C# - Check If A User Is Already Logged Into Domain With System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagemen?

Nov 9, 2010

I have computers joined to a domain. I'm writing a desktop application that ask for a username and password to authenticate user against Active Directory.Sometimes, user uses this application on the computer that is not joined to the domain.I'm using .NET 3.5, System.DirectoryServices, and System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement. Code sample how to authenticate users:

Private Function ValidateExternalUser(ByVal username As String, ByVal password As String) As Boolean
Using context As PrincipalContext = New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "your_domain_here")
Return context.ValidateCredentials(username, password, ContextOptions.Negotiate)


I want to know how to check if user is already logged in on domain computer, then I don't have to ask them log into the application again.

Update:If it can't be done with System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagemen, is there any way to do it?

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C# - Add A User To AD Using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement?

May 26, 2009

Using the .net 3.5 framework and C# I'm trying to add a new user to AD from C# and can't find any examples. I see that the PrincipalCollection object has an overloaded 'add' method but can't seem to figure out how it works. Can anyone help?

How create a new user object, add it into AD. Secondly, the user that will be adding in new people may not actually have the security to do this. Is there a way that I can impersonate another user account that will have permissions and add the account that way?

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Get User By Distinguished Name Using System.DirectoryServices.Protocols

May 7, 2012

I have a pretty extensive application that has been built to provide SSO to several web applications via OID. The problem is that we have seen some users getting "orphaned" on a role for one of the applications. I have written a method that returns the distinguished name for all of the users with access to that role. To perform the cleanup, I am trying to make sure that the users returned in the previous step actually exist in OID. I have been using the System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest class when searching for users or roles, but it is not working for a distinguished name. Below is my method. It has been changed a couple of times to try different ways to make it work.


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Asp.net - Setting User's Password Via System.DirectoryServices.Protocols In AD 2008 R2

Jun 29, 2010

I am connecting to a Microsoft Active Directory server in a DMZ from my .net application (asp.net VB .net 4.0). I need to create a new "inetorgperson" in an orgunit called "SingleCustomerAccount".

I have had to use the System.DirectoryServices.Protocols namespace for all the work, because the ADSI classes (System.DirectoryServices namespace) wouldn't work across the DMZ properly.

Anyway it's been working fine connecting to Active Directory on Windows Server 2003 R2; however we're running tests against Active Directory on Windows Server 2008 R2 (2008r2 in native mode for forest and domain) in order to upgrade.

My existing code to create a user does not work.

System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryOperationException: The server cannot handle directory requests.
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.ConstructResponse(Int32


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Add Domain User To Local Group While Logged In As Local Account?

Sep 15, 2010

Does anyone know how this can be done? The problem is that when you run the script to add a domain user to the local group as a local user you have no permissions to query the domain. Is there a way to pass a user name and password when doing this? [code]...

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C# - Check If User Is Logged In?

Dec 5, 2010

I am using Microsoft visual basic 2010 for a asp.net site using c#.I am using the asp.net configuration for user registration. I have a comments form which I want to appear only if a user is logged in.I now there is a toolbox helper thing called Login View which does exactly what I want but as soon as I put a form inside the code won't compile because it cannot find the textbox fields.

I have the following in NewsArticle.aspx:

<asp:LoginView ID="LoginView1" runat="server">
<div class="postcomment">


If I take the form out of asp:LoginView it works fine. Inside I get the following:

Error 2 The name 'txtTitle' does not exist in the current context NewsArticle.aspx.cs 59 53 Figmentville
Error 3 The name 'txtComment' does not exist in the current context NewsArticle.aspx.cs 59 68 Figmentville

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System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement - Error Adding User To Local Administrators Group But Not Other Groups?

Apr 30, 2012

I am using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement to try to add a local account to the local administrators group with the following code but am getting the error below on the group.Members.Add(usr) line. Both usr and group are created as objects and if I create a Test group, I can add the user to the Test group. I know the group object is the local administrators group and not the domain group because i changed the description on the local administratrors group and the group object is correct so it appears to be something specific to the local administrators group.

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Check Which User Last Logged In To Workstation?

Jan 18, 2012

I need to create a spreadsheet of which kit is assigned to which person, within the company.

We have desktops & laptops, for the purpose of this post, we'll say desktops are named DESKTOP then a random 3 digit number (DESKTOP001, DESKTOP002 etc.) and laptops are named LAPTOP then a random 3 digit number (LAPTOP001, LAPTOP002 etc.)

I'm presuming the best way of checking which user uses each workstation would be to check who last logged in to it. doing this for ALL computers in a certain OU (lets say DESKTOP_OU for desktops and LAPTOP_OU for laptops in this example) (either with VB Script or PowerShell I would presume) and to export it to Excel.

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Users Currently Logged In To A Domain

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to get a VB.net app I wrote to query the domain (Active directory) for all currently logged in users to the network.

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Adding Active Directory Sub Domain User To Main Domain Group?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a function that works perfectly when I attempt to add a user from the same domain into a group of the same domain.

Function AddUserToGroup(ByVal strUserDN As String, ByVal strGroupDN As String, ByVal strGRPDC As String, ByVal strUserDC As String) As Boolean
Dim oUser As DirectoryEntry


The error is actually being thrown on the Invoke line, but as I said earlier, if the user is in the same domain, this works perfectly.

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A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' Occurred In System.DirectoryServices.dll

Dec 16, 2010

I would like to create a local user on a windows 7 PC, but gets the following error when commitchanges runs. I am administrator on the PC:

A first chance exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' occurred in System.DirectoryServices.dll

Here is my code:


I am using Visual Basic 2010 ultimate in Visual Studio 2010.

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Can't Add Reference System.directoryservices

May 21, 2012

I'm upgrading my site and pasted some code into a new form in VS 2011 Express beta. I get the standard error below: Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'System.DirectoryServices' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.

I went ahead and added a reference for system.directoryservices. Still, the errors remain. I go back to references to make sure it's been added, and it is no longer checked. Repeated tries and the same results.

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System.directoryservices And ActiveDirectorySecurity?

May 8, 2009

I've read through what little I could find on system.directoryservices and setting object permissions in AD.What I need to do is grab a DE, read its security descriptor and add / modify it. I need to add permission to another user.

I know how to use the CACLS command for the file system and the concept is basically the same but I dont see any VB (or any ) examples out there that could show me how to grab a distribution list AD object and modify the descriptor so the user has permissions to update the DL (without actually being the owner).

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C# - Retrieving Mailbox Rights From AD Using System.DirectoryServices

Jun 3, 2011

I need to pull back the security descriptors for the active directory attribute "msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor" on user account objects.So far, all I can find is that I need to use this class to do so, but I cannot find any example code of how to start to pull what I want out using it.I'm restricted to using .Net v2.0.

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VS 2008 : Can't Import The System.DirectoryServices Namespace

Dec 17, 2009

I can't import the System.DirectoryServices namespace. It doesn't pop up if that little box thing.Why?

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Importing System.DirectoryServices Only Reveals The AccountManagment Namespace?

Mar 3, 2011

Where is directoryentry, directorysearcher, searchscope, etc.?

.NET 4.0, VS2010 Professional

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Directoryservices Update Local User?

Aug 7, 2011

does anyonne have a sample on how to update a local users account using directoryservices. (Winnt://)

need to update the following:


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System.DirectoryServices Pegs Processor When Multi-threaded - Can I Lower The Burden?

Feb 23, 2009

My application takes the currently logged-in user and uses an a DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher to pull a few additional detail about them (some properties we have stored in a few custom AD fields, as well as their email address). This works great, though I've always though it was a little slow - my single-threaded code could only make about 2-3 requests/second to AD.

The real problem came when I moved this code to a web server. With multiple simultaneous users, the number of requests/second jumps greatly, and the LSASS.EXE process pegs on my server. I've checked the domain controllers, and they're just fine - the bottleneck is clearly on the application side. I suspect that what's slowing my down is the NTLM/Kerberos challenge/response, and the number of simultaneous requests pegs even the multi-core processor.

Our network policy doesn't allow anonymous reads from AD, so that choice is out. Also, I've tried every member of "AuthenticationTypes" (in the example, I'm using .FastBind), but they all seem to have about the same throughput rate with the same load on the processor.how I might work around this restriction and lower my demands on the processor? Here is the code I'm using - pretty straightforward:

Dim sPath As String = "LDAP://" & stringUserDN
Dim entry As New DirectoryEntry(sPath)
entry.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.FastBind[code]......

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Get The WindowsIdentity Object For Logged-on User In An Application Running As Another User?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm running an application under an account that is not the account logged-on to the PC.

Within the application I need check if the logged-on user is a member of the Administrators group. Below is the code I'm using. From what I've read, WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() should return an object associated with the logged-on user. It doesn't, it returns the same information as the call to System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal. Which is the information associated to the ID running the application, not the logged-on user.


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Check URL To See If I'm Logged In?

Feb 27, 2009

So I have created an auto login for a website via webbrowser.

The code I have so far is this[code]...

So i need to somehow make it wait after entering the login button before doing the IF statements.Oh and is there a direct way of checking URL? instead of updating the label wich seems alittle un-efective.

Also is there a way to constantly make the label update? like a loop or something?

View 35 Replies

Asp.net - Detect What Domain User Group A Windows User Is In?

Sep 10, 2009

I know that using Dim currUser As String = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") retunrs the DomainUsername, but I want to know what Group that user is in say in Active Directory.

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Api To Check Domain Availability?

Jan 19, 2011

Is there any API to check domain availability?? I would like to include it in my vb .net application.

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Forms :: Use A Splash Screen To Check The Logged On Users Rights

Oct 27, 2011

I'm trying to use a splash screen to check the logged on users rights and if all meets criteria it loads the default form. Currently in my load event of the spash form i had some code along the lines


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Get The Logged-in User From ASP.NET Membership?

Dec 12, 2009

(I work on VS 2005 with Access Database and C#)

I have my code as follows:

protected void Page_Load(object sender,
System.EventArgs e)


The logged-in 'UserId' and 'UserName' is getting displayed correctly, but now how do I use the string 'lmember' in my 'SELECT' statement when I need to display the related information from the table 'aspnet_Users' for the logged-in user? getting the following select statement:

SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM aspnet_Users WHERE (UserName= ????)"

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Logged In User Information?

Jul 20, 2009

I'm writing software in VB .NET (2005) which uses the Windows user information as login credentials - just the username. I've found Environment.UserName which works for the username (as you would expect).However, I need more information - I need the full name of the user (as shown on the Start Menu). It seems this information is stored... somewhere, as Windows is able to use it for things like permissions on file shares.

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Check That The Computer Is In Domain Or In Workgroup?

Apr 27, 2009

Is it possible to check that the computer is in Domain Or in Workgroup.

if you want to manually check that computer's status, simply right click on

my computer and then select properties, then select computer name tab.

now you can see the computer is in domain or in workgroup.

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Unable To Access "System.DirectoryServices" From Any Namespace But Presentation Layer

Dec 1, 2009

I am accessing active directory with the System.DirectoryServices library, currently in my web layer. However, I'm trying to move a function from a code-behind file to a VB class in another namespace, and I cannot seem to access that class from within that namespace.

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Display The Current User Logged In ?

Aug 15, 2011

i have a problem with my project.in one form i have 2 textboxes in one i have displayed the serial number.in the second i want display the current user logged on software.how can i display the current user logged in ????? the code for the serial number is :[code].....

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C# - Keep A Session Variable When The User Is Logged In?

May 7, 2009

I keep a Session variable when the user is logged in. So that when the user click on btnLogout it must clear all my sessions and Log the User out for GOOD!!!

It does clear my sessions but if i click the BACK button in IE right after i logged out then i am still logged in! Meaning it goes back to screen where the user was still logged into.

My code on log out

protected void btnLogout_Click


Is there maybe an option in code i can do that will disable the user from pressing the BACK button in the Web Browzer?

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Find Out Remote Cp Logged On User?

May 21, 2010

I want to know if its possible to retrieve from a given address (IP) the currently logged on user.

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