C# - Visual Studio 2010 Express Multi-language Solutions?

Dec 1, 2011

I am working on a C# project, which needs a VB.NET Class library.I have added the DLL reference of VB.NET Project into C# project.This works fine, but sometimes I need to debug the VB.NET project or pause the project and check the variable values of my VB.NET Project.Is it possible in Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition?

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Multi-line Comment .net In Visual Studio 2010?

Mar 10, 2011

Is there a way to comment out more than one line of code in vb.net using VS 2010?

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Unable To Get Multi-Targetting In Visual Studio 2010?

Jul 27, 2011

I got acquainted a few months back with Microsoft visual studio 2010 and .net.I tried my hand to learn the programming language. I have come to the level of developing the application and making it to run in the development PC as intended."The problem is i am not able to target a specific .net version(3.5SP1) and create a deployment package to work in the target PC running Windows 7"Instead of taking the whole developed application for deployment, I created a new Visual basic project with just a single form and created a successful build of it.In project properties- advanced compile option my target framework is .net 3.5, target CPU X86.

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Asp.net - Was Visual Studio 2008, 2010 Or 2012 (v11) Written To Use Multi Cores

Nov 28, 2009

Basically i want to know if the visual studio IDE and/or compiler in 2010 and 2012 was written to make use of a multi core environment (i understand we can target multi core environments in all versions using parallelism, but that is not my question).I am trying to decide on if i should get a higher clock dual core or a lower clock quad core, as i want to try and figure out which processor will give me the absolute best possible experience with Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 (v11) (ide and background compiler).

If they are running the most important section (background compiler and other ide tasks) in one core, then the core will get cut off quicker if running a quad core, especially if background compiler is the heaviest task, i would imagine this would be difficult to separate in more than one process, so even if it uses multi cores you might still be better off with going for a higher clock CPU if the majority of the processing is still bound to occur in one core (i.e. the most significant part of the VS environment).

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Informes En Visual Studio 2010 Express?

Aug 18, 2011

Estoy trabajando con visual studio 2010 express, que alternativa tengo de crear informes, ya que no viene con crystal report ni puedo descargarlo al parecer porque no es compatible.

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Visual Studio VB 2010 Express Downloads?

Oct 27, 2010

I'd like a redist package (full single download) instead of the web installer (tiny single download, massive multiple at-runtime downloads). Anybody know where to get one?It never hurts to try. In a worst case scenario, you'll learn from it.

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Datagridview And BindingNavigator - Visual Studio Express 2010

Feb 23, 2012

Visual Studio Express 2010. Windows Forms Application. New MDF Database. Add a table, put some data in it. Now, from the data sources window drag a DataGridView over to the Form1, drop it. There is no BindingNavigator created with it, so I drag on over there from the toolbox. Run it and the BindingNavigator does nothing. Why/how do I make it talk to the DataGridView?

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IDE :: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Prerequisites X64?

Sep 22, 2011

When i try to install Visual Basic Express 2010 and Visual C++ Express 2010, I get this error:Setup could not install the following component:Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Prerequisites x64

I'm on Windows Vista Things I've tried: Deleting contents of %temp% folder


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T4MVC VB With Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition

Nov 28, 2010

I am having trouble using T4MVC VB with Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition.I can reference the T4MVC classes in my controllers, but I cannot access them in my views (where I actually need them).In the view, the following code is overwritten by intellisense as if the class MVC is invalid.[code]Which generates the error message 'Home' is not a member of 'Mvc'. It seems that in the view there is an Mvc namespace hiding the MVC class. This doesn't exist in the controller.After playing with it some more, it seems the classes aren't available in the View no matter what they're named. What decides what classes and namespaces are available in the view? The classes continue to be available in the controller, regardless of naming as well. I presume there has to be some filter or limit on what is available in the views?I was just watching this excellent video from Phil Haack, and it game me a clue.I need to modify the <pages> section in the web.config file. Now the question is, can I get that to use a class that's not in a namespace, as the MVC class is by default, otherwise I'll have to modify the T4 template to put it in a namespace and include that.

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Add An Existing Folder To Visual Studio 2010 Express Project?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm trying to add a folder and some files within it to a Visual Studio 2010 Express VB.NET project. I have read the answers to questions on this subject here and here. They both say "select folder, right click, and then select Add To Project". But when I right-click in this way, no "Add to Project" option appears. Does anyone know why this is so, and what I can do about it, or alternatively another way of adding a folder to a project?

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Deploy Project In Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition?

May 13, 2011

How do I deploy my project in visual studio 2010 express edition? I dont see any setup and deployment template

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Get An Intermittent Exception In VB(debugging In Visual Studio Express 2010)?

Apr 12, 2012

I'm testing my Visual Basic .net application by running it in Visual Studio express.Sometimes it runs OK, but other times I get an exception (details below, if useful). I'm not sure why I get the exception as the particular part of the application that I am testing re-uses code that works OK for other features.

What should I check, what would give me a hint as to the root cause. Things I tried so far are: Rewriting some of the code to be more robust. The outcome of this was that this approach was getting out of control - I was correcting everything. I made changes such asing alternative libraries (e.g. replacing CInt with convertTo etc). Some lazy declarations, but it occurred to me that there was no problem with these with the code before my changes. And every change I seemed to solve uncovered yet another problem, another different exception So I thought something must be fundamentally wrong with my installation, and a search found discussion group posts from people experiencing something similar. The suggested remedy would be to re-install the .net framework. So I did that and the problems still occured.

Any thoughts on approach to get to the root of the problem? I'm not asking for a solution but some fresh ideas would be very welcome.


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Sql - Visual Studio 2010 Crashes After Pasting A Large Multi-line String (Approximately 1500 Lines)

Jun 4, 2012

I am creating a VB application in Visual Studio 2010 that installs some SQL stored procedures. These stored procedures are encrypted otherwise I would just supply my clients with .sql files to create the stored procedures.

The install script that creates the stored procedure is 1500 lines in length and has been formatted in the way VS 2010 requires multi-line literals to be in:

"First Line" & _
"Second Line" & _


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Open Visual Studio Express Files With Normal Visual Studio?

Apr 11, 2011

Is it possible to open visual studio express files with normal visual studio?

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Reading Text In Third Party Software To Visual Studio 2010 Express

Nov 19, 2010

I'm writing a small pet program in VB2010 Express

I have 7 labels

Label1 to Label7

I want these labels to display the text from a third party Software program.

The text is displayed in a child form of the main form the text is in

"window handle is 000E0678"" RichEdit20W"

The text scroll up continuously,

every time - let's say
John (10year) 'is displayed, it takes the 10y and place it
in Label1

Ann (22year 7Street) 'is displayed, it takes the 22y & place it in Label2 7St in Label3

get that text in the labels I only know a little VB. I have used Spy++ to get the window handle

Yes lots for the pro's but we dont understand it, if its just code we dont know where to start or make changes to that code. This is something simple that beginners will understand

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Best Visual Studio Package To Learn Language?

Aug 27, 2009

I am taking a training course in Visual Basic.NET.

1) I downloaded the trial version of Visual Studio Professional and I am having troubles getting the Visual Studio trial version to recognize some of the coding.I know the coding is correct.I have heard of a Visual Studio.NET that the course recommends.Is it Available?If not is there a way to correct Visual Studio allow Recognition of this code?

2) What is the best Visual Studio package to learn the Visual Basic.NET Language?

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Control Layouts In Visual Studio Web (VB Language)

Dec 10, 2009

I have a problem that is stopping me from creating my interface properly in Visual Studio. I have a listbox and beside that I have a button. I want the button to be on the right side of the control, level with the top of the listbox, but it is remaining at the bottom of the listbox.

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IDE :: Visual Studio Language Support For VB Has Not Been Installed?

Jul 23, 2010

The full error text is as follows: The Visual Studio language support for VB has not been installed. Code-editing IntelliSense will not be available. Markup IntelliSense for server controls may not work.

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition. Visual Studio crashed yesterday and now I'm getting this error when I try to edit any code-behind in any project.I have tried resetting all environment settings and that didn't work.I have tried repairing my installation via add/remove programs and that didn't work.

I have tried reinstalling SP1 and that didn't work.I tried creating a new VB Windows project and received the following error: Project "TestVB" could not be opened because the Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 compiler could not be created. Please re-install Visual Studio. However, I already tried the repair/reinstall.

I'm not sure what else to try beyond a full uninstall/reinstall, and I'm hoping somebody has encountered and fixed this problem without having to do that.UPDATE: I have tried uninstalling Visual Studio, rebooting and then installing again and that didn't work. I am now out of options and really need my VB environment restored.

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C# - Mixed Language Woes In Visual Studio 2008?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to get mixed-language support working in Visual Studio 2008. In my app_code folder, I've created two subfolders (CS, VB), and added the following to the web.config file:


The main application is a VB.NET Web application (with a .vbproj file). Any time I attempt to open a C# file from the app_codecs folder, it treats the file as Visual Basic for compilation and syntax checking purposes. It still tries to build the classes in the CS folder as though they were Visual Basic. (The extension on these classes is, indeed, .cs.)

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Plugin That Makes It Available To Make Visual Studio Language Independend?

Nov 3, 2011

does anyone know if there is a plugin that makes it available to make visual studio language independend? So when I "push" a button I can see and edit the code in C# or in VB.net? I would be ok if I cant use all language specific options.

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VS 2010 Multi Language Networking App

Dec 4, 2011

I am a Network Administrator in the Army so programming is not my strong area. I have been messing with Batch files and WMI, just recently i started VB Scripts (VERY BASIC) like adding an input box to set computer name, scan network for computer name on domain, return wmi info for that remote computer etc... I know there are programs out there that can do all of this, however the Army will only allow certain approved programs to be installed on government workstations, i have been using .Bat files to gather info which is fine, however it is very time consuming when you have entire subnets with computers, networked printers, etc to place into a spreadhseet for higher headquarters tracking not to mention the over 20 columns of required data to track for each computer. I have VB 2010 Express, working on a Windows Form Application Project. Goal is to interface my VB Script (written with notepad) with a GUI that will generate an internal spreadsheet on the form window in a datagridview. So far i have the basic window and i have my gridview with my column headers set. How do i get the data into the columns and rows accordingly.

Application Basic: Execute Program, in main window select button (Scan IP Range) <--- I want this to open an input box for the beginning subnet, input base address to start scan from, next input box for end range, then msgbox for start scan. i want the results of the scan to autofill the datagridview and add new row for each IP address that had a ping reply, returning valid data from WMI results as it receives the data. What would be the best method to achieve my goal. i am not asking you to write the program, i have been looking and studying MULTIPLE sites, think i just need another set of eyes on this to unlock the knowledge i have locked away, if ya know what i mean. Also, if you don't mind let me know what you think of this app im trying to turn out... Super Thanks for your help.This is the Base Batch File running. It calls an external VB Script written in notepad. (I want this implemented into the app form so there is no console window.)This is the inputbox from external VB Script that is called.This the result of the external VB Script (the info i want to put in the datagridview of the app.)I also, for some reason can't get scroll bars to show in the app when i hit F5, theres about 15 columns passed the MAC column...?

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Create A New User Account In Visual Studio 2005 Or 2008 (vb Language)

May 17, 2009

I want to create a new user account using ms.access database. How to recall back the database to login form so that we can using multi user account. So with the validate the user account, i can change the username and password anytime as the windows user acoount service.

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C# - Visual Studio 2010 Express Phonegap Error "The Project Type Is Not Supported By This Installation"

May 26, 2012

I just installed VisualStudio 2010 Express and Windows phone SDK 7.1. I downloaded Phonegap 1.4 and added the PhoneGapStarter to the projectTemplates folder. When I hit new project I get the Phonegap icon. When I double click it to start a new project I get this error:


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Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta Sp2

Feb 17, 2010

Will i be able to successfully install 2010 beta 2 side by side 2008? because i want to test 2010 features and some development toolkits such as silverlight while i don't want to uninstall my visual studio 2008 professional.

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.net - Finding A Mac Alternative To Visual Studio Express?

Oct 29, 2010

I use a Mac for all my other work like design work and coding in Dreamweaver but would like to know if there is an alternative to Visual Studio Express so that I can do all my vb.net stuff on the mac too.

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.net - Using LINQ With Express Version Of Visual Studio?

May 28, 2009

Is it possible to use LINQ in the express version of visual studio? I am planning on refactoring my project to use LINQ, but I am the only person in my group that has a copy of visual studio pro. Will that cause any problems if someone using the express version has to modified my code?EditI realize that the graphical tools are not available in the express version, so my question does not pertain to those. I am more interested in the actual code, which I assume will work

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Is Free Visual Studio Express Good Enough

Apr 7, 2011

I've got .net v4 installed, and the SDK, and I've managed a Hello World msgbox winform .exe app using the free IDE "SharpDevelop", but that doesn't seem to have an Immediate Window which I'm a bit lost without. I also tried MonoDevelop but I couldn't get the Immediate Window there to work, and worse than that, I couldn't even find a way to design forms and plonk down some controls! I think their main interest is C# rather than VB? So it looks like I'm going to have to try the crippled Express Edition from MS - which feels annoyingly limiting from what I've seen - but I'm struggling to understand exactly what missing features would halt me in my tracks.Basically (pun intended, sorry) I'm hoping to see if I can upgrade myself to vb.net from some VB6 dabbling a few years ago. From what I've read it seems mostly quite manageable, I can understand the "everything's an object" concept, etc.

But, would I be able to produce useful software, deployable around the office with proper msi installer packages? If not, then I just won't have the motivation to progress beyond a few little experiments. The question is - can I actually do anything worthwhile without risking the waste of a considerable sum of money if I were to shell out for an uncrippled version?

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.net - RemoteConnection To SQL Server2008 Express Failed On Visual Studio?

May 27, 2011

After 2 Days of search i still didnt find an answer.

SQL Server 2008 Express installed on RemoteServer
TCP/IP: Enabled on port 1433
Named Pipes: Enabled


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Can Visual Studio Express 2008 Connect To MySQL

Apr 8, 2011

I've installed MySQL .NET connector but it's not shown in data source options to connect in Visual Studio Express Edition.

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Possible To Write Projects In The Express Edition Of Visual Studio

Apr 29, 2010

I couldn't find a quick answer on the official pages,is it possible to write VB projects in the express edition of Visual Studio that connect to a SQL Server that is not the included 'Express' server ?

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