Change Textcolor Of Textbox Added At Runtime?

Dec 30, 2009

i a paint program where the user adds the required textbox at runtime... i have used the following code to add this

Static n As Integer
n += 1
dyncmd = New TextBox '


where pboxf is the picturebox on which painting is being done... now i want that the text color should change if the user selects a part of the text and selects a diff color.... how can i do it???

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DYNAMICALLY COLOR - Change Font Row With TextColor Value In Datagridview

Apr 30, 2010

I use an SQL Table with (ID, Code, Comment, ..., TextColor, BackGroundColor) The TextColor and BackGroundColor are Decimal Value. I would like to do, in a datagridview, to change the font row with the TextColor Value, and the background row with the BackGroundColor. If I want to show data in textboxes, it will be the same : the font with the TextColor value, and background with the BackGroundColor value.

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Runtime Added Textbox Not Accepting User Input

Dec 23, 2009

I have a form, with lables and textboxes added at runtime. The labels and textboxes are added properly on form load and display as expected. The form allows tabing into each of the textboxes, but the textbox does not allow user input.

Is this a problem with the way I show the form to the user? >> this particular form is called ( from a different form -- If I test this form directly, without being called from a different form, it allows user input in the textboxes. Is it because of the properties I used to create the textbox? >> properties used were - .name, .size, .location, .tag

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Change An Object (textbox) Created In Runtime?

Nov 1, 2010

I have written some code to generate 10*10 textboxes during run-time.the problem is; I don't know how to access / change them after they are created. after some googling, I found this code to show the text of ie box42;


but it gives an error (nullreference exception was unhandled) hereby the code;

For i = 1 To 10
For j = 1 To 10
Dim tb As New TextBox
tb.Name = String.Format("box{0}{0}", i.ToString, j.ToString)


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Dynamic Added Textbox To Status Bar And Added Event

Jun 10, 2009

i have multiple forms in a project and all have statusbar. there is no way to add textbox on status bar but in my previous thread i got the help to add the text box. i created a function in module so that i call that function from all the forms on load and add the textbox on status bar and also add the event on textchange. the function to be called on event change is in individual form (at present)[code]

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Add A List Box To Form That Was Added During Runtime?

Dec 22, 2009

I am having trouble adding a list box to a form that I have added during run time.[code]...

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Added A Datagrid At Runtime On A Form?

Mar 21, 2009

1. i added a datagrid at runtime on a form. i want to bind a datasource to the datagrid in a button's click event handler, but the datagrid doesn't seem to be visible anywhere else outside the form load event where it is can i find the datagrid control?

2. and another beginner question.. how to i declare a string that spans multipe lines? i tried with the + operator like in c#, but it doesn't work.

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Forms :: Controls Added At Runtime

Jan 1, 2011

I'm just starting out using and i am writing my first application. I have added some comboboxes at runtime to my form using the code below.[code]Now my question is now that i have these controls added to the form, how can i iterate through them all and collect the values for sql injection. I have given each combobox a specific name when it was created such as Ball1, Ball2, Ball3.[code]

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Refer To Controls That Are Added At Runtime?

Oct 30, 2010

How do you refer to controls that are added at runtime e.g. I can add a combobox and a handler, but trying to reference the controls name in code gives an 'not defined', error so in my example, the control is visible, but I cant populate the combo box or use it in anyway.

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Select Tab Page That Has Been Added At Runtime?

Jun 5, 2010

I add my tab pages at runtime, I am trying to select a tab from a sub.

This is how i generate my tabs
Dim tp As New TabPage("User Management")
Dim f2 As New fmUserManagement
f2.TopLevel = False ' REQUIRED


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Shell From Added MenuItem At Runtime?

Aug 21, 2009

I am building a program which will add items to a menu and launch the appropriate application by clicking the menu item I have added. I have linked to a data file and retrieved the ApplicationID, ApplicationName and ApplicationLink, the later being the location of the EXE file on the selected computer.I believe I can create an EventHandler on the fly to hold the link for each application[code].....

The above will add the Name to the menu, but I can't seem to SHELL the ApplicationLink.

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Add Event Handler For A Control Added In Runtime?

Jan 3, 2010

How do I add an event Handler to a control, for example a textbox, to handle any keypress event?cause I want this textbox(which is added in program runtime) to only accept any convert any small letter to Upper case.

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C# - Usercontrol Scaling When Added At Runtime In .Net, WinForms?

Apr 2, 2010

[URL]its a free hoster, so you have to wait 10 seconds.First here's the steps to replicate, then I'll explain what the problem is:

(1) Create a System.Windows.Forms.UserControl and add a button to the bottom-right hand corner. Leave the button anchor as default (top-left). Add some more buttons dotted around so that you can see that they scale correctly.

(2) Add the UserControl to a form in the construtor, after the InitializeComponent call.

(3) Run the form.

(4) Increase the form font size some way (eg click a form button).

All the controls within the usercontrol scale perfectly but the usercontrol itself doesn't. It's width and height are increased by way too much. Look at the margin now between the button at the bottom-right hand corner and the usercontrol.To correct the problem, the usercontrol must be added before the InitializeComponent call.If it wasn't possible for me to add the usercontrol before InitializeComponent, is there any way for me to correct the scaling?

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Setting Text Of Label Added At Runtime?

Apr 18, 2011

I've added some Labels to a form at runtime using this
Dim x As Integer = 25
For i As Integer = 1 To word.Length


Now, I would like to add text to one of them, but I'm not sure how. I thought by setting .Name I would simply be able to write something like lbl4.text ="A". But, of course, because the Label has not been created yet, this is not possible.

Also, I'm not even sure if .Name is working the way I think it is. I was hoping that it would name each Label consecutively: lbl1, lbl2, lbl3, lbl4...etc.

Am I naming the Labels properly? And how would I add text to one of these Labels?

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VS 2008 : Saving Controls Added At Runtime?

Mar 22, 2009

I am creating a program which allows the user to add some buttons during runtime. Each button can be moved, sized and added to any tab on a tabcontrol. What I would really like to do is binary serialize a class that contains the properties of each button including which tab it's on.

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Runtime Versus Design Time Added Controls

Apr 8, 2011

I want to ask a question about adding controls in design time (controls may be any win form control or a user control) and adding the control in run time.

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Security - Textbox On Form - User Inputs Data ( During Runtime ) Data Remains In Textbox For Good And Textbox Becomes Read Only ?

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to have a Textbox on a form that when the user inputs data, ( during Runtime )that data remains in the Textbox for good and the Textbox then becomes read only ? Is it also possible to make it so that the CD with the programme on, is in the PC when the programme is being used. Perhaps writing the Textbox data back onto the CD ?

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BackColor Or ForeColor Change - Added A Button On Every Form

Sep 30, 2009

I created 3 Forms (Form1, Form2 and Form3) and I added a button on every form. This is code for Button1 on Form1:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Form2.BackColor = Color.Red
Form3.BackColor = Color.Red
End Sub

Code for Button1 on Form2:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

Code for Button1 on Form3:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

Now, the problem is that when I click on Button1 on Form3 it shows Form2 but the Form2 BackColor is not red, it is default color, A.K.A Control Color. But I specified in Button1 on Form1 that Form2.BackColor is Red. And also if I click on Button1 on Form2 when Form3 shows it, the Form3 BackColor is also default, it is not red.

I know one way to solve it but it is so not-professional. It is that you add on Button1 on Form2 this:

Form3.BackColor = Color.Red

and on Button1 on Form3 this:

Form2.BackColor = Color.Red

It is ok in this situation but what if I have more stuff, for example if I have an option for changing theme so it has to change all labels and buttons ForeColor, what then, is there any other way?

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[2008] Change The Order That The Items Are Added Into The Listbox?

Jan 18, 2009

How can i change the order that the items are added into the listbox? This is the original order:


And so on... What i want to do, in other words, is for the newest added item to be at the top of the list.

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Add Item To Generic List Change Value Of All Previous Added Items To Last?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm writing code some that is supposed to be creating a list of objects pulled from a data base. The list returned has every item containing the value of the last one added. When I debug the code is VS2008 I can see each time that the list.add is performed every other item in the list being changed to the one just added. Here is the code I running. The line containing ListAKAs.Add(itemAKA) is the one where the entire list of objects is changed to be identical to the one just added.[code]....

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Putting A Value In A Cell Via The Column Name When The Column Is Added At Runtime?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a datagridviewrow and add data to it at runtime. I want the row to have the cells correspond to the columns in a datagridview, so that when I add data to the cells i can call the column name (the columns are likely to change around, so i think the name is better to use then the index).I create the row using the following code:

Dim row As New DataGridViewRow

and the column using the following code:

Dim col As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
col.HeaderText = "Reference"
col.Name = "Reference"
datagrid.Columns.Insert(0, col)

I would like to add data to the row via the following code (or something similar that uses the column name instead of the index:

arow.Cells("Reference").Value = Detail.Reference

However at runtime I get the exception Column named Reference cannot be found. Parameter name: columnName I have a sneaking suspicion that the cells cannot be accessed with the column name because the row isnt really attached to columns yet (the row hasnt been added to the datagridview yet. (I tried cloning the cells of a row and then adding them to the row but no success)?

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How To Get Values In Dynamic Added Textbox

Nov 19, 2010

I need to get values of each textbox in loop with different names, I have three row (name,telephone,email) and off course three textbox, how to get in loop, I need to insert them in database. The main problem is that values are getting one by one in loop where I get textbox in for each loop. I need to insert multiple columns in database with just single insert query

Here is the code
Dim arr() As String
Dim record As Int32
record = 0
For Each div As System.Web.UI.Control In plholder.Controls
If div.[GetType]().Name = "HtmlGenericControl" Then
[Code] .....

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Items From A ListBox Are Added To The TextBox?

Sep 13, 2011

I'm using VB.NET 2010 When I try to add the items from a listbox to a textbox, I get a strange combination at the beginning of the textbox, but if I read further, the actual combination that I want is at the end.

So let's say I have 3 integers in my Listbox like: 01 02 03 And I want these three items to be in the Textbox like this: 01 - 02 - 03


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Making Textbox Into String Which Is Then Added To File

May 15, 2009

How do I make the data in the TextBox1 into a string, which will then become the data added to the text file after the button is clicked

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
IO.File.AppendAllText("C:UsersPublic est.txt", TextBox1)
End Sub

And yes, I realize that I have no idea how to use the insert code feature.

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Added A Textbox To Filter Words Out From Filename Compare?

May 17, 2009

i have added a textbox to filter words out from my filename compare, any way i keep getting

Error1'txtComWords' is not a member of 'WindowsApplication1.Form1.StringSift3'.

Public Function PrepareWord(ByVal strWord As String, ByVal bDisRomTags As Boolean, ByVal bDisComWords As Boolean) As String
Dim strToCheck As String = strWord
If bDisRomTags Then


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Pass The Values From The Dynamically Added Textbox To A Web Service?

Jan 12, 2011

I created 5 textboxes using runtime controls:

For i As Integer = 0 To 4
Dim custom As New TextBox
custom.Name = "Custom" & i


how can I get those values and then pass it to a web service? (This should happen when i click the submit button)

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How To Retrieve Or Set Data Programatically For Dynamically Added Textbox On A Form

Dec 27, 2009

I have successfully added textboxes to a form at runtime. I have also succesfully added an event handler to these same textboxes. What I'm having trouble understanding is how to refer to these textboxes programmatically after they have been added. Specifically, how do I;

1) Retrieve user data entered in those textboxes without an event handler

2) Find a specific one of those textboxex later (is looping thru all controls of type "textbox" the only way)?

purpose of find is so that I can set the value of the corresponding textbox programatically, based on some criteria Here is the code (all within in a for loop, where intvararycount is incrementing to a set limit) I have used to add the Textboxes to a Panel on a Form;


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.net 3.5 - Change API Reference At Runtime?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm writing an application for a device running Windows XP. There are 2 versions of the device and each version has its own API to communicate with the device's software. The application I'm writing needs to pull the same data from the API. My question is how to write a application that will detect at runtime which version of the device it is on and use the appropriate API.

I've created an interface containing all of the common methods and also classes for each device that implement the interface. Now I need to know how to activate the correct one at runtime.

Public Interface IAPI
Sub InitializeMachine()
Function GetActiveProgram() As String


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3.5 :: Change RequestedExecutionLevel On Runtime?

Jul 23, 2011

But my application sometimes needs to acces the registery for some special functions and is there a way to change the permisssion on runtime to 'requireAdministrator' with a button or something?

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Change Appsettings On Runtime?

Mar 5, 2011

I am trying tp update app.config setting on button click.But I am still not able tp update the settings.Here is the code

Dim config
As Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)


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