C# :: Way To Have String.Replace Only Hit "whole Words"?

May 26, 2011

"test, and test but not testing. But yes to test".Replace("test", "text")return this:"text, and text but not testing. But yes to text"Basically I want to replace whole words, but not partial matches.NOTE: I am going to have to use VB for this (SSRS 2008 code), but C# is my normal language, so responses in either are fine.

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Replace Words In A Sentence?

May 14, 2012

I am trying to replace words in a sentence.

Public Function convert(ByVal sentence As String) As String
Dim conv As String = sentence
conv = Replace(conv, "I am ", "you are")
conv = Replace(conv, "I'm", "you are")


This works to some degree but a word like "Mommy" becomes "Momyour". Or "mean" becomes "youan" How can I do this with full words only? I've tried putting spaces before and after within the quotes, but then any of the words that need changed at the beginning of a paragraph, don't change because there is no space at the beginning.

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Replace Words With Xml File?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a program to rewrite articles.I have a xml file with Synonyms with this format[code]...

For example when I select a word the program display the list of Synonyms in a listbox so I select a Synonym then the program replace the word selected in the article.

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How To Replace Words In A Text File

Jun 25, 2010

I need some assistance because I still coming up empty on how to open up a text file and replace some words then save it as another name.

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Replace Function Not Replacing All The Words?

May 10, 2011

I'm using a recommended character replace regex I got from this forum, however it is not fully working in deleting unspecified characters

Original String:acAc10[]() _~!#$%^'&*()+-[]`"
Actual Result:acAc10()_#$%'&*()+-"
Desired Result:acAc10() _!'-"


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Replace Words From One List Of Strings With Another?

Apr 27, 2010

The code below replaces if it finds a given string from the list of contractions with its equivelant from the list of word-contractions. E.g., if it finds 'll it will replace it with Will. The code words but whtn it comes to let's it will replace it with let is.

'remove panctuation and contractions first
Dim contractions As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)(New String() _
{"'ll", "'re", "'ve", "'m", "'d", "'s", "n't", "won't", "lets", "let's", "ikon of elkomenos", "ikon of crucifixion", "ikon of crist elkomenos", "Part A", "Part B", "renaissance style", "hagios nikolaos", "full wall fortification"})


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Replace Words In A Rich Text Box?

Mar 1, 2009

I am wondering how I can go about replacing certain words in a rich text box with different ones.

Say I have 2 textboxes a button and a rich text box.

I want to have Text1 as the box where I would enter the word being replaced.

Text2 would the the box with the word I am replacing it with.

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Replace Words In HTML Document?

Jan 26, 2011

Is there anyway to replace the parts of an html file in vb .net?

if the html is

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.net Program To Replace Random Words At Blanks?

Jan 25, 2011

program description:its a research paper editor and report builder program. i need to replace desired words with all blank spaces in the program


When i executed this program everything works fine.but all the blankspaces are replaced by only one word.

how should i get every individual blank space replaced by individual words.i mean i need to get every blank space in my research paper is replaced by different words

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Code For Replace All Words In A Richtextbox For The Synonym From A Xml?

Nov 15, 2011

I have working this code for replace all words in a richtextbox for the synonym from a xml . But Now I am trying to make a spintax like

{home|house|apartment} son if the word called "home" is in the richtextbox the program replace for {synonym|synonym2|synonym3}

Something like this RichTextBox1.SelectedText = "{" + synonym|synonym2|synonym3 + "}"


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Find And Replace Numerous Words In Document

Nov 14, 2010

I have the following macro that will find a word in a document, then 'bold and cap' it. If I want to find 50 words in the document and do the same thing, I can just copy the macro 50 times. Is there an easer way to do this?

Set SearchRange = ActiveDocument.Range
With SearchRange.Find
.Text = "My Word"


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VS 2008 Replace Two Duplicate Word Into Two Different Words?

Aug 7, 2011

I need to Replace two duplicate word into two different words.Like:

abc is a search engine and also abc a search engine.
google is a search engine and also yahoo a search engine.

I tried this.


TextBox1.Text = Replace(TextBox1.Text, "abc", "google")

But it replaces all abc to google. But I need to change first abc to google and second abc to yahoo and so on.also tried this one


Dim m14 As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(TextBox1.Text, "abc", RegexOptions.Singleline + RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
For Each n1 As Match In m14
Dim value As String = n1.Groups(0).Value


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VS 2008 How To Search And Replace Words In Listbox Items

Nov 6, 2010

How to search and replace words in listbox items.

just can't seem to work it out

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.net - Check N Number Of The Lines Between Words Using Regx For Find N Replace?

Apr 19, 2011


Now there can be n no of lines between a and b have to find such content and remove A and B

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String.replace - Replace The New Format YYYY-MM-DD Back To YYYYMMDD In The Code

May 5, 2009

The file reads in parameters and two of the parameters used to be in Date Format YYYYMMDD but will now permanently be in format YYYY-MM-DD. This change, I believe, is stopping the import of the file from working. I would like to replace the new format YYYY-MM-DD back to YYYYMMDD in the code. If possible I'd also like to see some output so I know that the old format has been replaced with the new format. The code is below. I added the two rows with .replace code in green in expecting that to be enough but it is still not working.

Sub Main()
Dim R1, O1, P1, C1, strDateFrom, strDateTo, strRunDate


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"replace" Words In PDF File Using ITextSharp

Jun 6, 2012

I have been given a task to replace text within an existing PDF file. I played around with iTextSharp and is halfway.

I did come accross an excellent sample on the CodeBank by stanav, which I have been using.

Now, I know that you cannot replace the existing text on the file, because a PDF document is not a Word document as such. So my way of thinking is to draw a block around the existing text, and resave the file.

I need to find the precise x & y location of the text, and then I could draw the block(s) over it - that way, blanking the words out.

This is my

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections.Generic


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VS 2008 : Match Words From One String To Another String?

Jun 9, 2009

Im trying to work out what the best way to match 2 strings together, but with a difference.

String1 = "dog cat bird chair book table"
String2 = "the dog chassed the cat around the chair"

No I know I can break string1 up by space character and check if each word appears in string 2, I would prefer to not have to do that.If there some sought of regex that would take a group of words and retrun how many of them matched ?

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Replace String - Replaced One Blank Line And " Replace By "

Apr 7, 2009

Suppose i have two strings which is given below.


Where ever i find , it should be replaced one blank line and " replace by "

When i migrated the data from MYSQL to SQL Server 2005, i found few problem in one of the column. In MYSQL indicates as new line and " indicates as ".

View 7 Replies

Options To The User In A Menu - Create Sub-string - Replace A Word In The String

Feb 28, 2010

Problem: Your task is to take input from the user in string and give the following options to the user in a menu.

1- Find a String
2- Create sub-string
3- Erase a portion of a sting
4- Replace a word in the string
5- Count number of words and characters in the string without spaces.
6- Capitalize first character of each new sentence and convert the rest
of the characters to lower case.
7- Sort all the words in alphabetical order. (Use Bubble sort algorithm to perform sorting).

To perform all the above mentioned tasks you can only use pointers. Create a function to perform every task.

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Split String And Add 1st 20 Words To New String?

Jun 29, 2011

i was unable to implement a multiline label or a transparent multiline textbox. So ive come up with the long way.I have paragraph of words (approx 100) that changes on a click. i want to split the paragraph into blocks of 20 and create 5 strings.

' Split string based on spaces
Dim split As String() = movieDetails(0).movieInformation.ToString.Split(" ")

i dont know how to put them into array. I keep getting this error " variable has been used before it has been assigned a value"

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Bold Just A Few Words In A String?

May 24, 2011

I have a string that is the body of an email my web app (VB.NET) sends when a new user account is created. The string is created in my code-behind file. How do I make just a couple of the words in the email message bold?

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Check A String If It Contains Particular Words

Apr 23, 2010

The following code checks a strings if it contains particular words and if yes it removes them. The problem is that it also removes characters that it shouldn't. For example: If user_input3 contains a word like lo(ok) it would remove the last characters ok. How can i modify the code to remove whole words only?


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Check If String Contains Several Words?

Apr 6, 2011

I have a bit of code that looks like this:

If PageHTML.Contains("hey") Then
If PageHTML.Contains("beer") Then
If PageHTML.Contains("moose") Then


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Extract 2 Words From A String?

Sep 29, 2009

im working with a receipt layout and trying to divide up a products descriptiontext into 2 lines if its longer then 24 characters.my first solution was something like this:

If Row.Description.Length >= 24 Then
TextToPrint &= Row.Description.Substring(0, 24) & " $100"
TextToPrint &= Row.Description.Substring(24) & vbNewLine


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Finding Words Within A String?

Mar 31, 2011

Basically what I'm trying to achieve is to extract all the words within a piece of string and transfer that from one text box to another text box.

An example piece of the string would be


However the words within the string will never remain constant and the characters before and after will change. Is there anything that will read the string and take a word from the string without it being pre-programmed. The string it is reading from is uploaded from a text file.

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Get A # Of Words In A String In VBScript?

Feb 28, 2009

Len gives # of chars in a string in VBScript but I'm trying to find out how to get a # of words, instead.sub fred john_val=window.document.alice.john.value john_len=len(john_val) msgbox "john=" +cstr(john_len) end sub

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How To Separate String Of Words

Mar 5, 2010

I need to take this string of words and separate them by each " " encountered. Then I need to place them into my list. How can I accomplish this? here's the code I have so far:

Dim txtLine as string = "Easter never homage entrance"
Dim spaces, subStart As Integer
spaces = txtLine.IndexOf(" ")


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Search String For Words?

Oct 15, 2011

I was wondering how would i make a search kind of thing, for example if string1 contains all the words in string2 words. like a search(not just if string1 contains string 2).

it should work something like this:

If string1 is "an apple" and if string2 is "djsjfsfg apple sdfsfssdfs" then string3 would be nothing


If string1 is "an apple" and if string2 is "djsjfsfg apple sdfsfssdfs an ashdfjdsgfsdgfj" then string3 would be "djsjfsfg apple sdfsfssdfs an ashdfjdsgfsdgfj"

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Select First Three Words From A String?

Nov 14, 2009

Can anyone offer a VB.NET function to extract the first three words from a text string (where spaces are used as dividers between words)?

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Strip Of Words From A String In .net?

Mar 1, 2012

I need to keep the first 5 words from returned string, stripping of the balance.eg. I want to keep "Stackoverflow is an amazing resources" from the word below Stackoverflow is an amazing resources for developers?

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