Working On Tab Controls In Notepad Like Program?

Jan 3, 2010

I am working on a notepad like program and I am adding tabs I've been able to successfully make buttons to add and close tabs but now all my other codes are messed up (as I was using a richtextbox before).

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How To Store The Contents Of The Controls In The Notepad On Runtime

Feb 8, 2011

I am working on my real time project where the configuration details will be given on runtime. Based on the configuration details, the next form will be loaded and the data will be exported to the database and spreadsheets from the pop3 server. I have done the extraction work from pop3 server. Now i want to store the configuration details that are provided in the controls present in the form. I am new to visual basic 2005 and it has the .Net 2.0 Framework. I do want to create the text file as notepad and and i want to save it runtime with the details. I am in hope that you people will me.

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C# - Hijack Program's Command To Run Notepad?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a utility programs's EXE file, when i run this file there is a winform only and there is button when we click on it, it run windows's notepad. Now I want to hijack this program's command to run notepad and instead of running notepad I want to run MS Word. I know C# and VB.NET. What I need to do this ?

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Get The Menu Hiarchy From A Program Like Notepad?

Aug 11, 2009

I am trying to get the menu hiarchy from a program like notepad, so I can dymanically copy these and use them in my program. I get notepads hwnd, the menus hwnd and the submenus (like File) hwnd, but GetMenuItemInfo fails.


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Search Value Of Textbox In A Notepad (.txt) And Copy In A New Notepad?

Sep 14, 2011

I am trying to create a tool which I would input a word in a text box and it would search the path i give it to look for a word in a notepad file and copy the whole line to a new notepad and paste it.

i did this for now, i am able but i am able to copy all the text from the note pad and put it in a textbox for now..

Dim FILE_NAME As String = "P: est est.txt"
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Dim TextLine As String


I am having trouble to get the command to ask them to go read the text file and copy only the line for the word I put in the input box and to put it in a new notepad.

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.exe & .pdb - Debug The Program And Open It(inapp.exe) In Notepad

Jan 23, 2010

When i debug the program and open it(inapp.exe) in notepad there a line

C:UsersendroitDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsDataTypeDataTypeobjDebugDataType.pdb

Well, is there any solution or way not to include that line when debug. I know that .pdb is important in debugging, but when the app published still there's that line. Can we disable it or there's no other way.

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Save To NotePad - Can Be Retrieved After A Program Closes

Mar 4, 2010

how you would go about saving information(username, password, security questions) in a notepad, so it can be retrieved after a program closes. i'm making a log in program in my class, but we haven't done this, so when the program closes, everything is gone. rather annoying, to have to make a accounts each time i'm testing it.

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Use SendInput To Save Data To Notepad In Program?

May 4, 2010

Do you guys have any ideas how to do the codings for SendInput?Like a key is pressed and the data depending on what the user had entered in the TextBox will appear in a Notepad and then save it.[code]...

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VS 2008 [REQ] Enter = A Line - Making A Notepad Program

Sep 20, 2009

I'm making a notepad program and I'm trying to make it so when you press enter on the very left side in the RichTextBox, it'll tell you what line your on. For example:

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C# - Working Asynchronously With GUI Controls In .NET

Jun 22, 2012

I have a listbox of items that need to be processed, and I would like to process them asynchronously on a separate thread. (Never done this before).So I created a Delegate, a Callback, called the method that does the work on the listbox items.

I am getting an exception "System.InvalidOperationException": Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'ListBoxBlah' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

Doing the asynchronous operation for individual items doesn't make sense to me because I am only doing it to perhaps perform a large number of operations (the listbox may have 20000 items) in the background while allowing the user to do other stuff.


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Controls.remove() Not Working.

Jun 26, 2012

In my project i have moving picturebox array & if they intersect treeview will disable.& when i rightclick on the picturebox it will delete.After deleting picturebox its effects still there.When other picturebox moving on that deleted area still treeview is disabled.i used this code.

where a= new picturebox

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Working With The Controls Collection?

Feb 17, 2010

I often see code snippets for handling each control of a certain type on a form or panel, etc.They always start with For Each ctrl and the do a test for control type.Many .NET users are not aware, as I was not until I tried it recently, that we can LINQ on the controls collection.Below is a simple sub I created for resetting every checkbox on a panel I use as a validator.

Private Sub ResetCheckBoxes(ByRef pnl As Panel)
Dim ctrls as System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Object)
ctrls = From c In pnl.Controls Where TypeOf (c) Is CheckBox


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Working With The Events Of Various Controls

Apr 18, 2011

I want to use the following snippit.

For Each x As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf x Is CustomControl Then
SomeAction( x.CustomEventofCustomControl)
End If

The problem here is that not all controls have event CustomEventofCustomControl, so the complier shrieks. How do I get around this.

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VS 2010 All Controls Not Working In One Form?

May 10, 2012

I've run in to a very annoying situation. At the moment I have a program with 4 forms. 3 of these forms work fine, but the fourth seems to be a dud. After clicking any one of the buttons or controls on this form it works. But if I try to click anything again, it doesn't work. I can't use my back buttons, I can't even use the minimize, maximize and exit buttons in the top right corner which are automatically built in to the program. I fear I have accidentally changed a setting, or accidentally deleted some very crucial code for this

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Working With Properties In Custom Controls?

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to learn how to create Windows Forms custom controls in VB.Net by creating a .Net version of an old control I created in VB6. On this control, I have a UserControl with a Label (lblCaption), and several of the properties I add to the control should be passed to the label.This is the code I tried for the ForeColor property:

Protected mcolForeColor As Color = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.ButtonHighlight)
Public Overrides Property ForeColor() As Color


When I change the ForeColor on the control in my test project, lblCaption does change to the color I selected; however, when I run the application, the label changes back to the default (button highlight) color, and the value of the property is also reverted back when I return to the form designer.What would be the proper way to implement the ForeColor property on a custom control?

View 4 Replies Working With Local And Master Content Controls?

Jul 4, 2009

i'm trying to work with master pages and referencing local and master contentplaceholders. I have a master file that has this:


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Binding Navigator Controls Are Not Working Properly?

Mar 23, 2011

I am using Visual Basic Express 2010.

I have programmatically set up a Datagrid and binding navigator etc., but I cannot get the movenext, movelast buttons to actually hook up to the Data on the Datagrid.

I have tried to set up an addhandler for the BindingNavigatorMoveLastcontrol, and although I can get the BindingNavigatorMoveLastcontrol to display my messagebox
WHICH IT DISPLAYS TWICE FOR SOME REASON I cannot get it to actually move around the Dataset, or any of the other navigation properties for that matter.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing


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Delegate To Update Form Controls Not Working?

Sep 25, 2009

I have used delegates multiple times over the years but for some reason this very simple code isn't working:Form has one button and on textbox. Simply trying to update the textbox from another thread and although it looks fine it's not working.[code] the parameter is being passed to the DoSomething, the UpdateTextboxText is being run and gets the correct string. But the textbox itself remains blank and I'm stumped.

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Drag And Drop - DragAndDrop Not Working On Controls?

May 16, 2012

I'm trying to make a program which uses drag & drop functionality, however, it only works when I drop something onto the form, not the controls. If I do try on the controls, I just get the 'Unavailable' cursor.

The AllowDrop property is set in the properties bar, and I also set it when the form loads.

Current code:

Public Class Main
Private Sub Main_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles Me.DragDrop


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Usercontrols - User Controls Not Working In Live

Nov 10, 2009

At work we have a pretty large web application that works by having a few pages, with lots of user controls which are nested in these pages. This is working fine most of the time but we have a problem at the moment where one of the user controls isnt working. Originally it was referenced from another project in the solution but when this wasnt working I decided to copy the file into the project and try to register it locally. It works on our development system, its only when we move it to deployment that it stops working, and I'm thinking it's something that I'm missing in the build. When you go to the page on Live the control is just missing, and no errors are generated.

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Enabling/Disabling Controls Inside A Repeater Isn't Working?

Jul 10, 2011

I'm trying to enable/disable controls inside a repeater:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" OnItemCommand="RepeaterItemCommand" runat="server">


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VS 2008 Recursive Check For Empty Controls Not Working Correctly?

Mar 24, 2011

I have made a form that consists of textboxes nested in groupboxes nested in tabpages. I want to check if all textboxes are empty in every groupbox and even if the controls from a groupbox in a groupbox are empty.When they are empty i should not create an element string for my .xml document.Below is the code that I have at the moment. I call it with the form as the parameter.

Public Sub recurringControls(ByRef ctl As Control)
For Each c As Control In ctl.Controls
If c.Controls.Count > 0 Then
If c.Tag IsNot Nothing Then


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IDE :: Program Not Working As Expected?

May 18, 2010

I am running Windows 7 pro and using Visual Basic 2010 express.I have written a small program to switch on a USB relay which is controled by a serial port.I have debuged the program and it appears to work correctly. I have published the program and if I start it from thr run menu / desktop shortcut / or through explorer it works as expected.

However I have tried to run it by the Task Scheduler and then it fails to run as expected. I have a small section of code that checks to see if the serial port is present if not I have used to ask for the relay to be pluged in. In every case other than when running through the Task Scheduler the messagebox works with the Task schedulerit doesn't show the messagebox and the program hangs I have included the code I have used.

Dim retry As Boolean = False
Dim data() As Byte = {255, 1, 1}
Do Until retry


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Multithreading Program Is Not Working And

Feb 11, 2011

My multithreading program is not working, the dropdownlists will either be blank or only one will load.


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Simple Program Not Working?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm just starting to learn vb.. trying to figure out why this is not working.

Public Class Form1
Dim final As Double
Dim grade1 As Double
Dim grade2 As Double


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Create A Program Working In Background?

Nov 17, 2011

I want to create a program working in background that:I open program and he is invisible (not appear on desktop and in taskbar).How I can do this ?

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VS 2005 Program 'has Stopped Working' On Win 7?

Jun 9, 2011

Program written and tested on XP x86 and then attempted to run it on windows 7 x86, but it just gives me the error '***** has stopped working'.I have checked it is being built for the correct platform (x86) and Win 7 has .Net framework 4 installed so i'm at a loss as to why it won't run. Some programs i've written work fine, some just crash.[code]

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VS 2008 PHP File Working With Program?

Dec 21, 2009

I have a php file that performs a certain function, and I would like to know how I make the program do that function, and write the results in a textbox.

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VS 2008 Working Within A Host Program

May 10, 2010

I am working on an addin/plugin for CAD software called Solidworks. I use it to batch process files (print, save, etc). One thing I'd like to add is a form that contains a stop button to stop the loop. The problem is that even if I use a background worker like I normally would for a standalone application, it still locks up when Solidworks is processing files. That's just normal operation for the program, the UI freezes when doing a cpu intensive operation such as loading or saving files, regardless of how I write my plugin. So my limited attempts at threading to get a form that won't freeze have been unsuccessful so far.

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Working On A Program That Is Using Access As Its Datasource?

Oct 31, 2009

I am working on a program that is using Access as its datasource. I would like to be able to have the user "approve" a bid and then the database copy that row into the Approved Bids table from the Submit for Approval Table and then delete the entry from the Submit Table.

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