C# - TextWriterTraceListener Not Working As Expected When Adding To System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners

Jul 29, 2011

Full Program: Option Strict On : Option Explicit On Module Module1


After I ran it, I had a file a.txt in my debug folder but the size is 0 bytes (and when i open it is empty of course) Shouldn't the output had "asd" in it ?

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C# - Why Does The 0x00 Character Make System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine Not Write A New Line

Jul 29, 2011

Dim hex = "41"
Dim text As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To hex.Length - 2 Step 2
text.Append(Chr(Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16)))


but yet this fails.. (the output isn't itself in a new line) what's the explanation for that?From what I know, doesn't System.Diagnostics.Debug.Writeline does something which looks like this:


so regardless of my input it should always have a newline char even if there is a terminating 00 char in my input?

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Working With System.Diagnostics.Process?

Dec 22, 2010

I am tring to build network toolkit for my very computer illiterate techs. What I am trying to accomplish is to embed a command prompt of sorts in a form. I have been sucessful to a point. Here are my main two problems.

1: I cannot read line by line as the output of the process is generated. Rrather I have to wait untill its complete, this is ok for "IPConfig and Maybe "Ping". But for longer diag tests this would take too long and it would look like the app has crashed. So I need to figure out how to redirect the output of the process to my text control.

2: I would like to have the ability to redirect keyboard input to the process. For telnet as an example. I would capture all keyboard commands while my text control has focus and send them to the process and with the problem solved I should be able to establish 2-way IO with the process. Is there a way to do this or am I barking up the wrong tree.


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System.diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo CreateNoWindow Not Working?

May 18, 2010

i'm trying to launch mpc(media player classic) in background for playing some music.

Like it's supposed to be background, i don't want the player to be visible.

I've tryed this out (see below) without expected result. What should i do ?

Dim proc As New Process Dim IS_READING As Boolean = False Try


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.Net Event Handlers Priority - Adding Listeners To The C#.Net Library Object

Mar 29, 2011

I am having the library in C#.Net. If I am creating the form in C# and adding listeners to the C#.Net library object the event handlers called immediately. IF I am creating the form in VB.net and adding listeners to the C#.Net library object, the handlers are called after some time. Do we have any priority to be set the event handlers

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Jul 18, 2009

I am fairly new to VB.NET (but have vast professional experience with several other languages) and am completely new to these forums (so please don't burn me if I posted in the wrong place). I have run into a rather odd quirk with System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses. I have a sample application (source posted below) that checks all running processes every second for changes (created and destroyed) and tells the user what has changed, if anything, in the last second. The sample runs for anywhere between 29-72 seconds before issuing an array out of bounds error. It appears that the Windows system processes, SearchProtocolHost.exe and SearchFilterHost.exe explicitly, disappear from the list causing my application to throw the aforementioned exception. Specifically the exception I am receiving is as follows:

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.I have noted in comments where the exception is thrown in the code below. If any of you would be willing to try this sample on your PC's or could suggest potential issues with my sample that could cause this problem

My sample code:
Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics


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Using System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.GetInstanceNames?

Mar 13, 2012

When I use System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.GetInstanceNames call, I always get 0 instances returned the first time. If I actually query for a counter value first (using perfmon) and then call GetInstanceNames, it works fine. Can someone provide some insight? Do I need to get a counter value first (in code) and then use the GetInstanceNames?

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" Kill Process Using System Diagnostics?

Sep 20, 2011

I am trying to kill process using following code

Dim ItemProcess() As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("vlc")
If Not ItemProcess Is Nothing Then
For Each SubProcess As Process In ItemProcess[code]....

Now I have created two sub in the first sub I started a process using process.start(preview.mp3)in the second sub I killed this process using the above code but instead of passing the mp3 file I am using the vlc.exe which is actually processing the fileFor this I have to manually check the task manager and get the process name.So my point is ,is there any way i can write a code that automatically the corresponding exe file that is using it.

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Dynamic System.Diagnostics.Process.Start?

Jul 6, 2009

I'm having a problem. I have researched this for over a week and have not found what I need. I find a lot of great suggestions but none of them work for me.My code and program works 100% if you put a valid program, process or file name in the box but if you don't, it crashes. Also if the program is not registered or in a known path it will crash.

I've tried My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(txtProcessName.Text) and System.IO.File.Exists(txtProcessName.Text)

But every variation I try thinks that none of the files exist.I don't want to hard code any of the paths or file names because I want this to be dynamic. I also want it to be a one file program. I know eventually I will need to get into multiple files but I like basing all my programs on a file that can be copied and pasted to any computer and ran without problems.

NOTE: This is a multi-function program. Not only does it start programs but it also terminates them, looks the process up on the web to see if it's spyware, adware or a valid program and it also is a Task manager.


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System Diagnostics Process - Do Not Want New Window To Be In Front

Dec 23, 2011

I have an windows application from where i start another EXE by using the system.diagnostics.process.

I do as follows:
private myExe as System.Diagnostics.Process
myExe = New System.Diagnostics.Process()
myExe.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = "...my path ..."
myExe.StartInfo.FileName = "...my exe..."

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System.Diagnostics.Process.Start When File Is Not Associated?

Nov 30, 2009

I'm using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start to open a file using a string stored in a SQL datatable. It works absolutely fine as long as there is an application on the local machine associated with the file type. If there isn't an association, what happens is the "Save as" dialog box pops up. What I'd like to happen is to just bring up a message box or some other prompt that tells the user what the problem is, and to contact the helpdesk. Some users will be confused if they see a "Save as" dialog box, I think.

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Using System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread To Close Word.exe

Aug 5, 2009

I am having problem trying to use Imports System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread to closed multiple WORD.exe session using Vb.Net. My sample code below managed to close just one session instead of all the sessions with WORD.EXE. [Code]

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C# - Is SeDebugPrivilege() Api Function The Same As System.Diagnostics.Process.EnterDebugMode

Aug 26, 2009

What the title says. Are they the same? I've noticed that the first does have arguments and such, but are they going to give the same end result?

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Executing Compiled Jar File From .NET (System.Diagnostics.Process)?

Feb 8, 2011

Trying to integrate the google closure compiler in a batch job of mine and having difficulty getting it to work.Using command prompt I can enter the following command and get my scripts compiled. (The command is a self explanatory example)

java -jar "compiler.jar" --js_output_file="myOutput.min.js" --js="input1.js" --js="input2.js"

I have tried to replicate this using the System.Diagnostics.Process object but thus far have failed.I have tried

Dim command As String = BuildCommand(CompilationScripts, Me._Output)
Dim process As New Process
process.Start("compiler.jar", command)

And I have tried

Dim command As String = BuildCommand(CompilationScripts, Me._Output)
Dim process As New Process
process.StartInfo.Arguments = command


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Overriding System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine To Log To A File?

May 15, 2009

This may be more of an OOP concept question, but here's what I'd like to do.I have an application that outputs debug information using System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine so it can be viewed with DebugView.I'd like to override/extend (not sure of the proper terminology) this method to log the text to a file instead, or maybe in addition to the Trace output. This would allow me to write a new WriteLine method for my app, and I could leave all my other System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine statements unchanged throughout the rest of the application.?

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System.Diagnostics.Process - Save File Location?

Mar 29, 2012

I have a read only file and I am using System.Diagnostics.Process to open the file.If a user tries to save the file the "Save As" dialog box opens because the file is read only. The "Save As" dialog box brings them to the directory from where the file was opened from.

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VS 2010 - System.Diagnostics - Error: First Chance Exception Of Type

Feb 26, 2011

my problem is that when I try to write a exe application for measuring the cpu usage every time I get the error:

A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.dll

A first chance exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

The code I use is: [Code] And I get the above error,I searched a little in the internet but the most post were for database optimization and so on.

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Error-:-The Parameter Is Incorrect - Boolean StartWithCreateProcess(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo)?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a service that runs under local system that I need to have execute an external .exe using alternate credentials. Using the code I have posted here, I get the error "Error-:-The parameter is incorrect" and the target site is "Boolean tartWithCreateProcess(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo)"Here is the code:

Dim AuditProcess As New Process
Dim p As System.Security.SecureString = New System.Security.SecureString


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Opening Multiple Instances Of Program When Clicking System.Diagnostics.Process

Mar 28, 2012

I have an windows application (created using visual studio 2005) and it also is using an autocad .api. The user runs Autocad and the user enters various commands that will open forms. One of these forms, contains Windows.Forms.LinkLabels with paths to the autocad drawing files they've attatched (.dwg). When they click on the link, I need the file to open in the existing Autocad they already have open; however, the problem is that it's opening a new instance of Autocad and placing the file into it. How can I make it so it opens in the existing Autocad program already open? [Code]

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The Type Initializer For 'System.Transactions.Diagnostics.DiagnosticTrace' Threw An Exception

Feb 9, 2011

an error throws up on the line:


it says "The type initializer for 'System.Transactions.Diagnostics.DiagnosticTrace' threw an exception."

Private Sub BtnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnLoad.Click
Dim Con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim DbProvider As String


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Launch A Java Executable (let's Call It MyApp.jar) From .Net Using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start?

Apr 20, 2009

I want to launch a java executable (let's call it MyApp.jar) from .Net using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start. What's the syntax in VB.Net? The command line syntax is this (if I recall it correctly - because i tried it a few days ago and it worked).

java.exe -jar MyApp.jar pathToSourceFile pathToDestFile

How do I run this command in VB.Net, using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start, assuming I have the following three string variables in VB.Net


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System.Diagnostics.Process.Start Won't Work In Startup When Supplied User Account

Jan 31, 2011

I have a vb.net 2008 application that is supposed to run at startup. After meeting certain conditions, the PC is supposed to restart. Below is the code that is failing:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("shutdown", "-r -t 00 -f", myUsername, myPassword, myDomain)

myUsername and myDomain are both strings while myPassword is a SecureString. The application works properly when execute manually, but give the following error when executed from startup (either by placing in the startup folder or by adding to the registry):

The directory name is invalid

Also, the program executes properly when the last 3 arguments are left out and the user has the necessary rights.

How do I force a restart using an specific, alternate user credentials on startup?

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'InValidateRect' Not Working As Expected?

Apr 9, 2009

I have an Excel worksheet with a Source Cell and a Target Cell.Via GDI API functions, I draw a temporary gradient fill over the source cell which happens to be cell "D6"then, I make a transparent copy of the temp gradient fill drawn over the source cell and place the copy (ie the transparent gradient fill) over the target cell which happens to be cell "D9".

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.net - DbCommandBuilder Not Working As Expected?

May 27, 2011

I want to fetch data from a database table modify it and update it without being dependent on the database provider and the database structure, because it will be part of a library.My first attempt was as follows:

'factory defined somewhere else as DbProviderFactory
'connection is a working DbConnection
Dim selectcmd As DbCommand = connection.CreateCommand()[code]....

it did not work. After further investigation I figured out that the Commands the CommandBuilder generated were useless, because it inserted ? instead of @param1 for all Parameters. It generated something like INSERT INTO tbl1 (field1, field2, field3) VALUES (?, ?, ?) for the InsertCommand.I would really like to use the CommandBuilder, because it is simple and I don't have something complicated like JOINS.

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Asp.net - IsNothing() Not Working As Expected?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a query like so:

Dim clcexists = (From p In dbContext.Signatures _
Where p.StudentID = people_id _
And p.ContractType = "clc" _
Order By p.ID Descending _
Select p)

Later I check whether any rows exist in clcexists using IsNothing like so:

If IsNothing(clcexists) Then ' If no CLC is on file.
clcfirst = Date.Now.Subtract(year)
clcdate = clcfirst


But IsNothing() is not functioning like I expect. There is no row in the results table, but it is still acting as if there is and going to the Else clause.

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IDE :: Program Not Working As Expected?

May 18, 2010

I am running Windows 7 pro and using Visual Basic 2010 express.I have written a small program to switch on a USB relay which is controled by a serial port.I have debuged the program and it appears to work correctly. I have published the program and if I start it from thr run menu / desktop shortcut / or through explorer it works as expected.

However I have tried to run it by the Task Scheduler and then it fails to run as expected. I have a small section of code that checks to see if the serial port is present if not I have used messagebox.show to ask for the relay to be pluged in. In every case other than when running through the Task Scheduler the messagebox works with the Task schedulerit doesn't show the messagebox and the program hangs I have included the code I have used.

Dim retry As Boolean = False
Dim data() As Byte = {255, 1, 1}
Do Until retry


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Looping Not Working As Expected

May 22, 2011

[URL]. I have a Multi-Line textbox with several accounts in it. They are in email@email.comassword format on separate lines. All the code is right, but it goes really weird and loops like 3 times before logging in. Eventually logging into the last account on the Textbox instead of the first. It should just login to the first account...Logout....Login to the second account...Logout and continue the process.

If you want to test it, just put a web browser and a textbox1 multiline box, a button and enter a few working hotmail accounts and you'll see.
Check line 17
Looks like a lot of code, but line 17 is the only bit that needs to be looked at. The rest is just junk/non-relevant to this problem. It separates the accounts perfectly and stuff, but just wont login in the right order.

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Variable Not Working As Expected?

Jul 28, 2010

I have declared a String variable(PC) for use within another String variable(currentQuery) to form a SQL statement to pass to my SQLDataAdapter variable.

I'm performing this action to change the string variable(PC) for the different onClick events I have.

It seems i can change this variable (PC) within my onClick event handlers and the 'PC' variable will change when I apply it to a testing Text Box 'testTextBox' but not for the currentQuery variable.

Do i need to perform this action as a function or am i missing something obvious - code below - I don't want to spend time writing a function to return a string value for my SQL statement if i can just tweek something in my code (below).

Partial Public Class IVMain
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim DBConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=hnaServer;Initial Catalog=Hnastatus;User ID=Test;Password=test")


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Button BackColor Not Working As Expected

Aug 21, 2009

I have a form with a split panel. In the one split are a group of buttons which I want to programmatically change the color of the last pressed button.The following loop seems to run correctly and set the colors correctly but the form doesn't represent that. Once the loop is completed and I recheck the button colors, they revert to previous state.[code]I can get the desired effect by doing the below code but seems less elegant and would obviously require updates as buttons would be added or removed.[code]

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Selected Case Of A Listbox Isn't Working As Expected

Apr 10, 2010

Selected Case of a Listbox isn't working as expected

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