Changing Users - Create A Feature While The Person Is Logged In

Apr 26, 2009

Well ive created a web browser programme and created a user login form for the users to login and that works fine. Now i want to create a feature while the person is logged in, he can change users, so loging as another user whilst already logged in, for example, Admin user might be logged in and now he wants to change user to a normal user without turning the programme on and off to do so.

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C# - Tracking Logged On Users?

Feb 11, 2010

On a project I'm building for a client, one of the requirements is advanced user tracking. The client would like to know what pages an authenticated user is visiting, and when. I read through this post, which is probably the method I will go with. However, that seems a bit tolling on the database, and being that the client may use Azure to host this, I would like to keep the # of db transactions to a minimum [although this was not one of his requirements.. Anyway, I'm torn between the following two methods..

Method One: Log to db on every HTTP request using a HTTP module Method Two: Store in visits in session and log everything to database in one swoop during Session_End event

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Users Currently Logged In To A Domain

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to get a app I wrote to query the domain (Active directory) for all currently logged in users to the network.

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List Currently Logged In Users On Network

May 27, 2010

I've pulled basic information out of AD via System.DirectoryServices but cannot work out a method to find out currently logged in users?I would like to produce a list of users within a Group, highlighing those currently logged inactive.

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Terminal Server Users Logged On?

Aug 6, 2009

is there a way for a program to get a list of users that are logged into the terminal server that it is running on???

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Determine All The Users Logged In To A Remote Machine?

May 4, 2010

We're trying to write code to obtained all the logged on users to a remote machine.

We have the following, which only seems to identify users if they are logged in locally. However, if they're logged in through some other means (such as remote desktop), it doesn't seem to pick those users up.

How can we obtain all the users logged into a machine while excluding those users who only have a process running but aren't logged in (eg, a service is installed by them and might be currently running under their name)?

Dim WMIObject As String = "winmgmts://" & strComputerName.Text & "/root/cimv2"
Dim oComputerQuery As Object
'Contains a sorted list of every user logged into the system


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Retrieve The Name Of Logged In Users From Active Directory

Apr 6, 2009

I need to get a list of all users that are currently logged in Windows 2003 server. I want to do it by using Active directory and

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Forms :: Use A Splash Screen To Check The Logged On Users Rights

Oct 27, 2011

I'm trying to use a splash screen to check the logged on users rights and if all meets criteria it loads the default form. Currently in my load event of the spash form i had some code along the lines


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Add The Feature Where The Users Can Right Click On A File And Get That Windows Context Menu?

Jan 13, 2009

I have an application which displays thumbnails of files in a folder. I want to add the feature where the users can right click on a file and get that windows context menu. You know the one. It allows you to choose an application from a list to open the file with.

I seem to remember asking this ages ago but I can't find the thread.

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Forms :: Integer Value Changing When Compare Cell Data By Using 'IndexOf' Feature?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a program that is reading an Excel (xlsx) file and I am trying to take the data found in one of the cells and split it based upon the '@' symbol inside that cell. Here's an example: value in cell is "XXX @ YYY" I declare 3 strings (strOriginal, strA, strH) strOriginal is the value from the cell ("XXX @ YYY") then my code is supposed to split up the values in the Original string based upon that '@' symbol.So when my code is done, strA should = 'XXX' and strH should = 'YYY'.

Here is my code

strOriginal = dtbExcelData.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString
y = strOriginal.IndexOf("@")
strA = strOriginal.Substring(0, y - 1)


For some unknown reason, the y integer (in this case, it is '4') changes to a random number (it has changed to 44, 61, 124) and causes the error "Error with Excel file: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length" to occur.I understand why the error occurs (my y integer is not staying at 4)...I just don't understand why that y integer is changing numbers when it should remain as the indexof the '@' symbol. I'm looking for any suggestions on how to pull out the data after the space after the '@' symbol (the 'YYY' portion of 'XXX @ YYY'). Also sometimes the 'YYY' is only 'YY' as well.

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.net - Show Display A Person's Age Automatically In Textbox Whenever A Person's Name In Selected In List View?

Jan 2, 2012

My program has a textbox and a listview. In the list view i have added three person's name, John, Kat, Adel.

How do I make it such that when John's name is selected in list view, John's age is automatically displayed in the text box?

And when Kat's name is selected in list view, Kat's age is automatically displayed in the text box?

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Error : Value Of Type 'Person' Cannot Be Converted To '1-dimensional Array Of Person'

Jan 30, 2012

I have a Person class, which contains two public properties. I am trying to add items to it as follows.


Class frMain
Dim persons As New List(Of Person())
Private Sub frmMain_Loaded(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loaded


When I try to use the Object Initializer, I get an error Error"Value of type 'Person' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of Person'.

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VS 2008 Make A Third Person View Program In First Person Game?

May 5, 2009

I wanted to know how to make a Third FOV program in a First Person shooter game.

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Administer Website (create New Users, Assign Users To Roles) From A Windows App?

Feb 9, 2010

I have an web app that uses forms-based authentication, a SqlMembershipProvider (using an encrypted password format), and a SqlRoleProvider. I need to know if it's possible to administer the users (create new users, assign them to roles, etc.) from a windows application - the powers that be don't want any administrative functionality in the web app itself.Here is the membership provider definition from web.config:

<membership defaultProvider="MyProvider">
<add name="MyProvider"


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Getting All Users And Changing Their Passwords

May 13, 2011

I am using VB.NET 2010. I have a Windows 2008 Web Server, where about 80 user accounts are activated. It is NO Active Directory Environment!!! This is a server, where Windows SharePoint Services are hosted. So, once a year, I have to give all users a new password. (I have to give it, because of some security thinkings of the owner of this Page). So, changing the password for each person is a very long activity. How can I do this by a VB.NET Program? - When I am logged on as an Administrator to this server?

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Create An App That Computes The Amount Income Tax That A Person Has To Pay, Depending On Salary?

Mar 22, 2011

I have to create an app that computes the amount income tax that a person has to pay, depending on salary. Income tax should be calculated for each portion of income in each range. Here are the following income ranges and taxe rates:

Not over $7825=10%income tax
$7825-31852 = 15%income tax
$31851-77100 = 25%income tax


i keep getting zeros.

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Determine Whether The Person Using App Has Permission To Create And Write To A File In A Given Directory?

Feb 20, 2008

How can I determine whether the person using my app has permission to create and write to a file in a given directory? I would prefer to not use some sort of try/catch.

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Create Two Notepad Files: Module HelloWorld & Public Class Person?

Oct 6, 2009

i am working on the MSDN tutorials through virtual labs and am encountering a problem with the very first tutorial regarding consoles. I am required to create two notepad files: Module HelloWorld & Public Class Person which I have done without errors having triple checked them. When the files are created I compile the HelloWorld.vb file and a .exe is created

I follow the rest of the steps and encounter an error when i try to compile the Person.vb file using the line vbc Person.vb/t:library/out:HelloWorldLib.dll as i am getting the following errors:

vbc : Command line error BC2001 : file 'HelloWorld.vb/t:library/out:HelloWorldLib.dll' could not be found
vbc : Command line error BC2008 : no input sources specified

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Changing Labels As Users Input Integers

Feb 26, 2011

I'm making a project that judges contestants. I have 3 labels at the bottom of my form that will keep a running total of the top 3 contestants, and change as the contestants score higher or lower. I'm not sure if I should use a loop or if statement, or where to begin at all.[code]

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WMI Win32_Service Create Fails When No User Logged On

Jun 8, 2010

For some reason the following code works perfectly fine if a user is logged into a machine but if no one is logged in, I receive the error message "Call was canceled by the message filter. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010002 (RPC_E_CALL_CANCELED))" I know it is possible somehow to create the service on the remote machine even if a user is not logged in but what must I change in my code??


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Stop Users From Changing Date To Extend Trial?

Aug 8, 2011

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If My.Settings.registered = True Then


This is my code for a trial application. The code is pretty basic but what i couldn't figure out was how i would be able to prevent users from changing the date to extend the trial ("error" i would be getting).

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Forms :: Create A Homepage Feature For Program?

Dec 19, 2009

I'm trying to create a homepage feature for my program and cant seem to get it to check is its Empty or only contains spaces etc.


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VS 2008 Populate Object With List Of Windows Users Without Changing Datatypes?

Jul 25, 2011

PROJECT TYPE: Windows Forms Application

LANGUAGE: Visual Basic
IDE: Visual Studio 2008

I need to populated a ComboBox and a CheckedListBox with a list of the Windows Accounts on the host computer. I also need to the user to be able to apply settings to the users individually. Thirdly, I need to find a way to add a startup registry key in the CURRENT_USER for a different user than the "Current User" (For example: User1 is an Administrator. User2 is a Limited Account [can't modify registry]. User1 needs to add Registry key to User2's "CURRENT_USER". This is a parental control application so the Admin accounts need to be able to access the registry from all users without affecting all users at once. I do not have any code to paste because I still have not the foggiest idea of where to start. I think it probably has something to do with an array (I have no experience with arrays whatsoever) but I am stumped from there. I'm a new, self-taught programmer so I speak idiot at times,

Summary of Questions
1) How do I retrieve a list of Windows Users?
2) How do I populate the objects above with such a list?
3) How do I interact with the items on that list (specific user accounts)?
4) How do I modify another user's CURRENT_USER Registry key?

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How To Create Actual 'wizard' That Allows Users To Use It To Create Their Own Forms

Dec 1, 2010

I've designed my own encryption application in VB 2008 that has a free tools section where users can choose a particular wizard to use from the drop down. The javascript wizards display the code required to put in their own sites. I already created wizards that users can well, use.I see people have their own "contact form wizards" on their websites all the time. Where users can use the wizard and get the displayed code to copy and paste on their sites. But trying to locate source codes to these things is very aggravating on the web.So what I want to do is create my own "form wizard" like out of javascript, that allows the user to put in some information then get the displayed code to put in their own websites. I'm not looking for the generator such as the online form generators.But the javascript source code(s) for the generator itself.Then I could simply put a form generator inside of my VB-app, that will allow the user to use the wizard, then get the html code to paste in their own sites. Preferably not the PHP one because the php backend is very difficult to put in a VB app.I know that it can be done. For example copying a web pages source code then putting it inside a string, then calling that string from a button click that will open the javascript page in the webbrowser inside the VB app.

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How To Create AD Users With .net

Sep 16, 2009

I'm writing a program in that automatically creates users from a database.It works fine, as long as there is no comma or there are no two spaces in the CN.

I am using the WinNT interface, so in fact it creates a SamAccountName and copies it automatically to the CN.When I create the entry manually in AD, I can add comma's and spaces without problems, so it should be a programming error.


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Allow Users To Create Application Add-ons?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a rather popular application, and I was wandering if I could allow users to create add-ons for this software. I was unable to think of a method of doing this, and I do not know where to start. If you have any questions in order to provide a better response, feel free to ask.

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Create 2 Users And They Have Different Function?

Mar 15, 2012

Can I create 2 users and they have different function??Database base using is MS Access.For example I have "staff" and "admin".Staff can insert,edit and delete data only.Admin can check the total sales of the day.Can I do that in VB.Net and can somebody give me some idea or example??

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Allowing Users To Create Pages?

Oct 11, 2010

I would like to allow users to create pages on my site. Not full pages, but just content for the default template.

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Create A .Net Application Which Users Can Just Run Without Installing It First?

Jan 7, 2011

Is it possible to create a VB.Net application which users can just run without installing it first.If not, is it possible in another .Net language.The application only has to run under Windows (>= XP).

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Create A Rtb For Users To Enter Data?

Feb 23, 2009

We want to create an rtb for users to enter data and would like for them to be able to bold words or change their color.(and create hyperlinks)

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