Forms :: Use A Splash Screen To Check The Logged On Users Rights

Oct 27, 2011

I'm trying to use a splash screen to check the logged on users rights and if all meets criteria it loads the default form. Currently in my load event of the spash form i had some code along the lines


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Make Splash Screen Check Settings At Launch?

Mar 23, 2011

I am creating a web browser as a school project. One feature I hope to include involves a splash screen check the state of a Boolean (True/False) at launch and then open the appropriate form. I know that I will need an 'If' statement in the code of a splash screen but I am not sure how I would go about making it do this.

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Forms :: Change Splash Screen Text?

Apr 22, 2010

I created a new application and add a splash screen ..when i wanna change the text "WindowsApplication1" in "text" field of splash screen i change for "Video Club", but press F5 and VB show me the same WindowsApplication1 ...that's is my problem..

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Forms :: Splash Screen From Code Library

Feb 15, 2009

I put my standard About Box and Splash Screen into a code library along with a number of other stadard things I use. The about box works fine in that I can instantiate a local version and then show.

My question is how can I select the splash screen out of the dll? The drop down box on the Properties page only shows forms in this project.

In C# I can instantiate the splash screen manually before the intialization process and then hide afterword. Is there a similar way in VB?

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Forms :: How To Control Splash Screen Display Duration

Dec 4, 2007

My application opens pretty quick but just for looks I put the splash screen and loading has slowed down. can i decrease the normal time for which the splash screen is shown?

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Forms :: How To Show A Wait Dialog Or Splash Screen

Sep 2, 2009

I designed a application on 2005. Some of the forms in this application has databindings controls. Now when such forms loads it takes some time. I want a splash screen containg "Please wait" message to appear till the form loads and the wait splash screen would be shown for every several forms in the application not only before the start up form.

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Forms :: OpenFileDialog Appears And Hide Splash Screen?

Mar 30, 2010

I have an application with a main form, on loading the main form asks the user to select a file to work with. I have now been asked to add a splashscreen to the project so did the following:

* Right clicked in solution explorer and added the splashscreen
* Went into project properties and added the splashscreen to the dropdown for splashscreen and then clicked "View Application Events"

Within here I have added the following
Protected Overrides Function oninitialize(ByVal commandlineargs As System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String)) As Boolean
Me.MinimumSplashScreenDisplayTime = 5000
Return MyBase.OnInitiallize(commandlineargs)
End Function

Now when I run the application the splash screen shows but within, a second the openfiledialog has appeared and hides the splash screen.

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Forms :: Disabling A Splash Screen When Application.Restart Is Called?

Dec 28, 2011

I have an application with a splash screen which gets shown before the application starts. One of the requirements of the application is to allow users to restart (or atleast clear the form) so that other test cases can be ran. Because there are so many forms and variables, we elected to simply call Application.Restart() to accomplish this.

What we would like to do now is disable the Splash Screen when Application.Restart() is called. That is, only show the Splash Screen when the application is initially started, not when it is restarted.

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Using 'Application.Designer.vb' To Set One Of Two Forms As Main-form For Splash Screen

May 25, 2009

I am using the following code in the 'Application.Designer.vb' to set one of the two forms as the the mainform for my splash screen.The global string array gSetupStr(0,1) only produces a correct result when any Msgbox is inserted before the 'If' statement.However,I do not want the Msgbox during a splash screen, but do want to control the mainform. [code]

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Forms :: Question After Splash-screen Shows Main Form Is In The Back?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a splash screen, the default from Visual studio. It loads up, is shown for a few seconds, then, when it disappears, the main form is loaded. Now here is the problem: the main form appears in the back, behind the windows explorer window I load the application from.

The weird thing is that this only happens on some computers, particularly Windows XP machines.I tried a lot of things like BringToFront() or TopMost = true in the on Load event of the form but nothing seems to change this.

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VS 2010 Splash Screen Loads On Startup And A Lot Of Child Forms That Load When Opening?

May 31, 2011

I have an MDI parent screen that loads on startup and a lot of child forms that load when opening. So as the child forms load there's a lot of flashing and it looks really ugly. Once they're loaded all I have to do is use a bring to front, maximized command and it works smoother than closing a form and opening a new one every time a different form is selected. I've tried creating a splash screen, minimizing the forms on load, etc and everything still works in order so first the splash screen then the forms load.

How would you set it up so a splash screen stays on top of all other forms for like 5 seconds while the forms load in the background without seeing them load? Right now the screen shows then when it's done it moves on to step 2 which is loading the child forms. If no splash screen, how do I make it load so you don't see all the child forms opening at once?

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VS 2010 Forms Startup Position To Be Right Side Of Users Screen?

Nov 8, 2011

I have my main form which will have the option to hide itself and open up a mini version. I would like this mini version to start at the top-right of the users screen.I have went through other posts and understand that you can set distance from top-left.

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Check A Users Role Before They Are Routed To A Web Forms Page With 4.0

Feb 7, 2012

I have an web forms application that uses membership and URL Routing.Because of the way Roles work, i cant put an "AND" or "OR", etc. in the allow/deny tags of the web.config file that resides in each folder.This is a business website that that is being ported from a win forms project that contianed many apps. (The win forms project have a custom authentication system.)The web app is structured in a way to mimic the desktop suites and a folder was created for each app.There are also common folders where any user of any app can generate a report.

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C# - Tracking Logged On Users?

Feb 11, 2010

On a project I'm building for a client, one of the requirements is advanced user tracking. The client would like to know what pages an authenticated user is visiting, and when. I read through this post, which is probably the method I will go with. However, that seems a bit tolling on the database, and being that the client may use Azure to host this, I would like to keep the # of db transactions to a minimum [although this was not one of his requirements.. Anyway, I'm torn between the following two methods..

Method One: Log to db on every HTTP request using a HTTP module Method Two: Store in visits in session and log everything to database in one swoop during Session_End event

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Users Currently Logged In To A Domain

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to get a app I wrote to query the domain (Active directory) for all currently logged in users to the network.

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Splash Screen That Displays For 3 Seconds Then Shows A Login Screen

Dec 20, 2009

I'm coding a splash screen in VB.Net that displays for 3 seconds then shows a login screen. But the splash shows up even when login shows and I have told the splash to hide. Here is my code:


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List Currently Logged In Users On Network

May 27, 2010

I've pulled basic information out of AD via System.DirectoryServices but cannot work out a method to find out currently logged in users?I would like to produce a list of users within a Group, highlighing those currently logged inactive.

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Terminal Server Users Logged On?

Aug 6, 2009

is there a way for a program to get a list of users that are logged into the terminal server that it is running on???

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Determine All The Users Logged In To A Remote Machine?

May 4, 2010

We're trying to write code to obtained all the logged on users to a remote machine.

We have the following, which only seems to identify users if they are logged in locally. However, if they're logged in through some other means (such as remote desktop), it doesn't seem to pick those users up.

How can we obtain all the users logged into a machine while excluding those users who only have a process running but aren't logged in (eg, a service is installed by them and might be currently running under their name)?

Dim WMIObject As String = "winmgmts://" & strComputerName.Text & "/root/cimv2"
Dim oComputerQuery As Object
'Contains a sorted list of every user logged into the system


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Retrieve The Name Of Logged In Users From Active Directory

Apr 6, 2009

I need to get a list of all users that are currently logged in Windows 2003 server. I want to do it by using Active directory and

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2005 Splash Screen On Primary Screen?

Oct 21, 2009

I am in a dual monitor environment. I have developed an application using VB.NET 2005.When I start my application, the splash screen always displays on the monitor where the mouse cursor is at, even if it is not the same monitor that the login and primary form open on.

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Changing Users - Create A Feature While The Person Is Logged In

Apr 26, 2009

Well ive created a web browser programme and created a user login form for the users to login and that works fine. Now i want to create a feature while the person is logged in, he can change users, so loging as another user whilst already logged in, for example, Admin user might be logged in and now he wants to change user to a normal user without turning the programme on and off to do so.

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App Very Slow In Startup (Splash Form) On Users PC

Oct 1, 2009

We created a desktop application in Microsoft visual studio 2005, in deployment phase we found that the application are vary slow in startup (Splash screen), we try many solution (ngen, remove unused name space, code, references) to speed the load but we could not solve it.

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VS 2008 Check If Current User Has Administrator Rights?

Sep 1, 2009

I've been looking around for a way to check if the current user has Administrator rights but the information seems to be quite disperse and not exactly

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Add A Splash Screen?

Jul 24, 2009

I want to know how to add a splash screen, but i can't do it through the properties because i use another file as startup so that i can close the main form and leave other open for it to minimize to taskbar, so how would acomplish this?

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Add Splash Screen To App?

Mar 13, 2009

I am trying to add Splash Screen to my app.

I use the one provided with VB. However, the splash screen fade time is too fast, how do I set it to lengthen the display time?

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How To Use Splash Screen

Feb 21, 2009

How to use splash screen

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Use The Splash Screen?

Apr 1, 2010

Ii want a welcome screen like Nero have: This welcome secrren should appear after the user has logged into his account.Do i need to use the splash screen? How to do this?

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Check URL To See If I'm Logged In?

Feb 27, 2009

So I have created an auto login for a website via webbrowser.

The code I have so far is this[code]...

So i need to somehow make it wait after entering the login button before doing the IF statements.Oh and is there a direct way of checking URL? instead of updating the label wich seems alittle un-efective.

Also is there a way to constantly make the label update? like a loop or something?

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.net Splash Screen Not Updating?

Jan 20, 2010

I made a splash screen and want to have some text change on it as different parts of the program are loaded but the screen isnt updating when i use refresh or update.


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