C# - Implimenting IAsyncResult.AsyncState?

Sep 7, 2010

I can easily do this in C#...but I need the equivolent in VB.Net. I need to be able to implement various IAsyncResult properties in VB.Net.

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Implimenting Security Measures In A Program?

Nov 12, 2008

I am writing a parental control type program for use on 2K, XP, and Vista.There are two specific features I need to address, but I am at a loss as where to begin or how to impliment them.Feature 1: Prevent anyone except the program's administrators (2 designated within the program) from modifying the programs directory and/or its contents.Feature 2: Prevent anyone except the program's administrators from stopping, killing, or ending the program.Also, which would be a better way to start the program with the system, as a process or with the registry

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SocketAsyncEventArgs IAsyncResult Tcp Socket ServerClient?

Aug 24, 2011

First up i have been working on this for about a year now just in my free time it has come a very long way and so have I. I have built a Tcp ServerClient lib than can run in SocketAsyncEventArgs or IAsyncResult modes, i have been doing much testing of late and i have a bug if i set a thread up to spam the server with a msg every 1 ms the client read logic will drop out, the server will still get the msg's form the client so its still connected just will not read anything on the client side and this will happen in both SAEA mode or IAsync thats why i built both modes to see if i could fix it.

I have msg's showing on the client side in a Richtextbox with color and all that stuff could it be that the Rixhtextbox cant take that many msg's coming in or could it be an problem with my msg handeling but if so then whe is the server side still reading?. I use a few object pools to help with memory usage but i have turned most off to try and work this out, encrytion is off for now too only thing it is doing to a msg is serialize a msg object to a byte bufffer.Ill post some of my code:IAsync Reader its a bit messy because i have just been trying stuff but i dont get any errors(Unless i do something silly with the stream)


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VS 2008 - Extract IP Address From IAsyncResult TCP

Aug 4, 2009

How to extract the IP address before using EndAccept to accept the connection request. Its in a Layer3 of the Syn Packet on a TCP request I just dont know what Magic Is needed for Vb.net to extract that Header!

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Asp.net - Updating A DataRepeater Inside Updatepanel With IAsyncResult Not Working?

Oct 14, 2010

I am having trouble binding data to data repeater when I use ISyncResult.This is what I am doing.There is a button inside a Update Panel that gets the input from the user and calls a function that returns a dataset that I then bind to data repeater which is also inside a update panel.What I did is that I made a delegate to this function, now I am calling this function like this


I am having hard time figuring out why the data repeater is showing no data.While debugging this I see that the dataset is getting the data and is passing the the "ds" but nothing is showing up on my page even though the data is being passed to controls inside data repeater while I am debugging.

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Using IASyncResult To Wait For A Stored Procedure But Missing When An Error Occurs In The SP?

Jan 28, 2012

I have an application where I make calls to multiple SQL Server Stored Procedures,keep the user aware that the program is still running and how long the specific SP has been running so that they can abort it if it's taking too long.

My initial attempt was to wrap up each call to the SPs like this example:

Dim cm As SqlCommand = Nothing
Dim Conn As SqlConnection = Nothing
Dim Tran As SqlTransaction = Nothing
Dim PrevTime As Date = Nothing


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