Change SortedDictionary Behavior To Sort Words Beginning With First?

Dec 28, 2009

I'm using a SortedDictonary(Of String, String) in my application, and I experience a strange sorting behavior. Consider the following code example:[code]I would expect the keys to be sorted as "'A", "'B", "'C", "A", "B", "C", which is what you get when comparing the keys "by hand", through the < operator. And yet, iterating through the keys returns "A", "'A", "B", "'B", "C", "'C".How can I change the SortedDictionary behavior to sort the words beginning with ' first?

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.net - Regular Expression To Pull Words Beginning With @?

Mar 5, 2010

Trying to parse an SQL string and pull out the parameters. Ex: "select * from table where [Year] between @Yr1 and @Yr2" I want to pull out "@Yr1" and "@Yr2" I have tried many patterns, but none has worked, such as:

matches = Regex.Matches(sSQL, "@w*")


matches = Regex.Matches(sSQL, "@w*")

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IDE :: Selection Sort And Binary Search With Words?

Apr 28, 2009

I have an array of words that must be sorted alpabetically using selection sort, I must then be able to search the array with a binary search. I just can't get my head around how you would go about doing it. I know that the words must be first sorted into alphabetical order. Here is the code for selection sort with numbers:

Dim pass As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Dim minmax As Integer
Dim temp As Integer


How would you apply that to an array of strings?

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If In A Listbox In Row Have More Words - Sort Them Out In The Table As On Picture?

Dec 18, 2011

If in a listbox in row I have more words , how to sort them out in the table as on picture

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Change The Size Of First Row Dynamically Third Row Shows Odd Behavior?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a table layout panel it has 3 rows and a column in first row I have a toolstrip having two buttons and in third I have a grid first row is absolute, second is absolute and third is autosize Now on resize event or toolstrip If I change the size of first row dynamically third row shows odd behavior.For a value of first row ,third row (grid) sometimes overlaps the first rows control and sometimes too far from it .

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VS 2005 Change Close Button Default Behavior?

Sep 17, 2009

I have a form with the FormBorderStyle set to SizeableToolWindow. The close button - 'x' in the upper right corner - sends a DialogResult of 'cancel' to the FormClosing event when clicked. How do I set it so that it will send an 'OK'? I tried setting the form's DialogResult to 'OK' in the New method, but that's not working. I checked my code and I'm not setting it anywhere that I can see.

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Listbox - Change Behavior Check / Uncheck Action In A Single Click

Feb 14, 2011

I have a checked list box having some items .When I click any item it first select the item and then when I again click it then check box is checked/unchecked How to change this behavior means I want to perform selection and check/uncheck action in a single click.

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Change Order Of Words?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a text box in which you enter last name first and first name last ex. (wojo casey) and I would like to change it so the output states Casey wojo

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Change The Integers To Words

Feb 15, 2012

I have made a simple program for invoices, e.g. The total amount is coming 48,950/$, How to appear this amount in words "Forty Eight Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty, through MODULE.

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How To Change Numbers To Words

Aug 29, 2011

if I have Textbox1 to type numbers

and how to convert numbers to words in Textbox2 ?


1= one


23= twenty three

and so

how to do that ?

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Change Colour Of Certain Words In TextBox?

May 20, 2009

I'm trying to make a text editor, and I want to make it highlight different syntax in different colours.

E.g. when the user types in <html> I want that to appear in red.

How exactly would you go around doing this?

For a better visualisation, this is what I have so far:

From the properties pane of, I can only change the whole TextBox's font colour.

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Change Text Color For Certain Words Only?

Jan 29, 2010

Ok, Im developing a scripting tool for the program "FPS Creator". The scripting uses of course commands which are split into to groups (Action and Condition)

Anyway to the point :

I need the Actions and Conditions to be coloured so the user knows when the command is correct or incorrect.

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.net - SortedDictionary - Comparer Only For Sorting

Oct 31, 2010

I have a list of keys and values that I would like sorted by key via a custom Comparer(Of T). I tried using a SortedDictionary, but kept getting incorrect results because it used the comparer to see if the items were the same. For example calling SortedDictionary.ContainsKey() would return false, even though it did contain the key.

When I stepped through the code after calling ContainsKey(), it would go to the comparer.Compare(x, y) function. It would then only compare against a few of the keys in the dicionary, and somehow skip the matching item (which I ensured did exist). I take it that this is some sort of optimization, where some items are skipped depending on what is returned by the comparer.Compare() function? Is it possible to have a dictionary that only uses the comparer for sorting? EDIT: I am using a Type object for the dictionary's key


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Using SortedDictionary As Combobox Datasource?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a combobox which i am binding to a sortedDictionary list, so it displays in ascending order. My question is, I need to display "--Select--" as the first option. Is there any way to either:

1) add another item besides for the datasource


2) add an unsorted item to the top of the sortedDictionary

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VS 2010 Using A Combobox With A SortedDictionary?

May 21, 2010

I have a SortedDictionary of type (String, UserPrincipal). The key is the user's UserID and the item is the user's UserPrincipal object.I have bound the combobox to the dictionary like this

ManagersComboBox.DataSource = New BindingSource(_userdict, Nothing)
ManagersComboBox.DisplayMember = "Value"


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Analyzing Text And Change Into Whole New Groups Of Words

Jan 4, 2012

So, I've started to work on a big project that involves analysing text and changing that text into a whole new group of words that relate to it and say pretty much the same thing but through different text, I'm just looking to see if there is a thesaurus or dictionary I can access through visual basic... instead of having to right every single word in the english dictionary out.. or if there is any shorter way I could do this.

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Use SortedDictionary To Store 65,000 Keyvalue Pairs?

May 17, 2012

I'm thinking to use the SortedDictionary to store 65,000 set of keypairs and from time to time during my program execution, I need to retrieve the value from the this dictionary. May i know will there any concern especially in term of speed of execution if i use this method as above? Is there max. capacity that a dictionary can hold?

Previously, i was thinking to use a simple 2D array to do this, but it mights slow things down because in order to retrieve the value, i might need to loop through the whole array till i found the value that i want.

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.net - WPF RichTextBox - Iterate Through The Text's Words And Change Their Content And Formatting?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a WPF RichTextBox which contain in its FlowDocument both text and images. I need to iterate through the text's words (those which builds the text which the user see on the screen) and change their content and formatting. For instance, change the word "room" to the word "home", applying to the last a red color.

I need to change words whether they are formatted or unformatted.For instance, if a word is in Italic, colored, or just regular black text, it makes no difference for me.Each word will be replaced with one which have about identical length, so I don't want that this operation will effect the general page layout. All images and other objects should remain at their positions.It is preferred that the process of this operation will not be visible to the user. Only its result should be visible (i.e, no visible selections of text).If this operation can be done either directly on the FlowDocumet or with properties/methods of the RichTextBox, the simple one is preferred (but exmaples for both will be ideal).

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How To Only Change BMP Files Pallet Sort

Apr 23, 2011

When I change BMP files color pallet order also BMP files color is changing. I want to only change BMP files pallet sort . I don't want changing of BMP files color.

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Implementing IComparer For Custom Objects After Converting A Dictionary To SortedDictionary?

Jun 5, 2012

I'm having trouble implementing an IComparer method. Essentially, I want to compare the properties of two custom objects (the properties are of type integer).dE is a Dictionary(Of String, customObj)prTabIndex is a property of customObj and is of type Integer (these hold true for all examples)After some more searching I found this thread which suggested 3 things: a List approach, utilizing LINQ, and using some C# 3.0 features. I've tried three different ways:...rolling my own IComparer implementation:

Public m As Sub(ByRef d As Dictionary(of String, customObj))
Dim sortedD As New SortedDictionary(Of String, customObj)(d, myCompare)
End Sub


Note that VS2008 has underlined 'dE.ToDictionary...' (to the end of the line) and giving me two messages depending on where I hover my mouse:

1) "Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method 'signature' As 'signature defined in 'System.Linq.Enumerable cannot be inferred from these arguments. Specifying the data types explicitly might correct this error. Seen while hovering over "ToDictionary".

2) Nested function does not have the same signature as delegate 'signature'. Seen while hovering over anything after "ToDictionary".

Q1) How far off am I in each of the implementations?

Q2) Which one is the computationally least expensive? Why?

Q3) Which one is the computationally most expensive? Why?

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Find Selected Words And Change Their Font Properties Without Modifying The Rest Of The Text

Apr 16, 2009

i want to create a html editor. to get started, i want the app to be able to find certain words, and change the font/color/size/etc. as for <a href=""><b> and so on, without changing the rest of the text after the selected text was modified. i'm sure that it has something to do with RichTextBox1_TextChanged for text that is being typed and just a button click for modifying selected text.

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Words Lists - Read The Words From The Input And Display It Alphabetically

Aug 11, 2009

I've got 2 RTB one is for input of text and one is output.The output one needs to read the words from the input and display it alphabetically and with their line numbers.I have partly done it and it currently reads it but here is my problem When the words are outputted let say for example there are 2 words the same on the same line e.g the word 'you' appears twice on line one,at the moment its coming up like this


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Make The Items In The TreeView To Sort Faster Or Something Totally Different To Sort Them Easier?

Dec 15, 2010

How can I improve this bit below to make the items in the TreeView to sort faster or something totally different to sort them easier?


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.net - Use List.Sort And Comparision(of T) To Sort Descending/Ascending?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a MyObject; myObjects as List(Of MyObject) and a delegate Comparison(Of MyObject) that uses a lot of comparison functions (ByA, ByB, ByC etc) Ã la:

Shared Function CompareMyObjectsByName(x As MyObject, y As MyObject) As Integer
Return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)
End Function


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Report Designer Change Report Sort Interactively?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a report with a table containing about 10 fields. It starts out with a particular sort but the users would like to be able to change the sort interactively. The interactive sort on the textbox seems pretty limited. Is it possible

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Storing Multiple Words As One Variable To Use Instr() To See If Any Of It's Variable Words Are In The Text?

Jan 26, 2012

other than GML ( Game Maker Language), I am new to the coding world. The only "major" project I have completed using VB is a computer calculator that exactly mimics the capabilities of Windows 7's calculator. Yesterday, I began a Chatbot program for my girlfriend. Lol. I have used the instr() function to answer most of the questions or answers which are typed into the textbox1. I find this extremely troublesome because when using the instr() function you cannot say instr(textbox1.

Public Class Form1
Dim fos As String = "Foster: "
Dim ash As String = "Ashley: "


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Append At Beginning Not In End?

Apr 1, 2010

I have this code that writes text on an existing text file[code]...

I know it appends at the end of the file but how will you append at the beginning of the file? Is it possible?

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Checkbox Selection At The Beginning?

Feb 27, 2011

When I exit the programme and start it again the checkbox selection from the previously job gets lost. After starting there is not a problem until I exit and start the programme again.

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Remove Whatever Is At Beginning Of String?

Dec 7, 2010

DnsGetHostEntry takes an IPaddress as an argument but the one I'm supplying it while debugging is throwing an exception of "No such host is known" when I know that this is a perfectly valid host.

Somehow a space or character has been introduced at the beginning of the strong as per the text in quotes below. I tried a Trim(" ",

"" & vbLf & "" this is what I see when clicking on Edit Value in Quickwatch


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Truncate The Beginning Of A Log File In .NET?

Feb 24, 2010

I have an VB.NET app that writes the status to a log file in text format. Over time, the file is getting large and I wanted to know if there is an efficient way to truncate the beginning of the file.

To make things easier, I am looking to specify a file size (say 2-3 mb) and I am writing the log using a StreamWriter:

Using strm As New IO.StreamWriter(filelocation.log, True)
strm.WriteLine("msg to write")
End Using

I thought about using the strm.BaseStream.Length to determine how much of the file to cut off, but by using the .SetLength it would cut from the end - not the desired result.

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