This does exactly that and the "True" in the above string shows a progressbar in its own window. I would like for that progressbar to display on the same form as the rest of controls are. And not in it's own window. Is there a way of doing just that?
i have this code, how do i incorporate a progress bar into it? Private Sub btn_upload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_upload.Click
I use this method (My.Computer.Network.UploadFile) to upload files by FTP. But I want to upload file with using ProgressBar control not using its progress bar.
I have a windows service (VB.NET) which downloads files from a server after a specific interval. What happens if it try to download a file when its upload is in progress?
I am trying to upload and download multiple files to a ftp server with there progress. I have read and tried many of the solutions in different articles but can not get it to work.
It has been more then a week and i could not get it to work.
I am looking for a VB code to upload a file to FTP Server. what I mean is after the user clicks on the Upload button, I need to show the progressBar to the user showing the status of the file being uploaded and show also the time remaining. It is for a windows form.
I have the following code that works fine, it opens and excel file and uploads it into SQL.these excel files can have over 120 thousand records.I would like to put a progress bar on the upload so the end user knows how long the upload will take. The progree bar its self isn't the issue.The issue is putting a counter in my code so i know what record is being done.
I am trying to upload and download a file to a ftp server with progress. I have already went through multiple articles and sample code but was not able to complete this task.
I'm using the code below to send text messages, but sometimes I need to send a large text file (500kB - 1,5MB) and I'd like to show the progress.The only way this can be done is by sending the data in smaller parts (I think), but how can I do this properly? BeginWrite is asynchronous and won't wait until a previous part has been uploaded, so tracking the upload progress is not accurate.
Is there also a way to limit the upload speed, lets say to 25 kB/s?
I borrowed code from url... to use for uploading a file to an FTP server. Works fine. However, I'd like to be able to display a progress bar so the user knows what is happening. The code doesn't seem to lend itself to this. Can anyone help me modify this so that I can get a progress bar shown? [code]
I copied the code here and translate the code to vb [URL]it is working fine but there is one small problem but I cannot solve? Here is my code: SyncClientVB Another Source The scenario is... the progress is reported by an event (OnCopyingFile event)
Public Sub OnCopyingFile(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CopyingFileEventArgs) If pbFileTransfer.Value <> e.PercentCopied Then If txtCurrentFile.Text <> e.FilePath Then txtCurrentFile.Text = e.FilePath
The problem is that it is ok when runned but when I click the form it starts to hang but in the console... it is still continuing.
I'm trying to upload a file via FTP from my local computer to an FTP server, which is also on my local computer at the moment. I've got this sub I'm calling:
Public Sub UploadFTPFile(ByVal ftpservername, ByVal fullfilepath, ByVal filename, ByVal username, ByVal password)Dim clsRequest As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = _ DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create("ftp://" & ftpservername & "/" & filename), System.Net.FtpWebRequest) clsRequest.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password) clsRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile
I'm running an FTP Server using Golder FTP Server, which is freeware. I think it's setup correctly because connecting to the FTP Server using the exact same string as above using Windows Explorer works great.
I am trying to create a log file which I am going to use to populate some controls (DataGridView or Treeview). I am trying to figure out if should use text files or XML files to do so. Effectively the log will highlight multiple phases in a client-side app. The log will be written to at various phases when the project is running. The user will always have the options move on to the next phase or save progress and exit the project. As such, I want the log file to highlight how far the user has progressed throught the various phases AND I want the log to highlight varous information from each phase. Whenever the user starts the project, they will be given the option to load existing log files. So the project will have to read these log files and append them where necessary as the user progresses.
I am not sure what the best way to do this is and below is a rudimentary approach using text files. As you can see, the top of the file would have a summary of all the phases and whether or not the user completed each phase. Next each phase would have a data section highlighting what data was stored along the way. I have used a ":" to denote each section. Then within each section I would obviously need to use a delimeter for all my data. So if Phase1 = True, then I would load all the pertinent data from "Phase1:" into the desired control. Can anyone provide an efficient way of doing this and provide some insight as to whether I should use XML instead. The phases my change during development and I am not sure yet which controls I will be using. Does XML provide more flexibility.
In summary I am looking to create, read/write and append log files and populate controls with the data in varous sections of the log file. Example:
Alright here's my situation: I have a form. This is a very small form that can be moved with the mouse (formborderstyle=none). The transparencyKey is 0,0,1. The form back color is 0,0,1. There is a label on the form. I drag files to this label(its backcolor is black[0,0,0]). What I want is for the filesize to be checked. I already have the uploading to ftpcode, I just want to know if the file is above my limit I set. (250mb per file)
I am trying to integrate the ckeditors file browser and upload image tools, i have managed to set the ckeditor to allow you to click on the browse file button and upload tag but how do i use ASP.NET VB to open the file browser and make the upload image work?
I am using the .NET 3.6.0 version where they provided the DLLS
code snippet that would allow a progress bar to track the input of a text file? Normally I would not bother with this, but the text files are > 10,000 lines long, which is noticable even on a fast machine. The number of lines is variable, so I would assume that one would not use a fixed value to calculate when the progress bar goes 100%.
I am writing a VB.Net app that has need to send a file to web script. 1. Dim uriString As New System.Uri("[URL]"+addNew_title.Text+"&price="+addNew_price.Text) 2. Dim myWebClient As New System.Net.WebClient() 3. Dim responseArray As Byte() = myWebClient.UploadFileAsync(uriString, OpenFileDialog1.FileName) 4. Dim response As String = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(responseArray)
There is a problem with URI that I give, it says "Expression does not produce a value" on line 3. where "uriString" used. When I used myWebClient.UploadFile(String,String) it freeze on sending, so I found out, that to continue code execution I have to use "UploadFileAsync", but it does not provide [String,String], but it requires [Uri,String]. Just for the record, I will put a screenshot of code: [URL] What do I have to change, so code is valid, or if there is another way to upload this file?
im using this code to upload a file to an ftp , the problem is that this is not a secure way to do that , its very easy for someone to see my username and password of the ftp,
Private Sub Upload(ByVal source As String, ByVal target As String, _ ByVal credential As NetworkCredential) Dim request As FtpWebRequest = _
I've come across a problem with my program; I'm using MS Visual Studio 2010 with a application. I'm uploading a log file with .log ext to my server after my program is done running. I have noticed a lot of systems fail to upload the log file because of the firewall settings of their modem. I was wondering if anyone would know a workaround to uploading this file maybe on port 80. Here is the code I use to upload the file.
Like I said this works fine if the Modem firewall in on low, but fails everytime if modem firewall is in the default setting. I believe it's using port 21 right now to upload.
I know the basic concept of sending and receiving response to server
i want to make my hand's in how to upload a file to webserver ?
i did a search in vbforum as well as in google but everywhere i found that users asking there own doubt or some code which is above my knolwdge Like Why we create boundary before sending any file to server ?[code]...
I've set up an multiple file upload and it works but not in the way I would expect it to.On my page I've got 2 image uploaders like so <input type="file" id="gallery" class="multi" accept="jpg" runat="server" /> <input type="file" id="pic1" accept="jpg" runat="server" />My problem is when I upload it uses this code Dim hfc As HttpFileCollection = Request.Files To get all the files which were posted but I only want gallery images for this specific method.
[URL]...You will see an upload form. I want my app to automatically "post" or upload a file to that form.
When you click on UPLOAD IMAGE, it returns a textbox that has the name of the file that was uploaded. I want the app to grab that name and put it on a label or msgbox in
I am using the fileupload control in I want the browser to only show pictures. I am currently using validation to ensure they only select images but how can I make the browser only search for images?
For some reason, I'm unable to upload a file with the <asp:FileUpload /> control. I know it's not just something completely pooched, because I created a new project with this code in it and that uploaded the file.[code]If I go select a file, then click the submit button, once the execution makes it to checkForm, Directory.FileName is "" and Directory.HasFile is False..[code]