Change The Master Volume Of PC With A TrackBar In Form?

Mar 12, 2010

Can i change the Master Volume of my PC with a TrackBar in my form ?

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Change Opacity Of Background Image On A Form With A Trackbar?

Feb 20, 2012

how can i change opacity of a background image on a form with a trackbar.

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Implementing A Trackbar That Will Change Background Color Of Form?

Oct 28, 2009

i would like to have a trackbar on my form that will correspond to the HUE of the color of the backgruond, given a range of 1 to 360, and another trackbar that will correspond to saturation of the color of the backgruond, within a range of 1 to 50.

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Control Windows 7 Master Volume?

Aug 9, 2011

how to control windows 7 master volume. I would like to get the current volume / set the volume and also mute / unmute it.I've found lots of examples of pre vista volume control but only a single c# which is no good to me beings a major newbie with (I've play with vb6 before now)As far as I can see I need to do something with DefaultAudioEndpoint.. but what I'm not sure. I'm building a media player which is why I'm after controlling the master as well as my application.

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Mute And Unmute Master Volume

May 6, 2009

I am trying to make an application that is able to turn master volume on and off (Mute unmute). And what I have done so far is increasing and decreasing volume, but if sound is turned on mute then it wont start anyway. And that was really a lot of code to do that, so is there an easy way to mute sound or is it equally alot to do.

I have tried
But with no effect, and I have tried using
instead of keys.volumemute. (I have a variable that looks if the sound was mute or not from start so it can be default afterwards).

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VS 2010 Master Volume Control?

Jun 19, 2011

i found just this code but it works only for form1.

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel


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Adjust Master Audio Volume Directly Using .net?

Mar 26, 2012

Is there any way to adjust master audio volume directly using .net?

I can find C++ coding which, sadly means nothing to me. There's also quite a lot out there for VB4, 5 and 6 but I can't get any of that to relate to .net. Most of those seem to want to invoke the 'Slider' via the mouse which is not what I'm after.

I would like to be able to: -

Record the current Audio Volume setting,
Change it (up or down),
Play a *.wav file, then
Return it to it's original level.

I've had some success with 'AxWindowsMediaPlayer' but only with it's own increase / decrease functions. I can only get it to increase the volume as far as the main system volume is set, so if that's at zero I get no output at all. As for part one of my requirement, record the current level, I've got nowhere with that at all. I tried putting the one file I want to use in resources but can't find how to access it, I have had to put the file in a folder and call it from there, it works but it seems a little crude.

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Adjust Master Audio Volume Directly?

Mar 28, 2012

Is there any way to adjust master audio volume directly using VB.NET ?

I can find C++ coding which, sadly means nothing to me. There's also quite a lot out there for VB4, 5 and 6 but I can't get any of that to relate to .net. Most of those seem to want to invoke the 'Slider' via the mouse which is not what I'm after.

I would like to be able to: -

Record the current Audio Volume setting, Change it (up or down), Play a *.wav file, then Return it to it's original level.

I've had some success with 'AxWindowsMediaPlayer' but only with it's own increase / decrease functions. I can only get it to increase the volume as far as the main system volume is set, so if that's at zero I get no output at all. As for part one of my requirement, record the current level, I've got nowhere with that at all. I tried putting the one file I want to use in resources but can't find how to access it, I have had to put the file in a folder and call it from there, it works but it seems a little crude.

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VS 2008 - Mute And Unmute Master Volume?

May 6, 2009

How can I unmute master volume in I know how to increase and decrease but if it is turned off it wont start any sounds.

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VS 2008 Get Current Master Volume (Audio) - Win7

Jun 1, 2011

It seems like this would be a very easy thing to accomplish, but, from what I can tell, it's most definitely not. My OS is Windows 7. All I need to do is get the current volume/audio level - the master volume. When you click the little speaker icon in the task bar and change the volume - I need that number. All I need to do is get the current volume and assign it to a label. So if the volume is at 74 when the application starts, I need my label to display 74. I've been searching for days now for a way to do this and I'm starting to get frustrated. I've looked everywhere. I've tried 3 different classes, at least a dozen different codes, assorted imported dll's- none of it even came close to what I need. From what I can tell, the current methods are all designed for windows xp. I need a way to do it in windows 7.

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Change TrackBar Value In Time?

Jan 20, 2011

i have a TrackBar in my form and also an button

i need when the button click than the Trackbar value change to 100, for each second it has to add 1 to value until the value be 100

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VS 2010 Change TrackBar Appearance?

Mar 7, 2012

Ok so I have a trackbar with a min of 0 and a max of 100. i also have another trackbar with a min of 0 and a max of 75. the problem is, i want the two trackbars to look exactly the same, but since the max's are different, they look different

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WMP Wont Change CurrentPosition With TrackBar Value?

Jul 16, 2011

I have 2 forms. One is the visual Media Player its self, and the other is the controls.

I have tried a few ways to get the the media players current position using a trackbar. Here is one of them. This one is with the trackbar maximum value set to 100. And as a note the video file is 297 seconds long.

Private Sub TimeLineTrackBar_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TimeLineTrackBar.Scroll If FPlayer.VideoPlayer.currentMedia.duration <> 0 Then


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.net - Change The TrackBar Tick Color In Winforms?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a winforms app using a trackbar. The BackColor property is available for change, but doing so makes the color of each "tick" almost invisible. I don't see an explicit property to modify the color of the "tick". Is there something I am missing or a way to change the color of the tick?

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Change The Computers Volume Up And Down?

Jul 1, 2010

How do i change the computers volume up and down? or mute it all together?

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Change Wave Volume Of Your PC?

Dec 28, 2010

I want to make an application that can control the general volume of my pc. I have been using waveOutGetVolume and waveOutSetVolume properly. But that only changed the volume of my own appliation in the mixer.[code]...

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Code To Change Volume?

Nov 20, 2009

does any one know the code to turn volume up and down in a music player?

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VS 2010 Change The Volume On A WMP Control Through Code?

Dec 6, 2011

how can I change the volume on a WMP Control through the code?

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Control Opaqueness Of Form With A Trackbar?

Jul 9, 2009

this line of the code makes the form see-through "User32Wrappers.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(Me.Handle, 0, _
255 * 0.4, User32Wrappers.LWA.Alpha)"

if i adjust 0.4 to 0.6 it will become less see-through.

i would like to know if i can control this variable through a trackbar and how!

Public Class Form1
Private _InitialStyle As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _


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Inherited Form Trackbar Synchronization

Jun 18, 2010

MainForm having a few buttons, VolForm is inheriting MainForm. I can see this perfectly in the designer.VolForm itself contains a trackbar. Now have 2 forms. Form1 and Form2 both inherit VolForm. If I change the trackbar from Form1, and then show Form2, the trackbar is not having the same value. Is there any way to keep this trackbar the same in every form that inherits VolForm?

View 2 Replies - Change And Retain DIV Selected Tag In Master Page?

Oct 24, 2010

I have a CSS class called selected which highlights the DIV as the current step. When they're all in separate pages, I just had to move the selected word to the next DIV.But how can I achieve the same in Master Page VB .Net? It seems to be one page for all. When the next page loads, how do I get it to highlight the next step?


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Create A Form With A TrackBar Control : Generate A Frequency?

Feb 17, 2010

create a form with a TrackBar control so that when you Scroll the TrackBar it generates a frequency based on the value of the TrackBar. Beep() isn't really what I'm after. I was wanting it to smoothly transition through the frequencies. Basically, I want to create something that sounds something like a Theremin.

I've been looking online, and I can't seem to find anything. I don't even know how this would be accomplished. Is there a simple command to say "play this frequency until I tell you otherwise", or do I need to generate a .wav on the fly and have the system play that?

View 6 Replies

Background - Change The Master Page Body Color From Different Pages When They Load

Mar 19, 2010

I have like 10 aspx pages (junior_class_students1.aspx-...10.aspx). They all have the same master page in the back (class_students.master). Everytime i load a page i want the master page background-color to change, to the one that i can specify per page. so


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Construct A Master-Details Form?

Jun 21, 2010

Im having some trouble to construct a Master-Details form. When I navigate through each record on the master nothing happens on the details. This is so even if there exit a relation between the two tables in the database and in the dataset between the data table. Can anyone provide me with some samples or examples of coding how to proceed?

Furthermore I have tried to programmatically create the relation but the following error occurs: child list for field cannot be created etc

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IDE :: Datagridcomboboxcolumns In Master-Detail Form

Apr 29, 2009

I have VB2005 Professional Edition.I have Two tables in my SQL2000 database.

1) Products Table contains fields --- Product ID, Product Code & Product Name

2) Orders Table Contains fields -- Product Code , Product Name (These 2 fields Stores Product ID instade of Code and name.)

In my Orders Form, in datagridview I am showing actual Product Code and Product Name from Product Table using 2 datagridcomboboxcolumns by setting Display Member & Value Member Properties.But now I want to do If I select any Product Code from first combobox in datagriadview the other should display the Product Name of the selected product automatically. this can be in Master-Detail Form as well as normal single data form.Also, please tell me if it can be done in VB2008 Professional Edition.This we can do in Microsoft Access 97 & 2000. And it is very easy.Is it available in VB2008 like MS Access 97 & 2000.

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Master / Detail DataGridViews On Form

Jan 5, 2009

I have 2 datagridviews on my form. One lists products and when you click on a product in the first datagridview the other lists tests for the selected product. I have a products table with a productid,productname and productcode. I have a tests table with a testid and a testname and I have a prodtests table with a prodtestid, productid, testid and a few other fields.

Public Class frmProducts
Dim myConstr As String
Private WithEvents ProductBindingSource As New BindingSource
Private WithEvents TestBindingSource As New BindingSource
Private Sub frmProducts_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

Also I need to add a combobox column to the second datagridview that is bound to my prodtests table and to list the testnames from the test table in a combobox. In my save button, should I just call both adapter.update methods to save all changes. I will add the appropriate update commands etc.

View 12 Replies

Master Detail Win Form Tree?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a tree that reads its data from SQL Server Express 2008 Database and the script is working great , I need to display the data related to the node clicked in a details list or whatever , meaning that when a use clicks on a node he should see the data relating to it on the right side

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Refresh The Datagrid On The Master Form?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a small vb 2008 app that allows a user to select a row in a datagrid control that launches a detail form. When I then update or change the record on the detail form and save, how do I refresh the datagrid on the master form?


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Update A Master Form From Detail?

May 17, 2010

I have two forms, A and B, as master/detail forms. A has a grid and a button. When the button is clicked, B is instantiated and shown - at this point, B is a local variable. When stuff happens on B, I want to refresh the grid on A. I had intented to declare B WithEvents and have A monitor for when the event is raised, but that doesn't work, since B is decalred locally.

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Windows App Master Form Same As Page In

Feb 22, 2010

Does windows app have master form the same as master page in master page I can add company logo and app name only one time.

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