C# - File Watcher In Windows Service?

Mar 19, 2012

I am trying to make a handle for a custom control I made. The user control consists of many additional controls within.I am using this code to add the user control to my Form.

Dim ToolBox As New ToolboxPanel
It's created and works fine.


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C# - Create A Windows Registry Watcher?

May 11, 2009

How to create a windows registry watcher application using .Net,I want this application to watch all the registry hocks and fire an event when a value change, this event will tell the old and new value for that value.

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Windows Service Unable To Access A File In Program In Windows 2003 Server

Mar 12, 2010

I have a .net Windows Service developed in VB.net. I have a settings file in the root directory called Connections.XML and I am setting the basedirectory [code]...

When I schedule the service this is working absolutely fine in my Windows XP machine. But when I installed the same service in our development server (Windows 2003 64 bit Server) for some reason it is not able to locate this file.

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.net - WCF Service Hosted In A Managed Windows Service Connect Using A WCF Service Application

Jul 14, 2011

i have a Windows service that is hosting a WCF service through net.tcp and this is working great. I have also created a WCF service application. I am trying to add the net.tcp service reference to the service application. Then I add it to the GAC that goes ok but if I try to RegAsm the WCF service application to allow it to be called from Server.CreateObject I get the error:

Warning: Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a
generic class and is not marked as
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces cannot be
exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit
interface as the default interface to COM using the
ComDefaultInterface attribute.

It does not work. I have tried to call it through a class library but this does not work either as the end point is not set correctly.

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File System Watcher - Application That Monitors A Specific Folder For File Changes Such As Modify Deletion, Update

May 4, 2011

I am developing an application that Monitors a specific folder for file changes such as modify deletion, update, etc. The only problem I have is , the application doesn't fire up File events.

Here is the code:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Diagnostics

Public Class Form1


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File System Watcher Applications?

Jul 11, 2009

I have downloaded 5 apps so far to get an idea on watching a dir for a file created, but every app i run i get an error like this

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File System Watcher On Mac With Bootcamp?

May 25, 2011

I created a VB.NET 4.0 program that uses the FileSystemWatcher class to monitor a file for changes. I have one user who is on a Mac running a Windows virtualization. Here is her description of her setup (p.s. Revit is not my program, mine is suplementary to Revit and works with the keynote file mentioned):

I work on an iMac (Snow Leopard,) and have Revit 2012 installed in a Boot Camp partition of Windows 7, which I then run through a Parallels 6 window. I used to run Revit just through Parallels, sans Boot Camp, but this seems to work better (faster.) I do store my Revit files in the Mac OS, but the keynote file is in Windows 7. Obviously this is a non-standard setup, but it is causing the FileSystemWatcher to fail. Is anyone familiar with this or know why it's failing or if it can be fixed?

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Why File System Watcher Is Almost Blind

Jan 13, 2010

I am using FileSystemWatcher in order renaming files within a Watched directory.The problem occurs if the number of files copied simultaneously to the watched directory exceeds the number of 50...The rename event is fired successfully for the first 50 files, but after that nothing happens?

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Writing A File Directory Watcher

Sep 19, 2009

I need to write a small program that monitors a group of file directories for files being written to them and them move them as quickly as possible to a different process directory.I was very happy to find FileSystemWatcher in .NET. The event fires immediately. Unfortunately it fires when the very frist byte hits the directory.I'm using the following event:[code]My problem with this is, I am following up with code to move this file and if the file is big enough I will get the error:"process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process".That make sense to me but I'm struggling with finding a "file complete" event or some other programmatic indication that the file has completly arrived and can be "moved".I don't want to set an arbitrary timer.These files are on their way to a printer and I don't want to stick delays in a process that the users will notice and complain about.

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Call Bat File In Windows Service Using VB?

Feb 16, 2011

I want to question how to call bat file in windows service using vb.net. This is my code:

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel

this service created in service windows(service manager windows), but when i start this service not happening. What wrong in my code

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Windows Service: Write To Log File

Aug 22, 2010

Trying to develop a windows service which will write to a log file at prefix interval, but surprisingly the code "writelog" routine which previously work in a normal windows system but doesn't work under service.


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File System Watcher Class Over Network

Jan 7, 2010

I am using standalone application vb.net(2.0) and using filesysystem watcher class to find any new xml coming into that specified directory then application take that file and continue the process but the direcotry have been located in network machine. Now my problem is, once the path is not available it mean the shared path server going to offline, then my application not intimate me.

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VS 2008 - Functions Of System File Watcher

Aug 21, 2009

What exactly does a System File Watcher do? And what can you do with it?

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VS 2008 File Watcher - Watch The Whole Drive?

Jul 12, 2010

Does the File Watcher class in VB.NET only watch one folder? Or can I have it notify me of any change in the whole drive?

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Windows Service Won't Select From Access Mdb File?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm trying to do a simple select query from a MS access database from my service. Has anyone managed to do this in the past using their Jet eninge?

I had originally debugged and tested the code in a windows form and it worked fine. Once I moved the code into a windows service and installed it, it bombs out and doesn't generate any errors.

Thing is, I just found a .mdb file on the net so not entirely sure of the database version. I'm running office 2007 and read that if you used the .accdb version on a machine that didn't have access 2007 installed (which is going to be 99% likely), you had to install some drivers etc. in order for it to work. That is not an option unfortunately which is why I went with the old .mdb that could use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 without any drivers to be installed.

Do I need to import something into this project to get this to work? I've attached the code below. I've added a comment after the problematic line.

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String


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The Right Direction Access.log File RealTime Watcher / Monitor

Mar 15, 2009

Here is my stuck in a rut kind deal.I am using Visual Basic Express Editoin 2008. (Most of these forums and samples and stuff is either C# VB 2005). I just want to simply know how I can "View or Monitor" the access.log file that is on my server?


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Does Windows Service Need To Be Rebuild After Changing Config File

Aug 1, 2010

I changed config file of the windows many times. Before changing config file I stopped the service and after changing config file, started again. Every thing worked fine.

But last time when I made some changes in config file of the windows service and started it - It didnt worked, I even tried reinstalling the service but in vain.

As a last resort I rebuild the service with new config file and copied newly build files on the server and installed the service. To my surprise the Windows service worked perfectly this time.But I have only made changes to config file and the code of the windows service was untouched. My question is, do we need to rebuild the Window service if we change the config file many time?

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Location Of App.config File In A Windows Service Project?

Feb 2, 2012

I am creating a windows service in VS2010, and in order to store a user's input during installation I've been told to write it to a file called app.config.However i cannot find this app.config file? Does it create one in a windows service project? or just in a WCF windows service project?

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Using Windows Service To Create,Update,Delete CSV File Using C#?

Sep 11, 2011

I am creating a windows service to save current username and logon time in a CSV file. But when I install the service, the file is just created, not details are written to it, and that file is set to read-only mode. what is the problem in my code?

My code:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text


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VS 2008 Copy File To Network With Windows Service

Dec 9, 2009

I am working on a backup utility for use with the mysql db. Because I need the actual backup to run regardless of if a user is logged on or not, I created the backup engine in a windows service.

Basically the backup engine checks to see if a backup job is scheduled to be run and if it is, it kicks off a mysqldump to do the backup. For sake of performance I am saving all backup jobs to the local c: drive then doing a file copy to the user defined destination.

Everything works fine except for the file copy. If the user selects a local resource to the computer it works fine. However, if a network drive is selected, I get an error that it cannot find the path.

I started thinking about it and believe this is expected since the backup engine is probably oblivious to whatever mapped drives that particular user has, i.e. the mapping process is done when someone logs in and my app is running at a lower level.

I started doing some research on this problem and found that some people are saying that windows services are oblivious of networks all together. This seemed a little odd to me so I thought I would bring the issue here.

Is a windows service truely unaware of network activity? How can I change the program to move the completed backups over to a network drive?

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Cannot Move Or Delete A File Found By FileSystemWatcher In Windows Service

Jun 1, 2009

I created a VB Windows service with a FileSystemWatcher (VS 2005). When someone places an XML file into a folder, I want the service to read it, then move it to another folder. I do the move with this type of command:


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Windows Service - When User Connects To The Network Theservice Should Run The Exe File?

Mar 9, 2009

I have to schedule an exe file as windows service.The exe file should be triggered when user connects to the pariticular net work for ex: company network.User can connect/disconnect to the company n/w "n" number of times to the network in a day. so every time when user connects to the network theservice should run the exe file.

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File Watcher Error - "Cross-thread Operation Not Valid?

May 21, 2009

I have created a file watcher but I have a problem with the file watcher.here is the

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private watchfolder As IO.FileSystemWatcher[code]....

And I have the Following error

"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'txtmonitor' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was create on."

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[VS 2005] Service Control Manager Privileges - Communicate With A Windows Service On A Remote Machine On The Network

Jul 23, 2009

I am trying to communicate with a Windows service on a remote machine on the network but i keep getting an exception saying the following: "System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot open Service Control Manager on computer 'machine001'. This operation might require other priviledges. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied.


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Have A Dotnet Windows Service Which Monitor Other Services And Upon Stop Of Any Service?

Sep 18, 2009

Is it possible to have a dotnet windows service which monitor other services and upon stop of any service, the monitoring service would be able to start the stopped service.

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Use Windows Search Service Instead Of The Old Indexing Service To Index Files?

Jul 7, 2009

In the past I had the indexing service installed on a Windows Server 2003 and used it to index files for my website. I did this by executing an OleDbCommand with a query and a connection string.How do I accomplish the same thing with the new "Windows Search Service" (Windows Server 2008) by using VB.NET? Does this work the same way so that I only need to change the Provider name which has been "MSIDXS.1" up to now? Case true, what is the new Provider name?

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Windows Service: Multiple Instances Of The Same Service Class?

May 3, 2011

When you create a Windows Service, you create a list of the services you want to start. The default is this:

ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New Service}

Can you have multiple instances of the same Service class (that bind to different addresses or ports), like this?

ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New Service("Option1"), New Service("Option2")}

Or will that cause problems? Should we use two different classes instead?

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Stopping A Windows Service, A Different Service Stops As Well?

Mar 3, 2009

We have a server with multiple services written in .Net 1.1 and 3.5 running on a Win 2003 server. Everything runs fine, but when we stop a certain service, an unrelated service stops. I have checked and neither has any dependencies. The service we stop is in 3.5, and the unrelated service that incorrectly stops is in 1.1. We get no error messages, nor event log errors, so we are baffled.Does anyone have an idea as to what may be causing this?

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Windows Service - Get The Account Name After Whenever The Service Is Started ?

Nov 17, 2011

I am using this method to install windows service

processInstaller = New ServiceProcessInstaller()
serviceInstaller1 = New ServiceInstaller()
serviceInstaller2 = New ServiceInstaller()[code].....

How can I get the account name after whenever the service is started ?

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Which Account Using For My Service Windows Service

Jun 25, 2009

I am using a windows service and tried to copy some file as below,System.IO.File.Copy("Z:abc.txt", "C:helloworld.txt")Note: Z: is a map drive from another host in 1 LAN (same LAN)I got error, "Could not find a part of the path 'Z:abc.txt'."But when I tried it at a simple application using windows application, it works with the same code as above.

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