IDE :: Program Not Working As Expected?

May 18, 2010

I am running Windows 7 pro and using Visual Basic 2010 express.I have written a small program to switch on a USB relay which is controled by a serial port.I have debuged the program and it appears to work correctly. I have published the program and if I start it from thr run menu / desktop shortcut / or through explorer it works as expected.

However I have tried to run it by the Task Scheduler and then it fails to run as expected. I have a small section of code that checks to see if the serial port is present if not I have used to ask for the relay to be pluged in. In every case other than when running through the Task Scheduler the messagebox works with the Task schedulerit doesn't show the messagebox and the program hangs I have included the code I have used.

Dim retry As Boolean = False
Dim data() As Byte = {255, 1, 1}
Do Until retry


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'InValidateRect' Not Working As Expected?

Apr 9, 2009

I have an Excel worksheet with a Source Cell and a Target Cell.Via GDI API functions, I draw a temporary gradient fill over the source cell which happens to be cell "D6"then, I make a transparent copy of the temp gradient fill drawn over the source cell and place the copy (ie the transparent gradient fill) over the target cell which happens to be cell "D9".

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.net - DbCommandBuilder Not Working As Expected?

May 27, 2011

I want to fetch data from a database table modify it and update it without being dependent on the database provider and the database structure, because it will be part of a library.My first attempt was as follows:

'factory defined somewhere else as DbProviderFactory
'connection is a working DbConnection
Dim selectcmd As DbCommand = connection.CreateCommand()[code]....

it did not work. After further investigation I figured out that the Commands the CommandBuilder generated were useless, because it inserted ? instead of @param1 for all Parameters. It generated something like INSERT INTO tbl1 (field1, field2, field3) VALUES (?, ?, ?) for the InsertCommand.I would really like to use the CommandBuilder, because it is simple and I don't have something complicated like JOINS.

View 1 Replies - IsNothing() Not Working As Expected?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a query like so:

Dim clcexists = (From p In dbContext.Signatures _
Where p.StudentID = people_id _
And p.ContractType = "clc" _
Order By p.ID Descending _
Select p)

Later I check whether any rows exist in clcexists using IsNothing like so:

If IsNothing(clcexists) Then ' If no CLC is on file.
clcfirst = Date.Now.Subtract(year)
clcdate = clcfirst


But IsNothing() is not functioning like I expect. There is no row in the results table, but it is still acting as if there is and going to the Else clause.

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Looping Not Working As Expected

May 22, 2011

[URL]. I have a Multi-Line textbox with several accounts in it. They are in email@email.comassword format on separate lines. All the code is right, but it goes really weird and loops like 3 times before logging in. Eventually logging into the last account on the Textbox instead of the first. It should just login to the first account...Logout....Login to the second account...Logout and continue the process.

If you want to test it, just put a web browser and a textbox1 multiline box, a button and enter a few working hotmail accounts and you'll see.
Check line 17
Looks like a lot of code, but line 17 is the only bit that needs to be looked at. The rest is just junk/non-relevant to this problem. It separates the accounts perfectly and stuff, but just wont login in the right order.

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Variable Not Working As Expected?

Jul 28, 2010

I have declared a String variable(PC) for use within another String variable(currentQuery) to form a SQL statement to pass to my SQLDataAdapter variable.

I'm performing this action to change the string variable(PC) for the different onClick events I have.

It seems i can change this variable (PC) within my onClick event handlers and the 'PC' variable will change when I apply it to a testing Text Box 'testTextBox' but not for the currentQuery variable.

Do i need to perform this action as a function or am i missing something obvious - code below - I don't want to spend time writing a function to return a string value for my SQL statement if i can just tweek something in my code (below).

Partial Public Class IVMain
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim DBConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=hnaServer;Initial Catalog=Hnastatus;User ID=Test;Password=test")


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Button BackColor Not Working As Expected

Aug 21, 2009

I have a form with a split panel. In the one split are a group of buttons which I want to programmatically change the color of the last pressed button.The following loop seems to run correctly and set the colors correctly but the form doesn't represent that. Once the loop is completed and I recheck the button colors, they revert to previous state.[code]I can get the desired effect by doing the below code but seems less elegant and would obviously require updates as buttons would be added or removed.[code]

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Selected Case Of A Listbox Isn't Working As Expected

Apr 10, 2010

Selected Case of a Listbox isn't working as expected

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C# - Linq Group By With Anonymous Types Not Working As Expected?

Jul 14, 2011

I was toying around with some of the linq samples that come with LINQPad. In the "C# 3.0 in a Nutshell" folder, under Chater 9 - Grouping, there is a sample query called "Grouping by Multiple Keys". It contains the following query:

from n in new[] { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }.AsQueryable()
group n by new


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Using List(Of T).ForEach Method To Update Values Not Working As Expected?

Aug 8, 2011

I have the following code,

PB.ForEach(Function(x) x.Cost = GetPartCost(x.PartNumber, x.Units, x.Cost, FB))

Return PB.Sum(Function(x) (x.Cost * x.Qty))

However it always returns 0. I've checked and the GetPartCost function executes and returns a non-zero number but the list item cost properties are never updated.The property is just a simple property,

Public Property Cost() As Double
Return _Cost[code]....

If I set a breakpoint in the Set of the property, it never gets hit.

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VB2008 Express Form Load Event Not Working As Expected

Sep 23, 2009

I am working a building a form that is generated using Project|Add Windows Form|Form.

In the Load procedure, I placed the following code:

dbObject.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:scdbv4datascdbdata.mdb"
rsObject.CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset


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C# - TextWriterTraceListener Not Working As Expected When Adding To System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners

Jul 29, 2011

Full Program: Option Strict On : Option Explicit On Module Module1


After I ran it, I had a file a.txt in my debug folder but the size is 0 bytes (and when i open it is empty of course) Shouldn't the output had "asd" in it ?

View 2 Replies - Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br/>") Is Not Working As Expected When Displaying Text On A Web Page

Nov 24, 2011

I'm not sure why the following code is not working as intended:


Where litMessage is the name of the literal control and messageBody is the name of the string variable.

My intention is to output a string onto a web page and to replace the line breaks with a br tag so that it can be displayed on the page correctly. However, nothing is replaced. When viewing the page source, it looks like the line breaks still exist in the string. Similarly, when displaying the string via MsgBox, it displays normally as well. I have also tried wrapping the output with the pre tag and it displays the line breaks properly as well.

The string was originally entered by a user through the use of an asp:Textbox and saved into a MSSQL database. It's retrieved and displayed on another webpage using an asp:Literal control. The only thing that happens to the string before it is submitted is that it is trimmed (i.e. textbox.Text.Trim()).

Perhaps there is something I did not consider?

Edit #1: Due to time constraints, I've decided to just wrap the text with the pre tag. It's an acceptable work around as it preserves the line breaks. Unfortunately, it doesn't explain why the code didn't work in the first place. In the meantime, I'll just leave the question unanswered until I find a proper answer.

Edit #2: Solution found and answered below. UpdatePanel tag added to the question for future reference.

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Errors "Expression Expected" And "End Of Statement Expected"

Oct 26, 2010

Does anyone know what is wrong with this IF Statement? I'm getting the errors "Expression Expected" and "End of Statement Expected".If DropDownList1.SelectedValue = "Educational Sponsoring" Or "Grants" Or "Product Training" Or "Centres of Excellence" Then


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Multithreading Program Is Not Working And

Feb 11, 2011

My multithreading program is not working, the dropdownlists will either be blank or only one will load.


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Simple Program Not Working?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm just starting to learn vb.. trying to figure out why this is not working.

Public Class Form1
Dim final As Double
Dim grade1 As Double
Dim grade2 As Double


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Create A Program Working In Background?

Nov 17, 2011

I want to create a program working in background that:I open program and he is invisible (not appear on desktop and in taskbar).How I can do this ?

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VS 2005 Program 'has Stopped Working' On Win 7?

Jun 9, 2011

Program written and tested on XP x86 and then attempted to run it on windows 7 x86, but it just gives me the error '***** has stopped working'.I have checked it is being built for the correct platform (x86) and Win 7 has .Net framework 4 installed so i'm at a loss as to why it won't run. Some programs i've written work fine, some just crash.[code]

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VS 2008 PHP File Working With Program?

Dec 21, 2009

I have a php file that performs a certain function, and I would like to know how I make the program do that function, and write the results in a textbox.

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VS 2008 Working Within A Host Program

May 10, 2010

I am working on an addin/plugin for CAD software called Solidworks. I use it to batch process files (print, save, etc). One thing I'd like to add is a form that contains a stop button to stop the loop. The problem is that even if I use a background worker like I normally would for a standalone application, it still locks up when Solidworks is processing files. That's just normal operation for the program, the UI freezes when doing a cpu intensive operation such as loading or saving files, regardless of how I write my plugin. So my limited attempts at threading to get a form that won't freeze have been unsuccessful so far.

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Working On A Program That Is Using Access As Its Datasource?

Oct 31, 2009

I am working on a program that is using Access as its datasource. I would like to be able to have the user "approve" a bid and then the database copy that row into the Approved Bids table from the Submit for Approval Table and then delete the entry from the Submit Table.

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Working On Tab Controls In Notepad Like Program?

Jan 3, 2010

I am working on a notepad like program and I am adding tabs I've been able to successfully make buttons to add and close tabs but now all my other codes are messed up (as I was using a richtextbox before).

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Way To Generate Random Numbers For A Program Working On

Feb 22, 2010

I am a newbie programmer and I need a way to generate random numbers for a program I am working on. It just needs to be something simple that generates a number and allows me to assign it to a variable. I would like it to be something small say 1-10 would be good and an explanation of the syntax would be helpful

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Working On A Program That Takes Input From A Textbox?

Aug 31, 2011

I've been working on a program that takes input from a textbox, removes the punctuation, puts the words into an array (using the split method), and compares the array against a reversed copy of itself to determine if it is a word palindrome or not. I understand the logic, but I'm getting kind of caught up as far as what code to us. This is what I have so far, but no matter what I enter into the text box, nothing happens. I'm completely lost as to what I'm doing wrong.


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How To Get Shortcut Keys Working When Program In System Tray

Dec 14, 2009

I have this code for my shortcut keys
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
If e.Shift = True And e.KeyCode = Keys.F3 Then
'Do something
End If

But I also have a button to send my program to the System tray like so:
NotifyIcon1.Visible = True
Me.Visible = False
How can I get my shortcut key to work while my program is in the system tray?
It doesn't work while its a notify icon

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Process Checking Not Working When Program Is Minimized To Tray

Sep 21, 2010

I wrote code for checking whether a particular process (Outlook.exe, in my case) is running or not. It is working fine when the Outlook window is open or minimized. But, when the Outlook is minimized to tray (which on the right side of taskbar), my code is not identifying the process.Could anyone please suggest me a way to get the process of Outlook (or any other program) that is minimized to tray?

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Program's Full Name And Driver's License Textboxes Not Working?

Nov 15, 2011

I am new to VB. I use Visual Studio 2010. I got most of my rental program to work, but I am having trouble with the easy part. The First Name and Last Name are supposed to combine to the FullName. I know I have to use the assigning textbox text to the the variables. I haven't had much luck to to that.

'Project: Very Very Snowboards
'Date: 10/22/2011
'Programmer: X


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Update Changes From Program To An Access Database File Not Working?

Oct 15, 2009

Private Sub BooksBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BooksBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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VS 2008 Way To Make Program Working With Different Display Resolutions?

Apr 23, 2009

I have a program developed on a machine with high display resolution. Now when I try to run it on a computer with low resolution, the screen got cut off. OK, is there a way to make the program working with different display resolutions?

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Write A Program That Disables The Keyboard Completely From Working?

Sep 2, 2009

i need the code in VB.NET on shutting down a windows computer

Also how can i write a program that disables the keyboard completely from working

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