there any way that i could link/bind multiple binding source to only one binding source navigator?

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Filter Data's On Database?

Feb 12, 2011

If you dont mind can i have some codes that i can apply to my project? I am using Mysql database and the connection is ok. My problem is i want to filter data's on my database ex. i have 2 textboxes on my project Textbox1= Name Textbox2= Lastname and a database with 2 fields, Name,LName

All i want is if i type my name on the textbox1 and if i already had records in the database the textbox2 will be filled. ex. My record on my database is Erick for my Name and Juan for my LName once i type Erick on textbox1 the textbox2 will show Juan for my LastName??

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Filter Database To Listbox?

Dec 7, 2010

I'm using VS 2010 professional and the basic programming language. I have an access database which is pretty simple. I have 1 table named Cards which have 4 feilds Question, Answer, Topic, and Source. I've got two other table which hold the lookup values for Topic and Source.On the Form I've got 2 bound listboxes for Topic and Source. I want to populate a third list box with the Question and Answer based on the records in table cards who's Topic and Source feilds match the selected items in the other 2 listboxes.

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Filter SQL Database By Datetime?

Oct 12, 2009

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim con As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim cmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim esql As String


i am trying to run the code above but once the date filter ([DocumentDate] = '12/10/2009 00:00:00'") is applied the results count = 0 any idears how to filter an SQL database between 2 dates.

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Filter The Fields Of A SFD Database?

Feb 17, 2010

This will actually be for a WPF app but how do I filter the fields of a SFD database so that I can use expanders with listboxes that contains last names from the DB ? The expanders will have headers of the letters A to Z with last names for example in the A expander listbox all starting with A .Coding4fun


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Sql - Filter Values From Database In .net?

Aug 31, 2011

I'm developing a hospital management system. I need how get data related to a doctor which enter in text box. In my database there is a table for doctor details.

View 1 Replies - Many Roundtrips To The Database, Or All Data / Filter?

Jun 30, 2010

Which method would be fastest / most efficient?

A) Read all data (822 rows) including those I do not need then filter / output those I do

B) 3 Round trips to the db using params filled via the last query to select only the data I need

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