C# :: Run A Job In Background?

Dec 15, 2010

I need a block of code which run a job in background. Suppose the user click on the Submit button, then a job starts in background, in the mean time the user closes that window and run a different job, and the job should keep running.

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VB Image - Transparent Parts Dont See Form As Background But Marioland As Background?

Feb 18, 2011

Background of form: black

background of char, bombs and shrooms: transparent

picbox behind char, bombs and shrooms is regular (marioland)

How can i fix it so the transparent parts dont see form as background but marioland as background?

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Multithreading - Load Data In Background Mode Using Background Worker?

May 3, 2012

I am using query from a SQLite database as the AutocompleteCustomSource for a ComboBox. Also, I want to load data in separate thread. My LoadData method works fine when called directly, but it fails when it is called from the BackgroundWorker thread. When it is called from the background thread, it throws a Specified cast is not valid exception on the csearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(hh("Taj")) line. Below is my code:

Sub LoadData()
Dim connetionString As String
Dim cnn As SQLiteConnection


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Background Image Will Not Switch Back From The Plain Background Color Of "control"?

Feb 19, 2011

what I am trying to accomplish worked with the code in the last thread I posted a while back. I still am using this code, however, I changed the window size to work better and gave it a nicer background for the title screen of my project. Now what I am working on at the moment is making a settings form that has 2 labels. One for "Default" Layout and one for "Plain" layout. When default is at start, the default label is disabled,and when plain layout is clicked, the button is disabled and default button is enabled.Basically, this is a toggle switch for default or plain where if one is enabled, the option for it is disabled and the other is enabled.My problem is that when I switch from Plain back to default, the background Image will not switch back from the plain background color of "control"Here is my code:

Public Class Settings
Private Sub LinkLabel1_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel1.LinkClicked
MiDNiGHT.BackgroundImage = Nothing[code].......

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App Background/OS Background?

Aug 21, 2009

i asked this queston before yesterday but n one peplied so here goes, on my app/os i want the user to be able to set a picture as the background, i already have the color background setting but i dont know if a picture could also be set, if so what is the code and where do i put it

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Asp.net - Background Processing In .Net?

Feb 8, 2012

At the moment, my project has a method do_job(jobid,userid)

This method take a minute or two, and then redirects to another page. This has been rewritten so that it now runs in the background and redirects to another page whilst the thread which do_job is on continues. - This works fine. In a button_click event in a default.aspx page :

Dim d as New do_job_delegate(AddressOf do_job)
d.BeginInvoke(jobid,userid, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf Callback),d)


So what i want to happen is - the longest time that do_job takes is the longest time of the longest job (30 seconds), rather than - 30 seconds x number of jobs = time it takes at the moment.

As i'm already using a delegate to detact the process from the ui, can anyone provide any advice/best practice on how i should rearrange my do_job method so that it can handle concurrent tasks to further boost the overall speed.

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Get Rid Of Background Threads?

Nov 7, 2010

My application generates some background threads to perform some slow jobs (a cycle of ask for a long process to a server - wait - download the result).

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Hot Set Image To Background MDI

Apr 1, 2010

hot set image to Background MDI or change color fromsilver ro another color

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How To Dim A Background Form

Sep 30, 2009

I want to have this effect on my windows form.When the user clicks a thumbnail I want it to show like this (fade in slow motion effect) and also dim the parent form.This page doesn't dim the background parent form.

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How To Run EXE In Background From VB Application

Mar 31, 2008

I am trying to call a .exe from a VB.net application. I did this using:
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(" my file name.exe"),
This works but its UI also appears in the screen .Is there a way by which I can start the process and not let the user see it ,i.e to say can we call a .exe in the background?

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Looping In The Background?

Oct 11, 2011

I need a loop to run in the background while my app. is running. The loop has to constantly check for the value of a var and return a value based on the values of the var.

Can a Loop be running constantly without slowing the PC down?

Hendri Bissolati noviceprogrammer@vodamail.co.za

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Mdi Background Using Picture Box?

Feb 17, 2009

I'm using this code to set the MDI Form background base on the picture of the picturebox,

Me.BackgroundImage = PictureBox1.Image But the error is "Out of Memory" what should I do about this?

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Play A MP3 In Background?

Dec 19, 2009

how to play a Simple mp3 in the background, and if he presses a button itll stop/start the file, i do not want it to play in WMP, but just in Background of program.

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Run A .exe In Background From Application?

Mar 30, 2008

I am trying to call a .exe from a VB.net application. I did this using ystem.Diagnostics.Process.Start(" my file name.exe"),this works but its UI also appears in the screen .Is there a way by which I can start the process as well do not let the user see it ,i.e to say can we call a .exe in the backdround?

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Run Application In Background?

Jan 10, 2007

i have prepared an application which dose not take any user input and the aim of the application is to take screenshots at a regular interval of 5 min i am using vb.net 2005 for this i have taken a form and in that form i have placed a timer control and in timer trick i am calling the function which takes the screen shot my requirement is to set up this application and this should run in the back ground and the user should not be able to cancel or stop the running of the application how to do this the application should run in the background it self and this should start when ever the system boots?

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Run Function In Background?

Oct 23, 2011

I am developing app in VB.NET that should have HTML requests and getting responses as string. Now I am using this code:


But when I run this code, my program froze for a little bit, until this URL content is loaded. I searched over google and I didn't find anything about this. I tried using Classes and Modules, but with both of those it's frizzing again. Can someone explain me how to run this in background, so program won't froze, and when it get's downloaded to return data?

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Running A .bat In The Background?

May 12, 2011

So I have this in my coding:

vb Code:
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter("c:command.bat", False)
file.WriteLine("@echo off")


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Use A Background Timer?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm making a small program for a production machine.In the mainform I have several buttons to perform different tasks.Every hour I want to get a message that tells me to calibrate the machine.I think that I need to use a Backgroundworker and a timer.? I'm using VS2010 and VB.NET?

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Using A Background Worker?

Jul 15, 2011

I'm writing an application in Visual Basic Express 2008, part of the function being to walk through a folder structure starting from a user specified folder. In my research, I found this thing called a background worker which seemed an appropriate tool to use given the potential size of a target folder structure. I successfully installed the two examples from the library here, and believe I understand the principles involved. Even so, having tried to build this feature into my application, it seems as though it is not working as expected, and, as predicted, debugging a multi-threaded application is a pain in the extremity.

I have this fragment under my "start" button click event -

HomeSource.Enabled = False
HomeCopy.Enabled = False
HomeReport.Enabled = False


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VS 02/03 Processing In Background

Mar 18, 2010

I want to run my vb.net 2003 application from command line and accepting only one parameter(argument)....... BUT it should run without GUI, only a function from my code would get run in background..


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What Is A Background Worker

Jul 18, 2010

im thinking just because an app has been sent ton system tray does not mean its a "back ground worker"

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Cannot Get Background Music To Play

Jan 19, 2012

I've created a new form in my program and dragged the windows media player into the form. I have an mp3 in a resources folder within the project. I've set the URL to the name of the mp3. I've looked at tutorials but they make the windows player accessible to the users. I just want the user to be able to hear the music and not be able to change anything regarding the background music.

I want the music to start playing at runtime and continue to loop for now. I will eventually want to switch up the background music depending on which form the user is on. But for now I would be happy just getting a single mp3 to play continuously.

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Changing Background Windows XP

Apr 8, 2010

I am making a desktop wallpaper manager but i can't get it to work on Windows XP.[code]It works on Vista and 7, but when i try on XP it just removes the current background and replaces it with a blue color?

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Send A Key To A Specific Background App?

Jul 14, 2010

There is 2 things that i need.

1-Know how to send a key to a specific background app(don't loosing the focus of the actual window). Is there a function or API to do that?

2-Warcraft III have a protection tool and its almost impossible to use any function or API to interact with it.

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Writing Background Multithreading

Jun 30, 2011

My application will creates an Excel from DB, creating an excel file takes few minutes of time and till that time the user dont want to wait for the excel to complete, he should start working with the application. Once the excel have been completed the appilcation should po-up message saying, 'Report Sucess'. can any one tell me how to do this, whtr background thread will help me in this ?

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.net - Creating Transparent Background In WPF?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a button with a backgroun image of color white. My button is sitting on the toolbar which has a bacground color of Blue. When the button is sitting on the toolbar, the button looks white, however I want it to look like blue as the the background color of toolbar is Blue.

How should I achieve this in WPF..

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.net - Progress Bar With Background Worker

Jun 7, 2012

my backgroundworker as I just cant get it to work. Basically I have a backgroundworker which does a few tasks but I'm trying to implement a progress bar and a label. I'm going to set the maximum value of the progress bar to 10 and then have it updating as I move with each task, also I'm thinking of a label with the progress bar which will display the progress ie


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Add A Background Image In A Textbox?

Nov 14, 2009

How can i add a background in a textbox?

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Add An Background Image In 2008?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm creating a calculator for a university coursework project and I wanted to know how do you add a background image in the main form in Visual Basic 2008 as I want to have the calculator have a background image similar to one that I programmed when I was studying VB6 years ago (but which I've since forgotten how to program in).

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Add Progress Bar With Background Worker

Oct 7, 2009

I'am trying to make app that will show every file in C:[code]Now how can i add progress bar with the background worker.

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