C# - Constant Expression Not Representable In Type 'UInteger'?

Apr 20, 2012

If I run the following code in C# then it runs fine

UInt32 a a = 0x9E3779B9

But when I run the same code in VB.Net then it gives me error "Constant expression not representable in type 'UInteger'"Dim a As UInt32 a = &H9E3779B9

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Constant Expression Not Representable In Type 'UInteger'?

Oct 13, 2010

I am trying to assign a constant with this value:

Public Const FIRST As UInteger = (0UI - 860UI)

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Error: "Constant Expression Not Representable In Type 'UInteger'

Sep 1, 2010

UInteger data type hold any value between 0 and 4,294,967,295. MSDN.

If I try this code in VB.NET I get a compiler error:

Dim Test As UInteger = &HFFFFFFFF

Error: "Constant expression not representable in type 'UInteger'.

Why I can't set 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295) to a UInteger if this type can hold this value?

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Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Memberor Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated?

Jun 23, 2009

i changed a class variable to shared so i can access it in all instances of the class, but it caused an error. what is causing this, and how can i fix it?

Shared img As Bitmap
.img = bgImage

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Pass An Optional Parameter To A Function Of Type System.Drawing.Color - Error "Constant Expression Is Required"

Mar 22, 2012

I want to pass an optional parameter to a function of type System.Drawing.Color. The problem I am having is that when I declare the function it says "Constant expression is required" but I have tried variations of the following, including integers, full qualified indentifiers, even old vbWhite constants to no avail.


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Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated

Jun 2, 2011

how do I overcome it? I have created a class and compiled into .dll This code


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Warning 1: Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated

May 31, 2010

In the following code i get a warning at line 59:Warning 1: Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated.and.. At line 78 I get this Warning:

Warning 2 Property 'SelectedCustomer' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used.

The program compiles and runs well, but i cant' undesrtand the reason for these warnings. Any Idea ?

1: Public Class Form1
3: 'Form level members
4: Private objCustomers As New ArrayList


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Constant Expression Is Required

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to make following subroutine work. The problem is this part of the statement.[code]I've tried everything and can't seem to come up with a constant to use here.[code]

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Constant Expression Is Required?

Apr 27, 2010

I have created a program that creates a blank database in a users account (each user has a seperate folder when registered) by pressing a command button, i have got it to create the database but when i try to populate it with a table to go to the correct folder i get an error

Constant expression is required
the code im using for this is:
Const strConnection As String = ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _


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Can't Convert Integer To String In Constant Expression

Mar 26, 2010

I'd like to understand why one type can't be converted to another type inside a constant expression.

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Reading Named Range Into Array - Constant Expression Required

Mar 11, 2011

I need to read a named range into an array. Then if the value in the 1st position matches a static value, read the value in the second position. I've been looking into array's and this is what I think will work, however I get a compile error on the columns.count "constant expression required". Is it because in the DIM statement I'm attempting 2 things? This is a macro in Excel. The range name is Data1 and the string comparison is "AnyString". The second value will be an integer.

Sub macro1()
Dim rng As Range
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
rng = Range(Data1)
[Code] .....

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Create A Constant Of Type Date?

Jan 19, 2009

I want to create a constant of type date and assign it a list of 3 date. How can I assign a list of values to a constant. const dates as date=#1/1/2009#, #5/1/2009#.....

View 7 Replies

Overcome "Conversion From 'Byte' To 'String' Cannot Occur In A Constant Expression." In VB?

Apr 27, 2012

I have this code:

Public Class Beryllium
Public Const AtomicNumber As Byte = 4
Public Const Symbol As String = "Be"


I want to make a list out of all the constants (AtomicNumber, Symbol, Name and AtomicMass). I want to make the list also a constant. When I run the code above, I get an error highlighting AtomicNumber (on line on which I commented on "This line"). I tried .ToString() and CStr() but I get errors on both. Maybe there is a different way to make these constants one string or list (must be public and have new lines)?

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Get An Error On Guid.Empty "Constant Expression Is Required."

Sep 13, 2011

If I write the following inside my class,

<DefaultValue(Guid.Empty)> _
Public Property KeyValue() As Guid

I get an error on Guid.Empty "Constant expression is required."

What I'm trying to accomplish is to get rid of this line that shows up in the Designer file,

Me.TestUserControl1.KeyValue = New System.Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")

I can avoid running the property's Set code with some conditionals on the Value sent when the form instances. I was just wondering if there's a way to deal with it similar to other data types.

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Statically Type Local Variable To Be Static Type Of Expression On Right Had Side Of Assignment?

Dec 22, 2009

E.g. how do I get VB.Net to statically type a local variable to be the static type of the expression on the right had side of the assignment?

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C# - Solve This Error "Cannot Convert Lambda Expression To Type 'string' Because It Is Not A Delegate Type"

Jun 12, 2010

. I get this error: "Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'string' because it is not a delegate type" - keyword select become underlined in blue


Above code should displays drop list of employees first name and last name in a combo box

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Public Constant Versus Private Constant?

Aug 13, 2011

When building a class library which contains many classes, all classes uses a lot of common constants and functions, what is the best to do:

1- Declare these constants and functions as public in a module.

2- In each class declare constants and functions used by individual class as private.

The first choice is good for easy and fast implementation, but re-using a class in a different project will require importing the module to the other project.The second choice require a lot of copy/paste for code snippet but a class can be re-used in different project easily.

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Parameters Describe An Un-representable DateTime How To Ignore?

May 20, 2011

I am using ODBC to read data from a pervasive PSQL database and in some scenarios, the date column can contain 00/00/0000 date. I don't really care about invalid dates so is there some way I can convert all of these un-representable dates into Null or some specific date instead of the query failing.

EDIT: The following shows the code I am using and where it is failing:

Private _connODBC As OdbcConnection
Dim dt As New DataTable
_connODBC = New OdbcConnection(txtConnectionString.Text)


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X Is A Type And Cannot Be Used As An Expression?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm trying to create a dynamic html page from vb.net. Here is my code. I get the error "'DataTable' is a type and cannot be used as an expression" ' Create a new XML document.

Dim xmlDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument
' Create the html tag.
Dim xmlRoot As XmlElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement("html")


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FormABC Is A Type And Cannot Be Used As An Expression

Aug 6, 2009

This is my window based project since many years ago. I have a public class, and I wanted to have two functions that return 2 different forms that i have in the project.

Below is the code that I'd tried but I got 'FormABC is a type and cannot be used as an expression' error message.

Public Function ShowEForm() As Windows.Forms.Form
Return FormABC
End Function

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Type Mismatch In Expression

Apr 10, 2009

When I use "preview data" for OleDbDataAdapater i got a error "type mismatch in expression".

This is a query generated with VB's "query buider".


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Update Is A Type And Cannot Be Used As An Expression

Feb 22, 2010

'Update' is a type and cannot be used as an expression. I've searched the forums and lowercased letters with no success.

Here is my code:

Dim SupplierContactNum As String = dataList1.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex).ToString
Dim SupplierContact As TextBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl("EditSupplierContactTB"), TextBox)
Dim TitlePosition As TextBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl("EditPositionTB"), TextBox)
Dim SupplierPhone As TextBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl("EditSupplierPhoneTB"), TextBox)


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Use Property Type In Expression?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a function which creates a different type of expression depending on the value of the variable passed in.[code]...

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'frmProduct' Is A Type In 'Test' And Cannot Be Used As An Expression?

Mar 10, 2012

Why I am getting this error frmProduct' is a type in 'Test' and cannot be used as an expression.

Below is the code.


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Error 'Array' Is A Type And Cannot Be Used As An Expression

Feb 22, 2010

Im trying to use a replace function ...that replaced bad words out of a textbox I found this example on the net but there is a little error

this is my code

Function ReplaceBadWords(InputComments)
Dim badChars, newChars, i
'create our array of bad words
badChars = Array("rubbish", "crap", "shit")


the error is 'Array' is a type and cannot be used as an expression'

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Error - Checkbox Is A Type And Cannot Be Used As An Expression

Sep 24, 2010

basically i have 16 checkboxes that indicate the status of digital inputs, either checked or unchecked, but rather than adress each and every one of them with a pile of repetative code, i set up a for-next loop and tried to change the status of the checkboxes with - is for index = 0 to 15, if blah=true then checkbox(index) = checked else checkbox(index) = uncheckedBut i get error- checkbox is a type and cannot be used as an expression.

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For Loop - PictureBox Is Type And Cannot Be Used As Expression

Mar 7, 2012

I have some problems with a for loop in visual basic.
Public Const numofblocks As Short = 88
Public Shared blocks(numofblocks) As PictureBox
For x = 1 To numofblocks
blocks((x)) = PictureBox(x)
The error raised at the picturebox statement: PictureBox' is a type and cannot be used as an expression. The result of this for loop is that every picturebox in the designer form is named: blocks([number of picturebox]). I need this for some other for loops.

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Forms :: FrmSearch Is A Type And Cannot Be Used As Expression

Sep 20, 2011

I have a project with 7 forms. I wanted to change the startup form for testing, but in the project properties application tab under startup form, only 3 of my forms show up as available. So I manually edited the Application.myapp file and changed the MainForm tag to frmSearch. I checked the property pages and now frmSearch is listed in the dropdown, and it is selected.

Run I compile I get an error:
Error 1 'frmSearch' is a type in 'MyTestApp' and cannot be used as an expression. C:Documents and Settings...My ProjectApplication.Designer.vb 35 27 MyTestApp
frmSearch is a form, just like other forms that work as the startup form.

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VS 2008 Setproxy Is A Type And Cannot Be Used As Expression?

Nov 26, 2011

I am trying to make a program to configure IE's proxy settings. I have made this code to change the settings:

Public Class setproxy
Public Structure Stwruct_INTERNET_PROXY_INFO
Public dwAccessType As Integer


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Data Type Mis-match In Criteria Expression

Dec 11, 2010

I am developing a vb.net application with MS Access Database . I have a field(cut) with double data type in table marks of markss.mdb.[code]On debugging , when I enter ,say 7.9 , in Textbox 1 ,I get an error saying Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

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